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Dream Interpretation: Bridges ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Bridges? Discover the significance of seeing a Bridges in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Bridges appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This symbolizes a connection to a new reality and the transformational process as you progress on your life journey. However, this symbol also represents the anxiety and fear that some may feel when transitioning to this new phase of life.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Allow your hopes and dreams to motivate you to face these bridges and transitions in your life. They are a necessary part of your journey and will bring growth and wisdom. Do not be fazed by the fear and anxiety you may experience during this transition.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of bridges evokes a sense of connection and transition. It brings feelings of anticipation, hope, and possibility. Crossing a bridge signifies overcoming obstacles and moving towards new opportunities. It instills a sense of adventure and the need to embrace change. Bridges symbolize the desire for growth and the willingness to take risks. This dream elicits emotions of excitement, curiosity, and a longing for progress. It represents the bridge between the past and the future, offering a sense of unity and the potential for personal transformation.





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10 May 2024



The scene changes and I'm at a lake, or moreso standing ON the lake It's foggy, it's cloudy, and there are a few characters I know from a few fictional Chinese Xianxia/Wuxia fantasy works that I like One of the characters who is the head of a sect is being interviewed by his disciples and his sect's men as to why he successfully managed to 'come back from the dead' when he was found missing for more than a few weeks, last seen in a dangerous mountain range with known sightings of ghouls and energetic disturbances He goes on the explain that he saw the lake he is currently standing on there, and that a sage offered two tasks to complete: 1. Travel to another world, accompany a day-trip of a girl(which happens to be me) and fulfill the itinerary And 2. Get your yupei(jade pendant with his sect's crest, a very important item) and your life taken to die and be reincarnated with the person vou claim you hate but secretly envy and admire, to be seen as someone on an equal level in the way you want to be seen The person being his fellow disciple in his martial arts The sect leader says he'd do both, accompanying me on a trip through the regions of the country where I used to pass by on a train to go to therapy The area is almost entirely sunken under the ocean, with the train running on the railway raised up from the waters by bridges and the remaining parts of the cities He becomes anxious when I don't show signs of getting off the train when I said I will, but I assure him and use an alternate route to get all of them back where they came from by the end of the trip He comes back to his home world and the sage does a ritual to send his soul to the afterlife, putting the sect master in the lake His jade pendant gets dismembered, and the beads and the gems that makes it are given to the sage The sect master is relieved that his wish finally comes true, but then has a lingering thought about something about his life that he's attached to, which is the person he's trying to follow into the afterlife Then the jade pendant assembles itself right back and he's dragged back to the world of the living, the person he wanted to be with getting reunited with another person the sect master doesn't like but the person he liked does Now the scene's back to the present, and his current disciples are sort of baffled, being at a loss of reaction at the fact that their sect master is bitter that he didn't get to die, while the man himself has a hissy fit, pleading to the heavens addressing the sage by all his former titles(e.g. ' General of the ...., ... 'Keeper of the gems/artifacts') to give him another chance The scene is somewhat comedic despite the sad undertone of what had transpired

20 Apr 2024



I had a dream that my boyfriend was driving me around and we were going somewhere far away to a place to stay for a little bit and I canโ€™t really remember too much but I donโ€™t no where exactly we were. I told him I feel anxious to drive all the way back can you drive me back and he disappeared and I was driving back over bridges and I could not find my way back home at all. I ended up getting g flown into the sky, trying to hit the certain things and if I hit them all correctly, I can go home but I end up not doing it right And shot back to the ground, but was still alive and the whole dream I was trying to find my way home and I couldnโ€™t and I was trying to find him very confused where he went.

