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Dream Interpretation: Ghosts 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Ghosts? Discover the significance of seeing a Ghosts in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Ghosts appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of ghosts can represent unresolved issues from the past that are haunting you. It can also symbolize fear of the unknown or fear of death. Alternatively, it may indicate that you are feeling disconnected from others or that you are feeling like an outsider.

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🧭 Direction


Take some time to reflect on any unresolved issues from your past that may be affecting you. It may be helpful to talk to someone about your feelings and work through any lingering emotions. If you are feeling disconnected from others, try to reach out and connect with people in your life. Remember that everyone feels like an outsider at times, and it's okay to ask for help when you need it.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of ghosts may evoke feelings of fear, unease, and vulnerability. It can symbolize unresolved issues from the past, haunting memories, or a sense of being haunted by one's own actions or choices. The presence of ghosts in a dream may also suggest a fear of the unknown or a feeling of being trapped in a situation. Overall, this dream can leave a lingering sense of discomfort and a need for closure or resolution.





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Dreams of users containing the word Ghosts

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15 Jul 2024

Old Home


Was a teenager again in an old house with my parents. I snuck in and out of the old house. There were various ghosts coming in and out of the as well. It was late at night in the old house and I had some friends over. We played some games and had a good time. One of them was a first person shooting game. It was late at night and everyone was sleeping, various ghosts come and go from the house. Some of the ghosts had stories to tell and lessons to give. Later on, I was driving to and I had to pass through some road construction. It was on a bridge with various secions of it blocked. I was headed towards a mountain with a vally on the other side of it.

5 Jul 2024

Abandoned home


I was back at school and well prepared for my classes. I knew where to go and I left myself time to finish my homework. However I unexpectedly got distracted before my class and I didn't have time to do my homework. I got a little nervous walking into my class without my homework. After school I go to a big abandoned house when I notice the lights turn on and off by themselves. The dark basement made me very scared. When my friend got to the abandoned house he got very scared because he knew there were ghosts. When me and him and other friends we're going to take a group picture the ghosts got in the pictures too and they looked scary

30 Jun 2024



Had two drams in one and they were both scary The first. I saw a mom who moved into a house and the place had a ghost in it, a tall skinny man dressed in black with a bowl hot on his head. The house looks like a two story house, but when climbing the first stairs, just before taking the second stairs, there's a room on the right hand side, which is where the son's room is in. In the dream, the little boy has been telling his mom there's something in the house and it's not pleasant, but the mom always brushed it off; until one day she heard shuffles on the second floor, and then heavy steps, so the mom decided to truly pay attention. As the steps are moving toward the stairs, so was the mom. I could feel what she felt, fear; fear that this thing had finally decided to take her child, so she made a b line for the stairs and got to her son before the thing and that's when she saw the thing. She ran outside with him. In the same dream I saw another bad man who befriends people with kids in the same area the lady lives in, and what that bad man does is kidnapping the kids and sell them to rich people. I saw myself as the kid's protector and jumped in the car and saved one child, but that had guy wasn't working alone; he and his accomplice had each stolen a child, I saved one, but the cops were looking for the other child. I then saw me looking through the eyes of the chief of police investigating the kidnapping, at the same time I was a by standard. The chief of police was analyzing which route the kidnapper could have taken; he thought there were only two routes that end up connecting with the main route a good distance from where the kid was abducted, only to find out that there was another dirt road that is not traveled much, one can't see it if you're not looking for it. This route is also connected to the main route miles away from the abduction and the my dream changed as the chief was thinking about which route the kidnapper might have taken In my second dream, I saw me watching a photoshoot. This photoshoot was of a wedding dress. The designer, a dark skinned woman, who is well known for her beautiful wedding dresses had just came out with a new wedding and was introducing it to the world on one of those big fashion magazines. The photographer, Asian , also a woman, also well known for her work. In the dream, it seems the fashion designer and the photographer were good friends, for it felt like they have been working together for a very long time. The photographer was popular for her water pictures; she had a big and large tub like pool, but it was more like a non-slip pad, but also a tub. The pad/tub was red on the outside and black on the inside and was filled with water; the black color made a perfect contrast to the white dress when the models lay in the pad/tub to be photographed. The scene was ethereal, it was as though the dress was floating and yet flying. The designer was dressed in a red cocktail silk gown that was off the shoulders, wrapped at the waist and revealed a whole lot of leg. The designer looked happy, but it was a surface happiness. I saw me telling her about my designs and she was a bit dismissive when I was explaining some of my sketches to her. Then she was doing a speech, like she was having a big reveal of her new wedding dress; a party of sort. At the beginning of the speech, she was fine, then it took a turn quick, she started talking about her son who had passed away. In the dream, the boy had died young, he wasn't older than eight or nine and wasn't younger than six or seven. I couldn't determine the boy's correct age, what I knew for sure was that he had died extremely young. As she was talking about the boy, she started saying "I see him mama. He's here". Her mom thought her daughter had started to lose it, but didn't say anything because she didn't want people to think that she thinks her daughter was going crazy. And the designer said that "he took my boy to hell with him" she was crying in a mournful and yet angry way. That's when I understood that the boy had died by his father's hand, he had burned the boy and himself as well. As the designer was crying, she started saying "let him go" like the boy's father had kept him in hell with him as leverage; for if he kept the innocent soul, he wouldn't suffer as much in hell as he should. And I saw the party had turned into a church and they started praying for the mom to let go of her child because her anger could open the door for her child to possess her, and for the child's sould to leave hell before it gets corrupted and I woke up with the song on my lips

