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Dream Interpretation: Crash 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Crash? Discover the significance of seeing a Crash in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Crash appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This suggests that you are trying to reach a certain goal, but it's too high for you to get. You are trying to do overwhelming things that lead you to lose control of your life. Most of the time, you are doing things that are not necessary, leading to wasted time and effort.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

Sometimes a crash dream also serves as a warning sign as to what is coming your way. It explains to you the things to avoid in the walking life, so you can easily combat whatever will come your way. A dream like that explains the parts that need to be avoided to evade making mistakes.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a crash can evoke feelings of fear, panic, and vulnerability. It symbolizes a loss of control and a sense of impending danger. It may also reflect feelings of powerlessness and uncertainty in waking life. The crash dream can leave one feeling shaken and anxious, as it represents a sudden and unexpected disruption or setback. It may also signify a fear of failure or a need to confront and overcome obstacles. Overall, this dream elicits negative emotions and a sense of unease.





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Dreams of users containing the word Crash

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18 Jul 2024



Had a dream that me my mom and my brother were driving up this mountain in Oregon with a bunch of wildflowers and the driver was going super fast and the road was TINY with only gravel and we crashed twice. Nobody died.

11 Jul 2024

Old job


once again we went on vacation. For some reason I’m always sitting in the back of the Mercedes. We pulled in to one of my old jobs to pick something up. I remember something that I had forgotten and in one of the fork lifts and so I put on a uniform which was a blue mechanics suit and walked to the back of the warehouse. on the left and right sides of the warehouse there where giant crane lifts to pick up the forklifts so you can work on them. The celing seemed to be about 90 ft tall and the cranes where that high as well. So I grabbed a forklift to work on and climbed the crane with the forklift on my back. When I got to the top I set the forklift in place and I remember thinking that I’m really high up with no safety equipment. Being afraid of heights I had a death grip on the crane. I forgot why was in the warehouse so I began to work on the forklift anyway, I hooked up the computer to it and turned around to run the diagnostics. As I turned I knocked the forklift off the crane with my elbow and it fell the whole 90 ft and crashed, broke into a million pieces, and everyone came to see what the noise was. I saw my old boss come in but he didn’t recognize me so I acted like I didn’t do anything. At this point I was trying to hack into their system and steal some money or something. My old boss called me down from the crane to yell at me. after I was “fired” I tried to leave but I ran into grandma and grandpa, I acted like I didn’t just cause a ruckus and joined back up with them. That’s when once again my old boss was walking uo to the family and trying to talk to them. I tried to turn around but grandpa made me come back over. I didn’t think he would recognize me again if I didn’t look at him but of course he did he just fired me.

8 Jul 2024



I had 2 other dreams and it was crazy the first 1 was about my dad and my almost 4 y.o. Sister and how she needed her face washed but I had an actual face cloth and cleanser so she wouldn’t have issues breaking out my dad was like “Just use this” but my autism was hyperfixated on making sure she had the right type of cloth but I had to go home to get it so I drove recklessly (I don’t have a license) and it turned into the video game grand theft auto San Andreas I went from a white truck to a super cool red 1 that crashed then to a bike and it was nerve wracking. The 2nd dream was me at my Mema’s and I think I might’ve been going through something but all I know is that she and Natalie Nunn were both there talking to me about life and trying to move forward with life etc Natalie’s daughter was at the kitchen table drawing something and Natalie said “That’s why I wanna move back to Miami it’s nothing good out here” (I live in Virginia though) then the songs “Set Me Free” and “Overloved” by Raven-Symone came on and as I’m singing my Mema asks me do I want to be committed to a grave forever? And I say “No” I’m guessing she thought I was suicidal or maybe I was and she was just checking on my mental

7 Jul 2024



An ambulance drove off of a roof and landed nose down and was crushed in an accordion fashion

22 Jun 2024



A motorcycle was speeding incredibly fast down my chdhood street at a suicidal speed. It then crashed incredibly hard into an unseen wall and I knew the person died upon impact but only saw the wrecked motorcycle, not the dead person.

