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Dream Interpretation: Holes 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Holes? Discover the significance of seeing a Holes in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Holes appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

Dreaming of holes can represent a feeling of emptiness or incompleteness in your life. It may also indicate a fear of losing something important or a sense of vulnerability. Alternatively, it could symbolize a need for ventilation or release from a situation.

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🧭 Direction


Think about what the holes in your dream represent to you. Are they a source of anxiety or relief? Consider what areas of your life may be lacking or causing you stress. Take steps to address these issues and fill the holes with positive experiences and emotions. Don't be afraid to seek support from loved ones or a professional if needed.

❀️ Feelings

The dream about holes may evoke feelings of uncertainty, vulnerability, and fear. It symbolizes a sense of emptiness or a void in one's life, leaving a person feeling exposed and unsure. The presence of holes in a dream can also represent a fear of losing control or a lack of stability. These emotions may arise from a subconscious awareness of potential risks or insecurities in waking life. The dream may serve as a reminder to address these feelings and seek ways to fill the void or find stability in order to regain a sense of security and confidence.





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Dreams of users containing the word Holes

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9 Jul 2024



I was in my house and had a really bad headache. I started to feel my head and felt holes bored into my skull but the skin was intact. I went into my bathroom and looked in the mirror to find that my head looked like Swiss cheese.

11 Jun 2024

My crush
Old friend


I was at my house living with my parents and I got to have my old friend group over. The area around our home was getting renovated so there were giant holes in the ground and some of it spread to our yard. I think my friends and I were doing karate moves. I left to smoke weed and while I was gone they kissed one of the girls I had a crush on and I felt left out. I got high on weed and had a hard time keeping up with them while they were doing cool moves. Eventually I got sober but most of them left by then and it was getting dark. I was hoping to get a kiss from my crush because she got to stay later than the rest but I didn't have the courage to ask

6 May 2024

High School
Family Members


Just a few weeks ago I had a dream that really shook me and I was back at my old high school for like a concert or something. It started out there then it fast forward to me being late for the concert at my house and I go on my way to the high school. The high school had a fire and it looked really rough, the high school did. I ran in because my family was supposed to be there so I went to check on them. I ran in, I go into the gymnasium and there's holes in the gymnasium floor. I pull up one of the hands, it's my sister, I pull her hand up. Her flesh is really bad and she's burnt to a crisp and I'm crying and screaming. I see my mom in the ground too of the gymnasium. I pull her up and she's saying I love you while she's burnt to a crisp and everything. My dog was fully burnt to a crisp too and I'm crying and I feel all alone. I don't like being alone and it scares me to death to ever be alone in this world.

