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Dream Interpretation: Octopus 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Octopus? Discover the significance of seeing a Octopus in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Octopus appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

An octopus in a dream represents a situation or person that is overwhelming and difficult to handle. It may also symbolize a feeling of being trapped or entangled in a situation. The octopus can also represent adaptability and flexibility, as it has the ability to change its shape and color to blend in with its surroundings.

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🧭 Direction


Think about the situations or people in your life that may be overwhelming or difficult to handle. Are you feeling trapped or entangled in a situation? Consider ways to adapt and be flexible in order to better handle these challenges. It may also be helpful to seek support from others who can offer guidance and assistance.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of an octopus can evoke a mix of emotions. It may bring feelings of curiosity and intrigue due to the mysterious nature of the creature. The sight of an octopus can also elicit a sense of awe and wonder, as it represents intelligence and adaptability. However, the dream may also induce a sense of fear or unease, as the octopus is often associated with unpredictability and the unknown. Overall, the dream of an octopus can leave one with a sense of fascination and a desire to explore the depths of their subconscious mind.





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Dreams of users containing the word Octopus

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24 Jun 2024

Black Hole


I was playing a black hole game. The game was the players jumped into a black hole and went to a different universe, completed a mission and repeated the objective. After I played a few rounds, I was in my old house again. The people I love with were all there. I went into my brother’s old room and found our cat on his bed. Then, my sisters son came looking for his ball with a giant octopus. I gave him the ball and when I walked out of the room, everything faded out as I woke up.

10 Jun 2024



My finance and me were at this pool but at first it looked like we were in this rocky beach with rustic rocks and an ocean as far as the eye could see. I even took pictures of where we were at. Further beyond were we could swim was an octopus in the water but it wasn’t a threat to anyone. On the left of me was a waterfall. My finance said let’s swim but I told her that she knows I can’t swim and I don’t know how deep the floor is plus the tides were heavy. My finance jumps in the water and says “look it’s not deep, I can stand”. The water then gracefully disappears and you can see the floor, it’s a pool but the rest of the area still has water and the octopus is still in the water but it’s further away from where people could swim. I then walk over to the waterfall area, there’s not that much water falling anymore but enough to rinse your hands. Then I wake up.

5 Jun 2024



Me and my dad are staying at some kind of hotel or resort. In the room we are staying at, there are several different kinds of snakes scattered all over the room. For some reason, we are not frightened by this. I am only mildly uncomfortable. Most of the snake species we see are non venemous. There are only two venemous snake species we see at first (copperhead and water moccasin). One night while my dad is sleeping, there are two non venemous species on the bed. (Brown dekay and eastern king) Suddenly, a copperhead appears and bites him. I am frightened by this and try to walk my dad to a medical place because he got bit by a venemous species. Immediately, my dad starts showing signs of poisoning as he can’t walk straight and walks directly into objects. I think that due to this, he needs medical attention immediately and call 911. When the paramedics arrive, it turns out that he had high blood sugar and low blood pressure which I noted don’t make sense together. Apparently, these problems were not caused by the venom. He does not go to the hospital and I am worried as the snake bite is still unaddressed. My dad is not worried though and trusts the paramedics. Due to my worry, I try to post on a Facebook group that my dad was bit by a copperhead and it’s not being taken seriously. For some reason, I do not go through with the post. I am scared to go back in the room as I am now more frightened of the venemous species’ than before. I note that I do not hate the copperhead and acknowledge that it only wanted personal space but that its venom is very harmful. Later that day, I notice that there are snakes all over the resort and see the tails of rattlesnakes hidden in corners. My fear increases as rattlesnakes are far more venomous and dangerous than copperheads. I end up going outside as I am no longer comfortable being inside with all the snakes. There is a beach directly outside the resort. When I got in the water, I noticed that there were several blue ring octopi I was touching. Blue ringed octopi are extremely venemous and fatal but are not native to where I’m from. I get scared by the contact, but when I go seek medical attention, I am brought to this class that would help medical professionals identify who was having an emergency. In the class, we are instructed to check our vitals such as our heart rates and oxygen levels. I note than when I check my pulse, it feels weak and feels like it’s getting weaker. I think my oxygen level is also getting lower, but I wake up before I am able to check it.

