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Dream Interpretation: Gorilla 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Gorilla? Discover the significance of seeing a Gorilla in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Gorilla appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

A gorilla in a dream represents strength, power, and dominance. It may also symbolize your primal instincts and urges. Alternatively, it could indicate that you are feeling threatened or intimidated by someone or something in your waking life.

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🧭 Direction


Think about the context of the dream and how the gorilla was behaving. Were you afraid of it or did you feel a connection with it? If you were afraid, it may be a sign that you need to confront your fears and stand up for yourself. If you felt a connection, it could be a message to tap into your inner strength and assertiveness. Either way, the dream is urging you to take control of your life and not let others intimidate you.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a gorilla may evoke feelings of fear, power, and dominance. Seeing a gorilla in a dream can symbolize the presence of a strong and intimidating force in your life. It may also represent your own primal instincts and the need to assert yourself in certain situations. The gorilla's size and strength can create a sense of vulnerability and unease, reflecting the need to confront and overcome challenges. This dream may also suggest the importance of establishing boundaries and asserting your authority in order to protect yourself and maintain control in various aspects of your life.





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8 Jul 2024



My dream was of a soccer match where Italy was playing England in Italy. The game was going back-and-forth, the Italian friends were chanting like crazy but the game ended up in a tie. Either way the but fans seemed to enjoy the game. After the game finished, there was a finale performance, the stadium transformed into a tall house and me and many of the other fans were in this big living room. as the performance was going on there was a point where the the lady performing turned into this big gorilla that had a bunch of bananas and selected me to be the special guest by putting a banana in my mouth. as the banana was in my mouth, the gorilla/performer was asking me questions that I wasn’t able to answer because the bananas in my mouth and so I would just be making noises and everyone would be laughing and I was fine with that. Gradually, the questions again began to become more serious, asking me personal questions about my relationship with myself. They were asking me questions about if I was holding anything back from myself. Anything that I was keeping inside myself that I wasn’t allowing to be expressed outwardly, and honestly I couldn’t think of anything. I don’t think I have anything that I’m holding within me that I should be releasing out. The performing gorilla asked me if there’s anything scary about myself that I found that I want to share and yet again, I honestly couldn’t find anything. dream transition to me looking at myself in the mirror. As I begin looking at myself in the mirror, I started to split from myself, so it was as the awareness of myself removed itself from my body and what was left was that awareness looking at my body in the reflection. My awareness was being touched by my physical body, and then my physical body trying to attack my awareness by sucking itself into me. I was stronger than my physical body and pinned my physical body down my. in the dream I was confused because I didn’t know which part of me was the good Jantzen. The good Jantzen which was the awareness or was it the body I was pinning down. I was conflicted and I didn’t like having to fight myself.

8 Jul 2024



My dream was of a soccer match where Italy was playing England in Italy. The game was going back-and-forth, the Italian friends were chanting like crazy but the game ended up in a tie. Either way the but fans seemed to enjoy the game. After the game finished, there was a finale performance, the stadium transformed into a tall house and me and many of the other fans were in this big living room. as the performance was going on there was a point where the the lady performing turned into this big gorilla that had a bunch of bananas and selected me to be the special guest by putting a banana in my mouth. as the banana was in my mouth, the gorilla/performer was asking me questions that I wasn’t able to answer because the bananas in my mouth and so I would just be making noises and everyone would be laughing and I was fine with that. Gradually, the questions again began to become more serious, asking me personal questions about my relationship with myself. They were asking me questions about if I was holding anything back from myself. Anything that I was keeping inside myself that I wasn’t allowing to be expressed outwardly, and honestly I couldn’t think of anything. I don’t think I have anything that I’m holding within me that I should be releasing out. The performing gorilla asked me if there’s anything scary about myself that I found that I want to share and yet again, I honestly couldn’t find anything. dream transition to me looking at myself in the mirror. As I begin looking at myself in the mirror, I started to split from myself, so it was as the awareness of myself removed itself from my body and what was left was that awareness looking at my body in the reflection. My awareness was being touched by my physical body, and then my physical body trying to attack my awareness by sucking itself into me. I was stronger than my physical body and pinned my physical body down my. in the dream I was confused because I didn’t know which part of me was the good Jantzen. The good Jantzen which was the awareness or was it the body I was pinning down. I was conflicted and I didn’t like having to fight myself.

