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Dream Interpretation: Airplane 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Airplane? Discover the significance of seeing a Airplane in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Airplane appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes your confidence and your ability to overcome any obstacle in life. Seeing an airplane in your dream suggests the beginning of a new lifestyle and your strength to soar or rise. It also indicates your focus on moving forward in life despite the setbacks you have received.

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🧭 Direction


Embrace the change that came into your life. Be confident and fearless about the decisions and accomplishments you have made or are going to make. Understand the journey your life is taking you on, nurture the ideas and opinions as you have the potential to grow in life.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of an airplane can evoke feelings of excitement, freedom, and adventure. It symbolizes the desire to explore new horizons, break free from limitations, and embark on a journey towards personal growth and success. The soaring sensation experienced in the dream reflects a sense of empowerment and the belief that anything is possible. It may also signify a need for escape or a longing for a change in one's current circumstances. Overall, the dream of an airplane elicits positive emotions and encourages the dreamer to embrace opportunities and take risks in order to reach greater heights in life.





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Dreams of users containing the word Airplane

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17 Jul 2024



I had a dream that me and my family was picking up stuff from the airport. All the stuff we sent home after moving from Dubai to Denmark. All the stuff was badly packed and items where spilling out the boxes and baggage. Some friends from USA were also there and they arrived in a private airplane that we also drove around in

17 Jul 2024

Dead body
Sexual Abuse


I was in my grandparents house. I had just gotten off a flight. My mom and sister came and greeted me at the door. It was late afternoon in the summer. I go into the guest bedroom as I unpack. When I open the closet door in the bathroom a dead body falls out. It is the woman with whom I first had a consensual sexual encounter. On the side of her cheek are intitials written in pins. The initials are "c.g" which are the initials of the man who sexually molested me while I was growing up. My mom and sister rush into the room and call 911 and the woman is rushed away. When I look through the cabinet I find a coloring book. One of the pictures is for the drug company "phitzer". I realize that I take one of their drugs and suspect that this is what killed her.

16 Jul 2024

Airplane Crash


I was in some sort of lake or something like that with people swimming and just having a good time. As we were swimming we look up and see a plane, at first we thought nothing of it until we realized it was coming closer, then someone goes “is it coming towards us?” Eventually the plane goes full speed towards the lake like it was trying to attack us like the kamikaze pilots back in WW2

10 Jul 2024



My coworker and I flying around in an airplane. He was showing me around and how to do airplane maneuvers. He accidentally dropped me in the ocean by a whale chasing some fish. Then we ended up meeting his fisherman friend he told me about.

9 Jul 2024



In this dream, I was catching a plane,I boarded it but the people who were supposed to go with me didn't make it onto the flight. We arrived in this country,me and my daughter,it was unknown to me, I remember flying low to the ground in the plane and seeing various sights and landmarks. The people who missed the original flight, eventually caught up to us,it was members of my ex's family, and the plane took off again

8 Jul 2024



I was packing up my things in a hotel room when I realized I was hungry and wanted food. I walked around and eventually saw a girl I knew in grade school with my husband. But he looked like he had plastic surgery done. I then found myself walking through an animal hospital where a lot of people were performing surgeries on dogs. I eventually was then walking through an airport. I boarded a plane. I was sitting next to my friend who told me that the girl I knew in gradeschool was sleeping with a lot of people's husbands. And my dad who died .I felt angry and betrayed. I then found myself in my bedroom sorting laundry.

7 Jul 2024

Plane Crash


I had a dream about my older brother on his way to his college in a plane and the plane crashed in the middle of our hometown

6 Jul 2024

Airplane Crash


. So, I just woke up from, I just woke up from a dream where I was, it was winter time and it was in somewhere like Siberia or Russia or something like that, and I was in the military and we were doing jumps from a plane, from this tiny little grey like maybe 5 seater plane, but there was tons of people jumping out of it, and the theme of the dream was very somber and very kind of camaraderie where everybody's giving each other a hard time but really getting along at the same time, like really there for each other, and so fast forward, the plane ends up crashing, the captain ends up dying, like the pilot who was running the whole thing ends up dying, and we end up having to go, me and like two other people survive, and we end up having to go to this compound that apparently was part of our organization but I'd never been to before, neither had they, and we had no idea what it was going to be like. So we show up, and it's very small, it's very light, it's very sterile, and there's black barbed wire everywhere, and so we show up, and we hit the buzzer to talk to somebody in there, and we hear somebody laughing, and all of a sudden the gate opens super fast and the barbed wire cuts the person standing next to the person next to me up into a bunch of pieces, and we hear a voice on the intercom say, come in, to me and the remaining person, so we're like oh shit, so we go inside, and there's this crazy guy in there that I guess was in the military at one point, but in his isolation has gone completely insane, and he was taking the cadavers of people that had passed away around him and making new people out of them, and somehow was animating them, so there were all these zombies, and one of the zombies had pinkish purple hair and was a girl, and she had a pet mouse, kitten thing that the guy had made for her that she used to carry around in a shoe that used to fit on her foot that she no longer had, so instead of having a foot, she had this Mary Jane shoe that had this mouse kitten hybrid thing living in it, and that was like at the bottom of her foot, like her leg, and yeah, her eyes weren't there anymore, they were just empty holes, but they had been painted neon green, and the two of them, her and the crazy guy, took me downstairs with the other person that had survived the plane crash, and showed me that there was a giant open crag in the earth below the military base, just huge, with like lava bubbling up in it, and they said that that was hell, and that they had been working with the things in there, and they showed me by dragging one of the random zombies, they just grabbed one of them, and dragged him over the autopsy table, and they said they were going to check around in the back, and they stuck this rod in the back of the dude's head, and all of a sudden you could see all of his thoughts, all of his memories, but there was like satanic glyphs all over all of them, and that's about the time that I woke up, and it was really crazy.

5 Jul 2024



David (my husband) and I have a flight to span to catch. But there are a lot of friends over at our house doing cocaine so I am afraid we’re going to be late. Webb did a lot of cocaine and is acting very strangely. I am upset that we’re going to miss our flight and am yelling at David about this

3 Jul 2024



I went on a trip with some girls they were trying to take me out of the house. They got my to go on an airplane and I was proud of myself. We ended up going to Jamaica.

3 Jul 2024



My partner and i were at the airport and i couldnt find the tickets before boarding the plane. My phone wouldn’t let me access this. We then went to the kiosk but i couldnt find the information. After, i asked if the gate agent could help us and he said he was able to help.

1 Jul 2024

Airplane Crash
Little Brother
Saving someone


I was in a plane with my dad, step mom, and little brother. We were about to take off when I noticed that it was storming outside. I had a bad feeling about being on the plane. As it started to lift off, I jumped out. I landed safely and watched the plane crash into the water. I saw my dad jump out too. He caught the plane by the wing to keep it from sinking. He wasn’t able to hold on. I ran over and held on to the wing as well. I was able to pull the plane out of the water and save everyone

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