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Dream Interpretation: Bones 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Bones? Discover the significance of seeing a Bones in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Bones appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

Bones in a dream symbolize the structure and foundation of your life. They can represent strength, stability, and support. Alternatively, they can also signify death, decay, and the end of a cycle.

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🧭 Direction


Think about the context of the dream and how the bones were presented. Were they whole or broken? Were they human or animal bones? This can give you insight into what aspect of your life the dream is referring to. If the bones were broken or decaying, it may be time to let go of something that is no longer serving you. If they were strong and stable, it may be a sign that you have a solid foundation to build upon.

❀️ Feelings

The dream about bones may evoke feelings of curiosity and intrigue. It could symbolize a desire to uncover hidden truths or delve into the depths of one's own subconscious. This dream may also elicit a sense of vulnerability or mortality, as bones are often associated with the fragility and impermanence of life. Additionally, it might evoke a feeling of nostalgia or reflection, as bones can represent the remnants of the past. Overall, this dream may leave one with a mix of emotions, ranging from fascination to contemplation.





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9 Jul 2024



I had a dream where there was 2 of my dog?? And one was t responding to the name or anything and I couldn’t find my really dog after it started to tell me to hurry and run or something. Then I looked over and realized that the basement door was wide open. I called my dad and begged him to hurry home and he goes β€œwhy?” And I told him, he didn’t say anything else, and then when I saw the basement door open I woke up. Side note that outside of the dream there’s this ghost demon thing in real life that lives in my house which is 200 or more years old. If the basement door is open it gets out, and I had previously been afraid it would get my dog or me, you could hear crunching sounds of bones of some kind and that was in real life. So this was a nightmare about it.

13 May 2024



Died in my dream I’ve had a very weird night having nightmare after nightmare but there’s one dream I can remember that woke me up. I would be in my bed, wake up and feel paralyzed. Then when I was able to move a bit my sight would become blurry and blackish. I would try to go to my mothers room to call the ambulance the whole time but in front of her bedroom after opening the door when she was sleeping I felt paralyzed all over again and while on the floor I would completely turn blind. After that I can’t remember clearly. Then I remember that some deep male voice echoed around me saying some stuff I can’t remember. I would be running and feeling my body go paralyzed slowly and my sight decline again. I ran and accidentally fell into an elevator shaft. At first I thought it wouldn’t be too deep but then I felt the air pressure getting stronger and faster. I would try thinking about what to do, I couldn’t see anything anymore. But I realized I was gonna die and then I did. After a long time falling I feel into an ice cold iron floor thing and heard my body splash and bones crack. That’s when I woke up. I have nightmares and bad dreams frequently since years but this one surprised me, I never had a dream like that and I wonder what y’all think. Could it mean something?

11 May 2024



My mom myself and a few others were trying to get ready on time for my wedding. The date was May 29th. I kept checking the time line for when things were supposed to occur. The hair was on time, than makeup was not doing great. Than I was scrambling to figure out what time line up was and it kept getting later and later in the night. Than my boyfriend walked in and I’m freaking out and saying that I can’t figure out what time line up is. I can’t remember what time it was supposed to be and the venue is saying they didn’t even have a wedding for today. My boyfriend grabs my face and holds it tight facing him and he tells me to breath and focus on him. He tells me that we never needed the ceremony anyway, that it was for the parents. That I looked gorgeous and shouldn’t cry so I didn’t mess up my hair and make up. He takes my hands and pulls me to this market looking area where there’s all these stalls filled with different things. It’s close to midnight now and he turns to me and says β€œdon’t worry, I’m not leaving all of this any time soon. Look how fun and beautiful it is here. Everyday is unexpected and so much fun.” I looked around and noticed the dancers the music the different dance costumes the snakes the animals the bones the jewelry the many different plants and turned back to look at him and than I woke up.

10 May 2024



I was sitting on a bench with my father next to me and my brother on the other side and my sister on the other side of the bench it was night and it was next to a small road in the forest with cars passing and a big fire behind a fence next to my sister it was windy too so the fire was going back and forth but then it turned bigger and tge wind was punching the fire to us and it burned my sister first and then my brother and then my father leaving them with only bones and ashes and it took a while but then it finally burned me leaving me the same

9 May 2024

Plane Crash


I was on a plane and then it exploded midair. I was free falling surrounded by people that died from the plane explosion. I can see the ground getting closer as I’m falling so I close my eyes and say, Heavenly Father please forgive me for everything I did in my life. I hit the ground and feel all of my bones shatter but I can’t open my eyes or move or breathe

2 May 2024



I have 3 new kittens i had a dream an aligator or crocodile was eating the kittens and you could hear the crunching of bones with each bite

9 Apr 2024



My leg was broke and I could see the bone sticking out, then someone cut me and the bone popped out. Somehow I ended up in the icu and I remember being in a lot of pain