24 May 2024

Evil spirits


The world was over run by animals turned monster, some were bigger than buildings, one of those broke down the house I was in twice. Later on, I walked through the forest and saw a bunch of different creatures, finding a boat. I spent a few nights on it with the people that owned it. When I arrived at a small house that was halfway underwater I saw two people inside with me and told them to pull their legs up from the water, as they did so a octopus swam out from under us. There was also a small ball looking thing, and I remembered the sentence "you cam always tell if they're evil from their eyes." And the ball creature looked angry and the guy I was walking with tried to kill it, but I picked it up with a plastic bag and saw two humanoid tiger-like creatures with a stroller so I ran past, put the ball thing in it, they said thanks and I went on with my day. At the very end I walked through the city and went to sleep on the porch of a house, with the thought that if i make myself small, the big creatures won't see me and the others might think I'm sixk and leave me alone. At the start, I knew nothing about the creatures, but in the end, I knew a lot about them and how to not get eaten.

17 Apr 2024



A strawberry deep under water where light couldn't reach turned into a rose and then grew tentacles and an octopus emerged from the rose.

5 Apr 2024



One day when I was a little girl in my dream, my father took me an aquarium. We sat down to eat and this black octopus with red eyes was staring back at me. At first I did not pay any attention to it. When we left the black octopus escaped its enclosure and followed me home through the pipes in the sewers. So when I got home I sat on the toilet to use to bathroom and right beside me in the bathtub was the black octopus staring back at me. I ran to a different bathroom in the house, and there it was again waiting for me. No matter where I ran too the beast followed. So one day I decided to have my father take me back to the zoo believing it would follow me, and it did. The octopus swam back inside his enclosure, but when I left again it followed me again. That’s when I woke up.

4 Apr 2024



I can’t remember how my dream started, but I know it had something to do with my grandparents house, the scientist guy from “The Simpsons,” and a black hole. I think the scientist was talking about black holes in my grandparents house. Anyway, in my dream, my mom, dad, sister, and I were all at this buffet mixed with a sit-down restaurant. We were talking and having a great time, when one of my friends came out of nowhere and started talking to us. She convinced my sister and I to go to a nearby store, and my dad went with us to make sure that we were safe. Once we got to the store, I noticed an invisible barrier around it and started freaking out. As it turns out, it wasn’t invisible barrier, it was just glass. Glass so clear and clean that I couldn’t see it. Once I got into the store, my dad disappeared and was replaced by another male shopper. Dream me failed to notice that though, she was too busy looking at what the store had. Meanwhile, my friend and the random shopper tried on some animal masks. As I was walking around, I found the ‘Anime’ section of the store. (Anime is another word for Japanese cartoons.) I saw that this section of the store had a membership option. I looked at the membership rules and saw how strict they were. The rules said that I could only watch certain animes and then listed the ones that I got to choose from. I decided to leave after reading the rules and went looking for my friend, but I couldn’t find her. That’s when I noticed two dolls in plastic wrap by the front register. They looked eerily similar to my friend and that random male shopper. They even had the masks that the two of them were wearing. Then, I heard a baby cry in the employee lounge of the store. It caught my sister’s attention too. Before anything else happened, my dream cut back to my mom, who was still at the restaurant. Everyone’s orders had arrived at this point, and she was playing with her food. Somehow, she created a black hole while playing with her food, and the scientist guy from The Simpsons started talking to her. He was like: “Don’t worry, this isn’t a real black hole. It may look like one, but it’s actually a worm hole. So, if it reaches critical mass and pulls us in, none of us would die.” Then, the black wormhole starts engulfing the Earth. It transports Earth to an alternate universe, which changes our reality. The biggest and most common change were people turning into animal hybrids. There was this surfer guy who turned part octopus. There was this young farm boy who turned into a goat person. It was weird. Anyway, dream me failed to notice what happened, and instead went into the employee’s lounge to see what was going on. Before I could get inside the room though, the cashier yelled at me, and I ran out of the store in fright. I ran into a random neighborhood and finally realized that my reality had been altered. I find the scientist guy from The Simpsons and run up to him. I tell him how I think the store I was at was turning customers into products and selling them to other customers. He told me that he couldn’t focus on that right now because he needed to find a way to fix everything. Shortly after saying that, he fixes everything and makes a documentary about the incident. It showed what the experience was like for both universes. While I watch the documentary, everything slowly goes back to normal. I teleport to my house, my family fades into existence, and we all sit down on the couch. Now that everything is back to normal, dream me feels safe and happy. (And then, my dream ended and I woke up.)

