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Dream Interpretation: Child 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Child? Discover the significance of seeing a Child in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Child appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This is a symbol of freedom, innocence, potential, and vulnerability. You are dreaming about a part of yourself that needs extra care and nurturing due to their pure and unclouded emotional significance. It reflects your inner child's longing for freedom and nurturing.

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🧭 Direction


You will need to make time to explore these pure and free parts of yourself and identify the true and innocent emotions you are feeling. The wisdom of children is priceless and will guide you forward, but you will need to take extra care of these parts because they will grow and create your future. Ask yourself, what does your inner child need from you today?

❤️ Feelings

The dream about a child evokes feelings of innocence, vulnerability, and nurturing. It may symbolize a desire for growth, new beginnings, or a need for protection. This dream can also bring about emotions of joy, love, and responsibility.





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Dreams of users containing the word Child

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13 Jul 2024



I am driving at night to go somewhere. I notice the stars in the sky and felt the need to just admire it. I speed across the street and up a hill so steep I felt I was going to fly into the sky. I parked my car on the side of the road, and stood watching the stars at what seemed the highest point of the steep road. Going back to my car I noticed plastic bags or balloons are tied to the top. I seem to be working at a childcare center or some sort of school for young children. I remember looking out the window to see staff members out side with the kids. I’m in front of a whiteboard, I seem hesitant to write something, and another staff asked me if they could write on it so I stepped aside. I am in the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and sat on the toilet. I noticed the bathroom was flooded as my feet were submerged in water. Everywhere inside the bathroom was wet and smelled clean. It felt as if it was just cleaned by some sort of cycle, like a washing machine cycle. I close my eyes for a few minutes. When I opened my eyes a child was crawling into the bathroom. I stopped them and told them to leave. She was pointing at something but I didn’t stop to noticed because I was in panic. I am back at the whiteboard. I am struggling to write something on it. Whiteboard and I are outside. It seems the person who’s lesson I am to teach gets out of a vehicle and asked if they can present their work using the whiteboard. Someone was asking me why I am not able to teach the lesson. It was as if they are disappointed the owner of the lesson had to do it because I couldn’t.

9 Jul 2024



So in my dream it was like I was part of an ice kingdom and Aaron my bf was part of the fire kingdom. (I am pregnant right now with his child in real life) but the kingdoms could not have us together and with child to protect the two kingdoms so they separated us from each other and the school I was going to with the ice kingdom was like a highschool that had my highschool ex in it Noah who they were trying to make sure we had the child together instead of Aaron. But somehow in my dream and my mind and heart I already knew my child was here with Aaron and coming bc I was very pregnant already in my dream too and the people that were my friends wanted me to unite the kingdoms with our child but staged it to keep going along with Noah to protect my safety and he thought it was his child but wasn’t but I felt sorry for him and was having feelings for him too since being away forced away from Aaron but i knew it was wrong and my feelings could not last especially since it wasn’t his child but I did feel bad. When sentence came up and the truth was revealed that Noah was not the father the we were planning for a revolution he was furious and tried killing Aaron but it just started more of a war. And then I woke up wishing I could have finished the whole dream or create my own ending to it as well.

