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Dream Interpretation: Leader ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Leader? Discover the significance of seeing a Leader in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Leader appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

Dreaming of a leader symbolizes your desire for guidance and direction in your life. It may also represent your own leadership qualities and your ability to take charge of situations. Alternatively, it may indicate a need for you to take a more active role in your personal or professional life.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Consider the qualities of the leader in your dream. Are they positive or negative? This may reflect your own feelings about leadership and authority. If you dream of being a leader, it may be time for you to step up and take charge of your life. If you dream of following a leader, it may be time for you to seek guidance and direction from someone you trust.

โค๏ธ Feelings

This dream of a leader may evoke feelings of power, authority, and responsibility. It signifies a desire for control and influence in one's life. The dreamer may feel confident and capable, ready to take charge and make important decisions. However, it can also bring feelings of pressure and the need to live up to high expectations. The dream may reflect aspirations for leadership roles or a need for guidance and direction in waking life. Overall, this dream elicits a mix of excitement, ambition, and the weight of leadership.





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4 Jul 2024



i dreamed i was taken from a school, and woke up at a school with people who had powers. i knew some of the people there. after a bit, were brought to the middle of the wild to survive. the thing is thereโ€™s this really big bird who will target us. so while we tried to survive, there was this dude who was also a student who was like a lady whoโ€™s really importants son basically lead us. At one point, the bird came close to our area so everyone was panicking because the bird could get us from our base. because of this, i tore the wire from some of the walls and ran towards a section of the base and started wrapping it to try and make a roof, everyone also tried to help but i lt didnโ€™t work. me and the son of the important leader started to both kinda take control of things even though he wasnโ€™t happy about it and ignored me. i decided to take the wires (again) and use a rock to forge them together and create a axe. i asked who wanted to cute down a tree and the important leaders son raised his and and smirked and said โ€œme.โ€ so i tossed it to him. I woke up after this but im pretty sure me and him were gonna fall in love.

29 Jun 2024

Brushing teeth


Dreamed I was in a group of people playing some kind of game. Something happened to our lock picker, who instantly died. One of the other people got sick and needed to brush their teeth. One of the others was being rude and keeping then from brushing their teeth and were threatening the other person when I, wanting to avoid confrontation, quickly made a makeshift brush. The person thanked me and brushed their teeth. With guidance from a leader we made it to the next section of the game. We were to gather the right items. They called for a friend's boyfriend named Copper. She was about to step forward when a different leader was going to teach us something. One of the players said something really rude to him. He got so angry he left for a different group of people and started torturing them. I could hear cries fro help and screams. As this was happening our leader was getting us all out of the area. I was visably shaking and crying in fear, but my leader said "Its okay Julia, Ive got you, we're headed home." And led me to a group of pipes we were all climbing. I woke up.

27 Jun 2024



In a group of like 20 people and weโ€™re supposed to go skydiving. Iโ€™m terrified theyโ€™re looking for other group leaders but no, I donโ€™t even know if Iโ€™m going to be able to do this. At the same time, Steve Schwartz is talking about Kenna who just died at the college. Announcing her memorial and some other People I donโ€™t know who they are, but theyโ€™re doing this nice thing about all our kin and native languages.

9 Jun 2024

Ship sinking


okay I had a dream that I was on a port ship and I was looking ahead in the corner of my eye to my right I saw Lucutus so when I seen Lucutus he was he seemed like he was at war with himself like some kind of internal struggle I don't know how to explain it but it was just you just kind of feel that vibe for some reason anyhow I went back into some kind of pod where we regenerate and I for some reason let out this cry that sounded like a kitty cat and then howling like I was a puppy dog I don't know why but then afterwards I thought I woke up and I saw that there was a war zone and some guy came over towards my left shoulder and he seemed like he was a leader of some kind of resistance. Come on let's go let's go we ain't got time wake up let's go let's go grab your gun grab your stuff let's go so I went with him and he told me and our group to stay and for some reason I looked over the bunch of rocks with the pigs like very far back like I think about a half a mile back but anyhow I saw like some kind of machine that just had like these tentacles and they hooked on to them and I never heard a man screaming so much pain and agony everybody just flinched I wanted to run but people were just there's like a bunch of hands laying down it was just weird then I woke up again and I was on the Enterprise I was staring myself in the mirror and it was like I saw myself and there was some kind of thing that looked like a zit and it grew into my stomach and it was I was just almost about to explode into two then I woke up I was on this table and I was about to run look like some kind of cave I was trying to run and run but this guy he looked like you was really huge bald head piercing blue eyes came up with flying to me and and he had like dark skin for like a Hispanic but he had some black features as well but anyhow I woke up and he told me I was I was having those reoccurring nightmares again he said don't worry I'm I'm not here to hurt you or anything so I woke up from this table that's like I guess it was supposed to be a bed so I went with him and for some reason my gut instinct was telling me he's armless so I did follow him and I sat on some kind of concrete like couch it was nothing fancy but I guess the Easter Island so we just sit there we shut the breeze

27 May 2024

Childhood home


I'm a school, shouting everyone to shut up. I'm a leader of that class. It's my childhood school. It's a place ( nalo, boto tree) doing wizard stuffs. It's aunty ( sebeti aata) house, I saw the watch and it's 2.40 pm, I'm in hurry cause I have a meeting with madam at 3. Said to someone drop off me at bus stand. Subham called me because Rashmi didn't picked up. I called, picked and Said I'm in conference chamber, she saw me through video call, it was very empty. No one there.

