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14 Sep 2024



I can remember is it starts off at a Casino? Maybe a part of it where it looks like we’re outside, but really we’re inside. i remember i go off to the side and there’s a forrest looks like we’re in the middle of trees and right in the middle of all the trees laid a patch of grass with a stump like table in the middle, two males where at the end and one on the other. i went inbetween those three guys where i was directly infront of this phone or old microphone where i put my lips so close to it just to shout and say random things and these people say to me “damn your like kissing this microphone” and other remarks like “i hope u have your hep shot” because you didn’t know who did what with this before it’s dirty and filthy. as they say that i could the burning sensation on my lips like i could feel the batera on my mouth i quickly run away i went to the bar asking for a drink and he gave an chaser with the shot along with a piece of lemon there was two people who worked there just chit chatting the bartender and maybe a helper to him but the guy helping didn’t speak any english yet we were able to have some kind of connection and understanding. the main bar tender had to help translate a few times but the main jist of the convo was “a shot all by yourself?” “yeah yeah, i don’t know why they brought out a chaser i didn’t need one *pointing to the lemon* this is my chaser right here” the other guy laughs. the main bar tender questions that saying “i don’t think you could just finish that all alone” as i tried to prove it to him but first sucking in the lemon then hoping to chase down all the alcohol i realized i couldn’t even swallow the liquid of the lemon. the bar tender sees this and says “ah see i told u, u can’t even handle that lemon” my mom was as drunk as i’d seen her, it was me my dad nd mom walking somewhere. i think i was upset over something but this caused me to be say “i don’t want to be here right now” this really upsets her causing her to turns to me and starts letting out all her feeling towards me. it was gradually getting more and more mean where at the end all i remember her saying is “i hate you, i don’t love you” which didn’t even faze me but my dad standing next to her realized how crazy it was to say that turn to her and says “stop you don’t mean that” and my goes “yes i do i hate her” and starts listing off the reasons why she hated me. my dad was trying to say something to me like it was just the alcohol but i ignored him and turned back tot my mom where i said i hated you to because i needed you when i was 15/16 and you weren’t there. i needed you. my aunt who in real life is sober started to drink in this dream causing her to act in ways i’d never seen before. she became really sexual with me and because she weights more then me she was able to pick me up tackle me to the floor and pretend she was eating me out (sexually) infront of everyone we were with at the time. all i could think at the time was, maybe this is why she doesnt drink for some reason either me or someone i was with was pimping out all these prostitutes in the hotel, the main chick that spoke for them all came down found us and told us the girls where unhappy with 5$ rates and either they get paid more or they walk someone said to me don’t you have that superpower to tell someone to do something and they do so i go around telling people to either “hook up with each other” or something sexual as i’m not walking thru the main lobby one of the doors open and it’s just someone having sex in the bathroom end of dream guy i don’t know who i end up sucking his dick and the only way he can cum is by telling himself words like “come on” “you can do better then that (to himself)” basically hillimulate hinself in order to cum. i remember going thru the main lobby and inside that elevator is where the bomb was coming from everyone immediately realizes , freaks out & starts running. as i’m coming down to the last step that’s when it goes off launching me in the sky




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

13 Sep 2024



I was at work, but kept on feeling lightheaded, I didn’t want to be there. It didn’t look like my actual job, but I was dressed in stuff appropriate for working in a kitchen since my job in real life is at a restaurant, I went down stairs in the back alley by the dumpster and passed out in a puddle but it felt a bit like I was faking it, another coworker who I didn’t recognize but spoke Spanish went to get Mike. Mike came out and helped me then we both splashed around in the puddle, and I found some cool crystals like quarts when I was lying down and a purple gemstone, Mike hugged me, then his GF pulled up in a car and I pushed away because I wanted to make it clear to her the hug was platonic even though the hug felt like a lot of stress was relieved, I ended up asking him what he was doing to perform something to make it clear we were just friends to his girlfriend. Then he got in the car with his girlfriend and left.

13 Sep 2024



So I was surfing at the skate park and there were waves and I got a couple and I was surfing up and down between the waves and it was pretty fun and I realised you'd go back and forth between the waves and I didn't want to come off them, so I was having a blast doing that and the waves stopped and I needed a scissor lift to go to the top, so I got on the scissor lift and started going up, but then I couldn't make it to the top because there were staircases in that and it warmed away, so I got the chick to take me to the top, but I forgot to put on my shoes and then they gave me shit for not putting on my shoes and the team was pissed off. So I put my shoes on and I jumped back in the scissor lift and I went up and then all the cables got stuck, all the yarn got twisted, so I had to pull out all the yarn, I was pulling out all the yarn for ages, I was getting so fed up that I wanted to quit, I was worn out and the team showed back up and asked what I was doing, all the yarn was caught and I told them, the yarn got caught so I had to get it all out, I got it all out earlier and then I had to do it all again, I was pulling out yarn for ages and I just wanted to quit.

