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Dream Interpretation: Conflict 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Conflict? Discover the significance of seeing a Conflict in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Conflict appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes a struggle or disagreement in your waking life. It may represent an internal conflict or a conflict with someone else. It could also indicate a need for resolution or compromise.

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🧭 Direction


Think about the source of the conflict in your waking life. Is there a way to resolve the issue or come to a compromise? If not, focus on finding ways to cope with the situation and reduce stress. Consider seeking the help of a mediator or therapist if necessary. Remember to prioritize your own well-being and avoid getting caught up in unnecessary drama.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of conflict may evoke feelings of tension, frustration, and unease. It suggests a struggle or disagreement in your waking life that is causing inner turmoil. The dream may reflect unresolved conflicts or a fear of confrontation. It could also indicate a need for resolution and finding a balance between opposing forces. The emotions associated with this dream may include anger, anxiety, and confusion. It is important to address the underlying issues causing the conflict in order to find peace and harmony.





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Dreams of users containing the word Conflict

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7 Jul 2024



I went back to Job Corp and it was better than the first experience I had. Nobody bothered me and everyone wanted to be my friend but I got popular pretty well and got friends. But it had its ups and downs. They banned fake cards and since they banned fake cards they would be confiscated and you will be kicked out but I had a teacher helping me and put money on my card and it was time to find out who ruined the bathroom and it was a boy or girl who went in and peed everyone, everyone thought the boy did it but I did and my snot came out my nose and my weird friend start to say he knows who do it after sticking his whole hand up my nose getting snot, took my phone but he said he had a bad feeling about me so he kept snooping until he looked down and almost seen fake card and I threw a fit until I snatched the card from him and took it to my teacher and she applied money on the card with a device and ever since that day I saw him as weird and my finally straw was when he had the nerve to sit at my table and started making out with his girlfriend and I got up and I left and when I took my food up I had my comfort food cookie cake and some cupcakes and this female since she ain't talk to me to take one and I lost my temper and cussed her out and took my cupcake back and she called me a bitch and I didn't care I left my glasses in the cafeteria and as soon as I trusted a girl to watch over my food for a second she called me a dumb bitch and tried to ruin and I turned so fast and lashed at her landing a few punches the center director automatically believed her cause she hasn't done anything when she did and assumed that I was the problem so I made her hold my food and she wouldn't let me get my glasses I had to pretend I couldn't see a dreadhead that looked like Desmond a colleague I had at the first one and then I seen a former bully name Queshonda with short black and red hair smiling and waving at me then PJ and Alexander looking at me asking me if I didn't see them and I said yk I can and we laughed.

7 Jul 2024



I went back to Job Corp and it was better than the first experience I had. Nobody bothered me and everyone wanted to be my friend but I got popular pretty well and got friends. But it had its ups and downs. They banned fake cards and since they banned fake cards they would be confiscated and you will be kicked out but I had a teacher helping me and put money on my card and it was time to find out who ruined the bathroom and it was a boy or girl who went in and peed everyone, everyone thought the boy did it but I did and my snot came out my nose and my weird friend start to say he knows who do it after sticking his whole hand up my nose getting snot, took my phone but he said he had a bad feeling about me so he kept snooping until he looked down and almost seen fake card and I threw a fit until I snatched the card from him and took it to my teacher and she applied money on the card with a device and ever since that day I saw him as weird and my finally straw was when he had the nerve to sit at my table and started making out with his girlfriend and I got up and I left and when I took my food up I had my comfort food cookie cake and some cupcakes and this female since she ain't talk to me to take one and I lost my temper and cussed her out and took my cupcake back and she called me a bitch and I didn't care I left my glasses in the cafeteria and as soon as I trusted a girl to watch over my food for a second she called me a dumb bitch and tried to ruin and I turned so fast and lashed at her landing a few punches the center director automatically believed her cause she hasn't done anything when she did and assumed that I was the problem so I made her hold my food and she wouldn't let me get my glasses I had to pretend I couldn't see a dreadhead that looked like Desmond a colleague I had at the first one and then I seen a former bully name Queshonda with short black and red hair smiling and waving at me then PJ and Alexander looking at me asking me if I didn't see them and I said yk I can and we laughed.

