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Dream Interpretation: Army 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Army? Discover the significance of seeing a Army in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Army appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol represents the structure and discipline that will help you overcome the challenges and chaos of life. It also suggests that it's time to incorporate discipline, which will create a foundation for all your future endeavors.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

Harness your energies, discipline your actions and behavior to be ready for the adversity you may face in your waking life. With careful planning and logical actions, you will be able to handle the chaos that may enter your life.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of an army can evoke a range of emotions. It may instill a sense of power, strength, and protection, as armies are often associated with these qualities. On the other hand, it can also bring feelings of fear, anxiety, and vulnerability, as armies can represent conflict and aggression. The emotions experienced in this dream may depend on the context and personal associations one has with armies.





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Dreams of users containing the word Army

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17 Jul 2024



I had a dream where I was in some sort of military base. I couldn’t tell if it was a marine base or an army base. We were in a bay at first just standing at attention, everyone’s faces were blurry but I could tell we were all wearing some sort of uniform. Then we were all practicing marching, when we were done a drill sergeant went “you do it again” and I said “yes drill sergeant” but then he said “not you. Him” so I went back to standing around the “kill zone”. Eventually I somehow realized I was dreaming so I tried to figure out what base it was and I saw a blurry image of the gate. What’s funny about this dream is that years later I joined the military, I went through basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri and the gate I saw in my dream was the Ft Leonard Wood gate, and what happened in my dream ended up happening in real life, all the blurry faced people were the people I went through basic with and the blurried faces drill sergeants were the drill sergeants that were assigned to my platoon aka first platoon, the vipers

28 Jun 2024



Satan showed me a coming crusade that will be happening on my life and they have a army of 4,000. And they are knights and want to face me and my infernal hord. The leader was with the old kings ex friends and they will conspire against me and I am the only one with my troops that are protecting my kingdom as no one will believe me and trust me.

14 Jun 2024



I don’t live in a place where it snows so I assume I was on vacation. Me and my two uncles were playing in snow, I was around 8 or 9 when I had this dream. One of the uncles in the dream I had not seen in a while as he’s in the army and lives across the country the other was my 15 year old uncle that passed away when I was 7. It was a very sentimental dream I ended up having twice.

9 Jun 2024

Family Members


I dreamed that Yuval, a cousin from my father's side who is in the reserves in the army, came to us together with part of the family including my grandparents and Iiti, a cousin from my mother's side who is six years old. Yuval started going crazy, went up to the room of Tomer, my little brother, where Ayiti was alone and tried to shoot him with something like that that releases poison. Everyone immediately went up after him and after they managed to take it from him he sat down on the floor in shock near the room. I immediately came to Ayati who was upset and crying, I picked him up and took him to the living room with all of us while I tried to calm him down. Yuval managed to take it again and threatened us all but we took it again. I said I was calling the police, my father didn't want to because that would mean they would take him to a psychiatrist and I said they should take him because what would happen on the rest of the holidays or if we wanted to meet is dangerous. Yuval wanted my father to address him but he was on the phone so he kicked him and they started a bit of a fight. Finally the police took him away.

7 Jun 2024



I don't remember the whole picture but I remember a moment when I was a military man and I was sitting on a meeting with others before one of us started shooting at us and while others were dead this man started torturing me. And when I ran away while I was bleeding so much he started yelling at me like "what's wrong? Your ass is bleeding and what? Are you scared that much?"

26 May 2024



I’m at school with my service dog and he is kinda not listing pulling and walking around but than he goes into a heel like he should and these teachers come over harassing me and I tell them they are breaking ADA law and to call the cops or leave me alone and one gets in my face so my dog alerts but he jumps so they freak out and he starts to comfort me and students around me are saying he is just being a good boy. But than he runs to this army vet and won’t leave him and I break the leash trying to take the dog. I ask the man if he has a heart condition and he said yes and I said you need to check your heart my dog is alerting very heavy.

26 May 2024



I had a dream I was Brad Pitt in a movie about a journalist who gets embedded with a group of four Artillery crew members in the Army. "How hard could it be?" he says in typical first act Hollywood movie fashion He finds out they are pretty serious about their work, fanatical even. He meets them at a dirt bunker. The artillery blasting away as they train in the heat. He /I see them pack up and head in, singing in unison as they go , about artillery being the king of battle. I see a soldier exit the bunker, and he is quite the character, shirtless and muscular, slick with sweat, he tightens the black straps on his ruck/backpack and I look down and see he's not actually wearing pants, he has on boots and Army green chaps! Lol You sure you're ready for this? His boss asks, "I've been ready. I was ready for this two years ago." Brad Pitts character ends up bonding with them and going into battle with them, forever changed by the experience.

13 May 2024



There was this place where there was a cultural festival going on. My mom was trying to help me get dressed in the bathroom but I was getting pissed. Later, someone I wrote an article for at work, that I spent a lot of time on, said he hated the article. At some point masked people with swords and arrows attacked the school. I kept texting everyone my get away plan of running into the forest, getting into a car and zig zagging on the highway so no one catches up to us and recognizes us (or me, they would be driving their own cars). I had to return since my family didn’t listen. At that point we had all driven off the army of people. But once I was inside, the perimeter holding them off began to start shrinking, indicating they were back. Again I tried to escape to the woods. Then a new group attacked that had control over animals. We had to start killing the animals (not me but others). The chief of the attacking army saw that My father was crying whenever an animal got shot.

