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Dream Interpretation: string 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a string? Discover the significance of seeing a string in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a string appears in your dream ✅

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16 Jul 2024



I just had a dream where I was in this forest and it had something to do with like finding something. There were people I might have known but I don’t remember, so I wandered off and a lot of creepy stuff happened, but the most vivid thing I remember was the most recent. Me and I think my girlfriend found this house in the forest, walked in, and saw a bunch of Muslim people. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them before but they had faces somehow, perfectly normal ones. And they died strings around our necks and threw pin needles at the balloons that were connected to the strings, then their heads exploded. These people were ready to accept it but after watching a few people die, I panicked and got up, running out the door in a panic, not wanting to be killed. But the guy who was next, as I left the little hut house, he said, “she still has the string around her neck, I’ll kill her.” And then I immediately pulled it off and took off running. They were so sure I couldn’t escape the forest anyway from what I heard. Then I saw this very small type of ‘person’ with no arms. There was some sort of tv where the news was saying a bunch of people died, for some reason in the forest. I watched some of it and then something about that same short guy was searching for his father who apparently died and then I helped him search. I don’t remember what happened before or after this part, but I know I was in the forest the entire time for some weird reason.

3 Apr 2024



An acquaintance messaged me about their recent breakup. I kept trying to fix my eyebrows but they were so long and my hair kept going in my face no matter what I did. I drove out of town ended up in a department store that sold wacky pastel furniture. My ex was there and my friend who was pregnant was with me. She went to a back room to see this lady who does massages. My friend frog leaped onto the top of a bunk bed. I went back out to where my ex was and told her what just happened. Somehow while my friend was getting the massage I ended up laying behind her to keep her from laying on her belly too long. I watched the handmovements and was also doing them. After we were done I pulled out a long coarse hair from my armpit and was following then into a closet but my ex came out and showed me she had a similar grey one and we kept playing with them like they were guitar strings....I could hear music from mine.

30 Mar 2024

Heart attack


My step dad was diagnosed with a High blood pressure problem, similar to my real life diagnosis. He was very worried about having a sudden stroke or heart attack. I told that i felt that same fear when i was initially diagnosed and it plunged me into a depression that i am still in. In my waking life, my step dad passed away about 20 years ago. In the dream i started to have a real fear that he was going to suddenly die. The house we were in was unfamiliar, but it was delapidated with damage. Particularly the outside. I kept wqntinh to sit down and tell him thst i thought he was a tough but good dad for me, to make sure he knew, but i felt lile i would need a strong dose of alcohol to get it out, and i couldnt seem to get that. In the yard outside was some event that i was unsure of. Mostly younger people, maybe late high school or early 20s. I went outside, it was hot so i was trying to find a shade spot to sit, and i sat down and was overwhelmed by emotion and started crying. I thonk out of both fear and frustration, and i couldnt keep it quiet so it drew attention. After returning to the house, it was decided that the event was over, sobit was time to ckeam uo the yard. Concerned about my step dad laboring too much i went out to try to help and minimize his work. At first it appeared to be just taking down strings of lights, but looking around it appeared that there were these large metal structures everywhere. The kind that we could not take down.

21 Mar 2024



3:45am Kyle had been mad at me for a couple of days and we laying in bed but at my grandparents house and he ask if he could give me head so he started and then we was about to have sex and this toy stared playing music but I know I had taken the battery’s out so I get up to turn the light on and it wont turn on so I go and pull the strings and they still won’t turn on I ask him if he know why they are not working so I go out to see if I can find a light bulb and I hear my grandpa coughing so I peak around the corner and see he is awake but there was like this thin strip of paper going across the walkway of the hall way that had some kind of picture on it I asked my grandpa if he had a light blub and he said yes you will have to go get it I asked if it was down in the basement and he said yes I was nervous then he started to look at me with weird and I got this scared posseted feeling then got up in his face making scary faces and sounds I knew I was dreaming and was trying to wake up I kept saying help me hopping Kyle would hear me then I half way woke up and fell back asleep the dream continued I was back in my bedroom and got the toy to look and see if it had batteries and I didn’t then was at work out in the shop and was told to count these things but It was like I was counting the time I was saying help me. I was like I knew I was saying it in real life

