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19 Apr 2024

Old Lady


I don't know what happened, I got left somewhere, purposely, and then I had to get back to my car, or to the, you know, it was my, actually, my mom' and my ex step dad. I was trying to get there, but I was naked. On this road, every time I see a car, I jump in the weeds and hide from them because, you know, it's naked. And then I get to this hotel where they're at, but they didn't tell me they were going anywhere, where they were going exactly. They just, I knew they was going somewhere to stay. So I get to this hotel. And there's this lady parked right next to the car, our car, and she's an old lady and she gets out of the car and she's like doing her thing. And I'm like trying to get in there, but I didn't want to run past her. So I went and waited for her to walk and then I kind of went behind her. She never turned around, looked at me, but I was way faster than her. So I just kind of had to like wait and wait like I was naked the whole time. So it was like weird. And she went into the building and she turned this way. I ran into the building and went that way and I didn't know where I was even going. And then there was like security guards or something. I seen a flashlight, you know, somebody that I felt like they was chasing you. And then I think I woke up.

18 Apr 2024

Getting Shot


World is at war and I’m there trying to protect my loved ones and rescuing some of my family members and a new girl that I really want to be with and I created this bunker underground but in every dream I end up getting shot

18 Apr 2024

Running away


I had a dream I was running from some detectives and the cops and when I thought I was corned I went through a narrow tunnel and got away outside

18 Apr 2024



I am on Earth looking through a telescope at the planet light-years away that astronauts found had light on it. While looking through the telescope, I am able to be transported to that planet, kind of, and I see that the figures look similar to humans but different. They don't have arms or full legs and they have launched bullets at the planet Earth. My viewpoint has shifted to being on a bullet, and hundreds of bullets are making their way to Earth, and they land close to Mexico, destroying everything. The country, the ocean, people are in distress and screaming and running. More bullets start hitting the Earth, and I am back in my own perspective, seeing my friends and talking to them, letting them know that, hey, the planet's under attack. This is the apocalypse. I’m calm as I realize the world is ending. and then I am no longer in my perspective anymore. I am watching as the planet is being destroyed one area at a time. The US attack, then Eurasia area and you can see the news or updates about how these bullets, giant bullets or missiles have penetrated Earth, have been destroying the Earth and now it is reaching the Earth's core and the planet is bound for destruction. Our planet is going to explode because once the ocean reaches the magma of the Earth's center, there will be no more planet Earth and the dream continues. The planet is destroyed and the Earth explodes.

18 Apr 2024



I was in the house I lived in throughout the entirety of my childhood when suddenly I looked into the mirror that was in my room. I noticed that my reflection wasn’t there, but somewhere else. In the background of my room, my reflection was running around, and I didn’t like that at all because it was a part of me that I couldn’t control. As I kept staring into the mirror, my reflection suddenly ran into the mirror as if it were trying to break through it. I made my way downstairs to tell my grandma what was going on as she was the only one in the house, and as I was talking to her, I gazed into her eyes long enough to figure she was an imposter. Once I came to this conclusion I pretended she was still my grandmother right before I ran out of the house for dear life all the way down the block.

18 Apr 2024

Teeth falling out


I had a dream that all my teeth fell out but I collected them and gave them to my friend because I thought she would want them

18 Apr 2024



i was at some house in the middle of a large city at night and was with a few other people who i do not recognize but i knew them. the house was dark and very old, some parts starting to fall apart. there was a person in the house who was running things and explained to us what we needed to do. when the lights went out we had to find a place to hide where there was some kind of light source like if something electronic had a small light on it. after we found a spot, a possessed doll, very similar to chucky from child’s play, would run around and try to find us. if we were not hiding somewhere with a light, he would find us and jumpscare us. since the house was old, it was hard to find a spot with light. we did this multiple times and i was found a few times but succeeded a few times as well. then we all had to go upstairs which was falling apart the most. we had to run through an obstacle course fast enough to get away from the doll. i remember seeing everyone running through the course but that’s all i remember

18 Apr 2024

Serial killer


I had a dream there was a serial killer and he got captured and put in a asylum where people were watching over him eventually he had escaped then in the next part there was a a zombie apocalypse in the dream then after that we were in six flags getting food and there were homeless people there and I wanted to help but had to leave then after all that in the next part i became a monster then the dream ended

18 Apr 2024



I dreamed that I was in a group setting, kind of like high school or church with lots of people. In the dream I was being talked to by people I did know and people I didn't ... They were all misgendering me and I didn't make a big deal about it because I knew they weren't doing it on purpose and I was just about to be involved and respectful. Until I made it to one lady who I was going to sit behind, and my friend introduced me and she misgenered me, so I let her know my pronouns were they/them and my friend with me nodded in approval... The lady didn't care to hear that so my friend started to explain why I use those pronouns ... Which made me feel a little embarrassed and exposed, then the lady said "you can sit right here she will be alright" rejecting the idea of my pronouns in a polite southern fashion.

18 Apr 2024



In my dream, I was asked to go to a bar and have some drinks with my friends. At first, I said no I was too busy but later on went to the bar anyways. There was someone there that I knew, but everyone else I didn’t know who they were. When I got there, I was ready to have a good time, but everyone was giving me a hard time so I got upset and left. The theme for the night was girl panties, and men’s underwear. If a girl showed herself in her panties, then a man would show him himself in their underwear. My friend was going to do this with me, but I was upset and walked out of the bar.

18 Apr 2024

Car accident


My dream was about someone that I know. She was dating a man that liked to dress and act like a woman. They had a few kids and a few pet dogs. She wanted me to baby sit. Weird thing was the dogs would poop, the kids would step in it, smear it all over the carpet, but then it would disappear, like it didn’t happen. They left and I stayed to keep an eye on the house. eventually I leave the house in my vehicle and I end up running into a motorcycle. I stop and try to park to tell the guy. I’m sorry for running into him by the end up just taking off and running a red light later on the same thing happens with a vehicle. I ran into a vehicle and takeoff. It’s like I couldn’t control my vehicle. Then my dream switches over to someone else stealing something and running into her pick up and taking off and running from the cops. She’s asking herself why am I doing this but keeps going. There’s a news lady following her as well and a helicopter in the sky following above. Another part of my dream is that I find money at a park but when I go to pick it up, someone send their dog and I get scared of the dog and drop the money because it’s trying to get me. Also, another part is me and my son eating, dark blue oatmeal. It made him and I sick so we were throwing it up.

18 Apr 2024



I dreamt I found and was able to keep a bunch of money.

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