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Dream Interpretation: Crocodile ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Crocodile? Discover the significance of seeing a Crocodile in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Crocodile appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This symbolizes dishonesty, adverse impact, deceit, and danger. It suggests that someone in your close premises is cleverly hiding their emotions and are waiting for an opportunity to strike. It also means that you may face some unexpected situation in your waking life soon.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction

Bad omen

Examine those around you. Pay attention and find out who cares for you and have any sincere feeling towards you. Do not be deceived or fooled by anyone. Be attentive and protect yourself and your assets from being used by others. Humans are capable of doing more harm than you can actually imagine. So be vigilant and protect yourself.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of a crocodile may evoke feelings of fear, danger, and vulnerability. This powerful symbol represents hidden threats or aggression lurking beneath the surface. It may suggest a need to be cautious and alert in waking life, as well as a reminder to confront and overcome challenges. The presence of a crocodile in a dream can also symbolize a need for self-protection and the importance of setting boundaries. Overall, this dream may leave one feeling unsettled and aware of potential dangers in their surroundings.





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5 Jul 2024



Ok so I was on a playground and my cousin was telling me there a crocodile down there so I rann pass it with my two brother and cousin ran with me as the crocodile chase us and I let my cousin and brother and dogs in and then my cousin and then the dogs were outside waiting for me to let them in and I woke up

29 May 2024



I was in a big huge house me and I want to say still living family were watching TV talking rough housing lots of different toys I cant exactly recall but I remember at some I was running from a crocodile and it followed me up some pretty dark stairs to a messy room random differ clothing all on the floor but there was some heavy comforter covers on the floor I got under before the crocodile got in the door way I laid there peeking out barely uderneath and the crocodile literally laid right in the doorway soon I woke up

27 May 2024



I was standing at a place. There was a man and a crocodile. The crocodile was not moving. The man was demonstrating something. He gave some food the crocodile and it became wild. It tried ro bite me, but bite my pant. I was hanging on ceiling. Me and that man was a team. We were preparing to attack. The crocodile was our best weapon.

13 May 2024



Cakes chocolate and strawberry also a crocodile dying on a sofa

2 May 2024



i was sitting down at this park with my family talking about college and all of a sudden a pink crocodile comes out of the ground. it tries to bite me a first time but then my dad moves it and me. then it tries again but this time iโ€™m frozen still and can not move even though iโ€™m trying to

31 Mar 2024



I had a dream I was hatching an egg and it turned out to be a baby crocodile. Everyone told me to let it die because it would be dangerous but I wanted it to live so I was trying to figure out how to feed it so it wouldnโ€™t starve to death. I fed it but it started growing really fast. And I realized that itโ€™s teeth were really big and if ur bit me it would be really bad. I was in my childhood house so I told my family to try to stay away from it and we were trying to hide so it didnโ€™t get us. I put down some peanut butter to distract it but it would come back after it ate and go through the cracks in doors and I couldnโ€™t keep it away

29 Mar 2024



I was at this place that was kind of like an Orphanage, and there was a gigantic crocodile in a giant glass rectangle filled with water. Sometimes the person who was taking care of us would let kids swim in there with the crocodile. I thought this was super dangerous because they would swim by the crocodiles mouth. Then I don't remember what but something happened that made everyone have to leave because it wasn't safe anymore. Me and two other girls went back to see if the person who was taking care of us was okay, going back into the orphanage I had had a bad feeling that he wasn't okay but went anyway. We got upstairs to where the crocodiles tank was and saw the crocodile tearing him to pieces in the tank. We were all shocked and so sad but I said, "We have to get out of here it's not safe." And we all ran as fast as we could out the door and to where the cars were waiting. My stepmom Kate was waiting in her car and said "My back is open if you want to jump in there." So we got into Kate's car and she drove off. I said "I can't believe he's dead," over and over and was crying. I woke up in real life and went back to bed and my dream continued... It was a few years after the crocodile incident and me and the two other girls were coming back to the orphanage to collect the bones of two people that we had buried. We went in the front door and saw the massive skeleton of the crocodile. All of us were terrified moving around it worried that it would come back to life. We got around it and over to a spot of grass with a pebble on it that one of the girls had placed after she'd buried someone. She dug it up and put the bones in a bag. Then we went to the other place where bones were buried but we had to get there by flying on by paragliding over the ocean that was between us and the island the bones were on. We all made it over there after a few failed attempts and snuck into the building that was on the island. We were afraid that the crocodile was back to life and would get us. We were inside and found the turtle shell that one of the girls had placed on top of where she had buried the other body. She dug it up and put the bones in a bag. We paraglided back to the orphanage and weren't afraid that the crocodile would come back to life anymore. We hopped over the skeleton and out the door. The girls wanted to re-bury the bones in the front yard of the orphanage but I said "No we should bury them in a public place so their families can visit them." And then we once again left the orphanage.

