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Dream Interpretation: Ocean ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Ocean? Discover the significance of seeing a Ocean in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Ocean appears in your dream โœ…

Ocean symbol
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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This directly symbolizes your subconscious and emotions. The depth of the ocean represents the profoundness of who you are as a person. It also describes the unknown parts of who you are that lie below the surface.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction

Good fortune

Explore who you are! Venture out with bravery and without fear. Nothing inside of yourself will hurt you when accepted and integrated. Every part of you has a purpose. Find it, and become the amazing human you were meant to be.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of an ocean evokes a sense of vastness and tranquility. It symbolizes the depths of our emotions and the unknown aspects of our subconscious mind. It may bring feelings of awe, serenity, and a desire for exploration. The ocean represents the ebb and flow of life, reminding us of the constant changes and challenges we face. It can also signify a need for emotional healing or a longing for freedom and escape from the pressures of daily life. Overall, this dream elicits a sense of wonder and the potential for personal growth.





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Dreams of users containing the word Ocean

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1 Oct 2024

Abandoned home
Sexual Assault


First I bought this new home, a woman neighbor came over to be nice and welcome me until she started to rape me. Once it was finished I got out and ran, next thing I know im in this school but people are trying to catch me so im still running trying to find a way to escape. Suddenly im in this alternative world where states in the US are like floating boat islands over a vast sea. For some reason im with Kamala Harris and sheโ€™s helping me as the boat island starts to lean back and forth due to strong waves and kills a bunch of people. Then i wake up

1 Oct 2024

Being chased by murderer
Ship sinking


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29 Sep 2024



My mom and I were preparing to leave out for work but were packing our lunches in the kitchen. Sheโ€™s ocd when it comes to cleaning and decided to clean up something near the edge of some ocean. Iโ€™m not sure how close the kitchen was to the ocean edge but very close. I told her that her purse was about to float away but she wasnโ€™t trying to hear me. She got irritated and told me to focus on putting on my earring since I was struggling to get it on prior. We both were struggling to put on earrings for some reason. I told her Iโ€™d worry about my earring when I got to work later but she needed to focus on getting out the ocean since the currents were reported to be strong that day. So much so, her purse was beginning to drift away and she caught it in the nick of time. Keep in mind, neither of us can swim so Iโ€™m not sure why she was in the ocean anyways! She got frustrated and said I was distracting her, but I just ignored her frustration and had to remind her to focus on getting out the ocean due to the strong ocean current which was making me extremely anxious.

24 Sep 2024

Abandoned home


I was having some sort of workshop or learning party with my work at my childhood home. We were assembling pieces of art when all of a sudden the power went out. During the power outage we decided we should take a work trip to the ocean so we gathered all of our things and set out. We found a raft that would keep all of us. We adventured to a part of the ocean that would be safe, and we submerged fully under water. I remember feeling scared and like I shouldnโ€™t open my eyes because i was afraid of what i was going to see. We landed at the bottom of the ocean and it was very dark. We could feel and hear animals moving around about us. I couldnโ€™t believe I was breathing under water. I felt the weight and the pressure of the ocean on my body. At one point an animal that reminded me of a dog laid up beside me and I would give it belly rubs. We then decided as a group we should play a game and we pretended to be pirates. I went and found places to hide trying to protect my gold. At one point i remember seeking sharks swim among us. It was thrilling.

7 Sep 2024



I'm on a metal ladder, climbing up the steps. There's a not so subtle sway back and forth, like I'm on a ship. I reach the top and step into a bridge/control room of sorts. I'm told we are transporting a whale, but that the innovative design of the hull is such that the "tank" that holds it is below the ship, in the open ocean, to better prepare it for release, I suppose. I want to go see this whale. I step out of a doorway and into a massive hold. It's like I'm on a Super-Carrier and it's just one massive open space inside. Hundreds of feet high, thousands of feet long. The floor is steel, but I see creases where there are bay doors that open up. Huh, I had assumed there would be an observation window or pane of glass to lay eyes on the beast. But there isn't. Just the errie groaning and creaking of the metal ship as it sways back and forth and the frightening knowledge I was standing on top a massive whale and nothing but miles and miles of deep ocean, straight down below. Suddenly the floor slowly begins to move/give way and I realize the hatch is opening. I scurry back towards the wall/hallway scared half to death of falling in with a whale of that size. The two crew members I had seen before are laughing hysterically, slapping their knees at my reaction to their little practical joke. I walk out having never actually seen the whale, but after that I no longer cared to.

5 Sep 2024

Being chased by murderer
Dead body
Abandoned home


I had a dream I was in Alabama on the way to my grandma's house in Greenville, Alabama. I'm surrounded by a bunch of trees and forest and land and acres. For some reason, there's no car, I'm in the middle of nowhere, I'm not really sure where I am exactly, and I stop at this house because I feel a sense of me being in danger and I need to go get help. And I find this girl in there and she's also looking for help as well, but we find a dead body and we're like, oh crap, we need to leave. We need to get out of here or else we will get murdered and end up getting killed. And we hear someone come through the house so we get to hiding and we get under a table and someone else gets killed and we have to be as quiet as we possibly can. The person exits the room and then we have to scramble and go, but they see us and they start chasing after us. I lose the girl, I'm on my own now, and the guy's running after me, he's a man running after me, I think he's going to kill me, I feel as if he's going to strangle me to death, so I'm running and I'm running in the middle of nowhere. Then an ocean appears and I decide I'm going to jump off the cliff into the ocean because that's the only way that I can escape.

2 Sep 2024



I was teaching a class at this creepy, dark complex somewhere in the Arctic circle, but no one was showing up to class, so I decided to leave. Lots of people were in this main market hub, on a dock right next to a frigid sea. Some of the dream involved me diving into the sea and swimming with ocean creatures, though I donโ€™t think I was actually doing this in the dream but rather just imagining what it would be like. There was a creature like a narwhal that I kept referring to a โ€œsea goatโ€ which was aggressive towards the other local wildlife and being reined in by trained swimmers. I was in awe of this and wanted to witness it for myself. I spent a good deal of the dream imagining swimming with them, which greatly surprised me, because I am terrified of sea creatures and being underwater with them. At some point I imagined giant sea monsters, and was afraid that they would attack beachgoers. Andrew Eiden was there, and I was attracted to him, although he was hanging out with other women who were a lot more attractive to him. We ate dinner together; they were all eating seafood but I declined. I thought about how I could be a much better actor if I would just stop trying so hard, and I told Andrew this and he didnโ€™t indicate if he agreed or not.

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Yvette Miller

Behavioral psychology & Wellness Advocate

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