24 Jun 2024



I was running inside of a Mexican candy store similar to the ones my family goes to a lot in downtown LA. A ghost or demon was chasing me and eventually I got somewhere and thought I was safe. Then I couldn’t move and it was hard to breath. The demon or whatever it was grabbed me and opened its mouth. It was taking my soul and I was suffocating, I woke up gasping for air.

21 Jun 2024



House Scary ghost creature inside Go inside tunnels w girlfriend and sister trying - I could only find pants for a shirts to escape it Meet another girl going through the tunnels I saw her earlier that day Asked where she was going My girlfriend and sisters and I decide to go with her We have to get clothes to leave We get in the truck Everyone from my 2020 graduation class is going to the cabin for a party We are hesitant We get in the truck and leave anyway

19 Jun 2024

Family Members


My sister hit with something and I died but only my family could se me when I was dead

19 Jun 2024

Dark Room


There were super powers in the world but I was born without a power and I really wanted one. I went to a rental house to use a machine that lets me use powers. the rental house was big and well lit. I got to demo the super power machine by levitating objects and other things by my voice command. I wasn't very good at using at first because I needed practice. I was hoping to use the machine for longer but it broke and I needed to wait until it was fixed. There also was a little boy that was born with powers but he also used the machine for extra powers. He could see good and bad spirits and ghosts. his older teenage sisters both had a cool powers too like mind reading. The boy was calling his dad on FaceTime and he saw a spirit behind him. The spirit closed a door leading to a ominously dark room. I thought the spirit was bad so I took the boy and I to a well lit glass hallway

9 Jun 2024



There was a large in ground pool. There was a mystery to solve. Four people, one named hermoine, two were in their 50s and former lovers, and the 3rd an unknown man but who smelled like a forest. I was investigating the mystery something had foreboding had happened to these 4 at this outdoor ungrounded pool. The scene was like an English garden, foggy at dawn. I was walking around the pool and found an ancient altar behind a rotting wooden red X. Trash had been thrown on it so I cleaned it up and lit a small candle. Back to searching for clues around the pool. Other investigators were talking behind me but none of their theories held up. The two elderly people involved suddenly appeared and were giving their statement, that the man had drowned and hermoine ran away but something about it didn't ring true. Suddenly the fog grew more intense and the water in the pool had become like an obsidian mirror and I could see the outlines of ghostly souls blurred in the beyond. Then I was back with the other investigators and I had a bottle of soap scented like the forest in my hands. I poured it into the water. Then I woke up

9 Jun 2024

Demon possession
Light (Not Dark)


I had a dream where I was going into my deceased grandmothers basement and the light wouldn't come on. I cracked the door open and started to step in and I felt something grab me and then I seen my mother's ghost coming from the top of the stairs. She grabbed my arm and then I seen a demon and he started pulling me the other way they both fought hard to pull me towards them but eventually the demon pulled me in and my mother screamed and slowly faded away as the demon took me down