8 Jul 2024



I had several dreams kinda rolled into one last night. I was on a family and friends vacation. Some people I recognized some people I didn’t. But it was overall a fun dream! In the beginning it wasn’t as fun. I was feeling really anxious and uncomfortable and kept hearing something about shadow crystal and smoky quartz. In my waking life I had been thinking about moving my rose quartz pillar in the windowsill next to my bed and replacing it with my smoky quartz point. Anyways my anxiety was getting worse and worse and I couldn’t find the smoky quartz. In my dream I was checking all the places I’d thought it was in my waking life like my backpack pockets and things like that but I couldn’t find it. I finally found something similar to it on my husbands bookshelf but that one had some yellow inclusions and I didn’t know what they were but they were very pretty. The only way I k ow to describe that crystal was almost alien with the circular yellow inclusions almost like bubbles that have bubbled up from the inside. As it it had been boiled and then flash frozen to maintain the bubble shapes. It was really cool and also not what I was looking for. Finally I ended up locating my amethyst crystal and when I picked it up it was as if all the anxiety just drained out of me and I could finally breathe easily. It then switched more to the vacation vibe. There was one part where we were in this open air space with a bonfire and some music playing and lots of children running around. And there was one kid who had grown attached to me. Idk if it was my kid or somebody else’s in the family/friend group or what. But I seemed to be either in charge of that kid or had developed a bond. We danced and played and when she was ready to sleep I would ask her or she would tell me and then we would get comfy and I would rock her or lull her to sleep. I could actually feel her in my arms and feel when she laid her head on my chest. It was nice. Then it skips a lil and I remember it was me and one of my friends, I think it was Audri, decided to have a girls day the last day. Did some shopping which was nice cuz I never really get the chance to buy things for myself. And then went to a bar. There were some people that had came with us on vacation at the bar already. For some reason I was fully ignoring one of them. Like at one point I completely turned my back to them and I still don’t really know who they were. We enjoyed our drinks at the bar and at some point ended up moving to a table. The bar scene changed ever so slightly to include a children’s area off to the right and some comfy massage chairs to the left. We as a group were discussing the plans for that night and apparently My husband, Marty, had setup all the plans for it. Everybody was really excited! Then some kid started freaking out and screaming just throwing a huge tantrum. He was a little white boy with blonde hair and I think he also had blue eyes. Maybe age 6 or 7. We didn’t know this kid but it turns out the children’s area was mostly for orphans and this kid was an orphan. Everybody was like one let’s get out of here this kid is ruining the vibe. But I wanted to stay and see what happened because I was curious. How would the caretakers handle this?? His tantrum ended up bringing him over to my table. And I was able to calm him down. To me he just seemed troubled and like his feelings were hurt. He asked for some of our food and I did give him some but then he started acting pretty mean and we talked about it and he calmed down. But then it happened again as we were getting ready to leave. He wanted to come with us and we had told him know so he was being mean again. So I took him back over to the play area and told him why he couldn’t come with us and that he was being mean and he started crying and screaming he was sorry. And I left and didn’t look back but I remember thinking this kid is just so hurt and and lashing out I hope somebody chooses to love him. Once outside of the mall area I saw my dad and he was saying we should hurry back to the hotel to get ready cuz we would be leaving for the Marty Night soon. He also dropped something and I saw him pick it up while he said this. I also remember that we were standing on a slightly curved declining area during this convo. He also told us some people may already be ready and waiting outside so we hurried along and the. I woke up.

8 Jul 2024



I was teaching a grade school class. But they were overly energetic so I took them outside for some outdoor playtime. I was leading a game but the children kept being distracted by baby deer. Then all of a sudden a stampede of horses was coming right at me. One large brown horse came to save me. He sat down and let me hug him as the stampede went by. I was so thankful to the horse I cried.

8 Jul 2024



I was dreaming about Derived new child

6 Jul 2024

Old Man


I go back to the school where I was an assistant principal. All of the same teachers and office personnel are the same. They are pleased or happy to see me. I look in my office and it is bare like they are waiting for me to move in. There is an older man and his grandsons sitting outside my office waiting to have a conference with me. I bring them into my office and speak with the child. It seems as though the grandpa does not discipline the boy. I talk to the child about consequences and rewards and what is going to happen as a result of his behavior. Just then a former teacher and administrator friend comes in to say hello and give me some tips. I know what to do, but listen to her. After my conference I walk out through the school to look around. It’s different from before but I see the same teachers, many of whom I’d hired.

5 Jul 2024



I had a dream about me having a child and him being murdered by someone and he came back alive but as someone else

5 Jul 2024



I was at a Harvard science fair. Id made my project and everyone was there but suddenly I noticed it was lots of kids I’d grown up with. They were all normal and I got whatever reason was weird and abnormal. They started bullying me for my weird behavior told me I’d never be able to achieve my dream of going to Harvard or even have a chance of winning the science fair bcs I was too weird