8 Apr 2024

Dead body
New Job


I was in the car with my fiance. We were going down a road we've never been on. I said something about wanting to get a dog. He said that there would be a dog for me on the next road. There was this man walking a big great Dane. I could hear the great Dane talking. I don't remember what he said. I got out of the car to see the next dog. It was a little light brown bulldog. He ran up to me and said "I love you! Are you my new mom?". I said "yes I am, now let's go for a walk up this mountain ". I look down and I made a leash appear. We start walking up the mountain and I start getting an uneasy feeling. The mountain is steep and I keep looking over at the man with the great Dane. I heard the big dog say that he thought me and my dog were competition. He starts running faster, but his owners hold on his leash stopped him from running. I look at the owners face and notice his eyes change from red to black. I look down and were almost past the steep part of the walk. I notice holes in the ground. I can see inside and see this really big machine. I ask the man with the dog what is down there. He said "there's lots of dead bodies down there. Keep walking so you don't fall through.". We finally get to the top of the mountain. There's this store, and I go in. Instead of the normal conveyer belt at the cashier, there's cups. If your items didn't fit in your cup, then you couldn't buy it. I look around and see a lady who was meant to be a manager. I heard her thoughts. She was thinking about my performance as a shopper. I notice a paper in her hand, grading every worker and shoppers performance. If you didn't get a high enough score, then she fired you, even if you were just a shopper. I walk out and I'm in someone's house. I look around and think I'm supposed to be decorating. I'm at the kitchen sink and I look at the table. There's 3 unlit candles. I look back and notice the kitchen got messy in that time I took to look at the table. I look back again and notice the candles are lit now. I look back at the counter again and I saw sparks flying. The cabinet caught on fire. I use the hose setting on the sink to put out the flames. I'm trying to call the owner of the house, but I keep getting voice mails. I look around and notice the 3 candles turned into 3 people sitting at the table. I decide to join the conversation so I sit down. (I recognize one woman from other dreams I've had. I don't know this woman in real life, but I know her name is kelsey). A man was talking about how your eyes can change colors, so you can tell what psychic powers they have. I ask him about the man with red and black eyes. He said "that means fire powers. He also has super strength". Kelsey asks "My eyes are normally green but sometimes they change to blue and purple, what does that mean?" The man said "this means you can communicate with the earth and earth's materials like gems, metal, plants". I notice I appear at the kitchen sink again, so now there is 2 of me. The me at the kitchen sink says "well mine are normally green, but they change to a bone color. Almost white". The guy laughed and said "that's nothing. You don't have any ability". Then me at the table says "well we know white is the color of light when all the colors come together, like a prism. So would it be possible that she has every ability?". The guy said "you know what, I think you're right." He turns around to correct himself, then the me that was at the kitchen sink dissappears. I get up to find a bathroom and I notice that the shower is above the toilet. I decide to get a shower. As I'm getting a shower, I notice the drain looked like the holes in the ground I saw earlier, with the machine and dead bodies.

7 Apr 2024

My crush


At my grandparents with my brother and getting on the back of the four wheeler and being chased he spee up the hill to his friends house bit it looks totally different from in real life there's a fence and a maze walkway to the door of his friends house it's r rally dark out and we see bright lights in the field behind the trailer. There are the giant dark skeleton things pushing these machines over the ground. Suddenly we re behind the trailer and there's more fence and hanging tarp one of the skeleton things looks in our direction and begins coming towards us across the field. We try to quickly hide I roll under the tarp and my brother plays dead right outside the tarp. I keep saying Craig get in here but he doesn't move I was scared for our lives. The skeleton pushed his machine as I watched he rolled it right over my brother's head as I watched and did nothing I felt my chest crushing and I didn't do anything to save him I layed there I felt like I was dieing inside my muscles felt like they were ripping off of my bones and I woke up gasping for air in teats and cried and screamed I felt all that pain in my body and felt hatred towards myself for not saving him. I have dreams of him dying I'm different ways all the time and I try to save him but never can I feel like I get so close then he dies horrifically right in front of me eveytime. I can never save him

