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Dream Interpretation: Conversation 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Conversation? Discover the significance of seeing a Conversation in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Conversation appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Pay close attention to communication in your dreams, this symbolizes the connection between two parts of yourself.

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🧭 Direction


What is your subconscious mind trying to tell you? Notice the words that are used and how they are said, this will show you clearly what you have missed or the conflict that you have not realized. Find peace within yourself and accept all parts of you. Listen not merely to speak in your turn, but to learn.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of having a conversation can evoke a range of emotions. It may bring feelings of connection, engagement, and understanding as conversations often involve meaningful interactions. It can also elicit emotions like curiosity, excitement, or even anxiety depending on the context and content of the conversation. Overall, this dream suggests a desire for communication and the emotions associated with human connection.





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Dreams of users containing the word Conversation

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18 Jul 2024



This was not my last dream but I know some people may relate to this. Once upon a time… I was on an island. But then I walked into town and it looked like Greece. Weird. I was walking down the path and made it to this pool that had a few people in it. They gestured for me to get in, so I did. But then I locked eyes with this guy. (Omg this sounds like wattpad I swear.) He was legit my type to a T. Like I swear this dude was perfect. He even had an accent. This dream felt really real to me because we were having flowing conversations, I could hear music, I could taste the food, it felt all too real. But then he said I have to go. Legit perfect timing because that’s when I woke up. But I felt heartbroken because I felt so close to somebody I don’t even know.

15 Jul 2024



In this dream I come from a fictional fantasy world(think Final Fantasy and all the staples of those MMORPG game and isekai manga worlds combined) Is heading to the capitol ot whatever, green green scapes and the beautiful skies Colors do look a bit washed but we don’t talk abt that I meet Scar, a character from the game Wuthering Waves(the settings are very fantasy-Chinese fusion); he’s the trickster of the game, fights with magical cards and fire, is often associated with motifs for traditional depictions of Baphomet, the Goat(the horns, the Venusian symbols all over his outfit and accessories, blending of the feminine and masculine, the Pallas symbols too) As I go on with the journey I encounter all the other characters from the same game, there’s some other fantasy characters archetypes in the rosters too I talk with them, we all head to the capitol, we’re apparently the people summoned to slay the mythical creature or whatever There’s the sassy mage, the medic(me, probably?), the knight, and the aforementioned guy from the game(he fights with magical cards), another one of the characters(she fights with a katana, controls the wind element and is a bit of a psychic), and another one who has fiery hair and fights with guns, another is a winsome blue-haired military general who wields water fights with a spear and is associated with the Long(Chinese dragon), another wields ice and is a scientist from the aforementioned game We’re talkin and shit, the scene is by some cliff, there’s the ocean, now the sky looks gray and about to rain any time The conversations aren’t looking too peachy, either in a serious or argumentative mood Scene changes At school, walking around Building is dusty, unlit by light I find a lit room For some fucking reason myself is already there talking with my classmates from the end of elementary school and the beginning of middle school(it was an all-girls catholic school) We’re talking about dating and stuff, with me being pried of infos the more the conversations go

10 Jul 2024



Walking in a park and the people in the park would not look at me. There was young girl in her teens sitting alone. When i sat by her I knew instantly that she was my granddaughter who has passed away as infant , still born . We had a conversation that could not be heard. She had long black hair and was beautiful.

