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Dream Interpretation: Crack 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Crack? Discover the significance of seeing a Crack in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Crack appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of a crack can symbolize a feeling of vulnerability or weakness. It may also represent a fear of something breaking or falling apart in your life. Alternatively, it could indicate a need for change or a desire to break free from a situation.

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🧭 Direction


Consider what in your life may be causing you to feel vulnerable or weak. Are there any situations or relationships that need to be addressed? If you are feeling stuck or stagnant, it may be time to make a change or take a risk. Trust yourself and your abilities to handle any challenges that may arise.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about a crack may evoke feelings of vulnerability, instability, and fear. It symbolizes a potential breakdown or weakness in one's life or relationships. This dream may also bring about a sense of unease or uncertainty about the future. It signifies the need to address and mend any cracks or weaknesses in order to regain a sense of security and stability.





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Dreams of users containing the word Crack

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12 Jul 2024



I was driving my car home with my father in the right passenger seat mumbling about something. He sees a person in a blue polo shirt and long white pants dragging a sign. My dad was saying that he hates realtors or something political of some sort. I made the right turn into our street as I see more of the same type of people in front of our neighbors home. They saw our car as we were pulling up the driveway and started making their way towards us. We started walking into the garage. That's when I noticed my mom was heading out to the front yard with a broom and I could hear my mom say no we are not interested, thank you. I heard one of the blue shirts talking back in like a rude fashion but with a happy faceq. I head into the house and closed the front door. After closing the front door, I turned around and see a brand new closet on the left where our bathroom used to be. It smelt new and it had brand new hangers inside of it. I thought, wow this is so convenient and decided to grab some of my clothes to put in. Immediately after, I hear this barking. I knew it wasn't my dogs because they dislike going outside. I opened the front door, head into the garage, and I see this small pug outside. It was shivering and sad. As I was getting close to it, I saw money starting to fall to the ground from a gray pants. I tried my very best to grab all the money before it started to fly away. That's when I noticed a twenty dollar bill caught wind and started to fly away. I chased after it. As I was chasing the twenty dollar bill, I thought I saw a clip of money on the ground and started to investigate it. Found out it was only trash. I immediately disregard the trash and contined to chase after the twenty dollar bill. Unfortunately, a bird grabbed the money before I could and flew over the fence into a bush. I was like oh well at least I got some money. I turned around and head back home. As I was walking back, I noticed this guy and son looking outside my neighbors house on the right side of my house. I didn't think much of it and tried to head inside my house. That's when the weird guy who looked like he was on Crack started approaching me asking if I saw his gray pants. I tried standing my ground saying that I seen no such thing. He started to laugh and then said, if you see it, tell me. I refused to touch him in any sort. He turned around and started talking to himself that he needed to find the money before the big man came along. I see this Christmas float parade enter my cul-de-sac and i asked the weird guy, is it that guy?. The Crack man was going absolutely crazy and the big man started talking with him while sitting on the float. I headed into my house and closed the door. I looked out the window and see what was going on outside. It was like a big Christmas party happening with one of the neighbors.

10 May 2024



I was at a pool party and the earth started to shake, the wind started blowing, the water in the pool started to spill out as if it were being awakened. People started running and screaming. The earth started to crack and it appeared as if flares from the sun were falling to earth as I stood there and watched.

25 Apr 2024

Home Invasion


I dreamed about a squirrel trying to break in my home. It was at night time and my mom was cooking for dinner. The squirrel was perched on the our white fence outside. In it’s small hand it had our christmas light bulb. The bulb was sharp. I was passing by through the living room when I saw it from the window. It started to break in, using the bulb to break into the window. The window started to crack and I called my mom shouting 3 times until she came over my side. The squirrel ran away when my mom came.

