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Dream Interpretation: Cancer 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Cancer? Discover the significance of seeing a Cancer in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Cancer appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

It symbolizes damage, stress, burden and, life-threatening issues. Something in your life has become unmanageable and is poisoning your existence to the point of threatening your way of living. This something may have started out innocently or naturally at first, but it has grown to an unnatural size and is eating away at your existence. This could be either in your professional or personal life.

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🧭 Direction

Bad omen

Find what or who it is that has grown to an unhealthy size, consuming your life and taking over your happiness. Then, take care of it immediately by either isolating it or eradicating it from your life. You may find it difficult and painful to cut it away completely. However, it is necessary and will save you in the long run.

❤️ Feelings

This dream may evoke feelings of fear, uncertainty, and vulnerability. Cancer is often associated with illness and the potential for loss, which can create a sense of anxiety and unease. It may also bring up emotions related to mortality and the fragility of life. However, it is important to remember that dream interpretations are subjective and can vary based on personal experiences and beliefs.





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Dreams of users containing the word Cancer

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12 Jul 2024



I had a dream I was going to Wisconsin and there was a boy a little bit older than me and we were going on the same flight so we started talking then when we got to Wisconsin he gave me his number and we just hit it off and we became really good friends and we hung out a lot because I was going to be in Wisconsin for 2 weeks but on the last week I found out I have cancer and won’t make it so I tell my family and everybody flys out to Wisconsin to see me and while my other bff is there she was like “ your gonna die with no first kiss” and I was like maybe not because I thought Oliver the boy liked me so I went to my bathroom and brushed and scrubbed my teeth then I swallowed some mouthwash and went into his hotel room and was like “ wake up I need to talk to you about some serious” so he got up and was on his bed kneeling and I was like “ you’ve been my bff and I’m so glad that you trusted a airport stranger” and I hugged him then he kissed my forehead and I went back to my hotel room and was so happy then after that I would like joke around and touch his hair, arm and then came the day that I had to say goodbye and I was with him all day saying “ I’m gonna miss you” and “ I’m gonna watch over you” while he was crying so we got to the airport then I woke up

8 Jul 2024



I dreamed that I went to the hospital to see if I was sick before I went on a trip. To my surprise the doctor checked my lymph nodes and saw they were hugely inflamed. She seemed extra concerned. Then my tongue started falling out in pieces. She asked me to show her my tongue which was abnormal looking. Then the doctor explained to me that deep inside my lung was something known as a “Goin”. A cancerous wound that leaks infection into my lymph nodes. The only way for to have a chance was to have an expensive surgery. Just then the rest of my tongue falls out. The doctor continues to explain that even if the surgery won’t save me it will save others. Then as I am waiting on my surgery people from my school begin to tell me that this is the results of me turning my back on God and I had been visited by a banshee informing me of my impending death and eternity spent in hell. I threatened to push them down the stairs and kill them since I was going to hell soon anyways.

2 Jul 2024



My boyfriend and I had a threesome with a cancer patient. Our feelings towards the situation were normal

30 Jun 2024



I dreamt that my father had cancer and it was final, there was nothing he could do and I was devastated, I thought of all the time I took him for granted. People around me were very supportive. I was single again at a certain point, with a dying father, and I was very sad but felt like I could make it. Then I discovered I had cancer too.

25 Jun 2024



I dreamed about that I was 5 and in the hospital with cancer and same with a 1 year old cousin.

17 Jun 2024

My crush


I had a dream I Was a witch in the coven American horror stories and I also had sisters that are on a different show I watched and one of the sisters had cancer and my sisters dared me to speak to my crush and seduce him it was originally my crush Andrew but he changed later but I was at this really old school I never been to in real life but my teacher wasn’t there nor was most of my class so I had to sit in someone else’s class room but it was very early like 6 in the morning but by the time got up to go talk to Andrew I got dismissed from class which was at 7 am and still dark I looked at the time and it was 4 pm and it started getting light outside so I go outside and call my uncle to pick me but he said he had to get ready so I just sat by these boys and one of them was apparently my “crush?” He had dark skin and dreads he was Kai cents but his name was something else and I accidentally sat on this abandoned dirty couch but after being told it was abandoned I got up and got on the bus to go to my grandmas neighborhood

1 Jun 2024



I dreamt that my dad announced to me that he had cancer,and that now he has no job,we were hanging out with our family,with my mom's cousin and all and then he didn't tell them,but he was fine i mean he was smiling and everything even though he had cancer,and everytime he would say that i would just breakdown and cry

28 May 2024



My maternal grandmother had just passed away from cancer and my mom and I were living with her and my grandfather . My mom cared for her till the end and cared for him after. My dream was me alone in a long cement hallway and I called to my mom and grandpa and they couldn't hear or see me . She was pushing him in a wheelchair and they just kept going never acknowledging me at all,even though I was screaming for them to hear me . I slept in my mom's bed for months after that dream .

19 May 2024



I dreamed that it was some sort of apocalyptic time in the end times and there were some undersround bunkers made of layers of steel so that these alien things that traveled under ground couldn’t get us there but during the day we traveled and sometimes you could stumble upon them thinking they are rocks.. they had a list too of people that were looking for.. and we were in this karaoke place during the day my friend Bobby and his cousin were there and he is sick with cancer… I asked him did he want me to pray for him. I put my hands on him and prayed for God to heal him and he healed him. He said so happy with tears in his eyes. “It worked I knew it would work!” And there were only a few girls in there and they were singing todays songs and I told Then I was going to sing but it was going to be Jesus music bc God is real and he is the reason this is happening to us that we needed to repent and turn to God. I was waiting my turn and this guy almost found this ladies bunker and I told him it was a craw space.. then the owner started closing the business down. I leave and I had this toboggan hat that was long on both sides… passed Clair Danes and asked her did she want it.. i think it made devil horned but when she put it on it kept making angel wings. The. I heard them announce my name but it was Melissa wood.. and they were looking for me.. I was trying to get back to the bunker I had already been there once in the dream… it was almost like a whole nother world in there

17 May 2024



Grim reaper coming to get me cause I had cancer but I threw an old backstabbing friend in and my cancer left

9 May 2024



Last night I dreamed that my husbands granny had tumors all the way down her esophagus that were cancer.

5 May 2024



I had a dream of my aunt who died of cancer recently and I was preforming brain surgery to her and scraping gray crap out of her brain and throwing away. Then suddenly we were throwing her a party to celebrate her life, because we didn’t know if she was going to live. I was in a large room with a lot of people who were all waiting for my aunt to enter the room but I could see my aunt in another room with my my mother, her sister, and my grandmother, her mother. They were dancing to an old rock ‘n’ roll song but my grandmother was just watching my aunt and mother. They seemed genuinely happy.

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