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Dream Interpretation: Lion 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Lion? Discover the significance of seeing a Lion in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Lion appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This is a dominant symbol of confidence, pride, and power. It also represents king-like assertiveness and command. This suggests that just like the king of the jungle, you too have complete authority over your life and rule with quiet confidence due to your power and prowess.

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🧭 Direction

Good fortune

Find where your inner king lives and grow this archetype within you. Whether you are a man or woman, this is a symbol of positive pride, confidence, and assertive domination. It's time to take your rightful place in your environment as the ruler of your own life using your strength and capabilities.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a lion evokes a sense of power, strength, and courage. It symbolizes leadership, dominance, and assertiveness. This dream may also bring about feelings of fear, as the lion represents danger and unpredictability. It signifies a need to confront and overcome challenges in life. The presence of a lion in a dream can also suggest a desire for freedom and independence. Overall, this dream elicits a mix of awe, respect, and apprehension.





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16 Jul 2024



An insight into my dreams I had . Never had a choice to leave school, it wasn’t an option. I had to return and be in close quarters with threats (bullies) they bullied me in person and online which probably felt like I couldn’t escape feeling unsafe (tigers, lions outside) because I still had threats coming in via phone. My abusive marriage has a similar theme— irrationally felt that I had no choice but to stay- feel stuck- even though there are periods of intermittent positive reinforcement. I believe that I truly will never be able to let him go and not be in love with him for the rest of my life. These two variables cross into a distorted dream version of my reality. I am always trying to collect my things and escape but I can never retrieve all of my belongings (heavy grief is associated with the feeling of leaving important items behind) and even when I do get out to a vehicle with my stuff I can’t carry it and the car never works/comes to get me.

12 Jul 2024

Abandoned home
Light (Not Dark)