8 Jul 2024



I am barely waking up from my 'main' dream and then I feel my eyes closing again and I fall right back into a deep sleep. I feel like at the same time I can see all of my surroundings in real time around me in real life, I am also just not seeing anything as far as dreaming it is like a shade of blackish dark grey. I hear a clear woman's voice and a clear man's voice, neither of which I recognize. Immediately I feel like I know the situation, being the lady acting seductive and friendly/charming in attempts to lead the man somewhere she can kill him. I had barely heard the woman start to speak when I felt like that was the situation at hand, as I listen to their conversation, I am hearing another conversation/interaction with them from what sounds like sometime in the future from the conversation that I am hearing a little bit louder and clearer, first. As I hear one (more dominately heard) conversation with both their voices I am at the same time hearing a (less dominately heard) interaction between the same two ahead in the timeline of the other conversation. Throughout my listening, it seemed like my first suspicions/feelings of the situation were true and quite accurate as with the beginning conversation sounding like their idle chat the led them to (in the other interaction) what sounded like her murdering the man. I didn't hear any screams but I could hear some slashing, and objects being interacted with, and silence from the man, no longer hearing his voice at all. The dream felt short and this was a first that I didn't necessarily see anything and couldn't move but could vividly hear others speaking to each other like in a movie where it already happened and it's like watching a memory through some perspective, except also the first time I heard both interactions/conversations from two ends of a timeline between one bigger event involving some characters or people or something at the same time.

7 Jul 2024



So basically what happened was I was waiting outside this house with about 3 other people and 4 or 5 other people came out to us and started talking and then me one of the girls and two of the boys started walking together down to our lodge cabin when we got there we opened the cupboard and a note flew out that said your having a party it’s got to be successful but you can’t make a mess or get any clothes out or anything so we all started stressing about this party I went upstairs with one of the other girls I was here with and we started getting clothes ready but making a mess so we had to clear it up and we were talking about how we want people to be honest with us always so I asked her if my face looked orange and a different colour to the rest of me and she said I’m sorry but yeah a bit orange and I said I knew it. Then down stairs they all started shouting saying there here there here so we looked out and saw a bunch of robot looking people and we both said oh that’s in and we burst out laughing the whole group of about 8 of us left the lodge cabin and walked over to the robots and said there’s your party pointing to the cabin and we all walked off the two boys were walking quite far infront and one of the girls called Connie who goes to my school in real life asked the group which off the boys we all thought was fitter she said the one with brown hair and I said the one with the curly hair then I woke up

5 Jul 2024



I was in my childhood basement, it used to creep me out as a child when I would watch TV at night. There was bunch of random stuff stored there, old furniture, childhood paintings, water damage from storms of the past. Accurate to what the basement really looks like. I saw too shadowy figures come from out the corner and spook me, then I looked at them a bit closer and was like “are you an Anderson brother” they said “yeah sure jokingly” then I looked closer and was like wait a minute… you’re a Marrone. Followed them to the laundry room and turned the drawstring light on it was my friend Mike Marrone who I work with, and his northern Nic who I’ve met once, nic looked like he did 10 years ago not now. I said “oh hi you spooked me glad it’s just you” then we had conversations about manifesting intentions time three, and fear isn’t scary when familiar.

3 Jul 2024



I was at a school of some sort and one of the students there had committed suicide. I had a conversation with this person the night before their death, so the next day everyone was talking about it and what happened, and the last people he spoke to before he died. A lot of information was getting tossed around like there was some people who were encouraging him to kill himself, and i remember feeling scared that people thought i did this. I remember telling him i just wanted to be happy. I was so afraid that information was going to leak that i was somehow responsible for his death even though i knew I wasn’t. I kept getting pressure from my peers to share a poem about his death, but I didn’t feel comfortable because I was so afraid I was going to get caught somehow.

25 Jun 2024



Sometime last week I posted a picture on Facebook. A few nights ago I had a dream about checking my notifications and saw that my friend Laura liked that picture. She then sent me a message on Facebook messenger asking me what I’ve been up to since graduation. I asked her the same thing. We ended up talking for hours and she told me that she missed me over the years. We then met up somewhere and we hugged for a long time. We then started dating and eventually became a couple. I hope we reunite soon and talk. She was a cool kid back in high school. I’ll never forget when we would playfully pick on each other.

25 Jun 2024

Dead Relative


I was talking to my grandpa who passed away almost 10 years ago now. And we were having a conversation when suddenly my daughter was too loud for him and he started telling he stuff and being way too harsh on her and in that moment I thought in my head, “I’ve just lost all respect for this man.” (Who I have always put in a pedestal because he was an exceptional man in his life). And he started crying and made a very sad facial expression but was still talking as if nothing was wrong. And then I woke up.

