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Dream Interpretation: Character ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Character? Discover the significance of seeing a Character in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Character appears in your dream โœ…

Character symbol
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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This dream symbolizes different aspects of your personality or the people in your life. It may represent your own qualities, traits, or behaviors that you need to acknowledge or work on. Alternatively, it may represent someone in your life who has a significant impact on you.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Think about the characteristics of the character in your dream. Are they positive or negative? How do they make you feel? Consider how these qualities may relate to yourself or someone in your life. Use this dream as an opportunity to reflect on your own personality and relationships.

โค๏ธ Feelings

This dream about a character may evoke a sense of curiosity and intrigue. It could symbolize the exploration of different aspects of your personality or the people you encounter in your waking life. The character in the dream may represent a particular trait or quality that you admire or wish to embody. Alternatively, it could signify a hidden aspect of yourself that you are becoming aware of. Overall, this dream may leave you with a sense of wonder and a desire to further understand the complexities of human nature.





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1 Oct 2024

Being chased by murderer
Ship sinking


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15 Jul 2024



In this dream I come from a fictional fantasy world(think Final Fantasy and all the staples of those MMORPG game and isekai manga worlds combined) Is heading to the capitol ot whatever, green green scapes and the beautiful skies Colors do look a bit washed but we donโ€™t talk abt that I meet Scar, a character from the game Wuthering Waves(the settings are very fantasy-Chinese fusion); heโ€™s the trickster of the game, fights with magical cards and fire, is often associated with motifs for traditional depictions of Baphomet, the Goat(the horns, the Venusian symbols all over his outfit and accessories, blending of the feminine and masculine, the Pallas symbols too) As I go on with the journey I encounter all the other characters from the same game, thereโ€™s some other fantasy characters archetypes in the rosters too I talk with them, we all head to the capitol, weโ€™re apparently the people summoned to slay the mythical creature or whatever Thereโ€™s the sassy mage, the medic(me, probably?), the knight, and the aforementioned guy from the game(he fights with magical cards), another one of the characters(she fights with a katana, controls the wind element and is a bit of a psychic), and another one who has fiery hair and fights with guns, another is a winsome blue-haired military general who wields water fights with a spear and is associated with the Long(Chinese dragon), another wields ice and is a scientist from the aforementioned game Weโ€™re talkin and shit, the scene is by some cliff, thereโ€™s the ocean, now the sky looks gray and about to rain any time The conversations arenโ€™t looking too peachy, either in a serious or argumentative mood Scene changes At school, walking around Building is dusty, unlit by light I find a lit room For some fucking reason myself is already there talking with my classmates from the end of elementary school and the beginning of middle school(it was an all-girls catholic school) Weโ€™re talking about dating and stuff, with me being pried of infos the more the conversations go

7 Jun 2024



I dont remember this dream much, but i was playing elden ring from the perspective of my character. Elden ring is a hard soulslike game. But when i was playing it in my dream it was a lot easier than i remembered. I remember respecing my characters points. I think i switched from a melee build to a magic build. Later in the dream I remember trying to get the the northern most part of the map. The map of the game was symmetrical, with a circular region that came to a point in the middle and on each side of the main region there were two smaller circular regions that also came to a point, but pointing north and outward. On May way to the northern center point on the map I remember seeing a tunnel that was a shortcut to the left region of the map. The outside was a clear sunny field, and the tunnel was a dark blue. I noticed a spiderweb covering the entrance with a large spider crawling on it and decided to pass it up and come back later. When I reached my destination to the north there was this large wall I had to climb over. And there was an enemy to fight in this crater in the middle of the field. It was humaniod, but not human. He was hunched over, like it was feral. Its skin looked like it was made of solid raw gold, it had no eyes or eye sockets, large jagged teeth and fangs, and a red jewel in its forehead. When I got close and it started running towards me I realized he was invulnerable and couldn't be damaged so I turned and ran to get back over the wall I had climbed over while he seemed to be right behind me. The dream ended when I got over the wall.