I'm back in the single room house I've been dreaming about before. The walls are still covered with the bluish glowing crystal. It starts with me kneeling on the ground in the center of the room. In front of me is the realistic lion carving the man with the long brown hair and beard gave me. I'm not sure what comes over me, but I reach out and pet the figurine like it's a cat. Of course, I get no response because it's an inanimate object, but I proceed to pet it anyway. Curious, I look behind me briefly. The doorway out from before is there, only now it is slightly ajar with the white light pouring in from it. Knowing it is there, I turn back and notice something new catching my eye. It's a vanity desk with a single mirror made of a brightly colored brown wood. Sitting on it is a new realistically crafted figurine. My curiosity gets the better of me and I stand up, intending to go give it a better look to see what it is. However, something gives me pause and I look down at the lion figurine. I almost feel like I'm seeking it's permission to go see it, but I don't sense any response. My mind then rationalizes it's because it's not living and therefore seeking it's permission is a silly, fruitless endeavor, so I proceed to walk forward. However, partway there, I stop. Suddenly, something comes over me almost as if to tell me not to approach the vanity or the figurine. Instinctively, I turn back towards the lion figurine once more in the center of the room. It feels like this sense of warning is coming from it, but it's pose has not changed nor it's expression. Hesitating, I look briefly between the two figurines and decide to keep going but to tread cautiously, to honor the warning the lion gave me. At least, I wanted to believe I was honoring it. However, the feeling of warning grows stronger with every step forward, almost as if the lion is screaming at me to turn back. I do not. I make it to the vanity desk and get a good look at the little wooden figurine sitting on it. It's a lamb in a prancing pose with it's mouth open and an almost happy expression on it's face. At this point, I am confused. What could be so dangerous about an innocent little lamb figurine? I reach out to grab it with my right hand, only to have my wrist violently grabbed by something to the right of me. It forcibly spins me around to face it and I am mortified by what I see. The creature before me is completely naked, and it has both a set of male reproductive organs, as well as a set of female reproductive organs. A true hermaphrodite. It's body looks completely anatomically correct with both male and female characteristics. However, it has a long demon tail that sharpens to an arrowhead tip, and creepiest of all... it has no facial characteristics. No eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows, not even hair is on its face. It's just a smooth surface from forehead to chin with a pair of ears on either side. Naturally, due to the lack of features on what could be considered as little more than a walking mannequin, I shouldn't be able to read it's emotions. However, I can see plain as day that his thing was enjoying my fear. It wasn’t even angry I tried to take the lamb figurine, it was just enjoying the fact that I was scared of it. I attempt to pull away from it, but it yanks me back towards itself, until my nose is inches away from its smooth surface. In another desperate attempt to get away, I put my free hand on it's shoulder and use the leverage to push off away from it, successfully freeing myself, but acquiring a bruise from the harsh grip it had on my wrist. This creature doesn't seem to appreciate me getting away, so it takes the lamb figurine off the vanity, and it turns into a sword in it's hand that it holds out towards me threateningly. The hilt is black like a dark-colored iron and the blade seems to made out of a glowing brightly-colored steel. At this point, I panic. I attempt to run back towards the lion, but the creature doesn't let me get far and it runs the sword through my left shoulder, missing my vital organs seemingly on purpose. I scream out in agony, especially when the creature pulls the sword out. I grip the wound trying to stop the bleeding, however it feels like nothing I can do will ever stop the bleeding. The creature turns me to face it in my daze, and it runs me through again. This time, it punctures through the arm I'm gripping my wound with and all the way through my sternum and out my back. At this point, I'm coughing up blood and spitting it on the ground. The creature removes the sword again and stabs me through my right shoulder. Any attempt to scream is now quieter. The stab wound through my sternum nicked both my lungs and I'm having too much trouble breathing to cry out too loudly. I know if I overexert myself, I'll suffocate. The creature seems to be enjoying my plight as it pulls the sword out once more. At this point, I'm standing there hugging myself and holding my wounds trying not to bleed to death. However, I can't find my breath and I'm beginning to shiver as my body starts getting cold. I look at the creature and notice it's beginning to grow a mouth, and this mouth had such a sick, twisted grin, that I swallow nervously and take a step back. The creature doesn't let me go and it makes another attack, slicing my throat open in a left to right motion. At this point, I fall back onto the floor as blood fills my throat. I can no longer talk, scream, or cry. I spit up as much blood as I can to make every effort to do so, but it's in vain. I'm a bloody mess and this thing is enjoying torturing me. Adding insult to injury, it stabs me in the abdomen as I try to process what's happening to me. I don't even understand how I'm not dead yet. While it missed my vital organs at first, it was now making otherwise lethal blows, yet I somehow wasn't dead. Now this creature was laughing at me, as it points the sword at my chest where my heart is, but doesn't run me through. Instead, it seems to be pushing me back, and I crawl backwards trying to get away from the blade. That seems to be what it wants, as it's laughter turns more sinister, and it repeats this motion until I'm back in the center of the room lying next to the lion figurine. At this point, the creature seems to have had it's fun and presses it's foot down on my right leg to keep me from running, as it points the sword at my chest. Immediately, I knew what it was saying to me. It had spoken now words, only cackled at my plight, but knew exactly what it was saying to me. It had given me a chance to escape, but I was too weak to make it due to all the damage it did to me. It was showing me how weak it saw me, and now it was going to prove it. It uses the tip of the sword to press my body completely flat on the floor. My eyes glance at the bloodsoaked blade as it rests there, then I look back at the creature. The smile on it's face fades and turns into an evil frown that growls menacingly as it retracts the blade for a final blow. I don't know what came over me, but my hand instinctively reaches for the lion figurine to my left, and I give it one last stroke down it's back to pet it. Just then, the lion figurine rolls over, takes a pouncing stance as it grows into a living breathing lion, and attacks the creature. It bites it's sword wielding arm and rips it off, throwing both away. The sword turns back into a lamb figurine and the arm itself evaporates into thin air. After seeing that, I sit up enough and watch this now living lion tear apart the true hermaphrodite. Every piece the animal rips from its body evaporating the moment it separates. However, like me, the lion doesn't give the creature a chance to scream our for help, hut it didn't toy with it either. The lion just killed the creature, tearing it apart until there was nothing left. Once the creature was completely gone, I smile at the animal and lie down, almost waiting to die myself. With how badly I was torn apart myself, I almost expected to. However, as I lie there resting, I feel someone grab my head and rest me on their lap gently. I open my eyes and look up, rolling over slightly so not to strain my eyes or neck too much to see who it is. It's the man with the soft blue eyes, long brown hair and long beard, wearing his white robe and once again barefoot. My blood stains his robe and I try to move away to prevent it from becoming completely ruined, but he encourages me to rest on his lap and strokes my side to calm me down. Unable to fight back, I obey and just rest my head on his lap like a pillow. If anything is going through my head, it's gratitude that I won't be alone when I die. He strokes his left hand down my neck, and I can feel the hole in his hand as it moves across my skin. Suddenly, I find myself able to breathe easier and I am no longer drinking my own blood. I put my hand to my neck and discover he healed the wound inflicted on me by the creature. Now, the man puts his hands on both my shoulders, and those wounds are healed. Soon after, he gently rotates my body so I'm lying across his lap like a child. He puts his left hand on my sternum and his right on my stomach. Both of those wounds close completely and just like every other place he's healed, no scar is left behind. Something I only just realize as I double check trying to feel for any. The only reason I thought to check at that moment of all times, was because I finally saw that no scar was left behind when he healed the wound on my abdomen. The other places I couldn't see very well, but I could feel them, and this man wasn't leaving any scars. As I look myself over, he gently grabs my bruised right wrist, and strokes it until the bruise is gone. At last, after all of that, he strokes my right arm further down where the creature ran it through and closes the final wound. I gaze at him and realize his entire robe has turned red from my blood. This makes me sad knowing it's stained and no longer white.

