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Dream Interpretation: Breaking 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Breaking? Discover the significance of seeing a Breaking in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Breaking appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Breaking something in a dream symbolizes a need for change or a desire to break free from a situation or relationship. It can also represent a fear of failure or a sense of being overwhelmed. Consider the object being broken for further insight.

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🧭 Direction


Think about what in your life needs to change or what you need to let go of. It may be time to break free from a toxic relationship or situation. Alternatively, breaking something may indicate a need to release pent-up emotions or stress. Find healthy ways to express yourself and let go of negative feelings.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of breaking can evoke feelings of fear, anxiety, and vulnerability. It symbolizes a sense of loss, destruction, or the end of something significant. This dream may reflect a fear of change or a feeling of being overwhelmed by life's challenges. It can also represent a desire for freedom or a need to break free from constraints. Overall, the dream of breaking elicits negative emotions and a sense of uncertainty about the future.





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9 Jul 2024



Dreamt I broke into Keith’s apartment and saw all my pictures replaced with his new girlfriends pictures. I looked into his fridge and saw beer and said to him I thought you said you didn’t need to drink beer. I was angry and started to break everything around me. Tore up her pictures and then woke up

5 Jul 2024



I had another dream about my home getting broken into. That’s two nights in a row. There were a lot of them. This time they shot more than one person but nobody that I felt I had to protect like last time.

21 Jun 2024

Break up


In my dream I was at work trying to save puppies that would have been killed, so I had to break the rules. My work place was on top of a perfect manicured lawn hill that every night picked up items for shipment. When we would try to escape the puppies in the night there would be large over inflated balloons in the walk wag blocking our wag. The second part of my dream was I was dating my high school ex and he broke up with me. I was very close to his mom and his mom was sad that her son and I broke up. She told me to date her other son that was one year younger. He was very skinny and small and looked years younger than me. I decided that didn’t bother me and I pursued him for years. My ex was very upset with this and was persistent for years that this was weird. I told him he broke up with me because he had no feelings and I no longer had feelings so there was nothing weird about this. In the end he was very jealous. Everyone knew my ex’s brother and I really liked each other but did not make it official for years. My ex’s brother for years worshipped me and thought I was out of my league. He got me pregnant but rhen landed a huge role for a move. He transformed into this famous movie star that was very attractive and buff and broke up with me. I ended up losing the baby at 7 months even though I never looked pregnant. I was devastated and devoted my time to working out like he did for the movie. After I lost the baby and found solace from his mom he desperately wanted me back. I wouldn’t take him back because that’s when I met my current husband and I knew he would be my husband and he didn’t deserve me.

7 Jun 2024

Abandoned home


I had a dream where I was building a device that needed a play/pause button and so I scoured an abanadoned office building to find a play button shape that was perfect with sharp edges. Then I found myself stopping in a room where they had random airplane pilot merchandise. I grabbed a flimsy airplane made out of cloth from a rack and threw it and it just fell to the floor. Then a classmate grab another one and threw it of the side of the building and it spun like a helicopter, going down slowly. Then I found myself on street level where I went into the middle of the street with out looking if any cars were going to hit me. A bunch of criminals were walking toward my direction on the street. They were breaking into stores and trying to harm people inside and on the street and then I woke up.

9 Apr 2024



i dyed my hair from black to white, my mom tried to break into my room and she did and then starts messing with my stuff and then she messes with something that’s dangerous, a lot of little kids and a lot of dogs try to break into my room they are pushing onto my door then the little kids are then sticking objects inside of my vagina little kids raping me with objects

9 Apr 2024



i dyed my hair from black to white, my mom tried to break into my room and she did and then starts messing with my stuff and then she messes with something that’s dangerous, a lot of little kids and a lot of dogs try to break into my room they are pushing onto my door then the little kids are then sticking objects inside of my vagina

9 Apr 2024



My leg was broke and I could see the bone sticking out, then someone cut me and the bone popped out. Somehow I ended up in the icu and I remember being in a lot of pain

8 Apr 2024



So me and one of my caregivers had to walk to the grocery store because it was the apocolyse and they were giving out some food but we knew not to get some of it because it was poison to kill us quicker so we wouldn’t keep getting it. She ran after getting what we needed because it can be stolen quickly and I ran as fast as I can too but they grabbed me and took me to a room and said why won’t you die. And I said I don’t know. And then they kept being mean like that to me and then she came and broke the door so she could get in that room and was like oh no get away away from her. She knows and does nothing. And then that was it.

