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Dream Interpretation: Cat 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Cat? Discover the significance of seeing a Cat in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Cat appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

It symbolizes an independent soul, feminine energy, creativity, supremacy, and strength. But, sometimes, a cat also serves as a warning symbol for any deceit or treachery that may soon happen in your life. They show you the things that are hidden and represent your freedom and comfort.

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🧭 Direction


Examine your true nature. Perhaps you are too dependent or trusting, and this may have some implications in your life. Or you may be too independent and are trying to do things on your own. It's time to change how you have been doing something, be shrewd and cunning to get the things you want in life.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a cat can evoke a sense of curiosity and independence. It may symbolize a desire for freedom and exploration. Cats are often associated with mystery and intuition, so this dream could also bring feelings of intrigue and a connection to one's inner self. Additionally, cats are known for their agility and grace, which could inspire feelings of elegance and adaptability. Overall, dreaming of a cat may leave one with a sense of wonder and a longing for self-discovery.





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Dreams of users containing the word Cat

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18 Jul 2024



I was running around what seemed to be a big farm or field with my youngest daughter and we were being chased and shot at by multiple men in vehicles. there was a pig there with us too. We were hiding from them and eventually my dad showed up and he helped us run away. My dad eventually disappeared and my grandma showed up and hid us in a trailer away from the danger and then I again appeared back in the field and my dad was there and we were hiding again. We got sniffed out by a dog and then I appeared somewhere else in the dream and ended up in a room with a bunch of rats in a tank that were deformed and I fed them to a cat outside.

18 Jul 2024



Last night I dreamt that my beloved cat Micky could talk!

18 Jul 2024



I dreamed that my mother turned into a kitty cat, and she was meowing, and it turned into English, and it was like, why did you leave me like that? I am your only mother kitty. I'm not giving any attention to all those other kitty cats, even those mean, some of those mean Spanish kitty cats. So, I turned into a kitty cat as well, and then we went to some kind of Trump rally, and the Donald Trump kitty cat was injured, and he started crying real bad. He was like, meow, meow, meow, and then all of a sudden the, what is it, the BLM guy was telling me I should move in, and go back to FedEx ground.

17 Jul 2024



I had a dream that I was in a house. I had my cat Milton with me and I remember going outside and seeing a bunch of kittens in the yard. There were a bunch of different cats, kittens in the yard and as I was walking outside I noticed there was a kitten in a puddle of water. I picked the kitten up and it was drowning so I started patting it on the back to try to get the water out of him and he started coughing up a bunch of water. I looked behind me and there was a woman. I started to ask her for help. She said to go to someone else so I started looking for more people for help because there were more kittens that needed saving. I found one lady to hold the kitten that I had just found and to keep it safe. Another part in my dream, I remember stressing about making a flight home or making a flight to go see my husband and I missed the flight. I started to stress about how I was going to get home and when I was going to get home.

16 Jul 2024



I dreamed I was going to the movie theatre with my ex. except we got split up right away, there was so many people going to the movies. I had a Paypal card that I could use as a credit card but the food and drinks were like $20 each and I didn't want to wrack up a lot of money. I saw everyone swarming the food and decided to continue on. I couldn't fond my ex inside the theater so I decided to sit next to a random stranger. He gave me a weird look but he let me sit by him. After the movie ended everyone was leaving and walking down long halls. We passed an area with drink stalls, and I found my ex again. I wanted him to get me a drink but he just ignored me and I didn't get a drink. Then, as we were all headed out down the long hallways, me and three other girls found a cat and absolutely loved bit. it looked like a tortie. we all were like "hi kitty kitty" and it came up to us and meowed. we realized that we were really far behind and I had lost my ex again. Me and the girls reluctantly decided to catch up. There was a certain point where everyone was hanging out and waiting for rides and drinking their smoothies when someone was sad about something. I tried to do the splits to make them feel better but ended up fumbling and fell on my but. it was in front of everyone including my ex. he gave me s weird look but everyone began to laugh and that made me feel better. There was a lady there who said I was her favorite. Then, everyone was leaving. I got split from my ex again, ended up walking to his house. someone had told me he was working on making me a bus. I was walking up and saw it. it was light blue and white. I really liked it and wanted to tell him that but when I got to him he started talking about a bird he'd found. The bird looked at him and said "Are you human?" and he said "Yes." and the bird looked sad. my ex mentioned the bird looked so sad, it was like sesame street. I then woke up.