17 Mar 2024

Child dying
Make Out


I was in a fishing boat laying down. My fiance woke me up and i had a ptsd flashback i thought he was my ex. He walked away and i saw a tornado forming and all of a sudden my boat started moving so fast. I couldnt hold on i kept jumping up because it was going so fast. The boat stopped under a bridge. there was a teen girl there that asked about a prom dress. It was silver and blue and so pretty. She had a flip phone with a silver and blue case with a penguin on it. I was then in a big house with my whole family. My grandparemts were on a huge sectional couch. My twin cousins, my uncle, my fiance and i were sitting on a couch behind them. My grammy told me about children that died in an explosion. I built a chamber made out of glass and wood. I put a book of the explosion in the chamber. I turn around and I saw a big fire pit with children gathered around. Each of the children had a long rope in their hand. They each had to light the string on fire. The first kid put the string in the fire. The next kid touched their rope to the first kids to light their string on fire. Each of the kids did this until the last kid. The last kid threw an object into the fire pit and it exploded. All but 2 children died

12 Mar 2024

High School


I walked by this woman’s shop in the mall but it was a big store and she didn’t have a lot of things but the stuff she did have looked cool/good. This woman was a business owner (I wasn’t going to go by her shop originally but decided I should) and a part time tattoo artist. The first day I walked by it was at a mall and it was good, seen some old friends and left the mall thinking because it was a store with Middle Eastern vines to it, it was in the NE of the city. When I left the mall ut was gloomy, cloudy and looked it was going to rain, and I was actually in the SW. The next day I returned, she told me she also does tattooing. She drew a heart in the wal to show me with some kind of paste. It was lopsided and didn’t look the best. She said she would do one for me. I was hesitant but was trying to think of places that wouldn’t be seen often that she could place this heart tattoo. I thought about under my left ring finger but I did want that there because I didn’t want it to look bad with my wedding ring when I get one. So I kept trying to think of places. Some friends from high school came in, looked around and started making fun of her stuff. Those people and their friends who I didn’t know started heckling her and making her feel bad for being mediocre at what she did, so I defended her and stood up for her. The store was full of people, had cool lights going and was kind of a spectacle going on before all this. Everyone turned to look as I berated these people for making fun of someone. I didn’t scold them because I felt the need to impress anyone, I did it because I felt like they had no business telling that to someone and being mean to them. Once they left with a blasé attitude, everyone bowed to me. The woman who owned the business started tearing up and telling me she was going to do a surprise tattoo on me for free as a thank you. I was really nervous to get it done but she started tattooing the middle of my back on my right side with black ink. I already have black tattoos so I was hoping so badly that she was not using any colour. She was not using any freezing or numbing for the tattoo and it hurt but I kept going. Someone in the back yelled out that she started using numbing cream when she tattooed because she realized the pain doesn’t make it more cool. They turn out the same. The lady who was doing my tattoo had a look of like well now you tell me! I’m in the middle of a tattoo! But we kept going. I could also see the tattoo as if I was a spectator watching and not the one being tattooed. But I was. And I could feel the pain from it. She started drawing fingers as part of a hand, and it actually looked very well done. Not sloppy or messy at all. She was tattooing a right hand opening up. Like a hand palm up in a relaxed state, but opening up more, and slowly. She did the pinky finger and started the ring finger when I woke up- but I knew what the tattoo was going to be. I know it was going to be done in all black ink, a right hand, palm up, opening slowly, with a red string weaving between the fingers and maybe around the wrist? But definitely a loose red string weaved between my fingers. Then I woke up before she could finish the tattoo.