28 Jun 2024



I am getting a pet alligator. I am trying to pick one out from a forest but it’s hard to find one. There are also gorillas in the forest

15 Jun 2024



A gorilla attacking my house and garage, he was really big and angry. He was bigger than the garage!

7 Jun 2024



People started invading my family beach house location where me and my tribe lived, slowly and slowly more and more people come on boats so I tried to be friend one who was the daughter of the leader of the other tribe and we found hidden gold in an cave on top of a mountain until the other tribe found out about it so we went to war and they took over my friend from school was one of the invaders they had gorillas and planes and these little blue bomb things and all sorts of stuff trying to get us until we come to an agreement to give them the gold that we were trying to get out before hand we were send the gold down caves and there’s was like a work office on top of the mountain where the hidden gold started but they didn’t know there was a lot more so they left with some of the people that were in my tribe and then I woke up

18 Mar 2024



I dreamt that there was a soldier trapping a dangerous gorilla but the gorilla ripped through a wall of the encloser and found a handheld drill and stabbed the soldier with it then ripped him in half

12 Mar 2024



dreamt of my old apartment and was dating a gorilla but was scared of it, then my apartment turned into more layers and was huge. The upstairs had an upstairs and was big like a school. My coworkers were there too. We had a party and I was exploring the different hallways. I dreamt of my job too.

6 Feb 2024



I shot something up my veins after some friends died and I got sent to a hospital and then that hospital sent me to a special hospital and there were gorillas there and I got diagnosed with apes disease and got sent to a special facility to be used as scientific purposes

30 Dec 2023



My mom took my friend, brothers, and I to a symphony. While everyone was getting settled, I took a moment to stand at the edge of the stage and just admire the setup. Without thinking, I took a hit from my vape and immediately felt everyone's eyes on me. Embarrased, I went to sit in my seat. My mom leaned over and said that there was a no smoking policy. As the concert started many of the audience members pulled out their own instruments from under their chairs. I was shocked because nobody had tonld me this symphony was interactive. Both my brothers pulled out trombones, even though my youngest brother doesn't know how to play at all. I felt very left out and again embarrassed that I didn't have my trumpet. I sat for a bit listening to the music, but many of the audience members were playing badly. I sounded like middle school band practice, not a beautiful symphony. I got up to find where my friend had wandered off to. She was in an alcove past the sage. She'd found some extra chairs and was sitting, playing on her phone, and hitting her own vape. I sat beside her and hit my vape. We began joking about how bad everyone sounded and how our high school band sounded better than this. Eventually the concert ended. My friend went home and my mom took us to an air bnb that had its own exotic animal enclosures. There was a gorilla, and some wolves. Also some regular house cats. Apparently all the animals were friendly and we could interact with them. My mom thought it would be fun to bring them all out to the big play enclosure together but i thought it would be a bad idea. The owners of the air bnb had left a note saying to keep the animals separated, but mom said it should be fine if their all friendly. I was petting one of the orange and white tabbys in the play enclosure when the gorrilla came bounding out. I was terrified. I became even more terrified when my mom brought the wolves out. I wasn't afraid of the wolves themselves because I love wolves and k ow how to interactwith them, but I was afraid of them fighting with the gorilla and hurting each other or us in the process. But thankfully they were all okay with each other. The gorilla decided to go inside the house and grabbed some celery from the counter and sat down for a snack. I stayed outside with the wolves and cats for a bit before going in. I wanted to go to my room but the gorilla was blocking the way. I was nervous getting close to it because it was so massive. Even though the owners said she was friendly, I knew better than to let my guard down around any wild animal even if it was tamed. They could still be unpredictable. I inched my way around the gorilla to get to my door, but before I could enter the room it grabbed my arm. It was a gentle grab, but it still scared me. I stood still for a moment, before asking what it wanted. She then pulled me into a big hug and gently patted my head. I was a bit shocked but it wasn't as scary as I thought. I actually sank into it and hugged the gorilla back. It was a little stinky but not as stinky as I though it would be. Eventually the gorilla released me from the hug and I wasn't so afraid anymore. Then I woke up.

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