15 Jul 2024



I was in the woods with some people it was sunset and I was following a creek that kinda wrapped around where we lived I was following it then all of a sudden it turned pitch black out and now it was super dark so I started walking back following the creek but I stopped and try to catch fish in the creek by hand but that didn’t work so I kept on going and saw a fish that was stuck on a part of the creek that was to low for it to live so I kicked it into a good part of the creek and then it swam off I kept following the creek and eventually got pretty close the our houses so I walked away from the creek and towards my house but then all of a sudden I knew that something was stalking me trying to get me so I got on all 4s and crawled toward my house and right when I made it the front of my door I heard a loud scream that sounded like a bobcat, it was a bobcat that was stalking me I ran into my room and looked through the window and there it was a house cat that tried to get me. That all I remember

15 Jul 2024

Swimming Pool


I had a dream that me and my brother, who we both went to college together, but I had a dream that we had just gotten out of school for the summer, like our final exams had just finished up. So we decided to throw this like house party or whatever to like celebrate but it was weird because we're like we're gonna have a big old house party for like several days like we're gonna make the big old event it's about a week-long party And so then like a bunch of people who we were in band with showed up and they were all there and chillin and the first night was fine but then everyone woke up together and we were like the next day we were like we should go swimming in the pool because I guess we had a pool in this imaginary house And the house in my dream was huge, like it was massive, and then so we everyone was getting ready to go swim in the pool and some people were just like, oh we're just gonna like, especially the guys were like, we're just gonna take off and go swimming in our boxers or whatever. And I was like, okay I need to go grab my swimsuit. And so I'm like trying to find my swimsuit, blah blah blah. And then my ex, my actual real-life ex came in and like confronted me and then started trying to like make out with me and like was like trying to get me back or whatever and I was just like wishy-washy about it and then I was like no I'm not interested so then he started talking crap about me to everyone who was at the party and then um so I was like whatever so I went to go get my like I continued on to go get my swimsuit and then I ran into another friend and he started like trying to grab me and like feel on me and like put his hands on me and stuff and I was like dude I'm just trying to go grab my swimsuit like go chill with everyone in the pool I ain't about that right now he's like oh but they're being so boring and blah blah blah I just want to be with you I was like dude no and then finally one of the girls came in and she was like everyone's spreading a bunch of rumors about you that like you're easy and all this stuff and then my brother came in and he was like came to my defense and it's like it's just one guy who's her ex who was abusive and shitty as hell and then another guy who she rejected so like of course they're gonna spread rumors you know like thank you it was nice that like my brother stood up for me like that when the girl was like I guess I really shouldn't have believed um I haven't really got a chance to know you And so we made up and I was like well I'm going up to my room to grab my swimsuit because I still didn't manage to do that. I was like my cat's up there if you want to meet her and no one else at the party's gotten to meet her yet and she was like yeah totally I'd love to meet your cat and so we went up there and my cat Pearl was there and for some reason my room suddenly became like like a loft apartment style room and it was really interesting. It was like okay we're changing locations. and so we were in this like loft like we were in this apartment like or we were on the lower floor where like my bedroom was then we like went up this tiny little like ladder thing and then we were in the upper part it was just like a little like Japanese style mattress on the floor and like a bunch of the windows were like open and stuff and so Pearl could like get out of them and all that and so I hadn't realized until that moment that she was able to escape that easy And all the neighbors were like, she would escape and then the neighbors would like pick her up and start petting her and start loving on her. And then they'd be like, oh is Pearl your cat? I thought she was just a neighborhood cat. And I was like, nah, she's my cat. And then I woke up.

