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18 Sep 2024

Boyfriend Cheating


I was at school and for some reason there was my friend that I used to have a crush on, a teacher that I think is a pedophile, a guy that I kinda like, and the school dean surrounding me in a circle. They didn’t say anything, just standing there




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

18 Sep 2024

Missing flight


I had a dream that there was this big gathering of people in a huge room in a hotel and all of a sudden I could tell we were preparing for something apocalyptic, something really big. I was with my sister and I remember looking at the ceiling and thinking about things and all of a sudden the sky was there and I could see the sun go from night time sun to blazing bright, everyone noticed at once and then the stars were in the sky at the same time as the sun against a midnight blue background and it was moving like it was zooming, the night sky was zooming and the sun was zooming and we were all dizzy and scared and Monica hugged me and I put my chin on her head and hugged her back very tightly and we were just praying that God would forgive me before we all died but it went on for quite a few minutes. Then I guess we didn't die, and after we left, there were some other odd things at the hotel, like we were missing our green piano. It was us, and then this other guy that I didn't recognize. And we were looking for our mint green piano that the hotel was borrowing from us, but had apparently moved without telling us, and we wanted to go look at it. So we went and searched the green piano. The hotel was also very stingy about it, as though they didn'tremember that they had loaned it to us and thought that we were trying to be just hooligans. Then there was a bit about Monica apparently living there with Dalton or something and having certain pieces of dishes or something go missing. I remember looking into a tall cupboard and seeing some very interesting dishes including things that I might have had like mushroom themed tea set and some novelty mugs. There was also a brief part about going up in an elevator, something about like red velvet and Monica preparing to get married or have a big event at the hotel. Then there was a part about Uncle Chris in a big room with some other people and there was some flooding. At first we thought it was like some kind of like miracle or bizarre happening but it turns out that there was a direct leak from a flooded roof on the right-hand side of the room. After the water on the roof drained, the flooding stopped from the ceiling. Then he opened up the doors to the patio pool area and the water was still up to our knees. We were trying to look at ways to like flood it out or get it out of the room and I took it upon myself for some reason to use my swimming to do so. Apparently, I was very good at it when I did certain swimming towards the doors and then would push back. It would help a big surge of water towards the outside. It wasn't particularly exhausting, but it also wasn't the most effective. And I heard them laugh appreciatively, but didn't necessarily thank me. And I remember it was like being underwater with my eyes closed and the water rushing over me. Then Monica and I were doing some sort of paranormal investigating. More vividly, I remember doing it for this mother and daughter, and the daughter didn't seem to be super concerned that the mother was, but she didn't want her daughter to know. It was an odd situation, I remember that. when we investigated Monica would notice things first before me and would point and gasp like did you see that asking me. I would see it after her if I looked really closely and it was odd things like there would be objects that would move slightly or contract and expand and so the object itself was breathing and sometimes it was just like I remember it looked like papery things or something I wasn't sure what it even was up on the walls or near the ceiling sometimes it was a part of a furry creature like almost like sully from monsters inc but obviously unsettling because it wasn't supposed to be there in the shadow. There was no resolution to looking for these things. I think the last thing I remember before waking up was trying to talk to the mother-in-trial and her daughter about what we had found in the place.

18 Sep 2024



I was back working at piggly wiggly. It was a 4 hour shift and I feel like I felt every minute of it. I struggled manually putting numbers into the computer for items or putting in customer numbers. I remember it being time to go on break but the service counter supervisors told me to wait. When it was finally time to go on break the break room was different than what I remembered. There was even a shower room. I was talking with another worker in the break room who I thinknwas one of my Spanish teachers in high school. I decided to go walk and there was a police shootout with a group of people. I remember being shot in the left thigh and the right shoulder in the back yet I went back to work. The lady I think was my Spanish teacher was so scared she refused to come out of the bathroom. All I kept thinking was that my husband was not going to let me come back to work and I didn't really know if I wanted to.

18 Sep 2024

Abandoned home


This was a continuation of a previous dream…where I was waiting for approval for the abandoned apartment I was staying in. This black haired, white lady with blue eyes, was trying her best to get me to be allowed to stay, even as others were checking it out. I had a small grey black kitten in my hands who clung tightly to me, purring happily at my doting and loving on her. Then…my abusive mother showed up again. The Kitten always was wary of her but my mom, once again, was disturbing my peace, trying to bond back with me—to have a relationship with me again. And I let her see the consequences of her supposed “parenting.” As the black haired white lady with blue eyes from earlier came back as I was going off on my abusive mom. The lady politely explained that after tomorrow I had to get out. I protested, explaining that tomorrow I had no other place to go. This was my only chance at this apartment. My abusive mother (aka egg donor) moved out of view, as I explained to the lady about the housing market, the job market, my disability; how things were already unfair to get stabilized to begin with due to corporate greed and capitalism. She then understood and said, “I’ll try to talk with her again…” and she left. Abusive mother swooped in and tried to snatch the purring kitten away from me, and the cat was flung into the wall with drawers, as I fretted over the kitten, the kitten hid in the space between the wall and cabinet. Abusive mother still trying to convince me to give her one more chance. And I tore her a new one. I don’t remember what all I said, even as I moved to lay down and she moved to sit next to me in the dark; but I know I was angry, with hot tears down my face. And she said something about my sickness and my death rites and her wanting to help with that. I slowly turned towards her, placed myself above her and said coldly and with finality, “If you TOUCH a single one of my death rites…a SINGULAR part or word of it…I will ensure that everything prosperous in your life is blocked and robbed from you; and you will never live your life free from destitution and chaos. Do you understand me?” She finally understood her actions have consequences, but I simply turned back around, the kitten leapt into my arms again…and snuggled against my face like how my late pupp, Shy, would do it. As I fell asleep in dream, I woke up to the “Last call for breakfast, ladies!” At the shelter I’m staying in at 7:17 in the morning.

18 Sep 2024

Being chased by murderer
Abandoned home


For the past couple of nights I've been dreaming about saving babies for various situations. Last night's dream was a little different I was in some small town in the middle of no where and I was in an old house. There was two babies and a puppy I was trying to save from some jeepers creepts lookin motherfucker and the puppy I was saving was a source of milk for the babies so I had to save the puppy so I could give the milk the puppy oddly produced to the babies. It doesn't make sense though because puppies can't produce milk so that part makes no sense to me. It was a beautiful white and fluffy puppy. As I was rescuing the babies from this jeepers creepers sorta creature I set the stairs on fire as I was running up them but somehow we got out of the house and I was just running down this gravel road. There was a truck driver that stopped in the town and I think I got help from him but I can't quite remember. I don't understand why I keep dreaming of babies. It's painful to dream of babies because all I want is my son back. Why do I keep dreaming of saving babies after losing my son in a stillbirth? I hate it it hurts so much.

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