31 Mar 2024



I had a dream I was hatching an egg and it turned out to be a baby crocodile. Everyone told me to let it die because it would be dangerous but I wanted it to live so I was trying to figure out how to feed it so it wouldn’t starve to death. I fed it but it started growing really fast. And I realized that it’s teeth were really big and if ur bit me it would be really bad. I was in my childhood house so I told my family to try to stay away from it and we were trying to hide so it didn’t get us. I put down some peanut butter to distract it but it would come back after it ate and go through the cracks in doors and I couldn’t keep it away

28 Mar 2024



humans are ancient “enigmas” being cleaned out of a very large house and i’m one of them. i’ve been hiding under a bed for however long and i’m finally found by a cleaner who stops by the room window to talk to a friend and sees me through the crack under the bed. humans have power and are dangerous to them? after the cleaner girl comes back to take care of me i end up pulling out a set of cards that are supposed to represent my future. (in a very magic-girl esqe way) and in a panic not to be murdered, i ask this girl “can we sort these cards, like really. i’ll sort them into whether or not i know what or who they are.. yet.”

26 Mar 2024



I’m out here with my family and we go out to eat. Everything is fine I’m with my grandma Kelli and it’s at a restaurant. Something simple not to out done. Just a little ol shack that serves breakfast burgers and rum. As we order our food a couple approaches. They aren’t young at all but two way older than my cousins. They look at me and say my name “Kylee omg I’m your grandparents” I’m like “oh hello I don’t remember you. I think ur my moms parents but I’m not to sure to. “ They try asking how everything’s been how’s my mother, her kids, even all up in my grandma Kellis bizz. So now we’re acquainted but I still don’t know them fr. They ask if they could continue talking to us and catching up so my grandma invites them to the house for dinner. As we get to the house everything’s fine, no bad aura, not one single sign. I go to my room to change out my clothes and the door budges open and “my grandpa” was the one giving it a nudge. I’m like wait I’m changing please get out he apologizes then “my grandma from my mom’s side” comes in without any doubt. I’m super confused and scared atp. My grandma sits in the chair in my room and doesn’t make a sound. “My grandpa” walks in and pushes me on the bed. I’m screaming for help but my voice keeps going in and out. Almost as though the wind was knocked out of me. I push past them and run to the kitchen. I grab some scissors bc I didn’t have time to dig thru dishes. He approached me and I’m super scared still screaming for help as “my grandma” appears. I stab his stomach with these scissors I pull them out and run to my grandmama to call 911 but she didn’t know what was happening and I have no service no bar not even just 1. I’m still screaming for help these random people in my house. “My grandma” try’s to grab me from behind, I turn really fast and stab her in the spine. I was shocked at the fact I had to stab these strangers that claimed they were family. The old woman and older man never looked more scary. My grandma scared to move or say anything told them to leave. She didn’t want them to harm both of us since we couldn’t call for help. They packed up there stuff and came walking to the couch. The woman had lost her teeth somewhere in the house she apologized for almost killing me she didn’t know what came about. The husband smiled and gave a little laugh he said “if I didn’t stab him he would’ve stuck it in the back.” I’m absolutely bawling at this point terrified for what’s next. They left in a hurry thinking the police were on the ass. I was still scared bc they knew where we lived and they didn’t have to try very hard breaking in. Me and my grandma go to the police station and make a statement. I had blood all over me so it was obvious something had happened. I leave the police station my grandmother still talking to them. I try to call my cousin bc she’s the closest to me out here. And as I’m walking down the street trying to contact her these kids walk by listening to my conversation so I hurry down by the shore. There’s a bunch of ice over the lake. So my dumbass walks on it trying to conversate. Then suddenly the ice starts to crack I start running to the bridge in the middle of the lake but then the ice breaks. I fall in still on the phone trying to swim back to the top but the water is too strong. My body is held down I start to loose air I’m gasping for breath while it feels like something’s pulling me from under there. I start to hallucinate I guess u can say. A tiny council meeting under the water and the members pulling on me. I get seated in a chair they are talking but I couldn’t hear nothing but water moving way too fast. They all turn and look at me waiting for an answer I’m shocked and try to say I can’t hear but my lungs collapse. I died right there and the meeting disappeared. I’m still on the phone but the only thing she can hear is me screaming then silent under this noisy smaller version of the sea. I woke up after I drowned without any knowledge of what happened next but I was sweating and crying thanking god it was a dream.

23 Mar 2024



I had a vision that I was cooking breakfast and had just washed this skillet and right before I cracked an egg on the skillet a red & black beetle appeared out of thin air into the middle of the skillet. And it was alive. I was disgusted and confused as to what that dream could possibly mean?