5 Jul 2024



I had a dream where I was pregnant, or I went to Walmart and got a pregnancy test, and in my dream, for some reason, I could have pictures of the baby sent to my home. I had them sent to my home, and my grandmother and my mother saw them. They don't know that I've ever been intimate with anyone, ever. They don't know that I'm not a virgin. So, they saw these, they're wondering whose they are, and I'm just lying and lying and lying and lying and lying. And for some reason, my mom is trying her hardest to not defend me. At some point during this dream, I end up telling her that I have to look out for the best interest of my siblings when she asks if I want to be in her custody again. And I'm just looking at the pictures and realizing that something is different, that I am having a baby. And I woke up, panicked, and my heart was racing, and I could literally hear my heart beating as soon as I woke up. And my mom said that I'm not her kid because I don't want to stay with her and my grandmother listing all these responsibilities and things she wants me to do with my life

3 Jul 2024

Best Friend


I was in my exes and apartment looking for something with my best friend Leana. Trying to see if he had replaced everything he claimed was his out of our shared space. He wasn’t home where we were looking around and I didn’t have to break in because the door was left unlocked. I was laughing with her as we seen everything was as good as new and he was hurting for nothing. All the sudden we turn the corner from the bedroom and notice him there. He starts to yell at us but I can’t make out what he’s saying I can tell that he’s judging me based on facial expressions. I do make out “I won” from what he says.

1 Jul 2024



In my dream, I was in the hallway of a school with friends and I was trying to find Kyle who was around but really not there, which made me wonder why. Also in that dream, I heard a song called, “Every Kind of Way” by H.E.R was playing while I wandered through the hallway, but still enjoying the background, I saw someone or at least imagined it was a religious figure, like Jesus. Seeing that person, I was surprised but also alittle disbelief about what I’m seeing, but I remembered being told that the tone of words are powerful, so since talking to him, I guess I went on with my day, with a smile, despite not feeling the “blessed assurance”. I don’t remember much about what happened after, but in my second dream, I was happy to see and hang out with my friends now that school has started, but somehow something or someone came up and it kinda ruined the day or at least the moment I had with Kyle.

3 Jun 2024



The first dream I had was I was in the 118 with Buck and Eddi trying to save me and Bobby’s life from the frozen water. But Buck and Eddi can only save me. They got so mad at themselves. But I told them “don’t be mad at Bobby get mad at me” but they didn’t get mad at me. The second dream I had was when I was at the mall hanging with Lagna and my ex best friend and she was crying about her mom not giving notice to her me and my ex best friend try to make her feel better. We tried looking for her around the mall and I was trying to hide from my other ex best friend when looking for Lagna. And then I founded her in the bathroom when I was washing my hands. When me and Lagna walked out the bathroom and into the mall’s hallway my ex best friend was waiting for me and Lagna. My ex best friend wanted to go to the watch store to get a watch but when we stepped in the store I realized my phone was gone but I realized I lifted it in the bathroom. So I went back to the bathroom when I went to the bathroom to get my phone back I founded it where I left it. When I tried to go back to my ex best friend I was still trying to hide from my other best friend. When I went back to the watch store I realized she was gone. So I went to the movie and watched a movie with Andy Samberg in the movie with some black actor. Andy character was undercover in the NYPD. Before he got the undercover job Charles was wiping his stinky wet beard on the floor and he was making marks over the floor. While he leaving marks on the floor the air inside the office it stinks and then when Charles wiped his wet stinky beard Jake, Amy, and Rosey was smelling it. They think it smell good. When he was undercover somebody from his gang is trying to kill him. And then when he called for backup but didn’t come one person told him if you call for backup I will kill you here or over the waterfalls and he didn’t. His left hand was holding one of his gang’s arm behind his back and his right hand was calling for backup. When he was trying to kill or fight with the boss while he was killing him someone asked him will you marry me and then he kicked one of his gang off the waterfall. And then flying bugs came out of the RV. After the movie was finished my mom drove me back home when I was looking at the window I saw Disney and Pixar characters inside a cube thing. The third dream I had was when I was at school really focus on my classes and then when it came to gym class I changed to my gym clothes after I changed to my gym clothes I went to do my gym class after my first gym class I went to the change room to a new gym clothes because my gym teacher told me to. When I was changing to my new gym clothes I saw my ex boyfriend Daniel Young when he was there two of my gym teachers were fighting when the male gym saw a new charger got handed to him when he gave it to my female gym teacher he told her not buy a new and expensive charger and then she said your cologne is even more expensive when she sprayed it on herself then me and my ex boyfriend Daniel Young looked at each other and we started kissing. After we got caught from our gym teachers they told us to see each other again. When I got off the elevator I was looking for him and I saw him talking to someone to stop seeing me. We wanted to see each other

