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Dream Interpretation: Aquarium ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Aquarium? Discover the significance of seeing a Aquarium in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Aquarium appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

Dreaming of an aquarium symbolizes your emotions and feelings. It represents your inner self and how you are dealing with your emotions. It can also indicate that you are feeling trapped or confined in a situation.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Take a moment to reflect on your emotions and how you are dealing with them. Are you feeling trapped or confined in a situation? If so, it may be time to break free and explore new opportunities. Alternatively, if you are feeling overwhelmed by your emotions, try to find healthy ways to express them, such as through art or journaling.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of an aquarium evokes a sense of tranquility and fascination. It brings feelings of wonder and curiosity as you observe the colorful fish swimming gracefully in their watery world. The peacefulness of the underwater environment creates a sense of calm and serenity, allowing you to escape from the stresses of everyday life. The dream may also symbolize a desire for emotional connection and a need to explore your own emotions. Overall, the dream of an aquarium leaves you with a sense of awe and a longing for a more peaceful and harmonious existence.





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Dreams of users containing the word Aquarium

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30 Jun 2024

Roller coaster


โ€ข Entered Lochโ€™s carโ€ฆtheir car was a Jeep/SUV โ€ข We arrived down a road similar to a rollercoaster going downwards โ€ข The road went into a car wash/aquarium? โ€ข We drove into the water as water flooded the area around us as we went deeper โ€ข Lochโ€™s car despite my visceral reaction, wasnโ€™t flooded and remained room temp and dry โ€ข Orange Gold fish passed by my face and windows โ€ข Swaying sea life and seaweed โ€ข The water was blue and easy to see through, clean and well โ€ข There was a Hafgufa (Giant flying jellyfish) floating upwards gracefully, singing the Songs of the Sands. โ€ข Only its songโ€ฆcultivated to the wellbeing of the water and sea life around us as we drove through on a track

21 Jun 2024



it was about the Netflix series sweet tooth. in it continued the last episode I had watched, from what I remember I was in a boat, in the real series the boat was headed for another boat. Instead, we went to an island. (i was sweet tooth in the dream) we got off the boat and a person immediately greeted up and we went into this cave like structure on the shore. he welcomed us and started walking us through, I remember we came to an aquarium and I was amazed by the fish but the one doctor I forget the name of was suspicious and asked why the dude was doing all this, referring to the sick and hybrids. he responded he was simply curious about the animals, maybe something bigger would come on its own. it sounded a bit suspicious but we continued on. I think i started waking up a little but fell back asleep because the details are a bit foggy but i think he brought us to another cool room and ended up betraying us, we went through this weird obstacle course type thing and somewhere in there we ended up becoming the cast from dungeon meshi on netflix? I was marcille now so we continued to this one grassy area overlooking a huge cliff and cavern. we continued on, i think I asked about how we could see the sky or something, laios responded it was a fake sky, we continued and I think talked some more, some stuff I don't remember happened, harpies showed up, we fought those, I remember using magic there. then we saw a creature with the lower half of a dragon and feathered upper half and immediately thought it was falin and got excited, it flew over and was just a random chimera thingy. fought it, continued, real falin showed up. we ended up cutting off her human half and I became falin in the dream, I think I had been her for a while since I remember watching from a birdseye perspective. anyways they cut off the human part but for whatever reason I remain in control over the dragon half instead. pretty sure I immediately become sane and, somehow even though the part of me that had eyes was chopped off, i/falin rush over to this dirt area since I'm not in control of the part of me with a mouth. I think I panic and just wrote "hello" then they read it, got excited, i/falin returned to normal. I remember getting a weird feeling though and asked them "wait, doesn't this seem too easy?" or smth bc 1. mad mage hadn't showed up 2. the tactic they used shouldn't have worked 3. it didn't feel right. they were all obviously like "dude that don't matter you're back" and we went into town I think because I remember food stalls. don't remember anything else.

