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Dream Interpretation: Peanut 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Peanut? Discover the significance of seeing a Peanut in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Peanut appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Peanuts in a dream symbolize small gains or rewards. It may also represent your frugality and resourcefulness. Alternatively, it may indicate a need to take small steps towards your goals.

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🧭 Direction


Think about the small achievements you have made recently. Celebrate them and use them as motivation to keep moving forward. Don't underestimate the power of small steps towards your goals. Keep being resourceful and frugal, but also be open to opportunities for growth and expansion.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about peanuts may evoke feelings of curiosity and intrigue. It could symbolize a sense of discovery and exploration, as peanuts are often associated with cracking open shells to reveal hidden treasures. This dream may also bring about a sense of satisfaction and enjoyment, as peanuts are a popular snack that can be enjoyed in various forms. Overall, this dream may leave you with a sense of wonder and excitement, as you unravel the symbolic meaning behind the peanuts and delve into the depths of your subconscious mind.





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10 Jul 2024

Car Crash


In my dream I was involved in a finder binder with a city worker. I was on the phone when it happened. When I got out, I looked at the front of my vehicle to see if there was any damage. There was no damage. When I walked over to the city worker to check on them to see if they were okay, the vehicle they were in, which was a truck, was laying on its side. I asked them, are you okay? And they said yes and they got out the vehicle. The city worker was very nice and I remember thinking we have to wait for the police. Well, while we were waiting, there was a store right there for us to go inside. So we went into the store and I was thinking I was hungry. So I wanted to order or I wanted to get something to eat. They didn't have very much food in there for us to order food. I did notice that the store looks like a home, like someone's home and it was very clean. However, they had bananas and you can order a peanut butter toast with bananas. I ordered the peanut butter toast with bananas and This city worker that was involved in a crash with me also ordered peanut butter toast with bananas. I also noticed that the city worker was very friendly and social. Well, he knew the worker in the store also because he knew the area. We were getting ready to leave out the store and somehow I dropped my peanut butter toast with bananas. I had to go back and reorder another peanut butter toast with bananas. So I sat there and I reordered another peanut butter toast with bananas, but for some reason it took the lady a little longer to make it. Like it wasn't cooking fast enough or it didn't soften fast enough. And while I was waiting, the lady decided to tell me that she was over the age of 75 and didn't experience menopause and when I looked at her her face was very smooth and clear and she looked healthy for being over the age of 75 and she was basically telling me that she was a part of a group of women who also didn't experience menopause or suffer through menopause and wanted to give me some health tips.

24 Jun 2024



In waking-life I have only daughters. In my dream I was taking my youngest two daughters to a modelling agency, to see if I could get them signed. The girls were dressed impeccably, with their hair in golden curls and they were behaving demurely and politely. They modelling agency was in an old building, very elegant and refined with polished wood and antique furniture. The women working at the agency were also impeccably dressed and coiffured. There was soft classical music playing. The whole atmosphere was of quiet refinement. All of a sudden there was an electric guitar riff that shrieked through my dream, and my heart sank as I knew what was coming - I knew it was my sons (that I don't have in waking life.) From around the corner on the street outside, a double pram careened on two wheels, and raced towards me. Nobody was pushing it, it was propelled by the raw energy of the two toddler boys strapped into the side-by-side seats. They were laughing uproariously, spraying potato chips and drinks out of the pram as they sped towards the agency. They were sticky with peanut butter and other food, their hair was standing up, and they were pure wild energy. I thought "thank goodness theyre strapped in" and was relieved to see that the pram was too wide to fit through the modelling agency doors. I felt no shame of my sons, I was proud of them, but glad they wouldn't be able to destroy the serene environment, that it was safe from their wildness. I turned to the women running the agency, and with great dignity and a genuine smile, I gestured to these wild creatures outside the door and said " ...and these are my boys." They nodded mutely, aghast. I woke up laughing.

7 May 2024

Waking up


I had a dream last night about making a fried banana and peanut butter sandwich to eat. I was also in paralysis I couldn’t move when I was trying to wake up. I didn’t eat the sandwiches but I was definitely preparing it. I kept hearing something that’s why I was trying to wake up. I kept hearing like some kind of repetitive noise. I’m not sure what it was, but some kind of repetitive noise to wake me up.

31 Mar 2024



I had a dream I was hatching an egg and it turned out to be a baby crocodile. Everyone told me to let it die because it would be dangerous but I wanted it to live so I was trying to figure out how to feed it so it wouldn’t starve to death. I fed it but it started growing really fast. And I realized that it’s teeth were really big and if ur bit me it would be really bad. I was in my childhood house so I told my family to try to stay away from it and we were trying to hide so it didn’t get us. I put down some peanut butter to distract it but it would come back after it ate and go through the cracks in doors and I couldn’t keep it away

29 Feb 2024

High School


In the dream I am curious as how my art is doing and so I open a door in my house and see the art represented as a glowing hall of pure white light. There is a fire alarm in the building I live so everyone has to go. Me and my friend Charlie sit in a fancy restaurant waiting for the alarm to finish. She is reading a newspaper article written by our friend Sophie that says ‘I can see you right now.’ We look up and see Sophie across the restaurant from us staring back. We walk back to the building as the fire alarm seems to be over but then one of my university lecturers with a peanut allergy says it’s not time. People from my old high school are here, the jocks. They suggest to play a game, at first football is suggested and then ‘rugger’ of which I have no interest. Me, Charlie, and Sophie seem to be engaged in a different game involving crossing the street with the traffic lights. It has been set up by the university. Eventually everyone ends up on one part of the road with a wall around it like we’re fenced in and trapped.

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