19 Jun 2024



Was a superhero fighting hundreds of enemies. It seemed likebi had the power to pretty much do anything (control the dream). Went back and forth between first person to as if I was watching a TV show. The character I played went from me to a girl in pink like miss marvel to the character invincible from the show invincible amd was fighting alongside omni man. I remember scenes where I was in a house and was reshaping it to get to where I needed to be through shape magic and also destroying walls through some destruction power then I was outside and omni man was fighting this huge 100 meter tall boss enemy. I took out the minions below like by disolving them like Thanos and before I could help omni man there was a shuttle falling from the sky. I remember there was something significant like someone in it but I can't remember that far back. I burst into the sky and raced over to it using something like the force to grab it out of the air from a distance just before it was gonna crash into the ground. Omni man and I then went to the people we were protecting and told them they were okay now and revealed that I was omni man's son invincible. It went from first to 3rd person. In that moment and was a close up shot like a TV show. Then it cut to some train yard. An important villain was escaping and I as the pink girl miss marvel was looking for him. I found him walking away and this was in 3rd person looking at him from the front and miss marvel girl in the background. I was asking him why he's leaving and we were talking like a conversation between friends or acquaintances or something.

19 Jun 2024



I dreamt I was at my sisters house with my cousin and we were talking in the living room with her daughter there. I was distracted b'se I could notice signs that another toddler had clearly been there and just things. They must have been older than my niece by a year or two... perhaps a boy. Anyway, this distracted me from being fully present in the room. I needed the toilet and went to the corner of the room, the area that my niece normally goes to when she's pooing in her nappy, and i began pushing. My niece came over and asked me if I wanted to poo, embarrassed that i was about to do it in the corner of the living room that was not hidden, I said yes, held my bottom where a poo was starting to come out and then headed upstairs for the toilet. On my way up my sister asked me to make dessert as she was cooking dinner. In my hurry as I was holding poo from leaving my bottom and hitting the floor, I stopped and asked her what she said. I don't know who replied out of her and my cousin but I just made haste up the stairs. Once I got into the toilet,I realised it had been renovated. The theme was shiny black and silver. I opened the tap to first wash my hands and the water went everywhere. My sister came in to explain how things worked in there and handed me a towel. I think I was frustrated that she didn't tell me before hand. As I proceeded to clean the bathroom I noticed it was now also a wet room combined. I also saw kids trainers in the bathroom and wondered whose they were. Too big for my niece. My cousin came into the bathroom, he was on the phone but helped me clean. We cleaned the entire bathroom, more than what was required. When he left and I sat on the toilet, I think I heard God? And a woman talking. The woman was saying " but I don't think she will help me" and God said, "trust me, just ask". Once I left the bathroom and returned downstairs we continued chatting. Someone asked my sister, maybe even me, I don't know, if her and her husband are ready for another child. She softly smiled and gave a little nod. Once I left, I was walking down the road and a woman stopped me and asked me to follow her. I did without question but inward wonder and curiosity, she walkes ahead of me with her head the whole time. We didn't speak, make eye contact. She led me to a store and asked me if I could buy her somethings. On the counter she placed a box of cigarettes and another 2 items that I don't recall. When I went to pay the card I used didn't work. I told the guy at the till my card doesn't and that I was robbed. Suddenly I turnt to the lady that led me there and said, "you're the person who robbed me, arent you? " with tears down her face she looked at me. Didn't answer and fled the shop. I noticed she was also wearing my jacket. The strange thing about this dream is that a year ago in real life, my cousins house was actually robbed. The robbers took my coat and my card and driving licence. They were never found. And I haven't thought about this in so long.

16 Jun 2024



Well I was at Satans war tent and he and I were naked but we didn’t had sex but a conversation about how to help people who were hurt so we lay up together and slept together as satan comfort me inside the tent

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