7 Apr 2024



Riding horses in a trail in a city where there are cliffs with Chrissy and Guthrie. Guthrie isnโ€™t wanting too and then is into it. Then saying goodbye to Chela and others. With a woman backing up a truck. One of the men is gathering clothing for Justin MacBreyer to sell in the States. Brenda is worried if the man is going to Oaxaca. He says heโ€™ll be careful. Back at Bayfield. Lots of dogs. There are 2 bridges. Company leads across wrong one . Opening up grain bin-smells of mice. Dint need grain anymore. We remember. Hummingbird sitting inside a nose. Baby brownie.. Looking at my garden. I planted a lot but very few thing came up. Should I plant more? And then itโ€™s so much work. Mom is working on some of it.

6 Apr 2024



I had a dream where i was a toddler and my mother had taken me to an amusement park filled with children. The children were people I knew such as my friends and even my ex. They were playing at the playground and I wanted to join. But before I could I saw a dog on fed him some raspberries and there was a pole leading down that said "40in down" I didn't think it would be useful until my ex tried to follow me over the bridge. But I went down the pole and it took me on the other side of the bridge behind to where my ex was following me. I managed to escape and find my mom which ended up in us both going to a hotel. I was happy to be with my mom and spend time with her but, whenever we went to the hotels indoor pool, this woman gave my mother a checklist. Something about "vision underwater." And they cut off the pigtails from my hair and put my head underwater along with other children I didn't know. They said I could put my hair back in my head but when I stuck my head out of water, my pigtails from my hair getting cut remained on the pool floor. I tried putting them back in my hair and the lady who gave my mother the checklist, tried helping me. I noticed that it didn't work because the pigtails just ended up falling out and I was sad. But the woman didn't care and tried making me light up a lighter. She gave me a hot pink lighter and showed me that I had to touch it and put it out. I tried and tried but I couldn't do it and when I looked up, no one was there and it was just me in the pool room.

6 Apr 2024



In my dream I was stuck in the house with my niece. She had a ankle monitor and couldnโ€™t leave the property to check on her kids her son and newborn daughter. I told her I would try to do her the favor but to remember she called me a user. Now Iโ€™m not a user because Iโ€™m doing her a favor and sheโ€™s getting her way. Then I left and I felt weird she seemed paranoid and unstable she said that I was wishing bad on her and witchcraft. She was sending me evil curses and I was rebuking them and sending them back to her. Then I saw my dad in the kitchen with some coworker of his. In another scene I was driving and I had to get on the bridge to get where I was going. Then I got out my car to see the problem and the gate wouldnโ€™t open so I went to help people needed scissors so I grabbed mines I had in the car and went to them and cut a part of the strap of the gate off. Then gave it to them to finish the rest of the straps so the gate could open. This man was recording everything to post on social media. I found his user and asked him could he send me the recording. Then I was in school and he was a teacher he passed out a test sheet and placed it on my desk and wrote a little message to me stating that he would send me the video.

4 Apr 2024

Running away
Stolen car


I had a dream that at a house all the random people were there females and a couple of males. My niece and my sister and my mom were there. And my niece and sister were harassing me and provoking me. And so were the random females I didnโ€™t of the females we were arguing I was trying to get her to understand that my sister is abusove to our mother thatโ€™s why Iโ€™m extra territorial and protective of her. I donโ€™t trust anyone. Not only that but you donโ€™t know what people go through I told the women for you to act like Iโ€™m a bad person or to attack off of listening to someone else falesified made up story about me. Then I called her a cunt.I was attacking everyone with my words, body language and imtimidation. I was protecting myself. I kept trying to call my ex Steven who is an animal control officer to come pick the frogs up from a container that was in the house. There was a huge long container of frogs. They gre they were babies got huge and started eating each other. Only a couple were left that made it. After that my sister came up to me and tried to intimidate me I started fighting her and everybody tried to run away. I caught them at their house hiding in random places and rooms. I busted the door down and found a couple of them and fought them and swooped their behind. Then me and this guy finally went out to eat. I had to write my name on a card for some reason. Then my niece call me and I did her a favor with my car then I told her to get out because I donโ€™t trust her and I know she was using me for my car. It was a red convertible. Her mom and her stole my car. This women who helped me was able to get my license plate they removed and a photo of the new license plate they put in my car. I saw Mike so guy I speak to pretty regularly too. We we were in a room sleeping than it got flooded he used my water vaccum to vaccum all the water. Then he spilled the water out the vaccum by opening the vaccum the wrong way. I then was on some types of bridge I had to walk down slowly and gently and it kept moving so I had to jump I was scared but I did it and landed it.