29 Mar 2024

Fish tank


All I can remember is I was in a fish tank. I had to get out because all the octopus and fish that stick to the tank were on me. When I got out I had stings all over my body.

20 Mar 2024



I seemed to be jumping between home and Chippenham again as well as Southampton maybe? There was a girl which could have been my girlfriend but I did not recognise her as my girlfriend. I really wanted to take her out. Next thing I know this girl is turning into an octopus as a sign of labour? I could also float

8 Feb 2024



The skies are Grey and an old dirty lady grabs me from a bush with octopus arms and reveals she is naked with great big boobs and wants sex right now so I give it to her even though sh needs a bath.

28 Jan 2024



I awoke to five guys in my room, giving us a presentation from what they’ve learned. They also had a golden retriever. I had to give a presentation too on a book report, where there were people who you wanted to be on your side, cheering with you, in all manner of joy. We were seated on a couch in an Apple vineyard, right across from a stadium/ bar they were smoking a blunt and we had a roach on the couch. The book said Purpose with us, prophesy with us. There were very convoluted idioms and sayings that I couldn’t decipher, but also things about supply and demand, and really good edm songs. In another scene we were in a tank of water, a parade was walking through a massive pool on top of giant creatures that were our floats, and there were women dressed as influential women from another time, elk was there parading for indigenous people. At one point, one of them gets attacked by a shark in the pool, and the parade continues but sadly. Later we find ourselves in a shark tank for intimately. A few of us are swimming in this oasis, and we hop over a log because we see an octopus, we want to get closer. It retreats and we all swim in further, until I see a shark and call everyone to get out. We make it back to a hallway with doors to block the sharks from getting in, I’ll draw them out. It was very specific the vibes in which I had to close the door. In another part, I was outside on a nice street by my hotel. A bird flew onto a tree in front of me with a pretty pink head. Meanwhile a guy talked to be and Danielle about how he went to ccbc in the past, but he had dated Danielle. I bought a bunch of warm, honestly hot valentines fabrics from a banker with a briefcase. Inside the hotel I walked straight in like I owned the place, but almost felt out of place. I couldn’t find my key once I got into the elevator and an elderly man helped me up, I rode with him on a cart, he was kind of touchy tbh, and the hotel hallways went in all directions. I saw my friend Slava and we were going to hang out and I went to hug him and he nearly pushed me off and said not to touch him. We all sat down at these casino machines and were connected to a game like Tetris. Reed was around the corner and that was nice, I was kind of put off from not being able to hug him ig. I don’t know if this was the same time, but I was also in a larger casino with Hans and little Jamie. We were playing baccarat with dad and Reed, and little Jamie was seated for the game. Edm was being marketed, and there was a gym we worked out in. I also want to mention stairs descending which were processing the waste from israel, they would spin in a manner like a grate, and the waste was like oil. It went all the way down to an industrial area of the hotel, and I have one last thing to decipher. My grandparents, Jan and Mike were giving me some kind of birthday gift and birthday cake. I wish I remembered what the details were. There was a door like a little closet, and the room was small like a hallway. The kitchen was behind him, and there was a tv with a little living room and big Jamie watching a game. I remember speaking with him, but none of what I said.

3 Jan 2024



I had a dream where I had met Selena Gomez and this isn’t my first time meeting her in a dream there was pictures from a different dream a long time ago and she had invited me to a event but then we had went to my house I was gonna cook but a octopus started eating the rest of the meat that was there for me to cook when I originally thought it was dead so I told my mom and she said sometimes they forget to actually kill the octopus and she will take care of it then we were on a train to twins were after me but they couldn’t get me so one of them ended up killing themselves by slicing their throat and I screamed myself awake

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