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Dream Interpretation: Competition 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Competition? Discover the significance of seeing a Competition in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Competition appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes your desire to succeed and be recognized for your achievements. It may also indicate a fear of failure or feeling inadequate compared to others. Alternatively, it could represent a need for validation and approval from others.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on your current goals and aspirations. Are you putting too much pressure on yourself to succeed? Remember that everyone has their own journey and timeline. Focus on your own progress and growth rather than comparing yourself to others. Use competition as motivation to improve yourself, but don't let it consume you.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of competition may evoke feelings of ambition, drive, and determination. It can create a sense of excitement and adrenaline as one strives to outperform others. There may be a mix of anxiety and anticipation, as the dreamer seeks validation and success. The dream may also bring about a sense of pressure and the need to prove oneself. Overall, this dream can elicit a range of emotions, from exhilaration to apprehension, as the dreamer navigates the challenges and rewards of competition.





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Dreams of users containing the word Competition

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16 Jul 2024

Best Friend
My crush


my childhood best friend’s younger brother, steve sang “Crazy for You” with his eyes closed by Adele while sitting next to me in a row of what i think was a school bus. i’m pretty sure we were instructed to sing as a part of some competition for a class but I can’t remember the specifics. also we were all grown up, me 24, him 21. as steve sang the song by Adele, he stitched together the lyrics with his hands, as if he was sewing the melody. I told him that I also move my hands to the beat in a particular pattern as I sing, but I follow it nonlinearly, like a wave. I remember saying how “fascinating” about the fact that he also follows a pattern to the beat with his hands, which he sees in his mind while his eyes are closed as he sings. i was in awe of his voice. it was absolutely gorgeous. I literally had my jaw dropped listening as I had no idea he could sing! I told him that Adele was my favorite singer to sing to and he was like “oh my God I have to hear you I didn’t know you sang!” i responded with a kinda snarky comment for some reason, saying something along the lines of “of course I do! I’m surprised you didn’t know since I always sang as a kid like nonstop, because I had Tourette’s and couldn’t help it lol” and then the lyrics to “don’t you remember” by Adele started to play in the background of my mind, meaning steve couldn’t hear it, but I could, so I told him I would sing that song for him. before I could though, I woke up. also for context, i had a massive crush on steve as a kid but it was unrequited. every once in a while I have a dream about him though I haven’t seen him in about 10 years. i had a dream about him earlier this year on march 24th, 2024 where he showed me his artistic work, which I was surprised he had created, because when we were younger, we didn’t really show each other or are that much. Though I did teach him, my best friend and their youngest brother, as if we were in a classroom a lot when we were younger, like I played the role of teacher, and they were my students.

16 Jul 2024

Best Friend
My crush
School Bus


my childhood best friend’s younger brother, steve sang “Crazy for You” with his eyes closed by Adele while sitting next to me in a row of what i think was a school bus. i’m pretty sure we were instructed to sing as a part of some competition for a class but I can’t remember the specifics. also we were all grown up, me 24, him 21. as steve sang the song by Adele, he stitched together the lyrics with his hands, as if he was sewing the melody. I told him that I also move my hands to the beat in a particular pattern as I sing, but I follow it nonlinearly, like a wave. I remember saying how “fascinating” about the fact that he also follows a pattern to the beat with his hands, which he sees in his mind while his eyes are closed as he sings. i was in awe of his voice. it was absolutely gorgeous. I literally had my jaw dropped listening as I had no idea he could sing! I told him that Adele was my favorite singer to sing to and he was like “oh my God I have to hear you I didn’t know you sang!” i responded with a kinda snarky comment for some reason, saying something along the lines of “of course I do! I’m surprised you didn’t know since I always sang as a kid like nonstop, because I had Tourette’s and couldn’t help it lol” and then the lyrics to “don’t you remember” by Adele started to play in the background of my mind, meaning steve couldn’t hear it, but I could, so I told him I would sing that song for him. before I could though, I woke up. also for context, i had a massive crush on steve as a kid but it was unrequited. every once in a while I have a dream about him though I haven’t seen him in about 10 years. i had a dream about him earlier this year on march 24th, 2024 where he showed me his artistic work, which I was surprised he had created, because when we were younger, we didn’t really show each other or are that much. Though I did teach him, my best friend and their youngest brother, as if we were in a classroom a lot when we were younger, like I played the role of teacher, and they were my students.