8 Apr 2024

Dead body
New Job


I was in the car with my fiance. We were going down a road we've never been on. I said something about wanting to get a dog. He said that there would be a dog for me on the next road. There was this man walking a big great Dane. I could hear the great Dane talking. I don't remember what he said. I got out of the car to see the next dog. It was a little light brown bulldog. He ran up to me and said "I love you! Are you my new mom?". I said "yes I am, now let's go for a walk up this mountain ". I look down and I made a leash appear. We start walking up the mountain and I start getting an uneasy feeling. The mountain is steep and I keep looking over at the man with the great Dane. I heard the big dog say that he thought me and my dog were competition. He starts running faster, but his owners hold on his leash stopped him from running. I look at the owners face and notice his eyes change from red to black. I look down and were almost past the steep part of the walk. I notice holes in the ground. I can see inside and see this really big machine. I ask the man with the dog what is down there. He said "there's lots of dead bodies down there. Keep walking so you don't fall through.". We finally get to the top of the mountain. There's this store, and I go in. Instead of the normal conveyer belt at the cashier, there's cups. If your items didn't fit in your cup, then you couldn't buy it. I look around and see a lady who was meant to be a manager. I heard her thoughts. She was thinking about my performance as a shopper. I notice a paper in her hand, grading every worker and shoppers performance. If you didn't get a high enough score, then she fired you, even if you were just a shopper. I walk out and I'm in someone's house. I look around and think I'm supposed to be decorating. I'm at the kitchen sink and I look at the table. There's 3 unlit candles. I look back and notice the kitchen got messy in that time I took to look at the table. I look back again and notice the candles are lit now. I look back at the counter again and I saw sparks flying. The cabinet caught on fire. I use the hose setting on the sink to put out the flames. I'm trying to call the owner of the house, but I keep getting voice mails. I look around and notice the 3 candles turned into 3 people sitting at the table. I decide to join the conversation so I sit down. (I recognize one woman from other dreams I've had. I don't know this woman in real life, but I know her name is kelsey). A man was talking about how your eyes can change colors, so you can tell what psychic powers they have. I ask him about the man with red and black eyes. He said "that means fire powers. He also has super strength". Kelsey asks "My eyes are normally green but sometimes they change to blue and purple, what does that mean?" The man said "this means you can communicate with the earth and earth's materials like gems, metal, plants". I notice I appear at the kitchen sink again, so now there is 2 of me. The me at the kitchen sink says "well mine are normally green, but they change to a bone color. Almost white". The guy laughed and said "that's nothing. You don't have any ability". Then me at the table says "well we know white is the color of light when all the colors come together, like a prism. So would it be possible that she has every ability?". The guy said "you know what, I think you're right." He turns around to correct himself, then the me that was at the kitchen sink dissappears. I get up to find a bathroom and I notice that the shower is above the toilet. I decide to get a shower. As I'm getting a shower, I notice the drain looked like the holes in the ground I saw earlier, with the machine and dead bodies.

22 Mar 2024



I had a dream, I don't remember the whole thing. But I'll start where I remember. I was laying on my back facing towards past my feet with a fake gun in my hand. I was wearing somthing that made it so they couldn't see me. I was on the flat part of the stairs before it curved around. The gun I had didn't work but that didn't stop me from pulling the trigger over and over and over again. The person I was pulling the trigger at while I was aiming seemed to be the Chinese government president guy. He also had 2 body guards. One of which looked past me as if they pretended I wasn't there. The Chinese govt gut was giving a political speech in hat was like a gym that was at the bottom of the stairs to my left. I was at the side of the gym. The Chinese guy actually heard me pulling the trigger and said to stop shooting at him. But not towards me directly, beacuse he couldn't see me. This Dream took a even weirder turn. The one guard who previously didn't notice me turned into one of my female friends. Kassy. And the Chinese politician turned into Bronson. And above the stairs there was chatter. Kassy now was at the base of my stairs against the white wall. I fired at her but my toy gun did nothing. From above they started praying in a group. And from below they grouped around Bronson. It turned out it was the start to a hunger game fight or die scenario. Kassy was going to kill all the people upstairs, she was willing to let me go if I dropped my gun. I walked towards her and idk what came over me but I beat her with 3 swings of the gun to death. I ran away. I ran into my dad's red pickup. I drove out of my driveway and before I left the street where I lived I was at a stop. Jay had gotten in the bed of the pickup and seinna was outside it. Seinna said somthing about my dad was cool and actually was a navy seal. I didn't trust seinna or Jay so I grabbed the 22 pistol and shot once, but it made 3 bullet sized holes through the window. I said "I don't trust either of you. Go away" they left I was now alone to survive. I had MRE's in the pickup that could last me a day or two.

22 Mar 2024



I had loads of holes in my teeth and I had to work out how to fill them before they fell out