15 Jul 2024



I dreamt of being in my living room, with just my dog at first. I walked over to the clear door that connects the inside of the house to the outdoor deck, and I went to it, flicking the outside light on from the inside. I saw my cat. I flickered the light on and off a few more times, just to make sure I was seeing it right. It looked to be him, but for some reason in the dream, I had a very strong memory of already letting him in from outside. I looked towards the couches in the living room, seeing my dog and no one else. I called for my cat, just in case, and he ended up coming out from the dark closet downstairs. I just watched him, as he rubbed up against my leg and then walked away towards the couches as well. I took a moment before looking back at the cat outside. The cat that wasn’t my cat. I thought to myself, did I maybe let the doppelgänger in the first time, and the real cat is outside? Is the not-my-cat-cat even bad? What if he just wants shelter from the winds and cold outside, and is using anytmeans to get it? In all honesty, I was about to let him in, but before I could unlatch the lock, the cat that had copied my cat, turned into a siamese cat, with blue eyes. He seemed upset I saw through the ruse, but I wasn’t especially upset by his trickery. He faded into the darkness of outside, and the once locked deck door became weak, and Inhad to keep it closed to keep anything hiding in the darkness out. It was actually quite fun-my cat came to help me in an almost cartoonish way, putting wooden blocks and toys(I think) to help keep the sliding door as closed as possible. My dog even got up from laying down on the couch and kept watch by my weirdly small living room window that faced the same area my clear deck door did. The window only had one large vitamin, but it did cover the window until my dog nudged it and let the small window/hole peek through. I rushed over to help him close it and my dog huffed and started budging at the curtain to fix it with me. I looked over to my car sitting by the slightly ajar deck door, unable to move it but keeping watch, and I kinda laughed, walking over to him and pushing at the door to close it again. “Looks like we got work cut out for us, huh?” I said to my two pets. My white dog let out a rough whine and my cat just blinked at me. The dream felt hopeful, though.

14 Jul 2024

Panic Attack


I was up early so I decided to take a walk. It was dark outside even all of a sudden I heard the wind howl. The dark clouds and then suddenly the towns shelter in place alarm. All I could think about was getting back to wake up my baby. I start running as fast as I can. I see the black in the sky.i imagine I can outrun the tornado coming.I see children running towards the church. I tell a man I have to get my baby. He says we all know who she is. I get back to the house and try to wake up my mom and Dad by screaming. I see my cats litter box and I can tell hes been having diarrhea because he's scared. I grab my cat in one arm and try to tuck him under my jacket. I grab my daughter from her crib and I take off towards to church running. I'm panicking, scared, and high anxiety/stress.

14 Jul 2024



I was in a discount store, just looking at the products and suddenly a bunch of small cats just appeared out of nowhere

12 Jul 2024



I can only remember bits and pieces of this dream. I remeber swimming across the ocean for this challenge thing and yelling, at this point I knew I was dreaming. I remember diving under water and seeing cats and trying to save them I had to bring them back to our side for the challenge. I remember I was with someone and we snuck in this theatre and started watching something but there were kids studying so we left. I remember racing this villain to get cars and fighting for better and faster ones. I visibly remember checking these bed type things for little prizes, it was like divergent and we’d been chosen for different roles who got different rewards. But me and whoever I was with I can’t remember went around stealing more because we knew the person in charge was evil. I visibly remember watching a huge rocket ship launch and cause this massive explosion where me and my friend had to run and jump off a cliff into water as the explosion effects blasted past us. I finally remember the movie “fall” tower was in my dream and these random Indians climbed it and took pictures I think they tried to make me do it too.

12 Jul 2024

Knife, dagger and weapons
Childhood home


We were in the yard of my parents house where I grew up, the yard between the front and back, between my house and my neighbors house. My cat Ringo turned into a tiger, foxy my dog was trying to fight him but he held his ground. Then my dad cut his back with a rusty knife. I felt heartbroken and rushed to help my cat.

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