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24 Mar 2025



I was with my white kitty on the opening back of a small half truck half car. Then suddenly a big black dog, probably a Labrador. He was gentle and curious but love food just like my kitty. It felt like he and my cat were best friends who are completely the same personality but look the opposite. I then went inside to get food for my cat. The dog and cat both follow me while walking side by side together, with a little dependence on each other. They act completely the same towards food. Like they really want it but still want to wait for me to finish getting the food.

24 Mar 2025



I had a dream where I was driving a car, but I was told that someone else was gonna drive it, not me. I don't have my driver's license yet. But anyways, my cousin sat in between my legs to help me drive, and another cousin was in the passenger seat. We see a lot of police on some crime scenes, and I was just hoping that they wouldn't pull me over. They thankfully didn't. My car even had police sirens to blend in with the police, I used them once and them decided that it's better to look like a normal car. I got to a hospital where my grandma was at and she was in the doctor's office, so I go in there while she's having a visit, and I'm told to take a pill and swallow it. I try to swallow it, but it's too big, so I decide to bite into it, so it's smaller and then swallow it, I did worry about what would happen if I bit into it, but I guess it was fine, just the pill might've worked less effectivly.




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23 Mar 2025

Abandoned home


The dream starts off with me doing a business transaction with a hustler or a Pedaler on the side of the street. My business partner and friend, Rommeal happen to be near by with his friend, as they were coming down from helping my mother in law, Paula. After I bought this extravagant bycycle from the hustler, I spotted Rommeal and his friend shaking hands bye. He approached me and I asked if he could help me with the bike. We were in an impoverish but safe neighborhood. Very gloomy and desolate. Seeing older homes in a black neighborhood. I said I haven’t been in the hood in years. He had me walk him to where he was going. The front wheel popped off as I was walking the bike alongside him. I was not on the bike. It was motorized and fancy. I asked if he could carry it and he did, I asked if he could store it where he was so I can go backwards and retrace our steps and look for the front of the wheel. I said to him that I paid $400 and the guy that I bought it from didn’t leave his name or number. Rommeal said “sure” and he stored it. I thought I found the wheel on the side of the street, I walked back and it was still creepy and lonely, he opened the door and it wasn’t the correct wheel or fit. I went back alone, found another wheel and bought it back for him not to have the bike. I was crunched for time because I had to go back and help Paula (the original scene) and I left him to look for it. I called Rommeal on his cell phone and he did not answer. So I had high anxiety, felt like I was betrayed and used again, loss $400 and was very angry. I couldn’t really help Paula because of the emotions that I was feeling and I woke up anxious.

23 Mar 2025



i had two dreams today, the first one i acnr really remember but my mum had two vapes idk why and i kept going upstairs to puff them and my mum kept accusing me of puffing and i got upset at her and denied it. In my second dream i was travelling somewhere i acnr remember where and for some reason we were supposed to go back but i separated from my family and went to like india and they went to china and then i called my mum and she was worried and i told her im heading back to england from india instead of china and she was okay with it so weird. anyway i remember having no idea why i seperated and having a total blank and i think i also had some sort of mental breakdown at one point but i can’t remember. when i was going back i scanned my passport through an electronic scanner i acnr remember most of the dream but there was definitely more than happend i think there was a creepy house? i can’t remember clearly.i think a hospital might have been involved. not sure.

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