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Dream Interpretation: Father ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Father? Discover the significance of seeing a Father in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Father appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This symbol is a masculine archetype and therefore represents logic and structure. This also indicates that you seek authority, control, or protection in life. The shadow side of the symbol father is rigid control and archaic principles that choke out life and the more feminine sides of our nature.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


This dream shows your connection to the more logical and structured part of your life. Think about how you handle situations in life. Do you plan things or jump in without preparation? By noticing the details of this dream, you will discover whether you need more control, authority, and discipline or if you have too much and need to embrace freedom and more feminine aspects of your nature. Alternatively, such dreams can also indicate that you are thinking about your father and need to consider your relationship with him.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream about a father can evoke a range of emotions. It may bring feelings of security, guidance, and protection. It can also trigger sentiments of love, respect, and admiration. Additionally, this dream might elicit emotions of nostalgia, longing, or even unresolved issues. The presence of a father figure in a dream often symbolizes authority, support, and a sense of belonging. However, the specific emotions associated with this dream can vary depending on the individual's relationship with their own father and the context of the dream itself.





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18 Jul 2024

Mom dying


Mom cussing me out saying fuck you to me, my sis and my dad because she wS mad, I cried and cried on her shoulder

18 Jul 2024



This dream I had when I was about 10 years old. (4 Years ago) But I still vividly remember all the details. It started with me wandering this street. The buildings felt like tall, cement blocks with doors. The night darkened the mood. The yellow streaks lining the walls illuminated. For a segment of the dream, it is a bit fuzzy. Then, the next thing I see is my old bedroom surrounding me. It wasn't the entire house, only the bedroom. I was practically stuck to the bed and in a panic. My first instinct was to escape. So after 5 minutes (estimate), I bolt out of the room and find the front door of my old house. But when I walk out, it's the same outside as before. The cement world. I run and run and run down the way until a car-garage-looking building catches my eye. I turn into there, hoping to hide from whatever brought me to my old house. I go inside and find a friend from my elementary school. She was the sweetest girl ever, and I cared about her a lot. Now that I think about her, I believe she had a crush on me at the time. I tell her that I was running from whatever it was, and she offers me water from the sink. Nothing else significant happens before I see a car searching for me. I once again try to run away. I try to escape this lady. But she catches me and forces me into her van. She says, "I told you couldn't run away. Do not try again." And she swiftly drives me back to my old bedroom. For the next couple segments, I'm stuck lying in bed for a while. At one point, I'm on my tablet watching one of my favourite YouTubers. And then one of the most significant moments in the dream, the lady who had kidnapped me pulled me to the edge of the bed. Her long fingers trace a line just above my knee. She watches my expression carefully. "Once this is all over, I'll cut your leg off right here. Does that sound good?" She threatens. After that, there is a big blur. Then the final scene I see before I wake up is me and the lady scavenging through a janitor's closet. She says something along the lines of "You're dad has a secret." And when I ask her what she means, the dream is cut short.

17 Jul 2024

Old friend


I went into an exotic pet shop. I saw many pets in cages or enclosures. I saw a spider which had escaped. I had to try to grab the spider and put it back in his enclosure. While I was trying to grab the spider, it had wrapped its web around my hand and made it very difficult for me to hold him. As I went to grab the spider after removing the web, he bit me on the back of my hand. I exited the exotic pet shop and went outside. I had people wanting to get a hold of me and I did not want to be caught. I started to realize that I could wipe people's short-term memory. Even so, people were still trying to come and find me, and I did not like it. I decided to run away after wiping a few people's memories, of recent memories. I ran to the top of a building and a man was there who grabbed my hand, he said this doesn't work on me, the spider bit me as well. This meant that wiping his memory of me being there was impossible. He tried to grab me and I ran to the edge of the roof. I said to him that there was no luck, I was going to fly away. I turned away from him, got as far away on the roof as possible, jumped off and flew across the sky, flapping my arms as wings, higher and straight down towards the ocean and the coast. I made it down to the coast, and I thought it would be a good idea to try to live within the cave system on a rock near the ocean, because other people had lived in there before, so it was very possible to live for a short period of time within these caves. When I landed next to the ocean, An old friend from my working life came to me and said don't worry, if you need somewhere to stay, you can shower and sleep at my house. This made me relaxed and a little bit happier. I was in a group of people down on a holiday resort, and I noticed a lot of my father. I quickly wiped the memories of me, went back to the group of people in the holiday resort, and they were trying to do some show. I don't remember the show, and I said I could fly. They did not believe me, so I gave them a small show on me flying around in front of them.

16 Jul 2024



my father brought my brother and i to work with him (hes a firefighter). we were out on this rig in the ocean where a lot of his firecrew were stationed. my brother and i talked and got to know everyone, some of them knew us when we were younger and some of them were new people we had never met. the rig had giant hole in this middle with this elevator thing that would bring people up to the rig from the ocean. it brought up a couple people throughout the dream but not many. one of my dads crewmates fell down the hole and nearly died, but he barely grabbed onto the edge, saving himself. when it turned to night the rig suddenly transformed into my grandparents house with my grandparents now present. my grandmother offered my dad, brother, and grandfather cookies. everyone else that was there before had vanished.