28 Mar 2024



My mom brought a investigatiors to the house to tell and show me evidence that the guy I was talking to and messing around with. That he was lying to me and just using me. Heโ€™s still with his girl. The 1987 he was 23 years old. I saw a crocodile walking slowly towards me and I seen 2 dogs. He was also hiding in my moms bathroom in the house. My mom doesnโ€™t like him

28 Mar 2024



We were at the beach the whole family was there and we were getting out of the water and I saw some random guy scream and he picked up some shorts with the bottom half of a body in them with blood coming out then he started screaming saying "not my boy this the 3rd one and he lost his dick" so as we continued to get out I saw his friend dick floating at the surface of the water now this water was calm and clear all you saw was sand now this is where it gets crazy..... so after seeing the dick I saw snakes coming behind us as we were getting out and me and my sister kept screaming snake so then the whole family had to get out I went back to get the dick and ended up jumping over snakes as I was running I was being slowed down as if something was pulling me so I snatched away then looked back and it was my baby cousin for some reason he was walking at the time so I screamed at his mom to get him but a snake came along and ate him she tried to catch him but by the time she got there the snake was at his foot and she couldn't catch the foot cause he started at the head so then a crocodile came and ate the snake with my baby cousin in him so his mom was like any body got a knife or a gun earlier in my dream I had ended up in a polygamous relationship with 2 girls now my mom is also married to a women in this dream so later that day me and my mom went out on a lil date and got some food and I decided to tell her about the relationship before I could get it out good her wife whom I hated proceeds to walk in and say "what's going on" so I had to repeat it so now the wife disagrees with me being in a polygamous relationship only because we hated eachother so when my mom went to the bathroom she put a gun to my head and was like "from now on I'm your mom and your dad and you gone love me" sounding all evil and then she dropped the gun in my moms purse

16 Mar 2024



Things I desired appeared out the sky. Large body of water (ocean, sea,lake, pod) A mother trying to solve the problem her way but more like getting in the way A couple scared to commit but ends up doing it because they are madly in love Play dough Different AI couples โ€œI like turtles.. I so happen to be a crocodile they like turtlesโ€ It felt like I was watching a show

5 Mar 2024



A weird water tank that pulls me into a cave. The cave is for punishment. A centipede made of snarling crocodile faces and human hands slithers across the cave entrance and the roof to snatch up all who roam in the waters. I escape and climb to the top. When I'm all out, civil war pops off all around me. It's me and fifty others with all sorts of automatic shotguns spraying the locals to pieces and setting free those trapped in other contraptions such as the water cave. It is a biological entity controlling these people. It is a bloodbath. Of course, when we start to succeed, it begs for its life through the mouths of all of its victims, all screaming the same cries for help in sync with each other. Blood, body parts, fireworks, it's a revolution against this parasite that tried its best to punish me in those crocodile centipede waters. We win. I win. Our planet is ours again and all who were being controlled were set free through death. The weirdest part was they were all dressed like colonizers, like high society 1800s wigs and dresses. I was still able to fly. I was resilient. Me and my army all smiled and rejoiced at this liberation.

2 Mar 2024

Childhood home


I had a pet crocodile in my childhood home and it was chasing me into the kitchen and I had to get to higher ground

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