26 May 2024



I was being pursued by soldiers. The soldiers first pursued me with fighter planes. In my own plane I succeeded to elude them. The pursuit continued on the ground as i landed in a rural remote field. I tried to elude them by hiding behind trees and houses. However they had two teams looking for me on the ground and above on planes. I tried to hide from them, however they caught up with me. I was face to face with who seemed like the leader of the force. We were high up some platform. I grabbed him and threw both of us down this high platform. We both hit the ground. I hit the ground and broke my neck while the enemy leader also hit the ground. I'm the end it seems that we both perished.

22 May 2024



A group of people trying to attack us with guns the leader being a talk cufly haired women, us being surrounded with others trying to fight back. A guy being shot but everyone managing to get away and having to meet up in an hour at a safe house. In my dream I follow the guy who has been shot but from above not apart of the dream. He gets caught but manages to get away in a car, and has to drive it in the water. The others in the group manage to get to the safe house. The guys girlfriend is starting to panic and it turns out I'm the girlfriend, the guy is then in the hallway bleeding from the head, I wrap his head and stay with him. The group I'm with start to booby trap the safe house as the bad guys are closing in

18 May 2024



We were in this pantheon Underground shelter/bunker made from the water drainage system We were fighting I think I was taking the lead, commanding the attention of the room with my presence There was Lady Persephone, Lord Hermes and one another person I believe that was Lord Naberius One of the infernals masculine and feminine, but leaning towards masculine Very composed Sophisticated tone of speech but grounded and calm, not pompous or anything; formal

30 Apr 2024



We sent two spaceships to Mars to mine minerals from the planet and bring them back to Earth. While I was there I believe I was a leader like a general. then there was an assassination attempt. Another person and I were shot. The other person died. I wad shot in the head and I didn't die. I played dead and that allowed them to not shoot me again. They could tell I was wounded an a vegetated state, but I was pretending. I was wounded and I would not open my eyes. I did not move or respond to sounds in the room so they kept me guarded in case I became conscious again. They were also training someone else to take over or infiltrate the group and he was a little bit resistant. He was coming around because they were blackmailing him and hold his family hostage. I remember being guarded by different soldiers and they were all nice. They all talked to me in an effort to keep my mind active. I could hear everything they were saying and I still wouldn't open my eyes. I continued to pretend like I was still in a coma. At some point they started talking about playing basketball. We were in a dormitory style building on a college campus. Jay Z and P Diddy were residents. They were singing in the hallway, possibly making a rap video. I was in the dorm room across the hall. They were talking about playing a basketball game. I stopped pretending I was in a coma and said I could play basketball even though they thought I could not see. I kept my eyes closed pretending to be blind from the coma. I was able to move now and I showed them that I could shoot and make baskets just by listening to the the vibrations and sounds around me. I bounced a mini basketball off of the inside of a door frame with a Nerf basketball hoop. I shot towards the opposite side. The bounced off of the right side and they thought it was a bad shot. Then it bounced off of the left side, then the right side again and then went through the Nerf hoop on the left side. They all cheered and I was on the team. I paid extra attention to where the players stood when they by listening to there dribble and voice. I listened to ball traveling in the air and what the shot sounded like after hitting the rim or the basketball net. I played basketball and Michael Jordan was on my team. I was the second leading scorer behind Jordan. I helped with rebounds and on two occasions, I stole the ball three times in a row and scored. For some reason we're playing on a regulation size basketnball court using a miniature basketball instead of a regulation sized basketball. At the end of the game everybody was done and they wanted to leave. I wanted to get a team photo so we had everyone sit down and with. Some said we should use my camera. As they were sitting and waiting, I got my camera. Then the camera had a low battery so I had to go back and get another battery. Everybody wanted to use my camera. Michael Jordan was irritated he had to wait to take a team picture. We decided to included our spouses in the team pucture. The three spoues were standing next to their partner. Then at the last minute we seated the spouses in front of rheir partner in a chair. I stood behind my wife and then the other two couples followed and we took the picture.

23 Apr 2024



I am waiting on something. There are two groups of people waiting to be able to go out of town. I was also searching for something to wear. There were nice dresses to choose from - the dresses were bright and colorful. There is a sense of anticipation and preparation. There is a school or organization that is preparing also. The school is huge and we enter through the back which has a large auditorium. Someone is in charge. Someone takes us to go out to eat and there are choices also โ€” a casino that was loud and crowded or a smaller place to eat

18 Apr 2024



I was at work and I got an email about up-and-coming leaders in the company with a list of names and then my boss copied and pasted it to me and added my name on it and we had a group chat with one of them that I was on and I was watching something else on my computer that was a video of like standing on a mountaintop and I got so dizzy that I fell over because it felt like I was actually on a mountaintop and it was really scary and dizzying and when I fell over I realized I accidentally jumped off the group chat so I had to rejoin and finish the end of the conversation they had asked me questions but I missed it and then my dad showed up and was really upset I haven't talked to my dad for many years and we tripped over each other and fell on the ground and then he told me that he was getting a divorce and he was going to try to stay in the house but he'll be broke over the next six years and we were suddenly at their house and my mom was there and we sat down to eat sandwiches and mine was a BLT with vegetables and bacon my dad's was one sandwich without any vegetables on it and some really fatty sauces and my mom's was the same as my dad's except for she had four sandwiches but she was just going to town eating she usually has a very low appetite but this time she had a ton of food in front of her and we did not talk about the divorce

15 Apr 2024

Running away


I dream that l was in a room in an old l coat brick house or in the desert ll/ll with a group of other in people sitting in a prayer circle a bunch of other people. Apologize man , who s seemed to be the leader of group came into the room chanting something incoherent. We all began to get up from the sort floor and ran away from him, because he was speaking an evil unsettling prayer. This was a christian preist. I ran through the streets of the desert village to get away from this evil man.

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