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Dream Interpretation: Parrot 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Parrot? Discover the significance of seeing a Parrot in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Parrot appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

A parrot in a dream symbolizes communication, imitation, and repetition. It may indicate that you are repeating someone else's words or ideas without truly understanding them. Alternatively, it may represent gossip or someone who talks too much.

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🧭 Direction


Think about the conversations you have had recently. Are you truly listening and understanding what others are saying, or are you just repeating what you have heard? If you are gossiping or talking too much, it may be time to practice active listening and think before you speak.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about a parrot may evoke feelings of curiosity and fascination. It symbolizes communication, intelligence, and adaptability. This dream may bring a sense of joy and playfulness, as parrots are often associated with their vibrant colors and ability to mimic speech. It may also signify the need for self-expression and the desire to be heard. Overall, this dream can leave a person feeling intrigued and inspired by the parrot's unique qualities.





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Dreams of users containing the word Parrot

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15 Jul 2024



I was at a hotel with people and I couldn’t find them so I went to the hotel bar and no one was in there but there was music playing and a parrot was flying around super close to me so I reached out my hand and the parrot landed on me and I started spinning in a circle

13 Jul 2024

Living Room


I walked out of my bedroom into the living room of the house I live at, to find our parrot out of his cage, he’s aggressive so we don’t let him out unless we have all the proper equipment. I called for the other members of the household but nobody was home. Our parrot, Loki, started to fly around my head and I got scared so I sat down on the floor and just stared up at him watching him fly around me in circles.

27 Jun 2024

Running away


i had a dream that we was in the school but it kinda look like a charter school and we was in there just doing stuff and then a practice lock down happen and then a actual happens and we all had to run out bc the person was coming to us. Then my dream switched to this place it was like a place with a lot of people and markets and i was in this Asian market just shopping around and it was a guy i saw and he switched in between realms like it was a ghost realm and i switched too and i saw more people but they was ghost just shopping casually. So then i shopped around and left and i teleported home I HAD A PET DOG Chihuahua AND A PARROT And in my dreams they was so close to me and i was in my regular room so i was basically taking care of them and in my dream i was sleep so i went to sleep with my dog and he was so close we fell asleep together and i was holding my parrot too and then i woke up in my dream AND MY PARROT WAS GONE I WAS LIKE WHERE TF IS MY PARROT OMG AND THEN I WAS SEARCHING EVERYWHERE UNDER THE BED AND STUFF IM LIKE NOOOOO and my mom came in was like she was on the bed with you i don’t know. but then i searched it up and everything like my parrot disappeared what does that mean help and i finally got some help and was like parrot must’ve went outside to build they own nest and then i realized it was a small nest at my window but my window was closed so i hurried up and open my window to wait for her and then i saw her just flying around and it was another parrot it was blue and i was screaming from out my window PARROTTTTT with my one finger out so they can go on my finger. But anyways the blue parrot came and came inside my home and then my bby came i felt so connected to it and she came inside too and she was sniffing out the other parrot and stuff but the blue parrot wanted to leave so i just let it go, AND I WAS SO HAPPY MY PARROT CAME BACK I WAS PETTING HER AND EVERYTHING AND SHE WAS LAUGHING AND SO HAPPY, AND THEN I THINK I WAS GIVING HER STUFF TO DRINK AND THE PARROT TURNED INTO A HUMAN BUT I PAID NO MIND AND GAVE THEM FIRES AND JUICE AND WATER.

14 May 2024



I was at my grandma's place and I was eating flowers, then I heard a chicken act like a parrot and talk, saying something inappropriate, and everything in the garden looked really old and aged.

12 May 2024



Saw white tunnel with greyish white opening and a beautiful colorful vibrate parrot fluttering its wings and looking at me with only its head. His body was sideways and he was off in the distance. As if to say follow me. I woke up, then went back to sleep, and run down the tunnel, shrunk down to size and hopped on to the parrots back and we took flight out of the tunnel. We flew down into the forest weaving through trees. Then we flew back up past mountains in the distance. The mountains were like in a painting grayish in color and black. It was like we were in another country. We flow through the clouds wings spread and sideways as if slicing through them. Then down and into someones house where I saw a black dog that seemed to be the only one to notice me. He looked confused as if how if I get in here out of thin air. Then views changed to stuff I have to do for work.