6 Jun 2024



my dad got shot in the head for havin money on him and i had seen his ghosts and kept asking him to explain who it was so i can get revenge but i couldn’t hug him

2 Jun 2024

Family Members


I had a dream that I was walking from sch and there were like 3 mini playgrounds laid down the road and I was talking to a kid and there were these oompa loomas around us and I was talking to my mum but I realised she weren’t there but I managed to c her in the distance but she walked 10x faster than me n she was transparent and then I ended up in Germany at my grandparents house and I picked a sweet out from it and started chewing for like AGES it got so boring so I spat it out and then I sat on their bed and I fell asleep and I sort of had this other dream that was like ab me in the London rain and I left my backpack somewhere on the street and I was in my taekwondo uniform n I couldn’t see anything everything was blurry and then Neil took me to a cafe and I was telling him how I forgot my belt, and my sparring gear at home and had forgotten my backpack at the streets and he j aired me and I was panicking sm I could rlly not c much I was struggling to open my eyes and then I woke up in a big pink bath and I literally inside it underwater suffering and I finally sat up to the surface n I was like jeez I mustve been down there for half an hour and then I saw Isla and I said Moley and I said say Moley and she ignored me and then she finally said Moley and then I woke up after the nappp

28 May 2024



In my dream the people included was Binky n her mom (tiktok) Bae n his family n friend Nylah n dior Me Neighbors (not sure) white Me Nylah n dior was at a friends house. Girls needed their hair down. Dior was running around the house playing with her lil kids while we was all socializing and playing. Not sure how I got upstairs or wanted to cuz this house seem familiar n I knew in the dream of the room where 2 hunted girls lives on a bedroom closest and every time o feel like I go in that room that whispering to me and trying to get me to get in the closet… (I’m TERRIFIED) One of the kids saw me in the room and locked me in. (Not sure why) When the door was closed I immediately knew I was going to see the white twins. Sure enough I felt them behind me and as soon as I felt a cold spirit and hand on me the door opened and I ran down stairs with everyone. I immediately called my kids to me to make sure they were okay. But now for some reason I’m determined to find out what happened to them twins, who are they and why they haunting me.. I don’t think this is my house but I been in this house before in a dream. Same room. I needed up outside where the white neighbors begin to act weird. Like they have sumn to do with the twins disappearance. ( saw me outside pointed at me start chasing me( (don’t no what order this go can’t remember. After girls got hair done I told them they CAN NOT STAY‼️‼️ n hurried up n got them with me to go. After I dropped girls off at home with mom. Me n bae went to hang with his friends n family. Bae friend ended up going to sleep. And a big time dealer needed her things (not sure what things was) but it was Very important. This where it got really weird. I was in bae pop but of view in this part. The guy started to get impatient and starting tellin bae (me) go get your friend I need my money.. bae keep saying he coming he coming. Time still go by. Dude think bae n his friend playing n setting him up n just don’t wanna give him what he came for. He start punching on bae all in his stomach n face telling him he go get on his ass til he get out here.. Bae go wake up friend but only to come back with his friend and guns. They immediately start shooting dude. Bae take me downstairs with his ppl to cook. We sitting in the kitchen laughing, talking, vibin n somebody say your sister want to come lay down in the kids bed. The kids bed was in the kitchen for sum reason. Everybody got wierd n awkward silence came over the room. His friend say naw tell her to stay out there. I’m like it’s coo let her I. What’s wrong wit yall.. ??? Feeling uncomfortable n confused. So bae say naw bae she need to just stay in there… She finally come into kitchen and I immediately looked down in horror confusion curiosity shocked and more… It was a moment u not supposed to stare type ish. She didn’t have skin! She was just a tall big glob of slimy saggy inner body . When she played down and turnt to talk to the rest of us to chime in the convo. I slowly turnt around and she was actually a HE. And he had a face with skin. So he covered his body with a cover so only you can see neck up. I felt more comfortable to look and engage. He seem really cool. I started to his family is really cool. And sweet crazy ppl but I love them. I was happy to meet them n showed me he cares and plan to have me around long. I woke up! 5/28/24 @ 2am

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