21 Jun 2024

Abandoned home


I was in my old house that was raised in at my hometown where I was riding a bike and saw a guy afar watching me and he was also on a bike so I rode my bike to the backyard and hid it inside a shack and walked inside through the back door and at the time I realized I was with my older brother Arnold earlier in the house then as I walked inside it was my other brother Pete not my other brother so as I look outside the front window I saw loud noises two ambulance trucks speeding with their sirens and while they made a complete u turn heading the East two 18 Wheelers were right behind them they were going so fast that I couldn't believe what I was seeing then they all crashed into my neighbor's house 2 houses away then the explosion occured when i decided to walk outside to help or something i was wearing only one glove on my Left hand then my other brothers came to follow me when I noticed it was my other brothers name noel and leonard and while at the time our heads were missing and white cloud of smoke was coming out our heads when other people were approaching us yelling and screaming running around panicking away from the explosion

15 Jun 2024



I was riding in a car Looking out the window I started hearing police sirens coming from in the car I look over at the driver foam started coming out his mouth as he started to have a seizure i started freaking out and screaming And there was a building infront of us And the car started getting faster I tried getting the wheel And we crashed The male was some kid from my science class Elijah the football player He scares me.

11 Jun 2024



I was with a group of people. We were watching a space ship launch type of experience that went wrong. It launched in space and people were On the ship and somehow crashed out in the emptiness of space yet it was fluid and gel watery like. They were alive and breathing through the gel matrix and aware yet seems dead at the same time as they floated in lifeless like form in space yet aware and alive in the brain. We watched in awe but also felt like we were part of it

3 Jun 2024

Time Travel


I was driving a convertible down the highway. The cars around me were crashing into each other. I was avoiding the other cars so I started speeding and weaving around them. There was a blue van in front of me and I got the feeling that I should follow it. As I was driving Jesus showed me a time meter and time was going backwards. Buildings started disappearing as well as everything else as time went back. It was like a desert of nothingness until it was just black. I heard a voice say No man willingly condemns their soul to hell

18 May 2024



I was driving to a Dinner for my birthday with my boyfriend's whole extended family. They were all waiting for me. I was driving there, I was in a car, but I was in the passenger seat. No one was in the driver's seat. I was trying to change into formal clothes for the dinner, but couldn't do it fast enough before the car started going downhill and crashed into someone's lawn. I got out of the car and started walking to dinner, but I couldn't find my way there, so I had a group of random people help me. I was still in my casual clothes, but I brought my formal clothes with me. Once I got there, Vince's whole family, my boyfriend's whole family, was waiting for me. And I just had to change into formal clothes quickly. So I went into the bathroom to change into my formal clothes but the next thing I remember is that my tennis shoes were both stuck in the toilet. I was desperately trying to get my tennis shoes out of the toilet but I couldn't get them to budge and then his aunt came in and was watching me try and pull my shoes out of the toilet. But she didn't help me and then a random girl came in and tried flushing the toilet and I asked her why she did that because that just made the problem worse. So then I had to dig even deeper into the toilet to get my shoes out and then by the time I got my shoes out of the toilet, the dinner was done and my boyfriend asked where I was the whole time and he didn't understand why I had to miss the dinner to get my shoes out of the toilet.

7 May 2024



I was driving from the back seat frantically trying to get to the drivers seat before I crash

6 May 2024



So i had 2 dreams visited the time line where i bought really expensive birthday gifts for my friends. i got meloni and bri giant perfumes of gucci and another scent with a gift bag of goodies. Then the next dream im friends with amanda seals and we are on a plane; and i see a lot of planes in the air doing tricks and flying off. But they are small helicopters planes. Then 2 planes do a weird manuver, one looks like its crash landing in the water. The other completely dropped out the sky and at the last minute pulled themselves up from falling in the water. It was hard to tell if that was on purpose or if engines fell out and they pilots just saved it in the end. Amanda seals is on this plane she thinks there is more going on. Obama is giving her insider information. Through this dream i feel naked even though im wearing clothes. They fit me a way i dont love. I dreams i had 18k followers on social media

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