11 Jul 2024



I dreamed that i had created 2 peices of art one was a bowl of sushi rolls that had not yet been sliced bunched up in a bowl. I showed them to my friend Sean, and he asked me about my inspiration. My dreamed jumped to a memory of me getting on the train and it being soo packed; the platform was full with peoople waiting to get on the train. So much so people waiting on the tracks. I was on the train, and we rode past all the people, not stopping. I had gotten on the train with good timing and did not have to wait. I told sean these uncut sushi rolls represented this 1 train experience. He was so proud of me he sent me an email to submit my artwork for a competition. I was flattered and uploaded the pictures of my art.

10 Jul 2024

Video Game


I started my dream in a sort of church band room where it was very crowded and it almost looked like a sitting area. I was with someone but I don’t remember who. After that I was dreaming of being in a Minecraft game and for some weird reason there was these I think squirrels that were against people to see who was the best Minecraft players? It was also in a YouTube video? And the person making the video kept falling into water.. Then I was at my grandparents house and in the backyard, I was chilling there with my mom but it was like they either died or they weren’t there anymore and then my cousins came and we hung out and then that’s where it ended but I remember them chanting for me to wake up, specifically “it’s time to wake up”

7 Jul 2024



I'm trying to think of something for the kids to do. I planned it, I think, with Boach, with someone. And it's a bit more complicated. So we are on water and I'm buying a big boat and I want the kids to have a little competition. So I'm thinking about a place where I can get on, get a little boat to them and then they have to get on that little boat and do a little parkour and then see the big boat we bought. But we also bought a house in France and all of this is the price. So I'm on the water with my big boat looking for a way, for a nice spot where to put everything and set the parkour so that the kids can do the competition. And the weather is nice and then we find a good spot, we set everything up and then one by one they have to do the parkour and they really enjoy it.

1 Jul 2024



There was a underground school tour. My environment was darker, only lit up by candles, which were everywhere. It looked like Hogwarts basically. I went to one of the classes. They had a competition and I saw a lot of my former classmates. I lost the person I was with before but sat down to a group of my classmates. They were the girls i didn’t have much contact with, but were very friendly. We worked as a group to win the competition, i don’t remember if we did tho._

30 Jun 2024



I was on a yacht having a competition with a bunch of other people on how to bake. Gordon Ramsay was the host but we were also in water cooking so it was a competition to stay afloat and cook and then I dreamt that somebody I knew was gonna be raped.

29 Jun 2024



I just had a dream everyone got back coo with cj but it didn’t end well he end up taking my spot completely I tried everything but he won and they loved him I tried to stay for dale but that was not working it was vivid I was trying to get sum weed but everyone was turning on me it felt like a little idk I can’t remember and I wish I did…

16 Jun 2024



I was to be competing in a figure skating competition. However no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t seem to get ready for it. Couldn’t find my hotel room, couldn’t do my hair and couldn’t find my way to the arena.

12 Jun 2024

My crush


I was in some sort of stadium with two friends and we had to participate in a competition making art that would later be judged upon getting to my seat I remember being really scared because we were high up and the seats were at a slant so I was afraid I would fall so I held on tightly to my seat while I worked on my project I was the first to judged and the judge was quite harsh when judging me and and everyone laughed that made me very angry and so went on a rampage destroying everyone's work despite the fact I was scared to stand I stomped and crushed everything in site and the judge went and judged the remains at the end he came by and put his hand on my shoulder where I quickly swung around and grabbed him attempting to harm his telling him to keep his Gosh darn hands off of me before letting him go.

31 May 2024



I don't play hockey, but my dream was that I went to another state to play hockey and with two other females. There was no women's hockey team yet, so we joined what was supposed to be the boy's team, but we found a loop hole. I was the fastest on the team, people had a hard time keeping up. One of the other girls was a goalie and she was really good at it. All of us ended up proving to the public that we could hold our own and even empower a team. We won the Olympics.

30 May 2024



There was invites to this one popular girls birthday being handed out and i didn’t get one, a few day later i got an invite for a challenge game. Basically it was in a way like the hunger games, but there was no death and it was more like a maze. Whoever solved all the puzzles and got out first won 4 million dollars and a new house, second place got 3 million, and third got 2 million. The people were from all around the world and many of them spoke different languages. I remember I could have been first by playing dirty, but I let the guy who found out the puzzle to the door go out the exit first. The exit was a slide. I went down after him. When we got out there was a crowd of people and the guy who was there to give us the money. I remember the guy who got first was mexican or Puerto Rican. I worked with him for most of the puzzle so i asked if he needed a roommate for his new house, then i woke up.

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