28 May 2024



I had a dream me and my sister were walking into I want to say it started off as a grocery store And that looked rather large kind of like a Marino's but it looked way different than Marino's. We walked in past what looked like maybe a few registers but if we saying it was Marino's it didn't have like the full grocery store in there. We walked to the right and to what looked like a beauty supply store. So we was walking and what I noticed and I didn't sense my sister Michelle there with me at this time. I noticed a lot of kids was crying, like after I passed one kid, another kid was crying. It was a lot of crying, and I'm like, what does this mean? Like, why is everybody crying? And so I kind of sped up to get away from the crying, or ran, or whatever. And I was finna go, um, to the left. It was like two sides. One side was like this little cul-de-sac on the wall with, like, shelves in front of it. And then, like, the back wall, like, had weeds on it. And I was gonna turn right there for what I thought used to be a toy aisle, but wasn't a toy aisle no more. In my head, I thought I was finna turn down to this little toy aisle, but it wasn't a toy aisle no more. And so, since I realized that, I went to the... Well, I thought I was... the toy aisle was on the left, and I turned, and I was finna go on the right. And I saw these weeds on the shelf. And I stopped and I looked at these wigs and that's when my sister Michelle showed up And I was like, oh these some good wigs or whatever and she was like She ain't want to hear nothing about no wigs and then so she looked up on the wall and she saw a wig that was Like better and then you know, she we started talking about that wig Then we live we started walking around the store and I walked past this girl. They went to with Stan who I felt like was kind of Popular and I walked past her and then for some reason I saw Pinky in there from last Friday and it was like it was a sense that we kind of knew he was Pinky but he ain't had his wig on but okay he was he was Pinky but he wasn't in character and then I walked past him so I saw the girl who I felt like was kind of popular I just kind of like walked past her like I wasn't paying her no attention and then I walked past Pinky like I wasn't paying him no attention like y'all just regular people and then I ran into my sister again like after I passed him and that's when I woke up.

12 May 2024

Old Man


I dreamed that I was with many old friends in my dream. It seems I was with all my friends and they were waiting for their train, plane, ride, etc. One of them paid for my dinner that we had together and left. Another one stayed at my place for a night or two with another friend. They brought a small black baby cow and walked away to the airport. There was a third person who wasn't really my friend but a character from a show. I watched him drive to the mountain and he paused to pick up a skunk with his feet and they walked together to the top, to his next ride. The skunk did not spray with him and I did not know why they all have those animals. I also dream of a school. We were all waiting for something. I think we were waiting for graduation. I saw a old man. He was graduating, but he was fat, drunk, his eyes looked like he didn't have sleep in a long time as he kept drinking. For a moment, I saw the world through his eyes and felt glad I stopped drinking long ago. There was a game in the gym. Then we went outside. I saw that fat man walking really slowly and felt sorry for him.

27 Apr 2024

Video Game


My siblings and I were playing a video game that was similar to Mario Kart except with Pokรฉmon running and racing each other on a track. I chose Snorlax as my character and got a power up that made me really big and fast, and anyone I ran into flew off the track. I won that round. The next race was a battle between my younger sister Alyson and me. I chose Pikachu and she chose Eevee. We both were in awe of how cute it was to see our characters race each other. I was barely ahead on the first two laps, and the third and final lap was an intense competition of trying to get to the finish first. I was ahead but fumbled with my controller, and my sisterโ€™s Eevee started to catch up to my Pikachu. Both of us were making funny noises in excitement trying to get to the finish first, and our brother Harrison was making fun of us playfully for how weird we were being trying to beat each other to the finish line. I woke up before knowing who won, but the last thing I remember, we were neck and neck and almost to the black and white checkered finish line.

31 Mar 2024

New Job


I had 2 dreams last night. The 1st one started off with me at my grandparents house. We were hanging out before I went to school. Once at school, we had to read a book then watch the tv series thatโ€™s based on it. While watching the series, dream me slowly became the main character. The show ended with me and one other person fighting several people, some friends, some foes, in a small building. We won and uploaded footage of the fight online. (Then I woke up, changed my sleeping position, and went back to bed.) In my 2nd dream, I went to the store with my mom. While I was there, I found my boyfriend and my sister walking around the store. I said โ€œHiโ€ to them and continued shopping. Later, I went to try on some clothes that I found in the changing room. While walking to the changing room, I saw one section of the store that was blocked off for standardized, testing purposes. Once in the changing room, I became friends with the person in the room next to me, and we went on an adventure with one of the store workers. I had a blast and decided to stay with my new friend and the store worker for as long as possible. After a while, I left the changing room. I walked around the store and discovered that my adventure had brought me through time. Now I was in the future, and my loved ones were all skeletons. I decided to go back to the changing room and re-enter the fantasy world that my adventure had taken place in. Once again, I had time traveled. It had been about five years since my new friend had seen me, and she turned evil due to my abandonment. Upon realizing that, I grabbed a stone with time traveling powers, and went back in time to before I entered the changing room. Then, I found my loved ones and hugged them. (And then my cat woke me up by meowing in my ear.)

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