10 Jul 2024



I'm in a single room house that is covered in blueish, glowing crystalized ice, a single door behind me, and a man sitting in the middle of the room. He has long brown hair, is wearing a long dark trenchcoat, and I can hear him whittling away at something in his hands. I grow curious and approach him to look over his shoulder. He's carving a lion figurine that's lying down with it's head turned. I'm impressed by the detail and craftsmanship of the carving. It looks realistic to the point of being lifelike. When all of a sudden, I get a sense of dread come over me. Almost as if I'm not supposed to be there in that place, let alone behind this man. I take a single step back and the ice below my foot melts under me, causing me to slip and fall on my back with a hard thud. This causes the man to lift his head, but he doesn't look at me. It seems like he's aware of me at this point, if he wasn't aware of me the entire time. In a panic, I scramble to get to my feet and run for the door, which evaporates in front of me the moment I get close. Frustrated, I pound a closed fist on the wall left behind where the door used to be. At this point, I turn around and the man is standing five feet away from me, knife in his right hand, aimed at the floor. He's staring at me curiously with soft blue eyes, but makes no movement towards me. He has a long beard to match his long brown hair, and is wearing a white robe while being completely barefoot. As I stare back, I feel an overwhelming sense of fear as I look at him. However, I can't rationally explain why I am afraid of him. I only know that I am afraid of him enough to cause my lip to quiver as I press my body against the wall. At that moment, the man begins to approach me, gripping the knife tighter. The sense of fear is too much for me to handle and I drop to my hands and knees in front of the man. "Please, have mercy!" I cry out, causing the man to stop. I'm near fully genuflecting to this stranger crying my eyes out in front of him. "I didn't mean to be nosy! I'm so sorry! Please... please, have mercy on me! I am begging you!" At this point, I'm questioning why I should be afraid of this man. He had thus far presented no threat towards me. It like I'm ashamed of my behavior even though I feel justified for feeling afraid. As I try to compose myself, I feel the flat side of the blade rest on the bottom of my chin. My body lightly trembles at the touch of the cold steel, as my mind races. "This is it," I say to myself. "This is how I'm going to die. This stranger is going to kill me." To my surprise... he doesn't. He simply uses the knife to raise my head until it levels out. The edge of the blade rests and presses gently on my throat once my head comes to rest. My eyes are closed due to my fears and I'm still trembling. After a few seconds of the man not doing anything else, I somehow summon up my courage and open my eyes. The stranger is staring back at me, bending his right knee with his left land resting on his left knee. Something about his face seems kind as my breathing hastens at first. However, after some time, my breathing stabilizes and the sense of fear goes away. Finally, the man does something after what feels like a solid minute of us staring each other down. He glides the blade from right to left across my throat. My lip quivers once more and my brow furrows as I reach for my throat the moment the knife is removed. He calmly sets the blade down immediately after I clutch my neck. To my continued surprise, there's no cut. No blood coming out. I remove my hand and there's no blood there either. After realizing this, I look back at the stranger and he gracefully smiles at me. He stands up, reaches out with his left hand towards me, and says, "Rise, my child." Without much thought, I feel compelled to reach out to him and he helps me back on my feet. It's at this point I notice a hole in his hand as I grasp it. He leads me by the hand like a parent guiding a child, bends down to pick up the lion carving, then gives it to me. "The Leo will show you the way." He says as I admire the figurine. I look up to tell him thank you, but he is nowhere in sight. As I'm looking for him, I turn to see the door that had evaporated before has now returned. As I faze upon it, it opens, a bright white light shines through, and I can hear a lion's roar.