15 Jul 2024



At my dad's house. Me, my dad and sister were watching these guys play basketball outside on the neighbors property just outside my old bedroom window. I said something about them having skill or something and one of the guys thought I was insulting them and he came inside my room and started making a big deal of it and I had to deescalate the situation. He was like 6'8" and it was a bit intimating for some reason.

14 Jul 2024



In the dream I had a connection to different planets and gemstones. I was over joyed and excited. It made me felt peace and happiness. I used the connection to figure out things in life and for healing. I felt so complete. I am watching a dog for someone I am no longer friends with. A male figure I felt was my father told me he brought the dog to pet store or community and she may be pregnant. I was trying to decide if I want to return his dog to keep it. The dog was happy running around and full of life. I had a feeling that owner of the dog asked me to watch her because he went someone where with my ex for the weekend. His intention were to have me watch his dog while he is hooking up with my ex. I am on a bus with a lot of people and we are driving somewhere. The interior felt and looked like a school bus. I have a journal I felt belong to the old friend whoโ€™s dog I am babysitting. I had a thought to go through the journal to see what I can discover, so I did. The pages seemed to be like a magazine with half of some of the pages ripped out. Other pages had nudity of men. I felt entertained and intrigued by the pages. The bus now seem to changed. Instead of rows of seats, we are sitting at tables and preparing to eat. I was focused on the need for hot sauce. I walked up to another male figure on the bus because I saw him with hot sauce. It seems too may people where around and the closer I get to him the more things made it difficult. A female figure and another male figure who I am friends with decided we are getting off the bus to find hot sauce. The female figure went to the bathroom, so my male figure friend and I went search for the sauce. We walked up to a male figure to ask him. He seemed interested in my female friend. My male figure friend seemed jealous so he was making the guy feel like she isnโ€™t interest. The male figure wanted to hang with us anyway. I didnโ€™t care and my male friend reluctantly didnโ€™t make a big deal out of it. As we are walking down the street we stop someone to ask about this hot sauce. They pointed to a place where we can go.

13 Jul 2024



I was at my fatherโ€™s house and he gifted me a baby blue minivan, a Honda Odyssey. We were outside at night under the car port.

13 Jul 2024



Snakes were all over the yard at my fatherโ€™s house and inside the house. I felt unsafe.

12 Jul 2024



I was in my house. I was speaking to two friends and each of them were describing the house they rent. Then my father came and got in bed and we were trying to ask him how his apartment was. He seemed very depressed. But he said his apartment was cute. I felt sad and guilty for him.

12 Jul 2024

Knife, dagger and weapons
Childhood home


We were in the yard of my parents house where I grew up, the yard between the front and back, between my house and my neighbors house. My cat Ringo turned into a tiger, foxy my dog was trying to fight him but he held his ground. Then my dad cut his back with a rusty knife. I felt heartbroken and rushed to help my cat.

11 Jul 2024

Roh-roh jahat
Jalan raya


Grandmother's dearest home Me, my sister hafshah, father, and mother went to paternal grandma's house, my routine in grandma's house were eating and sleeping in a dimly lit room, once a while I heard the rumour that there is a secret axe in an abandoned house behind my grandmother's house's backyard, So then I went there and defeated some zombies and monsters in the abandoned house, then I found a chamber where there is the axe, I retrieved the axe and got sucked by a portal near me. It sent me to a highway, the highway were broken, so I fixed it, then someone came and offered to be in front of the exit gate, then the person clicked the exit button, and he's gone. So then I try to click the button to exit, but failed because an evil version of me called (Farhan) and got a flashback, but I defeated him soon enough. I got back to my grandmother's house and talked with my father, I told him that we should move to this abandoned house in grandma's backyard, he agrees and we moved out to the abandoned house. We now lived here, we are happy in that house, but then I remembered that I left my precious cheese mozzarella bread in grandma's fridge, so I went to my grandma's house and was surprised, because I saw grandma teaching her students, but then I excused myself and went to the house to eat the bread once again inside my dimly lit room.

11 Jul 2024



I'm only going to say what I remember but anyways here we go so there was this boy we were in school (in my dream ofc) anyways then we were standing in line in the halls and then he said mmm mmm mmm as if he liked me then I laughed and fastforward he came over to my house my dad was getting ready to take me and my little sister to school and I told him about him and my dad said you sure thats your friend or boyfriend as in a joking way and I said no he's not and my dad laughed then took me my little sister and the boy to school after I got ready then when got to school me and the boy were about to go to class then we decided to skip class then we were chilling in the library skipping and as he was about to tell me his name bc idk why he didn't tell me when we met my dream got cut short then I woke up and I really want to have a part two tonight bc I was loving that dream so much and wanna know how to have a part two of it.

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