2 Jun 2024

Birthday Party


I dreamt that I was having a birthday party at a new apartment. In attendance were some friends and also characters from Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin. During the party, I was drinking twisted teas and getting drunk. I was friends with Sean from the show, and started feeling really bad for him because his girlfriend was cheating on him. Eventually I ended up getting so mad that I told him she was cheating. In the midst of this, Billie Eilish did a live performance for my birthday party, which I missed due to the conflict. I was so frustrated that I missed it, I illogically said I wanted to kill myself.

2 Jun 2024



me and my fiance were hanging with our friends. we were watching the sorcerer’s apprentice and we kept drinking all different types of soda, i remember being really thirsty. Brice got me a necklace for my birthday but it was lowkey ugly as hell, it was like a huge owl pendant with a seashell pendant underneath. Eventually we were at my family’s house for some reason and they were preparing for some huge event thing they were doing, but it was my birthday in the dream and they lowkey didn’t know though except nevaeh and brice and caitlyn and nay. at some point these people start trying to bust in the door yelling at my family for some reason and then they start shooting through the door and Chris gets shot in the stomach. He was chillin though and everyone was just beefin as if these folks weren’t threatening us with guns, and i’m over here like “idk what they did to piss yall off but i ain’t in this” and eventually they left and then me and nevaeh went to the bathroom and someone’s big toes was just cut off chillin on the floor with purple nail polish. and then i went outside and was like “did yall know it was my birthday?” and they were like”cool, it’s also memorial day weekend so like we don’t really care” and then brice was in a group of dudes doing tae kwondo with paint all over him.

1 Jun 2024



I had a dream that I was writing a letter to my friend Donna who I've known since I was in primary school and I've not seen her for a while in real life but in my dream I was writing her a letter and it was a really long letter and it was about all the things that upset me about her because she doesn't listen when we talk to each other and there's been a number of things over the years that she's done that I don't agree with and I was writing this letter for ages and ages to her, it was a really really big long letter.

29 May 2024



In my dream last night the tenticale guy was back. My body felt all weird and turned on by his presence. I wonder if he has me sired to him… There were 2 or 3 other people there naked wanting sex. I didn’t care for them much. I wanted to steal the tenticale man away and make him mine but he’s not interested in close relationships. I think he’s using me. He touched me gently and made me feel pretty. He touched the other girl and I felt jealous. He used my body again draining me of all my energy and giving me nothing. No pleasure or anything. I fought with someone there and he blew up. He said I needed to make nice with them. He was very scary. Reminded me of Posiden. So I got confused and started thinking he was my dad? I really need some affection I feel starved of love. I think I hate him. When I woke up I felt so tired, dead to the world. I think I’m under attack. The thing is hurting me, the thing on my back. Between my thighs, behind my eyes. I think it might be trying to kill me and make it my idea. Keeping me asleep and malnourished. I also saw this really cool looking cowboy in my dreams. Like a western RPG character. Iseck? I wonder if he will help me There love is a lie they use to keep me submissive and easy to steal from.