30 Jun 2024



Adopted two lions as pets one male one female. They didn't escape

22 Jun 2024



I dream of a sandy Afrucan beach that was lush with desert plants and a lion and it's cub were majestically walking along... I had some of my kids with me and I was also hiding them from the lions but still observing them from a distance.

20 Jun 2024



Last night I had 2 dreams. The first dream was there was a teacher doing an activity with three young boys. These young boys were given three types of flowers and they were to offer them to members of an audience in the theatre. Once the boys had given out these flowers, it was time for a swap over so more people could do it. My second dream was that I was sitting in a theatre with 3 friends and my husband, we saw a projection of an animal film on the stage. This was also an interactive film so there were gonna be some jump scares. As the film was playing, when the snake bit came up, you could see snakes crawling on the walls of the theatre. There was also a bit where a lion came to get someone, next thing I felt and saw was a lion had tipped my chair back and was looking at me from above ready to maul me to death, I wasn't too terrified but it ended with me fainted in my husbands arms outside the theatre.

16 Jun 2024

Break up


I had a complex dream involving Sabastion my ex situationship that i’ve mentioned before. The dream recalled our recent “breakup” in which i decided to stop having sex with him unless he dated me in which he denied too and we slowly began to stop talking. In the dream i noticed somethings in my house were missing I decided to ask Saba in which i couldn’t get ahold of him as he had started a truck moving business. During this dream I also had the ability to transform into different animals something that others could do but only into one animal so i kept my ability to turn into multiple secret. Disguised as a bird I found saba driving on the highway in a truck and transformed back to human jumping onto the back and changing into a mouse to squeeze into the storage container. My missing stuff was their so i decided to become human again and alert my presence to Saba. He was more giddy at the fact i actually decided to follow him rather than what made me chase him down. He brushed off the answer to why my stuff was in the back as we arrived at a forest. Saba told me the reason he started this buisness was to sell illegal things on the side and he was to meet his buyer here later. We chatted for awhile and ended up kissing longily as feelings where still there for me. Then Saba told me not to move and to trust him as i see a shape in the corner of my eye which turns out to be a lion at first i’m confused cause lions and US forests don’t mix but then the lion transforms into a man who begins talking to sabastion about the package he was transporting. As they talk i begin to slowly fall asleep and once fully out sabastion steals more of my items and begins to try and leave me in the forest. I wake up as he leaves out raged and turn into a wolf but as soon as I do a wild pack of wolves show up seperating both saba and I from the truck. As we rest from running I begin to cry and question why he doesn’t love me why he keeps betraying me and how i could love someone so much that doesn’t give a fuck about me. The dream begins to fade but I never get an answer