20 Mar 2024



Me and my family had drama my mom was drunk and ripped the carpet and then my sister killed her self by cracking her neck

16 Mar 2024



I ran through a wooded area, most likely during the fall. I had to get back home to a cave of sorts, but I knew I'd be passing the hideout of dangerous people while doing it. I hired a man with a three wheel scooter to drive me past as quickly as possible, but he didn't understand what I was saying very well and the people followed me to my own hideout in the cave. They carried torches and weapons while wearing post apocalyptic attire. I managed to fight off a lot, but they kept coming. Then, one giant person appeared with an axe the size of a house and started messing the place up. Something told me the only way to survive was if I defeated this person, so I did. It took a long time of hitting the axe over and over until it cracked. Once it did, I used a piece of the handle to get rid of the others who were attacking before placing the handle in front of the opening as if it was a door.

11 Mar 2024



I dream then I was in an apartment and I went to a room and the door when I opened it close shut I opened it again, and it closed again so I took a hanger from the closet, propped it open to remain open. I went into the other room and the door looked cracked all over and I pushed it to the side, I looked around and noticed that the window was busted and I noticed that there was no glass inside but the glass was outside so I looked out and saw kids playing in the field. I felt calm I felt and control and noticed that nothing was taken within the apartment and that it was accident perhaps by the kids playing outside so I begin to head outside, approach one of the kids and explain to them what happened to my window and they told me yeah we were playing in the ball hit the window so I explained that they are under windows that they might accidentally hit They should play in another area so no one else window could get hit, and the kids began to taunt me and ignored me. I noticed, as I turned around to head back the area begin to fill with water. There was a helicopter in the sky. I waved my hands to the helicopter, and it landed in the field. I’ve been noticed that the path that I traveled had been lost due to the water so I noticed people walking in the field and decided to take the path the others were taken to back to the apartment I came from and I woke up

10 Mar 2024



I was in a supermarket, but i didn't know exactly what to buy. I decided I wanted ramen for me and my brother so I went to the ramen section and took two of them. then, I took two eggs and I don't know why but I cracked them and put them on the counter so they did a big mess for the cleaning lady. I tried to act like nothing happened and I went to buy a bowl, but all of them were so expensive. I wanted to leave the pleace already, but I was moving very very slowly and kept looking back at the cracked eggs which seemed to have multiplied and make an ever greater mess.

8 Mar 2024



I was in the house i lived in throughout middle and high school, but it was two-story instead of single. I was deep into a zombie apocalypse. I had my whole ground level of the house boarded and barricaded off so that hopefully, I wouldnt get overrun. But in my bedroom I had a window that opened over the roof of the garage, so if I ever needed to escape that would be my way out. I was in the middle of cooking some kind of delicious soup. I could smell it. It smelled like Pozole the Mexican soup dish. Then I heard a massive smash coming from the other side of my house. I grabbed my sword I had set down next to me and quickly went to see what in the hell had happened. Some how one of my barricades had broken away, and the zombies quickly began flooding in. I ran back across the house to peek out of the crack in a window and I was completely surrounded by zombies. Luckily, like I said, I had an escape. I grabbed my already packed emergency escape bag, a tupperware container that I filled with my half-done soup and ran upstairs as fast as I could. I shut the door quietly behind me. None of the zombies had made their way upstairs yet so If they didnt hear me they couldnt locate me. I sat there for awhile just staring at my soup and salivating at the smell. As I reached for it, there was a bang at the door. It just kept getting louder and louder. I could see it starting to lose its strength so I made my way to the escape window and tried to open it. It was stuck. I couldnt open it at all. I grabbed a heavy object in the room and broke the glass away. As I began to climb through the window there was a shard of glass still sticking out that I missed and it cut my arm, very deeply. The pain vibrated all through my body. All I see is blood flowing out all over me. I tore off my shirt, wrapped it around my arm and held it there as hard as i could. I turned back to look inside and thr zombies had just broken through. When I woke up I had this massive dark bruise in the exact same spot where I had cut my arm in the dream. But I sleep in the middle of my bed with a pillow on each side of me. How on earth did I get the bruise?

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