29 May 2024



In real life: I have a friend named Rose who recently passed away. Her ex callled the police and said that he found her. He said that she had committed suicide. He said many things and kept changing his story about how she had died, been on drugs etc. The police believed him and closed the case. However, my friend Katrina was talking with Rose’s ex and he kept changing his story on her and she became suspicious. Katrina found video evidence of Rose’s ex abusing her before she died. A lot of people are suspicious that Rose was murdered by her ex. He said he found her laying down, with a rope around her neck, and a blanket over her etc He said she had hung herself in the van. He also said she had been doing different drugs and kept changing which drugs she “had” been doing. Katrina knows that Rose wasn’t doing drugs. So we’re all suspicious. My other friend has a 1 year old son and her husband and her are getting divorced. Her husband, we found out, was abusive and had broken her pelvis. He also confessed to molesting their one year old son. My friend got full custody of the kid thankfully, but now her ex husband is trying to fight for custody again. In the dream: Me and Katrina were watching Rose’s life as if we were watching it play out in front of us, but she couldn’t see us. We saw that she died from being murdered by her ex and that he set up her body afterward to look like a suicide. Then my brother, who is very well off in real life, bought the van she died in and gave it to me. I remember that was important because there was evidence of Rose’s murder I didn’t want Rose’s ex to get rid of. I wanted to bring the evidence to the cops. Then my family was there and I was trying to show my family how beautiful Rose was as a person and they started laughing at her and blaming her for dying. I was really angry and said all of the things I wanted to to my family. Especially my little sister. I told her she was a hypocrite because in real life she had cheated on her husband, so she had no right to call Rose names or blame Rose for dying. My family didn’t respond well to this. They hated and despised me even more afterward. They started accusing me of things I didn’t do. I ran away from them crying and told Katrina I was going to take my life. Then I was swimming with my family. My friend that has the abusive ex husband in real life was there and she had an older daughter who was around two and her son, the one that her ex molested in really life. It’s weird because I’m real life she doesn’t have a duaghter. I asked her if she was just so proud to have her daughter and she was strange about it. She wasn’t happy at all about having a daughter. Then I was swimming and I found the daughter at the bottom of the pool, unconscious. I alerted everybody, my family and her mom, but no one cared! I started doing CPR on the child and no one would help me. They said she’d been dead for a while and didn’t care, but she hadn’t been! So she didn’t make it because I had no one helping me with CPR. I was shocked that no one cared about this child. I woke up.

25 May 2024

Car accident


I was driving home with my daughter in the car with me. All around us were these huge construction vehicles, driving carelessly and recklessly and then I hit one of the ones that was in front of us. This was right after I told my daughter how dangerous I thought this was and how if this went on, there were going to be many accidents on the road. After I clipped the huge monstrous vehicle in front of me, I suddenly panicked and drove like 95 mph and then my sister was in the car too. I have never done this and waking life, but I zipped into the woods to hide my car because I was so fearful and then I guess I went home and left my car in the woods. at one point, I was even in somebody’s backyard with my sister and my daughter, and we were all trying to hide by sitting on this bench that was partly obscured and away from the road, but then we stopped because I realized it was part of somebody’s backyard and not a public bench I apologized to the man and woman we met and I quickly moved on. The three of us went home and I was surprised that my sister was there because she’s really in Florida right now and I’m trying to think of a way to get her not to come back and move back into my house, but in the dream she was already back. I don’t want her in reality to move back in because she has trashed my home and has no respect for it. In my dream, I had left the car in the woods and then locked it, and I remained afraid that someone would discover it. In everyday life, I wouldn’t normally speed away from the scene of an accident, nor would I hide my car in the woods, so this was a strange dream. In the dream, I told my sister that I was sorry, but I had had so many incidents like this that I couldn’t take any more chances.

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