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19 Jul 2024

Video Game


this was my dream i had okay so i was at a house with my dad and we ate dinner and stuff but i was ready and i was getting ready in the sons room i guess but he wasnt in there and then my stuff was in his room right and apparently i had to wear a wig because my dad told them i was somewhat blonde? this dream was short but also long so then dinner and stuff was finished and people were hanging out until we had to go to i went to my room/ guest bedroom and realized i didnt have my stuff and i walked out of my room and i was staring at his door kinda nervous that he was in there, but i thought to myself “im just gonna grab my stuff.” so then i walked in and turned his light on, he had purple leds on and his bed was on the left side middle of his room and if u were infront of the bed, if u look to the left u will see a little thing that looks like a movie theater and there was a bean bag on the top of it and a screen yk and he was playing xbox with his friends and when i turned the light on THIS MAN SCREAMED. i then turned the light off and i was gonna say something but he looked at me and went “what?” and this guy looked mexican or hispanic 😭 but i was kinda nervous since i never talked to him and then i kept tryna turn the light switch on but it was out or something, it wouldnt work and i stepped in his room looking at him and went “i needed to grab my stuff” and this guy went “what?” AND BRO I WAS GETTING MORE NERVOUS and my heart was poinding so quick and my hands started to sweat a bit and i kinda fidgeted with my fingers as i replied. i went “uhh- i need to grab my stuff? its just over there ill be quick” i said talking quickly and i was kinda stumbling on 2 words and he stood up and put his controller down idk why but then he walked to me and said “oh, ill just get it.” and i wasnt gonna argue so i just agreed shut his door and went to “my” room and i remember i was just playing with my leds, i was changing the color and kinda playing with it but there were only 4 colors red pink purple and blue but then someone walked in and i looked at the remote and there were 6 colors now it was so confusing but the room structure was just like MY houses room like his room was where my sisters was and i was at my room. so then it kinda went to a new thing like i was out of my room and the person was out it of my room and i havent even got my stuff yet and then there was a room right next to mine and i chilled in there and then i remember walking down the hallway and then it was my old houses structure from 2020. it was very weird but then i walked down the huge hallway and got to the bathroom and i remember fixing my hair and makeup since i had to re apply highlighter mascara and lip gloss and then i forgot i had a wig in and i thought i was bald like i pulled my wig hair and i hesitated but i did snd then it was my real hair but it was in a hair style that i know very well just not know how to do it was a japanese hair style i think but then when i took the wig off though i was able to mess with my face, next think i know it my face eyes were small chin was up lips were up to my nose so no nose gap and i looked autistic so then i was like “nononono” and i ran out of the bathroom and jumped on the couch and buried my face into the couch and then it was back to normal i then went to the kitchen to wash my hands and then a black woman i would say was right beside me as a ghost or something but she was giving me motivation? idk but it did something to me because in the dream i always had her words ringing in my head, i cant remember what she said though. i then went to “my room” and apparently the guy had me as his opp AND IM GONNA SAY LIKE THIS MAN LOOKED LIKE ISAIAH FROM OUR SCHOOL OR WHATEVER THE ANNOYING ONE THAT LOOKS BLACK BUT HES NOT AS DARK YK but he reminded me exactly of him i hate that but then i was in my room and the guy opens the door and yk i was all fresh n new (just did some touch ups and didnt have the wig on) and then as soon as i walked up to him to grab it he looked at me and then i woke up

19 Jul 2024



Psychoanalyzing the shit out of Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint characters as they keep me in their company(half by force and pressure, other with the promise of protection) as they wall around the apocalyptic world and follow their story plots Climbing Mt. Fuji with Love and Deepspace characters Nighttime topnotch hotel in Tokyo, partying and such before it Exposing each other’s secrets for fun(lighthearted, it’s all some dumb shit like each other’s kinks and how they used to be before they became cool and stuff) Truth and dare with the dares being related to those things they’ve exposed abt each other For instance one of them(male lead) is getting massages, predominately around the neck and the waist from the MC of the game because they got ratted on their heightened sensitivity for it I’m filming it all because it’s fun

19 Jul 2024



Dreamt someone was pursuing me with a long cane

18 Jul 2024



A scary movie that I’ve recently watched is giving me nightmares it was a large scary face smiling at me

18 Jul 2024



Failing in complete darkness

18 Jul 2024



I was at a conference put on by my friend Wendy VanderWal-Martin. It was quite informal and seemed to take place in a large, house-like environment. My sense was that the conference was over, and I was constantly going back and forth helping people find rides home and so on. My stress was building because I didn’t know if I had a ride home. Wendy called to me, “Robbie, we’re waiting for you! You should communicate better!” I replied, “No one told me you were giving me a ride home! Why didn’t you tell me?” (This kind of thing happens often in my dreams—I’m trying to find a piece of information or be somewhere in particular, but a dream character will get upset with me for not having information I was looking for the whole time!)

18 Jul 2024



Had a dream that me my mom and my brother were driving up this mountain in Oregon with a bunch of wildflowers and the driver was going super fast and the road was TINY with only gravel and we crashed twice. Each time we crashed, the driver went back up the mountain again. The driver was a drunk from my favorite show Shameless but none of us know him in real life. Nobody died, but several objects were very sharp and were very close to killing my Mom, my brother and I.

18 Jul 2024



Had a dream that me my mom and my brother were driving up this mountain in Oregon with a bunch of wildflowers and the driver was going super fast and the road was TINY with only gravel and we crashed twice. Nobody died.

18 Jul 2024



traveling back to the past when I was still very young. In the dream I was thinking that I should get the nicest clothing I can wear to attend a party with my childhood friends

18 Jul 2024



Seeing the eruption of a volcano from the outside of my house. The volcano spewed a lot of purple lava

18 Jul 2024

Sexual Assault
Baby boy


In the year of 2020, I had a dream that the US was nuked, and we had to go into underground bunkers. However, the bunker that I was in only had one other person, a man that I didn’t know. In this dream, the man sexually assaulted me repeatedly, until I ended up pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl. I don’t remember much else of the dream other than that.

18 Jul 2024



I once had a dream that I woke up with a penis… I’m a woman, when I looked down at myself in the dream and I have the body of a man. No breasts, and male genetalia. But, I didn’t feel dysphoria about it. It felt right, just like being a woman feels right.

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