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Dream Interpretation: Boy 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Boy? Discover the significance of seeing a Boy in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Boy appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol is a representation of your masculine side. For a female, classic psychoanalysis would call this your animus. By seeing this symbol in your dreams, you are becoming aware of certain aspects of the masculine part of your personality.

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🧭 Direction


We all have masculine aspects of ourselves, no matter what gender we identify with. Seeing this symbol in your dreams is a call to recognize and connect with characteristics of your masculine archetype that you may have missed or avoided. Perhaps you don't see how they align with you or your beliefs; however, when you connect with them, you will have more doors open up.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a boy can evoke a sense of innocence, youthfulness, and curiosity. It may bring feelings of nostalgia, reminding us of our own childhood or the joy of watching a child grow. This dream can also symbolize new beginnings, potential, and the need to nurture and protect. It may elicit emotions of tenderness, playfulness, and a desire to guide and support. Additionally, the dream of a boy can represent the masculine energy within us or the presence of a young male figure in our lives. Overall, this dream can evoke a range of positive emotions associated with youth, growth, and the potential for a bright future.





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Dreams of users containing the word Boy

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18 Jul 2024



I was in a house that I had never been in and had a family with some family members that I actually knew and some made up. My dad was grilling for this weekend party and one he was done all our family and friends came over. When I had sat down to watch a movie with my family there was this group on the couch next to me and their son was a bit odd. No one really understood him when he spoke except me and we got along and felt very close even though I was timid of him at first.

16 Jul 2024



I was flying a helicopter and trying to shoot missiles at a target. Then I was in a room with a boy who was trying to stab me with knives, but I wasn’t scared, I was going to stab him before he could hurt me

15 Jul 2024



I was pregnant wearing all white in a white courtyard walking towards the middle. There were white peacocks on both sides of me walking with me and a smaller bird flying around my head singing a pretty song. I was very calm and peaceful. I was aware that I was pregnant with a boy.

14 Jul 2024



I heard Luke (6 years old) outside screaming “stop it” When I went to check on him, he was on the front steps being pinned down. A 13 year old girl was punching him in the face while her twin brother held him down with his foot on his throat. (Both were identical, blonde, skinny, cocky) I chased them into the back yard and caught the girl. I held her face in a muddy puddle that coincidentally had animal feces in it. I wanted to drown her. Her brother tried to double team me and I told him, “back off, you’re next.” He abandoned his sister and ran. I held the girl’s face in the mud and told her that if I see her again I’d show her what a real psychopath is. I got Luke inside and told him not to go back out without at least one adult. I woke up in fight or flight mode. I was scared and furious.

14 Jul 2024



I had a dream that I was one of the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders coaches, and I was like picking who would get in and who wouldn't, and I think it's because I've been watching the show on Netflix and because that's why I'm dreaming about it. But also, I also had another dream, to add on, I was in a car, I'm not even sure, I just remember going into a car, Oh, I remember, um, and I wanted to get my G, so my grandmother, who is passed away, she asked this man who was explaining to her how to get the G, I need one girl and one boy, and you have 25 tries, and it's like $200, and I was like, okay, but he was actually translating what my grandmother was saying to this other girl. after I was speaking to this girl, and I was like asking her questions, and she was like, oh yeah, you just need to pass, and I was saying, oh, okay, and then she was like, are you sure you want to be taught by me, because I am not really a teacher at all, and I was like, did you pass your G, and she was like, yes, and I was like, okay, that's fine, you passed your G, so you can teach me.