12 Apr 2024

Lucid Dreaming


My dream started in a parking garage where I walked to the staircase and found myself in an open area with a table that had a red parrot. The parrot and I were working on doing some math and I would feed it food for it to bite and eat. The dream transitioned to me being in my bed. I woke up from a noise that I heard and started having a weird feeling. I noticed A light that was coming from a bedside table and realized that was coming from my phone's flashlight. It was strange because I didn't do anything for it to go on. I woke up pretty discombobulated to turn off my phone and stumbled to pick it up. On the way, I hit a water bottle and spilled water on the floor, but eventually got to my phone and tried to figure out who texted me for the light to come on, but my phone was at 1% and it was broken. When I got up I felt very discombobulated. I was stumbling around. I couldn't see well. Things were glitching in and out and I knew that I wanted some help for my mom. So I walked out my door, saw my dog trying to help me out and as I headed to my parents room I realized I wasn't with my mom. It was my dad and my stepmom. I was a little disappointed but also surprised that I thought that my mom was here because I wasn't staying at my mom's house. I walked back to my room to go to the bathroom and my cousin came in, Alex. At this point, I was like, Alex, why are you here? And realized, oh, this is a dream. And then my dream changed to becoming lucid. Unfortunately it didn't last long, Alex looked at me kind of strange when I ask him what he's doing here. He, unfortunately, took this as a sign to leave, turned his head, and started hobbling out of my room, and as he walked or hobbled each step, his back started to hunch more and more. I realized that this was a dream, and all of a sudden, I spiraled back to being awake in real life.

1 Apr 2024



I was babysitting a dog, however this dog was intelligent. After a while I could teach it phrases and actions like a parrot and I could have it repeat English words back to me.

28 Mar 2024



Last night I dreamt i had a very intelligent talking parrot

11 Feb 2024



I was some kind of bird flying around an international city with 2 other parrots, one a white male and the other a blue or red female. We were trying to find a way to escape this city possiblly to find more birds like us or to find our actual home, not really sure. I remember a few times I was struggling to fly because if I was too high I would lose focus and almost fall into the canal below us, but when I didn't concentrate too much about flying I was able to fly back up with the others.

5 Nov 2023

Having twins


We were walking down the street in the town I live in. I walked passed these cute little apartments that had like a sun room where all the beds were. The apartment was basically one big room and each person paid $300 to live there. I went inside and started asking questions. I wanted to rent a space out, then rent mine out and then build some to make money. My boyfriend showed up to look at them. He wanted to fix something on it. I said ok you fix that and I will go explore. When I left I turned on a Different street, which turned into a different country. It was darker and there was a ton of Indonesian looking people as well as Africans. It was dark but hot. The street was very narrow and it was rocks. On either side of the street it slopes up high with rocks. Up the hills on both sides were little tents people had been selling things out of. I went up to one to get out of the sun. There was a weird little creature perched up on the wall. It was a girl that was pig like, parrot like and human like. I can’t remember her name. But the man working the stand owned her. I was very intrigued with this creature so I wanted to know all about her. I started talking to her and she couldn’t speak. She seemed unsteady and fell off this wall. The man picked her up and put her in a chair. When he did that she grew bigger. She had a very fat belly, blonde hair with dark roots, a pig nose, and her arms were basically like wings. I suggested they color her hair to match her wings. She started talking to me. I don’t recall much that she said. But she fell backwards out of the chair again. When she did fell she hit her knee on a sharp rock. She was almost a full human now. She yelled at me to get Angelo. I turned and didn’t know who Angelo was, so I grabbed the nearest man standing there. It was a black man who had twin babies. He placed them on the chair to come and help her. When we got back to her. She had flipped herself back up and onto the chair and was just waiting for us. He was very angry and seemed like she had did it before to him. He got a little upset at me because I came to get him. I noticed her hands again so I wanted to check them out. I put my hands out to grab hers. She moved them around in a mythical way and finally stopped so I could look. I seemed so nervous. I was shaking as I was checking her hands out. She felt very cold and very heavy. I touched her hands for a very brief moment while I was shaking and very nervous. She pulled her hands back and started moving them in a strange way again and was talking to me. I don’t recall what she said but then I woke up.

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