15 Mar 2024

Running away


The dream started on a bus, with me trying to get to find a seat. The bus was dark and really uncomfortable, kind of like riding the Greyhound. I saw all these open seats, but people had stuff in them, so I just kept trying to move to the back. In the back it looked like there was plenty of seats. When I got to the middle of the bus, there was someone standing in the middle of the aisle. I tried to move past them, and they just looked at me saying, no. I said, okay, jeez. I looked at the man to my right, who had something in his seat. I said, would you mind if I sat here? He started cussing me out and saying a lot of really mean things. I said, wow, okay, sorry, didn't mean to do that. I then at the same time realized that my butt was all up in this couple's space that was right behind me. I turned around and apologized to them but they were staring at me deep into my soul with this terrible stare. I said, I thought this was supposed to be the South. But everyone here is so freaking mean. As people began to respond yelling at me, I quickly got off the bus and into the town. When I got off the bus, I was exposed to this really huge city. It felt like a futuristic city. Everything was on rail cars and pretty and technologically advanced. But something was off. There was a rail car coming straight for me and it looked like it was going to hit me. I quickly got out of the way. I said that was weird. But it felt like it was coming straight for me, like it wanted to destroy me. The next thing I saw was a car coming straight for me. It was an Uber, but it didn't have a driver. It drove straight to me, and I moved out the way. Then it stopped and opened its doors to me. It wanted me to get in. It looked nice on the inside, but I just knew something was wrong. I could not get into that car. I ran away in the opposite direction. I ran into this building. I really just wanted to get away from this really weird city. Where was I going to go? I couldn't even get back on the bus with all those people, all those mean people. How was I going to get out of this town? As I was walking in this mall, I thought maybe I could just stay here for a while. At least it's safe here. Then holes started to appear everywhere, all around. In all of these holes, there was something different. One had a mirror. One had another train. One had a different train. They were all portals into something that was trying to take me to something bad. I didn't know what was going on. I didn't understand it, but I just wanted to run. I wanted to run to safety, to get away from all these holes, all these things trying to take me away. A hole started to form right underneath my feet. I jumped and just started running forward and forward and slipped into this little hole. A hole that led downstairs to a basement. I started to creep down to this room that was right there. I looked inside and I saw these four or five people. Another person behind me slipped in. They asked, is it safe here? I said, I'm not sure. We opened the door together and walked into the room. Inside there was this man just laughing, having a good time and watching TV. I said, is it safe in here? He said, safe for now. He said they're all going to be really upset when they find out what happens to them. I said, what are you talking about? He then turned on the TV to this ad. It was an ad that showed this man getting his face cut off. His face then got sewed together and elongated like the trunk of an elephant. The extra skin from his face got shrunk and put on the very edge of the trunk-like skin. He basically had turned into his own face elephant. Someone tried to lighten the mood by saying that's going to be hard to drink out of. But I was horrified, terrified, and scared. I started to slowly back out of the room, thinking about everything, thinking about how I was stuck in this world, in this city, and there was no way out. These holes would eventually reach the basement, or I'd be stuck in the basement forever, trying to hide away from all the things that are coming after me. I started to walk upstairs, to go back to the top, just thinking about everything. I grew sad. When I got to the top of the stairs, I saw a woman, so I paused. She was going through it. The holes had appeared for her, her own holes. She was trying to run from them, until one popped up right in front of her, and she ran straight into it. It was a hole with a mirror, in an all-white bathroom. She said, no, no, no, I'm stronger than this. And the moment she said that, a rubber pink phone appeared, and she took the phone, whacked it against the mirror, and started whacking the whole bathroom, destroying it. She said, and that's it, I don't even know why I'm over here running away. I am that bitch. As she was saying these things, a belt started to grow around her, full of tools, fun, bright-colored tools that were yellow, and green, and red. She looked like she was a superhero. She started going around, destroying every hole, going outside, until she finally made it outside. She was amazing, and that's when it hit me. That's the way out, to have confidence in myself, to know who I am, and to not be afraid of who I am. The more confident I became, the better I felt about destroying these things. Tools started to form for me. I was able to destroy every single hole that came my way. After I had destroyed all the holes, I passed this bathroom, in it it looked like there was a dead baby in it. I walked into the room, and I saw this woman, so sad, her baby was on the floor. The baby was a royal blue color, like it was such and suffocated. I went over to her and the baby, and I picked up the baby. She started to say something, saying, there's nothing you can do, but I started to rock the baby, and tell the baby how beautiful it is, and the baby started to find its color again, a natural color. The mother said, how did you do that? I reminded her that she's a great mother, that she's doing her best, that she's trying her best. I handed her back the baby, and I could feel that her confidence was growing, even if I couldn't see it. I left the bathroom, and the dream ended.