2 Apr 2024



Me and other people were driving home after coming from somewhere. We were close to the city. While we were driving, we started driving over a bridge. Someone in front of us lit a rag in a bottle and threw it into a building. I heard the flame light just to show how close to it we were. I thought about continuing driving once the building went up in flames, but my friend said no. Then, the next part, we were in some kind of house and then we left to get into a bus and all of us were going somewhere. I'm in the front and I've... and we get to our location. The big bus pulls inside of a building. The bus tried pulling in, but ended up hitting a wall because the bus was so big. It left an indent in the wall, but there was a identical to the right of the first hole, so the bus turned differently, still inside, and the bus landed in front of an auditorium of sorts for kids. We got out and a lot of kids were in there. The kids thought we were very cool. We sat close to the stage and there was a bunch of cats up top and it was a contest who can be the most cat, but there were cats where you could sit.

2 Apr 2024



I dreamt that I was being chased by vicious dogs. Running naked and muddied and dirty through an old worn down decrepit bridge into an old office building that was abandoned, old, mildewed & dirty. both the building and the bridge leading to it had been isolated. I was running for my life, crying even. but I was determined to outsmart the dogs and live.

31 Mar 2024



I was driving in my car with my mom when I drove off the road between two bridges and fell down to the road below them. I pulled the car over and noticed it barely had any damage, except for the wheels which were completely damaged. Oddly, the wheels were bike tires though I was driving a sedan.

31 Mar 2024



I was in my hometown biging up a steep hill to my grandparents house. I got to the house and I looked behind me and there was another girl biking. She pulled up the the house next door and mentioned something about me biking and how we could have bikes together even though I didnโ€™t know her. She mentioned itโ€™s cool that weโ€™re neighbors and I didnโ€™t tell her it was actually my grandparents house not mine. Then I ended up biking with someone and went off a bridge into some water and there was some sort of monster in it. The monster was trying to catch me and I was scared. I kept convincing me self it wasnโ€™t real and trying to shake it off but it kept making the monster stronger and scarier. I would start to get away from the water then I would end up back in it. I eventually managed to get away from the water and then I was with some people I didnโ€™t know well. Some of them were taking photos together and I wasnโ€™t sure if I should join in on the pictures or not. I decided not to because I didnโ€™t want to intrude so I was asking around in a tree waiting. Then someone told me and someone else to take some pictures together so I went over and we posed for the camera. We ended up going somewhere else all together but I kept feeling like the monster from the water was trying to pull me back somehow

29 Mar 2024



I had a dream that I was in a passanger seat of a car and there was a man with blonde hair driving. I didnโ€™t recognize the man or the car. We were on a really long bridge over a huge body of water, similar to the causeway over pontchartrain lake but miles longer. There were other cars riding along the bridge and the sun was out and barely any clouds. I felt content in the car and looked around out the window when suddenly a steam engine train t-boned the passenger side of the car causing me and the man in the car to get thrown off the bridge and into the water while simultaneously flying out the car. When looking at the place of the collision there was no sign of ghe train and the other cars werenโ€™t affected at all and continued on the bridge as normal. I looked to find the man and the car and the man was standing going towards the car and I was still behind. The body of water was very shallow about 3 and a half feet deep, yet the water rose over my face as I sunk to the bottom and drowned watching the man walk away. I woke up in a cold sweat gasping for air as my body stopped itself from breathing.

29 Mar 2024



Me and my family where on the very creaky wood bridge which keeper swaying and felt like it was going to collaps in china and we where signing our names on this traditional headstone mural and it was raining and I got in a fight with my 2 sisters about where we where going to sign our names even though I only have 1 sister in real life

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