13 Jul 2024



i was texting a boy and we were just normally talking and then he said we should facetime and play roblox and then my dream ended but the thing is i hate this boy i used to like him but not anymore

12 Jul 2024

Best Friend
Old Man


Me and my best friend were leaving school even though she doesn’t go to the same school as me anymore and I saw a boy playing on a dome outside and it didn’t look like my school but me and my best friend ran out and she was ahead of me but there was this old man that i’ve never seen before and i hopped in her dads car and her sister was in the front seat and i was in the back seat, close to the door and for some reason, her dad left the front and back door open and the old man was right there and we didn’t know who he was so i was trying my best to get as far away from the door but he started pulling on my clothes and then i finally got far away enough and no one helped me but after a while, the dad finally closed the door and we drove off and my best friend was asking me if i was alright but i told her i was just processing and i feel like at that point i already knew i was in a dream

12 Jul 2024

Old Lady


My dream was like a scary movie. There was going girls and boys and one of them got murdered by some guy that I saw and then we all started chasing him To get him and I ran into a little boy and he said that he saw the person so he takes me to this place with horses, and I realize I have my retainer in and each time I go to take out my retainer, my teeth start falling out and sticking into the retainer and I have a hard time speaking it keeps happening over and over there was a stream and a statue for where one of their beloved horses has died before and the old lady at first didn’t like me, but she did like me so she said she was gonna fix my teeth so she gave me a different retainer and she said they was supposed to make my teeth better but then I couldn’t talk with it that well so I kept trying to take it out and my teeth kept getting worsethen I finally woke up

10 Jul 2024

Building (Place)


I had a dream this boy had tiny pieces of rock candy . He made the candy and I guess he wanted people opinion on how it taste. So I asked him for some. I tasted it and I told him it was good but it needed to be more sweeter. Then the dream switched and I was with a group of people waiting on line. Then we all realized we were the first people in line . We all got excited. Everyone started going in this building and I lost my place in line and everyone else had already entered except me. I tried to make it into the building before the doors closed but I don't think I did.

5 Jul 2024



Had dream. I was trying to use a pay phone stacked on a wall with a few others side by side. I was next to a boy. The quarter kept coming out. In my head I knew this kid somewhat from when he was small but don’t remember talking to him in the dream. He couldn’t get anyone on the phone. I walked away but came right back to the wall trying to make the call. Vienna walked up and picked up the last phone next to me. I helped her make her call. I try mine again. Momma answered. I felt relieved even in a dream I felt so many emotions. I could hear her voice so clearly. We actually talked. She said she was okay and doing so much better. She even said again she is so much better now. Said she felt better and wasn’t in any pain. She asked what I was doing today. I told her and asked same question. She and someone else is cooking. She and Carla planning something for their birthday. We talked a little more I remember not wanting to hang up.

3 Jul 2024



I dream of getting hit a by a boy . I got angry and beat him . When my aunt get to know that I got hit by a stranger boy she took and tie her in a wood pole in between of road . Everyone surrounded him I was also there . I was not okay with the situation it was not big deal. Then my aunt fire his body and turned him alive . I was terrified I saw him alive burning. Melting his skin , flesh body . I was extremely terrified by the scene

1 Jul 2024



I was driving in the city and I was close to my house but somehow I got turned around and ended up on a side street and couldn’t figure out my way bam onto the main road. I parked and decided to ask for help. This boy about age 13/14 told me where the main road was. I said, I thought so! I got in my car and started driving but still couldn’t get back to the main road. I go back to where I parked before and ended up inside the boy’s apartment. His younger siblings were there. His 12 yr old sister was determined to help me. Their mom came out- a beautiful dark skinned young woman- she thought I’d helped her kids get home and was going to pay me. I said no- they’re actually helping me! Then this older white dumpy looking man walked through the room on the phone. He was their dad. He barely said anything to anyone and he left. So the younger sister walked me outside to show me how to get to the main road. It was a rough area. I was going to walk her back home but she said she was ok and ran across the street near these shops. As she crossed by the shops there was commotion of two people (a white man and black woman) coming out of a storefront arguing. The woman pulled out a gun and started shooting. I yelled to the girl to get down then I got down because the woman ran my way and was shooting everywhere but ran out of bullets after two shots. She still shot at people even though no bullets came out. Then she passed by me, then came back to me. I got up and started running down the alley, through peoples apartments, then down a hill and I woke up.

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