9 Mar 2024

Running away


I was at school and we were in the classroom and something smelled like it was burning above. Everyone walked out of their classrooms and a big man in a Hazmat suit with a flamethrower came around the hallway corner and burned some people. I and one other girl ran away but I don’t know what she looked like. I eventually was on my own around the outer classrooms of the school the power to the school was off, all I had was window light I was chased by what would seem like poppy and I ran through holes in the ceiling and was near the exit. I found the girl that was with at the beginning and she was horrified and crying I tried to calm her and she was terrified. All we had to do now was get out of the school there were 3 Big Flamethrower men in Hazmat suits at the main entrance inside near the office it would seem impossible for me and her to pass without being burned to death we forgot that one part of the school was under construction so we went through the ceiling again trying to avoid poppy by hiding we made it to Wing F of the school but we had to get out of the ceiling to leave. We were trying to get out of the ceiling quickly and quietly but we saw a flamethrower man almost to the other end of the hallway we both fell out very loudly someone could of heard it from the main entrance! We both got up hurting to run went out the door, we came out on the side of the school but had forgotten that it was surrounded by a construction fence. She said, If we die thank you for your protection and love. We could hear a flamethrower man screaming down the hallway because of our noise we went to the very side of the fence where it was open, squeezing through we had just ran to the front to my car for a second I thought I had lost my car keys but found them I was so traumatized that it was hard to get it out of my pocket. I unlocked the doors told her to get in and I said let’s get the hell out of here I cranked up my Volkswagen Jetta with a 2.5 engine and floorboarded the gas pedal until we were way far away from the burning school. I brought her to my house and we stayed silent for a couple days we did not go anywhere, we tried to recover from the tragedy, we were so sad that so many kids got burned in the school and we realized that there were no sign of life in the town.

8 Mar 2024

Someone dying


I was at my old school for some reason and went into my old teachers classroom. She had a chicken coop and so I hid in it so I didn't have to be around students. I found a tiny baby chicken with all the hens. It was cute and fluffy but it kept getting lost. It fell into holes in the ground and I dug it up before it died. I was scared i was going to loose it. Eventually I got its own coop to take it home with me, but the coop was just a ziploc bag with mulch. Then I went on some scary waterfall ride where someone died. After that I came back for my baby chicken but couldn't find it. Eventually I found it in the freezer and it was frozen to death. I started crying and said "I can't take care of anything"

6 Mar 2024



I was dreaming that my teeth were rotting. There were holes in the front. They were barely staying on my gums. It hurt a little and I was distressed over it.

4 Mar 2024

Parking Lot


I went to the movies with Pooja and Tenisha. We went to town by car. It was a lot of hassle to find a parking garage. It was also difficult to find a spot in the parking garage, but we eventually found one. We went to the exit and there was a very long escalator to the outside. It was the longest escalator I had ever seen. We went to see an unknown French movie. But the movie seemed familiar and very similar to Spirited Away. I saw Yubaba in the movie, but no one believed me when I said it was a spoof of Spirited Away. I was very frustrated because I was sure the movie was stolen. Then I started doing renovations in my house. We had to paint the walls and sealed the cracks. One of the corners was very bad and there was still an old sealant layer on it. I pulled off the old caulk and it was super slimy. There was a lot of slime coming off the wall. When that was cleaned I saw that the holes in the corner were too deep and large to fill.

26 Feb 2024

Running away


My ear plug got infected and lots of stuff came out of the holes and it wouldn't stop. Then I was running away from people accusing me from doing something I didn't do so I had to go hide in a box. Then the people found out what I did wrong so I hid in a cave that had a truck in it that was all carpet. Then a scary shooting happened outside the cave so I climmbed into the carpet delivery truck but it drove away on it's own and I couldn't stop it and I was very scared and then the people chased me and got really mad and then I woke up.

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