7 May 2024



Now I have two dreams, but they do coincide with each other. The first one, I was being chased by zombies. Eventually, I got surrounded. And... I don't know how, but I was able to talk to some of them. And they were able to talk to me. They wanted to rejoin society. And they needed someone to bring their request to the people who were not infected. so that's exactly what I did since I was in the army I brought it to my higher-ups and they were very reluctant at first because these are zombies and they don't really believe that they could change but in time they realized that this could be a good benefit for us so we did. I didn't realize it at the moment but I got promoted because of this. Later on I saw some of the zombies. They were looking more human-like but some of them had skepticism on everything. I talked to one of them and he feels like we are betraying them somehow. I said I would ease his uneasiness and I would find out so I went and talked to some of the higher-ups and it seems like the zombie was right. They were planning on implanting zombies with some microchips. I was able to stop them from implanting the first batch of microchips in their heads. Just barely though. I went to the higher ups and I asked them why they were doing this and they said that it's pretty obvious isn't it. We want to make sure that these zombies are compliant and obey us. I told them look I understand where you're coming from I really do okay if these zombies go berserk and attack us you'd really want some way to stop them trust me I do but these zombies are willingly coming to us and asking to rejoin society there's no need to do this at all. so I was able to convince our higher-ups about this and again they were reluctant but they agreed that they should only do this as a last-measure type of situation. The second part, I don't know how many years or days have gone by, but dealt with someone stealing my father's journal, which had all his ideas and everything. When we went to this new place, we found that some of the ideas that he had was implemented here and was given to someone else. We tried to find this person, and eventually we did, and this person that we met was very nice at first. He told us that he found the journal in the garbage, and when he took it out, he liked the ideas and implemented them at the point, because he was told that the person who read in the journal was missing and I told him that the person was not missing we got sent to a witness protection program we couldn't grab all of our stuff so we explained the situation to the young gentleman and he seemed really nice about it he even gave us some of his business cards and he said that he had it still in his house and he'd bring it in tomorrow. So we left and he stopped me for a little bit to discuss some great ideas and stuff like that to chat with him and then I left. The next day my father and mother got arrested for stealing drugs and a golden bicycle. Since I was in the army I kind of got an immunity to it so they didn't really put me away cuz I wasn't part of it. I was very sad but very curious at the moment I dug deep into it and then I went up to the guy who had the notebook and asked him if I could have it back he said that he doesn't have it at all saying that my parents stole it from him and from there I felt something was off so I don't remember very much after that only thing I remember is that with the military I was able to use my connections to get a more in-depth accurate investigation. I was walking into a room, and I saw him presenting the video of my parents getting arrested and saying that he knew all along I couldn’t take it, and I was able to unplug the cord connected to the projector and I took it with me and I wanted to talk to the higher ups but he followed me because he wanted to make fun of my family more. We eventually got to the investigation room, and I asked them if they found any new evidence to clear my family's name. They said that they found a security video But it doesn't really show who is in the video at all But it shows someone grabbing the golden bicycle And Where the drugs were as well, so I asked them to play the video and as I was watching I saw a glimpse of the notebook Being put into someone's jacket pocket and I told the investigator to rewind it and play it right back slowly and I said, look, there's the notebook that we were looking for. We asked him to go get for us. You can see someone's hand putting it in the jacket pocket. So that shows you who really stole the drugs. Because if you're saying that the drugs were stolen the same day As when he was supposed to give us our notebook back with our ideas and stuff like that, it shows that this young guy right here stole everything and tried to pin it on my family. They saw the video and saw the evidence, the guy then tried to run out and they said security stop him and he didn't get far. They brought him back in and I told them you should have never messed with my family at all. We could have been friends, okay? I have no idea why you would do something like this at all. The investigator then gave me a little gift from what it looked like it was a Tamagotchi and I was given the notebook. As I was heading back to present the notebook to my family, because they were being released to, there was water block in the way. The path was blocked. I waited a little bit and wanted it clear up a little bit for me to cross, but as I was going to cross, I woke up

16 Apr 2024

Video Game


This was about, like, two instances of video game, something like strategy and team management. in the first one I controlled a starship and we had to take out other starships like something like Star Wars maybe I don't know if we hijacked it or something but you could also take out other bigger starships than the others and you could like board them you build your team first like select which type of soldiers would you want and then equip them with stuff that you took from the starships that you took you know like resources and stuff and craft them and then somehow another starship stole our engine source or something like that and we crashed to the earth and then the game like shifted from Star Wars to like I don't know 70s alien invasion earth like CIA army And then we had missions all over the earth. We had to also build like an army and then board trains like high-speed trains, armored trains to Siberia, going through the Arctic to Europe and basically fight the aliens each section. While also at the same time crafting new things, getting resources and equipping new soldiers with those said resources to get a bigger army to fight bigger alien armies.

13 Apr 2024

Kill Someone
Running away


In my dream I was part of the special forces of the army and we were in this house having to protect ourselves from an oncoming attack and we did so successfully. We had to kill some people and I also heard a story of a guy saying that he had to run away from the attackers and he got awarded for that because he survived

9 Apr 2024



I was in a house with a man, someone I think I felt safe with, not too sure what happened in the house. I remember hopping on the back of a army truck with a group of people, my mother was driving it and we end up getting to a point where everyone needs to get checked before moving on and alarms start going off as someone in the car, the person was an old friend named Imogen who I haven't spoken to since Meredith left me was someone in hiding, I apologize to mum because I need to just off the truck with Imogen and make sure I keep her safe so we run off. We find some water dive in to the very bottom and hold our breath for a while until it is safe and resurface. Once we resurfaced we made our way to a safe area for all factions that was a long the beach side. Once we got there I saw people of many colours, they all had a tattoo that represented their faction, they also had smeared on them war paint but each person has it in different areas of their body which represented where they were from on the map. I cannot remember any more of the dream at this point. If I do I will update.

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