13 Jun 2024



I dreamt of two beautiful child dancers being tricked into going out into the backyard of a house where there were lions. The person who tricked them locked them out and I watched them yell out for help and to get back in. It felt as if the dancers were betrayed and they knew there were no other options. It felt like betrayal and hopelessness. So the dancers decided to dance amongst the lions who slowly made there way around them. The scene changes to the lions clearly mauling them and ending their lives.

29 May 2024



The dream begins, and I realize I’m in the inbetween, lower level. Or maybe I didn't realize it immediately, the fact that I was asleep. I didn’t rouse, when the thing started talking to me. It was almost soothing at first. Their voice was deep, gentle. As if he wasn’t there to devour me. (Also what is with everything trying to eat me. Like y’all please, What happened to classic murder. Is not that hard.)  Anyways my dumbass never writes shit down, so I can’t remember exactly what he said. He goes on for a while in an arrogantly gentle tone, drawing me into a hypnotic vulnerability. He said, “You are so cute my dear, your soft arms are so light, delicate even. Your smell is nearly intoxicating. It’s sad to see something as lovely as you, so vulnerable. It’s as if you’re teasing your demise, flirting with it. Are you truly that of a minx, sweet summer child?” (For some reason a lot of shit calls me that) his words were many. Like he kept complimenting me, expressing sadness of my weakness. Telling me how great I could be. This probably went on for over a half an hour, until he finally said. “It’s sad that this must come to an end. A being like you deserves more than this fate. But I am no hero, no knight in shining armor. And there is no escape. He talked a lot ok, like bro hurry up, why u still talkin.  I’m not sure when I started feeling scared. As he talked, I began to picture him in my mind's eye. I didn’t move, didn’t open my eyes, as when I’m in the lower level, I always feel this intense tiredness. I only move when I’m extremely desperate. His clothing was abnormal, to say the least. Like it was kinda a suit that he wore, yet it was casual, scruffed up. I didn’t pay attention to what his hands looked like. His body was that of a fit man’s, strong and muscular. Lean. Yet the true oddity about him was that he had the head of a lion. Like a deadass Lion. Fur, fangs and all, Down to the whiskers. I don’t know where the “human” started and the Lion stopped, but as he finished up with that last horrifying line, he leaned back. An excited growl coming from his muzzle and he leapt on me.  I instantly was filled with terror, as the entire left side of my body lit up on fire. It was horrible, but as quickly as he rushed me, he was yeeted off the bed. I don’t know who rescued me. I always assumed it was the shade but… now I wonder. You’ll find out who the other options are at the end of all of this.  They didn’t let me see the fight, whoever it was. But I awoke immediately. Completely fucking petrified as my body shook. Staring at the spot where he talked to me. The left side of my body buzzed with this foreign energy, like foreign trauma they don’t teach us about in elementary school. This was my first attack in the lower level. It left a nasty mark on my consciousness. Yet I always remember it, when I think about saying something stupid .  I couldn’t go back to sleep that night, it was too scary. So after a while of staring, I finally went to sleep with my mom in her room. My dad leaves town a lot on business trips. So I had his side of the bed to myself. My moms snoring usually keeps me up for hours, as I’m a very sensitive sleeper. But tonight, it was the most calming noise I’d ever heard. Eventually I did fall back asleep. And to my horror, I was back in the inbetween, Lower level. I didn’t even realize at first. My mom, still snoring beside me. I had opened my eyes to gaze at her, when her body shifted over to mine. She continued to snore as she “unconsciously” moved closer, keeping me in a false sense of security. But as her face was a breath away from mine, her mouth unhinged like a snake. I couldn't breathe. Not able to compute the fear from the total fucking shock that coursed through my body, knocking the wind from me. I gasped in surprise, making my mom? Creature Like monster, stick its venom like tongue into my mouth. I couldn’t even scream, as terror overtook me again. I don’t know if fear held me still or I was being restrained, as its tongue swept over my teeth, drinking in my saliva with this horrifying desire. It was not lust. The thing was simply playing with its food, And it liked what it tasted. Its tongue seemed to thicken, becoming almost tentacle-like, as it pushed deeper into my throat, painfully forcing its way down my esophagus.  But just as before, it was like something shot it dead before it could do any irreparable damage. It died, tongue still writhing in my throat, as my saver melted it away. Not stepping forward, they let me awake in a cold sweat. For the first time in my depressed life, I did not want to sleep. This is something, that if you knew me well, you’d know the sun had fallen from the sky if I said these words. I was terrified to be attacked again.  I didn’t sleep again that night. As I cuddled my dog, desperately tight. I wrapped blankets around my body, convinced that if even an inch of my skin showed, it would be bit off, like someone's leg in Shark attack.  I’m not gonna lie to you man, I give myself whiplash with how easy my thoughts/feelings change. I literally slept like a baby the next night. Like wtf me. You were just traumatized and your reaction the next night was like, if they come for me again I will eat them. WHERE DO YOU GET THIS FALSE SENSE OF CONFIDENCE FROM. WHERE!? I ASK YOU. I'M STILL LIKE THIS. WHY AM I LIKE THIS.