1 Apr 2024



In my dream I found a huge like pentagon shaped building I went inside and found a little boy just behind a desk laughing it creeped md out so I ran further into the building. I somehow already knew it was a church in a way 🧐 as i walked around i came into this one room where some of the floor was just darkness and eyes staring at me, another room after that was plain pure white on the walls, and then went into the next room where it led to yk like a lift that decended. I was scared ASF 😭 but when I got off the lift I started walking and a sign pointed two ways one in white that said GODS ZOO and another but I forgot what it sayed I thought "GODS ZOO" would be a bunch of creepy monsters so I went the other way and found a girl laughing hysterical while she was behind a desk. I ran them slid on the floor asking why she is laughing so much she just continued to laugh and I asked her to stop which she did. I guess she told me to follow her because we ended up back at the front and was just talking and the boy from before was now accompanied by a man. They were both on the floor above us and I saw that the boy had a huge bag of gummy bears and I asked him to throw me a bag. He did throw it but the girl wanted some and I said she gonna have to catch me for it. I broke her ankles n all crossing her shit like crazy β›ΉπŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ but then the man that the boy was with wanted some as well he caught me reallllll quick and I was just in da floor sharing my candy while eating it. Me and the girl then went to go sit and eat pizza for some reason the chairs were connected to each other but some had tables and some don't. I asked her what this place is and she said Gods church. She also said she had a mark of (something) on her back and asked if I wanted one I promptly declined and said I know that's the mark of sin but she said it wasn't. We talked more then the boy came and talked w us the kid smelled my toes which I had only socks on I took off my shoes while we ran. Dude said my toes stink and I said yeah I know but then the girl defended me and said no duh he has been running all day. The man came and said he needed to borrow her for a few minutes. The guy went upstairs but the girl was trying to teach me how to use it because the stairs wasn't really stairs they were like moving circular platforms which there were 4 on each set and 2 sets to get up. She tried to teach me but I couldn't understand how because it kept moving each time I even tried to climb it but didn't work 🧐. The man was jus staring and told her "come now" and I told her to just leave me. I imagined us holding hands because I like her for some reason. ( I then woke up and went straight back to sleep) In this dream everything that happened last dream still happened the church n all but this time I had to figure out how I would have her be my wife and something told me to do it the church must be destroyed and rebuilt. I went and found the church but it was different this time it looked like a broken down house that wasn't leveled right fungus and mushrooms on the floor spikey possums drinking water from a fountain. I tried to get inside but the ground was to wet n slippery but then i look around and see a huge mushroom a white mushroom with suds all over the floor. The suds became alive and started shaping into like a 7ft female that started attacking me I tried to swipe away the suds because well it's suds but then it just regrew almost instantly. I ran to a little downward slope near the church but it was nothing but fog the closer down you get so I slipped down about half way as to not to touch the fog at all but before I could climb up the monster started grabbing me I promptly broke her arms(for suds it felt like it was a actual creature with bones) but that didn't last as it screamed its arms fixed and it grabbed me by the neck and I woke up.

29 Mar 2024



I had a dream that I was in a passanger seat of a car and there was a man with blonde hair driving. I didn’t recognize the man or the car. We were on a really long bridge over a huge body of water, similar to the causeway over pontchartrain lake but miles longer. There were other cars riding along the bridge and the sun was out and barely any clouds. I felt content in the car and looked around out the window when suddenly a steam engine train t-boned the passenger side of the car causing me and the man in the car to get thrown off the bridge and into the water while simultaneously flying out the car. When looking at the place of the collision there was no sign of ghe train and the other cars weren’t affected at all and continued on the bridge as normal. I looked to find the man and the car and the man was standing going towards the car and I was still behind. The body of water was very shallow about 3 and a half feet deep, yet the water rose over my face as I sunk to the bottom and drowned watching the man walk away. I woke up in a cold sweat gasping for air as my body stopped itself from breathing.

29 Mar 2024



I was at this place that was kind of like an Orphanage, and there was a gigantic crocodile in a giant glass rectangle filled with water. Sometimes the person who was taking care of us would let kids swim in there with the crocodile. I thought this was super dangerous because they would swim by the crocodiles mouth. Then I don't remember what but something happened that made everyone have to leave because it wasn't safe anymore. Me and two other girls went back to see if the person who was taking care of us was okay, going back into the orphanage I had had a bad feeling that he wasn't okay but went anyway. We got upstairs to where the crocodiles tank was and saw the crocodile tearing him to pieces in the tank. We were all shocked and so sad but I said, "We have to get out of here it's not safe." And we all ran as fast as we could out the door and to where the cars were waiting. My stepmom Kate was waiting in her car and said "My back is open if you want to jump in there." So we got into Kate's car and she drove off. I said "I can't believe he's dead," over and over and was crying. I woke up in real life and went back to bed and my dream continued... It was a few years after the crocodile incident and me and the two other girls were coming back to the orphanage to collect the bones of two people that we had buried. We went in the front door and saw the massive skeleton of the crocodile. All of us were terrified moving around it worried that it would come back to life. We got around it and over to a spot of grass with a pebble on it that one of the girls had placed after she'd buried someone. She dug it up and put the bones in a bag. Then we went to the other place where bones were buried but we had to get there by flying on by paragliding over the ocean that was between us and the island the bones were on. We all made it over there after a few failed attempts and snuck into the building that was on the island. We were afraid that the crocodile was back to life and would get us. We were inside and found the turtle shell that one of the girls had placed on top of where she had buried the other body. She dug it up and put the bones in a bag. We paraglided back to the orphanage and weren't afraid that the crocodile would come back to life anymore. We hopped over the skeleton and out the door. The girls wanted to re-bury the bones in the front yard of the orphanage but I said "No we should bury them in a public place so their families can visit them." And then we once again left the orphanage.

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