7 Mar 2024



In my first dream there were two girls, who were maybe friends or associates, and every once in a while- out of nowhere- there would be an assassination attempt on them. When it first started they weren’t sure if it was just a coincidence but after the second time they started investigating to see who was behind it. A long time passed since the last attempt so they believed it was over till one girl was staring very disappointedly at her sandwich. There was a weird sharp thing in it. They began to take it out when they noticed the string was still attached to it… Someone knitted this weapon into her sandwich and forgot to cut the string. So, they followed it through the wall and saw that it was attached to a cat. (They were using the cat as yarn and it was complicit in this assassination attempt) they finally realized they’d found the assassin’s hideout when this big old lady walked up shocked. Although deep down they were thinking this could be dangerous they stayed and began questioning her. It was mostly just one of the girls with the questions and the old lady was trying hard to shoo her away but she was dodging every attempt. Then she started to get really into it and began yelling her questions so this time when the old lady swung the girl’s eyes were closed and she didn’t dodge. Out of all of the old ladies swings this was the only one that could do harm, as she had a small knife. Then all there is is silence and when you look back at the girl all you see is streams of blood and her shocked head disconnected from her body (in a very cartoony way) and both the old lady and other girl stared with horror and shock because something like that just wasn’t supposed to happen. Due to the disbelief of it all the dream left the scene… Anywayz long story short the dream changed to a more rustic setting and my brother was arguing with his girlfriend or just getting on her nerves or something and then LATER there was a HUGE wolf spider on my bed (which isn’t the same as mine irl) and I was staring at it in absolute fear cuz it was freaking huge- then I thought maybe if I stayed still it would go in the opposite direction (I was pressed against a wall behind the bed, no escape) but I think it sensed my fear and at first it wanted to comfort me like it meant no harm but when it ran at me it put me in such a deep panic I couldn’t help but smack it away- I swear I didn’t mean to but I could tell that just set something off in it so it ran at me again but with malice this time so I smacked it away again. We repeated this a couple of times till it changed its method and lunged onto my hand, holding it so tight with its legs I couldn’t open my fist. Terrifying. Terrifying is what it was. I was so worried about if it was gonna bite me and if there was a way I could get it off without harming it because despite how confrontational this little… Situation was, it still never bit me. And that’s how it ended. Nice and complicated like.🫶

6 Mar 2024



So started out I was with the cast of friends and we were in an airport leaving Paris. Chandler was worried about the hotel bill that had come out to $5,000. We said we’d all split it. Then for whatever reason I didn’t leave with them. I stayed in Paris. It was night time. I went to a woman’s apartment. She was some kind of student. Her dad & uncle were looking for her and showed up shortly after I arrived but she left to go somewhere. I went to look for her at an opera house but by the time I got there the performance was over. So I headed back to the apartment to wait. No one was there yet. I sat at a table and then her uncle showed up and then let me know they thought my roommate was planning to kill me. Then she showed back up with her father. She seemed to be on a mission and he was pleading with her to get her to come to her sisters delivery. Her sister was apparently going into labor. We all sat down with her and convinced her to go to the hospital to be there with her sister. We then addressed the issue of if she was planning to kill me and she admitted to it. That she was testing out a contraption that was actually hung over our head. A candle was set to burn a string and release a rock to hit us in the head. And her plan was to kill us all in this way. I guess because we were annoying her. But then she said she wouldn’t be doing now. I guess because we had gotten through to her about her sister. She disabled the rather amateurly made contraption. Then she and her father and uncle headed off to the hospital. I left for work, where I had a big corner office overlooking the ocean and city. I spoke to a male subordinate but I don’t recall what about but I recall him asking me to dinner. The end

2 Mar 2024



I was in the gituar store getting my first real electric other than my beginner one. This one was going to be an angry sounding electric, wammy bar, fitted with multiple knobs for sound control. This dream was set in the future, I was pretty good a guitar at this point; both accustic and electric. I knew my scales pretty well, and if not most chords. I was also looking around for pedals and a better amp for better sound. I wanted a Fender electric as my Daisy, who is acoustic, is also a Fender gituar. There she was a marron wooden electric, strings looked gorgeous on her, dark black fretboard, almost goldtone frets, she was a Fender. She sounded both angry but could switch to soft, to middle. Perfect tone and controls, weight was good, price was a little high but reasonable for a gorgeous guitar like her! Sold! Came in a solid case. Got her a dark red strap. Named her Amy. Got the amp, chord, sound, and loop pedals and we left the store so I could start playing her right away.