24 May 2024



I was walking alone in a foreign country on a dirt road that just had small little huts and I could hear someone shouting that a lion was loose and roaming around. Then suddenly i see the lion and it starts coming towards me so i quickly go into one of the huts and i climb up on a landing that’s above the lion where it can’t get to me and I can see the lion below me wandering around

7 May 2024



I was at a beach house party with my family , friends and some people I didn’t know. My friend Brittany just had a baby and she had to leave. Her son (dalton) who was not even a full year old was talking in full sentences. Everyone was shocked. At some point while holding him, I dropped him on the pavement and when I picked him back up he just had a crack in his head like If I had dropped a doll. I sat in a chair by the ocean and when I put my hand down I felt heat and my cigarette was lit. When I looked at the chair there was a piece of paper that was on fire in the leg of the chair. So I ran and tried to tell someone there was a fire in that chair. Then the setting transferred to the mountains where a lion was trying to get dalton. So I was jumping up the mountain trying to protect him. Then the lion sent the three hyenas to come chase dalton and me. So I ran for our lives. Then a good lion comes out of nowhere and saves us from the hyenas.

5 May 2024



I was at a Halloween party? Or we were monsters at a reunion or something… I’m not sure. But there were definitely two pregnant women. But the weirdest thing was.. someone was talking about a door.. if you go through it, find riches and be blessed with magic or some shit. But it was protected by a wizard and his lion. I remember trying to tell someone, almost warn someone, that someone else found the door. Then I recognized myself having almost like a vision through this dudes eyes. Opening the door, and finding a small wizard with no face just sharp teeth in a smile. Almost elf like. With a lion the size of a big dog. I saw the lion pounce at me, and then I was back in the party talking to the pregnant girls. The guy I thought was attacked was almost like manic trying to get ready for a drag show but just frantically painting himself blue…. And just got up and walked away. The weirdest part. It was almost like someone was searching for someone who would dream of or see the elf like creature and the lion. I found myself in a room where there was this old lady or man, I’m not sure, but they were talking about seeing them, and who ever was interrogating them hooked their eyelids to, well what I could only recognize as jumper cables. Some how, I think found myself in a crab shack… trying desperately to find a bathroom because I was afraid I was going to let something out of me. Like something was trying to crawl out of me.

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