8 Apr 2024



I was with some friends and we were walking thought this place that was sort of a mix between a house and an apartment building. We were checking out different rooms and some were too messy and we said how we wouldn’t stay there and some rooms we said were too small. We also found some clothes and decided to take them and wear them. Then some of us ended up walking to this common room type area. There were a good amount of people and a bunch of them I had seen earlier in my dream but didn’t know, some I knew and some were strangers. There was this dude that set up parties or something and he was talking to people. At some point some people took some edibles and I asked if I wanted one and I said no because I quit weed since it made me anxious. I still hung out with them and we walked to the woods or something and just explored. It started to become a nightly thing where we all gathered and people would drink and do drugs. We all sort of lived in that big area where I first met everyone and there were all the clothes and food we needed. At first all I would do was drink alcohol but I started to join in when they did acid and other pills. It was fun but I also didn’t know if I was making the right decision doing them. Everyone else was all the time though so I thought it would be fine. I would get up the next day and barely remember anything from the night before. Some days I had absolutely no recollection of the previous day. I was having fun but I also didn’t like how I was always out of it and never remembered anything. We had a poll on where to have some big party and we decided on a big party in the woods. We were all drinking and stuff but then for some reason the party became a competition and we were fighting some people but I don’t remember why. We didn’t fight everyone just certain people. I remember me and one of my friends were talking to the main guy and there were two dudes we were competing agains and both of our groups wanted to win. I decided I wanted to get it over with so I put one of them in a choke hold and we started fighting. I would be winning for a minute then he would be winning for a tiny bit but I ended up doing better as I could grab him from behind and stop him from moving. The right ended when I knocked him over and slammed something on his head and broke his nose. The other people were impressed and I was like, I think I broke my finger, oh well. Then everything went back to how it had been and it turned into nightly parties after that again and everyday felt like a blur. I couldn’t remember what happened when and where we were each night. We would go to cool places and party in mansions or at concerts. After a while the parties sort of stopped and we were apparently supposed to decide what we would be doing from now on. Like what we would be doing with our life. Everyone was splitting up and I was sad. Some people could go with one person from the group but some people had to go alone. There were a bunch of different tables with people at them sort of like a career fair but we had to end up choosing one. Some choices would be something like fly to different places often, never have a specific home because you’re always traveling. One was like working on boats by the woods we had a party at and stay in the area. One was joining the main dude in charge and help him prepare parties. One was an astronaut and go into space and leave earth behind. They were all really weird and there ended up being a point system or voting to decide what you get. I didn’t have as many points as some people so I didn’t get to pick first and I was stressed because I didn’t want to do any of the options but I had no choice.

8 Apr 2024



The world worked as it does now the only difference is that there were dinosaur like monsters that roamed the world. Their vision was based on human movement, if you were inside a car they would not chase you. Me and my friends were on a journey to Mecxa, a reactor that could end all of these monsters life. No lives were lost along this journey but there were a lot of close calls. We made it to Mecxa just to find that it had been destroyed and the journey was for nothing. The group was decided weather to go back or to try and fix the reactor. The group was split and a verbal fight had broken loose alerting the monsters in the area. We took cover and the monsters broke through the windows on the roof and the blast doors, after that I don’t remember much.

8 Apr 2024



I'm in my childhood home and playing the Sims computer game in the dark. I needed to shower but I felt that getting in a shower would be too much work so I just lather myself with soap and clean up using the sink. Everything is in the dark except I have a little light coming from a wall plug in. While I'm washing up, my brother and dad are downstairs watching tv. As soon as I finish washing my face, I go to my bedroom to dry off and get changed. I hear a lot of commotion downstairs and outside. So I go to my window to see that the local university is having a victory parade on the street and people are having a good time but some are starting to run but I can't see why, so I go to the top of the stairs to look down into the family living room and I found my dad and brother scrambling around with the couch up on its side and it appears that a leg on the couch is broken. I asked what happened and they said that some kids stole a gun out of my dad's truck and they tried to chase them so now they barricaded themselves in the house in case they tried to come in and started shooting. So I come downstairs to try and help and I asked them what the person looked like and they just said tall with wings. So I go outside because I don't care what happens to me. And I try to see if I can spot the person or people they are talking about and it is still chaotic out in the street. I end up finding them and it's a group of teens or younger adults that were traveling together by holding onto each other's legs and cartwheeling. They each also had wings and could fly. I attracted them to come back to the house by throwing 2 liters of sodas. They come back and I confronted them about stealing guns (which is highly unusual because I do not like guns and I do not like conflict or confrontation) and then I found the one that had the gun that my dad and brother described. He turned around to fly away from me. I said something else and he landed and then pointed the gun towards me and I woke up in a panic.

8 Apr 2024



My boyfriend broke my TV and invited my ex around who is in prison they both made me feel like I was crazy and made me cry and screamed they was joking together

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