28 Feb 2024



I had a dream that I was dating this guy after his girlfriend died, and she was black and he was white, and they had a sub-twin daughter who's identical, and the girls were, like, younger, but they were old enough, like, they were like 5, maybe 6 years old, when she died. And he, like, ended up becoming a preacher, and I was, ended up marrying him, and I became their mother, and this lady who was, like, a witch, but she was, like, this, I don't know, maybe, like, a fashion, high-end model, director, person, like, some kind of rich lady, but she was, like, evil, ended up taking the one girl that was a twin, like, tricked us, and, like, took her from us, and then they had her in this life of just hell of drugs and bad people for the rest of her life, and the other girls that me and my husband had, we raised her in the church, and somebody ended up burning the church down, and we had to rebuild it twice, and it would have been a tent, this white tent, and the daughter, she was older, and in my dream she ended up having gray hair, but when these people came, and they, they came to, and they were breaking the tent, there was this guy who broke the tent, and then they let this girl who was high in the car, and we found it was my new daughter's, um, now daughter for her whole life, like, we were having this event for her, like, it wasn't, like, a wedding, but it was, like, maybe, like, an adulthood thing, and we were, like, she was, like, talking to us, like, she, she had these, like, these strings, and she, like, had me scribble into them, and it was, like, our name, we all went to it, and it was, like, a letter that she wrote to us, telling us, like, how much she loved us, and what we meant to her, and she, like, wrote me a letter, how much she loved that I was her mom, and I took care of her, and I told her I loved her, and I will be her mom forever, and, you know, I missed, you know, I'll never take the place of her mom, but I loved her as much as she was my own daughter, when we found her sister, she was in the car, she was unconscious, and we took her into the car that she was in, which drove us to the hospital, and the hospital people were blowing us off, blowing us off, blowing us off, because they seen that the girl was on drugs, and they didn't want to help us, and they ended up putting her in this cold wet suit, and, like, blew it up with cold water to wake her, and then, like, freezing cold, and she woke up, and she didn't know who we were, she didn't know who her twin sister was, and then I woke up.

27 Feb 2024



i had the same room layout i did when i was 8, neon green walls, bunk beds, and the vhs princess tv. i shared that room with my mom, i had the top bunk and she had the bottom. she was already asleep, and there was a movie playing on the tv. i don’t remember what movie, but the room had a blue tint to it from the tv being on. i try to lay down and go to sleep, but i start getting paranoid there’s bugs on the ceiling. in the waking world bugs, specifically stink bugs are my biggest fear, id even consider it a phobia with how bad i freak out around them, or even just seeing a picture of it or thinking about it. its a problem lol. anyways i opened my eyes, and there’s spiders and weird looking bugs all over my room. i start panicking orettt bad tryna hide from them under the blanket, but i saw one bug that just sent me out of the room. it was hanging on a spiders web string, and it looked like a long caterpillar, but its body looked like blue beads stringed together, a red nose, and black beady eyes. it really freaked me out. i jumped off the bunk ladder and bolted it for the living room. then a stinking is also chilling on a spiders web string, it looked like it was floating. then it just bolts across the living room into the kitchen, and it had really thick spider web strings coming out of it from behind. i start crying and freaking out really bad trying to get away from it, and i run to my brother who’s laying in the couch, and i said “dustin can you PLEASE kill a few bugs for me?!”. he starts whining as a joke and says “nooOoOoO i dOnT wAnT tOoOoOo”. then he starts laughing cause of how bad i’m freaking out over the stink bug darting across the house.

22 Feb 2024



i was at work in the back room trying to get my coat off and drink some water, but it was time for me to go home so i was trying to hurry up so i could count my till down. i remember one of my coworkers (assistant manager) was giving me a funny look, and my boss goes on the intercoms and says “everyone report to the office”. i hurry up and get my coat off, and a minute later my boss goes on the intercom and says it again. “employees report to the office.”. my coworker was looking at me kind of funny and shocked like “oh boy what did we do?”. and when i get up front, the lights are turned off, and there’s a huge line of customers at the other cashiers register. the other assistant manager was turning my light off and pulling my till out the drawer, and i’m trying to help chris the other cashier help this customer with her balloons. there was 2 customers who has balloons and they were trying to get them untangled from each other. they finally got untangled, and the customer at the register handed chris $40 plus change. chris got the change and was struggling to count it, and i had the $40 for some reason tucked in my arm while i was trying to tie the short strings of some of the balloons onto the other balloons so they wouldn’t fly away. i bent over chris’s register and said “it’s okay you got it!”. i helped him count the change as i was tying the balloons together, and gave him the $40 to put in the till. i go over to the office, and everyone’s in there but left me and barbs tills on register one stacked on each other which was highly against the rules. brandie was kinda standing by the tills so no one would steal the money, but me, barb, and brandie all looked really concerned because we didn’t know what was going on. it was rainy, almost storming outside, the lights were out, and everyone was kind of panicking in the line. i remember running out to that one customers car because she forgot her balloons. i woke up when i got back inside the store

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