15 May 2024



My grandma had a much bigger fish collection, like going to the basement felt like I was at one of those aquarium places but smaller than that, but it was all decorated and everything so not all normal tanks, but the one tank by the stairs I noticed there was a fish on the floor, so I tried to pick it up and put it back in the tank so it wouldn't die but I couldn't get a hold of it cause it wouldn't stop flowing so I kept dropping it, and then there was more fish on the floor so I grabbed a different one that was bigger (like the size of my palm) and then I put that one back with a little struggle to hold it, and then I just kept trying to grab fish off the floor and put them back and they kept trying to flop out of my hands and at one point one thing I grabbed was actually some tiny snakes (probably baby snakes) and I put them back in the tank and then I looked and there were these big eggs in the tank and the snakes broke right through them and I thought "uh oh, that probably wasn't right!" But then I saw a bigger snake in there and assumed it was the mama so I was like like "if they weren't supposed to do that she wouldn't have had them in there already, right?" So I went back to trying to put all the fish back and struggling with each one especially the little ones cause they were all different sizes, and then a saw one of the tanks was actually just a barrel, and I saw some fish in there that weren't as bright and for some reason I thought the small one of those should go in the big tank I was putting other fish in so I scooped him up and moved him and went back to getting fish off the floor and then I went "Oh no! I can't put him there that was a freshwater fish! This is a salt water tank!" So I tried to get that little one from the barrel tank out to put him back but he was flopping around at the top of the water and he was flopping so much I couldn't catch him and I couldn't hold him and he wouldn't stop no matter how hard I tried I couldn't catch that fish again to put him back.

6 May 2024



I was in my room somewhere not where Iโ€™m at right now. I was about to leave and looked down and said my gosh my dad didnโ€™t and noticed my dad had got me an aquarium but the Aquarium was at an awkward place. It was like in the bottom corner of my wall. I went to feed the aquarium with fish flakes and as I got closer I noticed the aquarium was overflowing. There was a giant crab inside crawling out which scared and disgusted me. As I fed the aquarium more crabs came overflowing and crawling out of the tank towards me. My shoes were getting soggy from the water. I found a pair of tongs and picked up the crabs and put them back into the newly fed fish tank and they chased the food back into the tank finally. Suddenly I was a worker at a pet store and my coworker was mad at me for flooding the fish tank area and so I said put me in another area just not one with snakes or reptiles of any kind. So I went from section to section of this pet store which was more like an animal zoo in different cages with different sections. I hurrried past each section trying not to get stuck in the end of each section bc the animals seemed to be getting out of their cages which I didnโ€™t like. There were these little bears and wolves. Then there were these big birds with big beaks that I didnโ€™t like and they kept pecking me in the head. So I hurried out of there to the dismay of my coworkers and soon enough as I going back the way I came out of there suddenly my coworkers are letting a big snake out of its cage and then thereโ€™s another one on the floor and I say nope nope nope and start hopping and running back the way I came as more snakes get out of their cages and other scary animals and I wake up disgusted and scared.

29 Apr 2024



I was out side one of me old jobs; and aquarium/pet store. I walked in and began to mingle with the guests inside. The store was much bigger than in real life, the tanks were full of exotic fish. A black and white marble stingray, an eel packed with super sharp teeth, and a few large clown fish. I was explaining to the guests the best way to care for each one. I was in a scuba suit and dove right in, inspecting each species in the tank. I got out and walked over to the reptile/amphibian sector, looking in each tank and seeing what each requires. Most of the tanks had the required foliage, rocks, logs, and hiding places. I rummaged around and completed the tanks. It was odd because none of these tanks needed heat lamps. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my ex Girlfriend Delia; it was brief and I looked at my work- she was gone. I opened the tree frog exhibit and they kept trying to jump out, one that I named grandpa frog; got out and was hopping around. I checked the next tank over and they were these colored bugs- they were iridescent blue and green with neon yellow antenna. The reason I even opened the container was because I saw they had a lot of decor that the frogs may enjoy. I touched the decor and woke up.

29 Apr 2024



I was in a yoga workshop hosted in a beautiful yoga studio. It had a wooden floor and a wall of mirrors at the front as well as a few big fish tanks for an aquarium walk along the outer. I think I remember my friend Christine from back home in Dallas was in my dream. For some reason, she moved a stingray into the same tank as this giant parrotfish. The students in class set up around the walls of the room. We had trouble finding enough space for everyone, so I volunteered to wait for the next round. The yoga teacher was instructing us on the set up of a forearm stand and said to stand at the wall and place a rolled up small towel on our heads. That would be the marker for proper form. Then a partner in class would hold the towel as you set up on the floor, and the towel would rest under your feet as you pushed your feet into the wall, and once you straightened your legs and walked your belly to the wall on your hands, you would slide the towel up the wall with your feet. As the workshop instructor was about to teach us how to do a forearm stand, the stingray started talking and yelled that something was wrong. The parrotfish started swimming after the stingray in the aquarium tank. They were swimming fast in circles until the parrotfish bit the stingrayโ€™s tail and started eating it. All of us in the room were shocked at first because the stingray talked and then because the parrotfish ate the entire stingray.