13 Sep 2024



I woke up in the bed of my high school sweetheart’s old bedroom in house he grew up in. I don’t know how i got there. When i woke up, he was sitting on another bed across the room, with his wife and their baby. They looked at me, confused, the wife looked pretty upset and i felt quite embarrassed, not sure how to explain myself. I’m sure they could see the confusion in my face as well. The scene jumps to me being outside at night time on the old street of the house I lived in when i was dating him. He was helping me get into my old house, but i think we were trying to break in. I have no idea what for. My stepdad at the time was home, but it was late and he couldn’t hear us knocking and i think that’s why we were trying to break in. I called my stepdad on the phone to wake him up, then he came downstairs and answered the door. I can’t remember the rest

13 Sep 2024

Childhood home


Dreamt that I was at the movies with a group of people. The movies turned into a high school graduation ceremony. A couple people around me were too drunk to attend and left. I asked for ecstacy and took it I think? My brothers family showed up including my niece. The ceremony turned into a Star Wars obstacle course of some kind. I helped my niece get through the obstacle course successfully. Was kind of fun. After I separated off with my childhood friend Katie whom I found out had a secret famous sunblock hippie clothing company that she shared with another friend. She started this company about 10 years ago when we were just getting out of high school. Apparently the innovation of the clothing and her product and company management skills were being recognized globally and she was becoming known as someone with great skill and a figurehead of our generation and time. I cried out of joy for her. Said something about I look forward to telling something special about her in interviews about her life. Not for the money but bc she genuinely was a special person and it was something only I could’ve known. Woke up crying out of joy.

13 Sep 2024



I had this box/small incubator thing and in it I would but a small egg as well as a thin sheet of wool in it. I waited a bit before a small moth came out. At first it was small and had what looked like green wings with brown circles/dots on it. As I continued to feed it wool it became bigger and would change and almost become more reolistic. I believe other people had similar things but there’s were different creatures. I think one person had a bunny and I another a dog. But again at first there where tiny tiny and looked strange but as you fed them and took care of them they would grow and become more realistic. However if you didn’t feed it or take care of it it would shrink more and more and eventually go into hibernation state. At one point I had kind of forgotten about my moth. I remember at one point my mother could not find my moth and kept telling me it’s gone and that I didn’t take care of it. We searched and eventually found it. It was small and looked dead. For it was not moving. My mom stated. “Look you killed it!” Which I responded “no I didn’t, it just needs food.” I put it back into the incubator and continued to feed it until it grew and grew and turned into a magnificent and hudge white fuzzy moth with brown markings. It was lovely and would follow me around everywhere.

13 Sep 2024



Another TF dream. Except not a great dream. My TF, Steve, was back with his wife, Lana. And she was continuously bullying me, mocking me, pointing and laughing at me, thinking that she had won ownership of my TF, laughing. I laughed at her, flipped her off and said clearly, "Keep him, you stupid little bitch. He's not worth fighting over anyways. Since he can't make up his goddamn mind, I'll make it for him since he shares MY SOUL. Something YOU'LL NEVER POSSESS IN A MILLION YEARS." I walked tall with my head held high, and walked away with my middle finger up in the air saying, "Good luck, little girl!" Going back to Vim, my current boyfriend, whom was waiting for me outside. My TF, Steve, tried to chase me down, but my boyfriend and I already walked away and my TF watched me leave in distraught. He (Steve) realized then he messed up again and more than likely, for good, cause he was too scared to choose me. Then woke up

13 Sep 2024



I was waiting in line for this ride or some sort of an adventure and I was in front of my dad and dog that had passed away, Gordita, and we were there and when I finally got to the top I realized that it was shaky. It was really unsafe and And then it was so high up, I couldn't even see the ground and we were... I just looked back at my dad and he told me to go and try and I had to crawl out and then I had to crawl backwards into this other window and I guess I was the last person to do it and I don't know if it broke afterwards or it was really unstable because it was raining too and then I got into this other thing but then my dad, they had let him in, my dad and the dog and they came running in after me afterwards and my dad was kind of snickering because it was like he knew a shortcut that I didn't know about, like he also knew that I was gonna be able to make, not the jump, but I was gonna be able to make it.

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