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Dream About Scary Grandparents Trying To Kill Me

Dream interpretation about Stabbed, Attack, Blood, Dead, Drowning, Falling, Parent, Scared, Break-in, Police, Judge, Scream, Stranger, Husband, Moving, God, Stuck, Family, Grandmother, Bridges, Crying, Lake, Laughing, Stomach, Tooth, Woman, Old Man, Breaking, Couple, Cousin, Name, Body, Child, House, Man, Middle, Past, Running, Swimming, Water, Wind, Member, Old woman, Bed, Dinner, Door, Ice, Packing, Point, Side, Stuff, Thought, Restaurant, Seat, Thank, Top, Looking, Walking, Bunch, Clothes, Conversation, Eating, Food, Couch, Kitchen, Ass, Breakfast, Ask, Confused, Going, My Room, Order, Super, My House, Smile, Crack, Terrified

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This dream was about

I’m out here with my family and we go out to eat. Everything is fine I’m with my grandma Kelli and it’s at a restaurant. Something simple not to out done. Just a little ol shack that serves breakfast burgers and rum. As we order our food a couple approaches. They aren’t young at all but two way older than my cousins. They look at me and say my name “Kylee omg I’m your grandparents” I’m like “oh hello I don’t remember you. I think ur my moms parents but I’m not to sure to. “ They try asking how everything’s been how’s my mother, her kids, even all up in my grandma Kellis bizz. So now we’re acquainted but I still don’t know them fr. They ask if they could continue talking to us and catching up so my grandma invites them to the house for dinner. As we get to the house everything’s fine, no bad aura, not one single sign. I go to my room to change out my clothes and the door budges open and “my grandpa” was the one giving it a nudge. I’m like wait I’m changing please get out he apologizes then “my grandma from my mom’s side” comes in without any doubt. I’m super confused and scared atp. My grandma sits in the chair in my room and doesn’t make a sound. “My grandpa” walks in and pushes me on the bed. I’m screaming for help but my voice keeps going in and out. Almost as though the wind was knocked out of me. I push past them and run to the kitchen. I grab some scissors bc I didn’t have time to dig thru dishes. He approached me and I’m super scared still screaming for help as “my grandma” appears. I stab his stomach with these scissors I pull them out and run to my grandmama to call 911 but she didn’t know what was happening and I have no service no bar not even just 1. I’m still screaming for help these random people in my house. “My grandma” try’s to grab me from behind, I turn really fast and stab her in the spine. I was shocked at the fact I had to stab these strangers that claimed they were family. The old woman and older man never looked more scary. My grandma scared to move or say anything told them to leave. She didn’t want them to harm both of us since we couldn’t call for help. They packed up there stuff and came walking to the couch. The woman had lost her teeth somewhere in the house she apologized for almost killing me she didn’t know what came about. The husband smiled and gave a little laugh he said “if I didn’t stab him he would’ve stuck it in the back.” I’m absolutely bawling at this point terrified for what’s next. They left in a hurry thinking the police were on the ass. I was still scared bc they knew where we lived and they didn’t have to try very hard breaking in. Me and my grandma go to the police station and make a statement. I had blood all over me so it was obvious something had happened. I leave the police station my grandmother still talking to them. I try to call my cousin bc she’s the closest to me out here. And as I’m walking down the street trying to contact her these kids walk by listening to my conversation so I hurry down by the shore. There’s a bunch of ice over the lake. So my dumbass walks on it trying to conversate. Then suddenly the ice starts to crack I start running to the bridge in the middle of the lake but then the ice breaks. I fall in still on the phone trying to swim back to the top but the water is too strong. My body is held down I start to loose air I’m gasping for breath while it feels like something’s pulling me from under there. I start to hallucinate I guess u can say. A tiny council meeting under the water and the members pulling on me. I get seated in a chair they are talking but I couldn’t hear nothing but water moving way too fast. They all turn and look at me waiting for an answer I’m shocked and try to say I can’t hear but my lungs collapse. I died right there and the meeting disappeared. I’m still on the phone but the only thing she can hear is me screaming then silent under this noisy smaller version of the sea. I woke up after I drowned without any knowledge of what happened next but I was sweating and crying thanking god it was a dream.

Dream date:

26 Mar 2024

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👧 women of your age from 🇺🇸 had dreams about Attack by 5.8% less than 👨 men.

Emotional tone:

This dream evoked intense feelings of fear, confusion, and shock, leaving the dreamer feeling emotionally drained.


This dream was recurring 3 times last week


The dream's intensity was amplified by the graphic violence, sense of danger, and the dreamer's desperate struggle for survival.


The dream was highly realistic, with vivid sensory details and a logical progression of events up until the point of the surreal underwater council meeting.


The dream was highly vivid, with clear and detailed imagery that made the events feel almost tangible.


While the majority of the dream followed a coherent narrative, the underwater council meeting introduced an element of surrealism that disrupted the otherwise logical flow of events.

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😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

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