15 Jan 2025
In one dream, I was watching a quartet or quintet perform in a huge, pretty church. It looked like somewhere I’d performed with an orchestra in the past, but here I was in the audience. I had spent several performances sitting next a blonde white man, but at this one I’d chosen to sit next to a friend from middle school, Lydia. He informed me he’d decided to sit with other people for this performance, which meant nothing to me as I’d decided to do the same thing. He sat nearby against a wall, with other men. I and a lot of women were in the main part of the audience. I asked Lydia to sit next to her, which she agreed, and she linked her arm in mine as I sat. We mostly watched a cellist tune and warm up onstage. I was sitting far stage left and the angle was such that I couldn’t really see the performers or what all instruments were involved. I don’t remember getting to an actual performance.
In another dream a white man in a purple suit and top hat, his style a bit like Willy Wonka’s, was walking towards a large house in the middle of a sandy desert. The house had a large brick wall painted black, with a sign on it that said something like “MURDERED WIFE AND CHILD—INQUIRE WITHIN!” The home belonged to a man that may have murdered his family and he was eager to show it off. The top hat man saw the sign, and horrified, decided to investigate. He noticed cameras all around the top of the tall house, trying to capture reactions. He walked to another side of the house, angling for the door, but I as myself was thinking the cameras are catching him and he is in danger. Just then unknown footsteps could be heard behind top hat man. He slid off his shoes in an attempt to mute the sound of his own footsteps, and he took off running. He ran to a neighbor’s house, which was white with blue trim I think. I heard or saw via news report somehow that he had passed the afternoon visiting a neighbor, hiding effectively from the murderer, until he could decide what to do about the situation. Then I woke up.
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