23 Apr 2024

Fish tank


I was at a classroom with Kelsey and Adam. We were doing some sort of a group project. All we really did was sort through papers. I reached in my backpack to grab something and I noticed a bunch of vapes. Kelsey reached for one of the vapes and I warned her they probably wouldn't taste good since they were old. Adam left the room and kelsey said she wanted to show me something. We went to a bigger room and I saw a bunch of Lego boxes. There was a big fish tank in the middle of the room. I looked closed and noticed piranhas. The fish tank was one you would see in an aquarium. There was a net above the fish and Kelsey explained that the fish couldn't jump out, and lizards could go above them. I looked closer at the fish and noticed I could talk to them

10 Apr 2024



The hotel looked like a store and when we were about to go to the aquarium we went to grocery shop for stuff first with my Para and in the hotel coraline that was my mother was shopping in the hotel.

10 Apr 2024

School Bus


My and I and my Para from my school and other kids on school bus going to the aquarium and suddenly I was in a hotel With my mother close to the aquarium and there was thsi pouch on the floor and we douldn't open it because some dangerous little lady figures would come and my mother slamming the door on me

8 Apr 2024



Last night I had a dream that somebody I knew named Heather and another person I knew named JR were helping me with a bunch of art projects in a school cafeteria with a bunch of kids and they decided to take off on me but I didn't know what was going on and I didn't know how to handle the kids. Well the kids thought I was upset and they asked me if I was upset. I said no, I'm not upset. As they were leaving, JR wrapped his arm around Heather and it clearly made me upset because the other person that was there helping me was asking me what was going on as I was wiping down the tables because there was water everywhere and I could see the children's paintings and I was fixing up their paintings and you could just tell that there was something going on between Heather and JR although Heather wasn't Heather, she was an older woman. From the cafeteria I entered into another room where there was a bunch of like sea life and one of them was a betta fish that kept jumping out of the water and I couldn't figure out why it was jumping out of the water so we decided to dump out its aquarium to figure out what was going on and there was a hog nose being eaten by a bunch of mealworms and when I looked up to retrieve it out, my kid's dad was standing there instead of my kid.

23 Mar 2024

New Job


We had installed a new aquarium in the living room at my father's home. We still had to buy fish for this aquarium. We had bought a large blue reflective crab, electric eel and loose small fish. At home we appeared to have been fooled. The large crab consisted of all small blue fish swimming together in a school. This was also the case with the eel, which was actually not an eel but a school of small fish. I then went to play a game with Brenda. In this game we had to take turns naming a word in a certain category. Whoever said the most frequently chosen word by a panel lost the points. So you had to choose an answer that was as unique as possible, but it had to be a serious answer. The category we did was 'name a character from the anime series avatar'. Brenda mentioned Aang, and I mentioned Katara. Aang was the most mentioned word by the panel, so I won.

23 Mar 2024



I have two best friends from childhood, and they are twins. This dream had both of them in it. I was searching with Allison (Twin 1) for her sister Ashley (Twin 2) for a long long time, and many people I know came in and out of the dream at some point. From what I remember, Allison and I were looking for Ashley and it had been a long time when we finally started looking in a warehouse or IKEA-like store where all the employees were really reluctant to help us or even be there. We looked and looked but Ashley was nowhere to be found. Eventually Allison was captured by one of the workers of the store and turned into a small fish, which was put in an aquarium on a wall of other tanks, similar to how pet stores display their fish for sale. I noticed this and got upset at the sight, but then, the worker put a large goldfish in her tank and the fish proceeded to eat her whole. I watched powerless as my best friend died in a second before I even knew what happened. I then freaked out and cried and cried and felt deep sorrow. Eventually I was forced to leave her behind to continue looking for my other friend, her twins eventually I found her in a Las Vegas style pool party with a bunch of random guys and hot young girls dancing in their laps and onstage. Ashley wasnโ€™t participating but she was generally unfazed, just kind of weirded out, and she decided to go, so she left again. I noticed this and went looking for her again, and I ended up making friends with a guy who was a vampire who told me he could help me escape and help me find Ashley. The next thing I remember, we were in his car, a small one where even though I was in the back, he could easily reach out and touch me. He said, Iโ€™m not gonna make it with the windows down Iโ€™m gonna kill youโ€ and I immediately rolled the windows down. I still wanted him to help me get out of where we were and liked him generally as a person but I was scared I was about to be attacked. Every time we rolled the windows up he got scary and threatening and then we would roll the window or windows down and it became bearable. Then I noticed my tooth was crumbling in my mouth and I picked a shard and then crumbles out of my mouth. Then another one did the same thing, and a little later, another tooth felt loose and I made a note to see a dentist ASAP because ei havenโ€™t in a long time and the deteriorating teeth, especially so quickly, scared me very badly. I woke up soon after all this and donโ€™t know what to make of it. I felt uneasy and disturbed on waking up.

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