30 Jun 2024



Had two drams in one and they were both scary The first. I saw a mom who moved into a house and the place had a ghost in it, a tall skinny man dressed in black with a bowl hot on his head. The house looks like a two story house, but when climbing the first stairs, just before taking the second stairs, there's a room on the right hand side, which is where the son's room is in. In the dream, the little boy has been telling his mom there's something in the house and it's not pleasant, but the mom always brushed it off; until one day she heard shuffles on the second floor, and then heavy steps, so the mom decided to truly pay attention. As the steps are moving toward the stairs, so was the mom. I could feel what she felt, fear; fear that this thing had finally decided to take her child, so she made a b line for the stairs and got to her son before the thing and that's when she saw the thing. She ran outside with him. In the same dream I saw another bad man who befriends people with kids in the same area the lady lives in, and what that bad man does is kidnapping the kids and sell them to rich people. I saw myself as the kid's protector and jumped in the car and saved one child, but that had guy wasn't working alone; he and his accomplice had each stolen a child, I saved one, but the cops were looking for the other child. I then saw me looking through the eyes of the chief of police investigating the kidnapping, at the same time I was a by standard. The chief of police was analyzing which route the kidnapper could have taken; he thought there were only two routes that end up connecting with the main route a good distance from where the kid was abducted, only to find out that there was another dirt road that is not traveled much, one can't see it if you're not looking for it. This route is also connected to the main route miles away from the abduction and the my dream changed as the chief was thinking about which route the kidnapper might have taken In my second dream, I saw me watching a photoshoot. This photoshoot was of a wedding dress. The designer, a dark skinned woman, who is well known for her beautiful wedding dresses had just came out with a new wedding and was introducing it to the world on one of those big fashion magazines. The photographer, Asian , also a woman, also well known for her work. In the dream, it seems the fashion designer and the photographer were good friends, for it felt like they have been working together for a very long time. The photographer was popular for her water pictures; she had a big and large tub like pool, but it was more like a non-slip pad, but also a tub. The pad/tub was red on the outside and black on the inside and was filled with water; the black color made a perfect contrast to the white dress when the models lay in the pad/tub to be photographed. The scene was ethereal, it was as though the dress was floating and yet flying. The designer was dressed in a red cocktail silk gown that was off the shoulders, wrapped at the waist and revealed a whole lot of leg. The designer looked happy, but it was a surface happiness. I saw me telling her about my designs and she was a bit dismissive when I was explaining some of my sketches to her. Then she was doing a speech, like she was having a big reveal of her new wedding dress; a party of sort. At the beginning of the speech, she was fine, then it took a turn quick, she started talking about her son who had passed away. In the dream, the boy had died young, he wasn't older than eight or nine and wasn't younger than six or seven. I couldn't determine the boy's correct age, what I knew for sure was that he had died extremely young. As she was talking about the boy, she started saying "I see him mama. He's here". Her mom thought her daughter had started to lose it, but didn't say anything because she didn't want people to think that she thinks her daughter was going crazy. And the designer said that "he took my boy to hell with him" she was crying in a mournful and yet angry way. That's when I understood that the boy had died by his father's hand, he had burned the boy and himself as well. As the designer was crying, she started saying "let him go" like the boy's father had kept him in hell with him as leverage; for if he kept the innocent soul, he wouldn't suffer as much in hell as he should. And I saw the party had turned into a church and they started praying for the mom to let go of her child because her anger could open the door for her child to possess her, and for the child's sould to leave hell before it gets corrupted and I woke up with the song on my lips

28 Jun 2024



This is my second time having this dream. The father of my child pulls a gun out on me because he can’t have my daughter due to a custody order . I’m waking life he threatens me.

28 Jun 2024



Dreamed I lived in som kind of monastery. My brothers lived there with me. At that time in the dream I was young. I fell in love with a young man, got pregnant, and had his child, but he was just visiting. The monastery was lead by a bunch of extremely religious women, and after I had the child they took her away from me. Then, years later, after I had married a man and had another child I was raising, there was a stormy night. I saw a child out in the rain on a different bank the monestary was on. I swam through a river to get to her and found her huddled on the ground in the rain. I told her it would be alright and that I'd take care of her. I brought her to the monastary, and told the women that she was my daughter. They said her name, but then said "No, that's a different woman's child. But it also looks like she's died. We will take the child." Then they said something about someone saying blasphemous things about me, and to find who it was. Somehow I knew it was the first daughter they took from me. I asked her if she was saying blasphemous things and she went off on me saying "You should have known I would be like this. I grew up without a mother or a father. This is your fault." I told her that I was her mother and that the ladies from the monastery had taken her away from me. I hinted very loudly towards a camera in the room and asked her if she had any other blasphemous thoughts. She did, but no one came to talk to her or to stop her. I woke up.

26 Jun 2024



I am a lone vampire wandering about in Japan, mainly the mountainous regions, the lakes and the oceansides(around nature sites) There were a few people both in my head and irl(of the dream) that would police me about where I can go, for how long I may be out and such and when I must come back to the inn their travel group have booked for the day and such I would comply with them while I was in Hakone, but then when they would start to go around the mountainous areas in the Izu regions and the Mt. Fuji area I would start to ignore their instructions and go on my own I would take mountain railways that ran amidst the foggy slopes in their summer hydrangea season, take buses around the Mt. Fuji regions singce there’s not much convenience in the train systems, and wander about once I get off at whatever stop that seems to be in the middle of whatever idyllic scapes I fancy First I saw some scattered buildings but it would soon give way to the increasing altitude and the lack of flat areas and plains, the roads surrounded by trees. It’s a bit foggy now, and the leaves are brown. I would soon fall asleep in this dream, and when I wake up I’m walking around a lake Rusted signs, a turnpike in the distance, a Michi-no-eki(a rest stop that serves as a souvenir shop of the local merchandises) with scarcely a car or a bike because of the cloudy weather I would start to walk around when a man’s voice calls to me from a car that just seemed to have arrived, accompanied by several other younger people’s noises hastily trying to get off and take a break after a long driver The man seems to be in his fifties or so, looks youthful. His stature imposing but graceful, his hair long, fluffy, rich and silver, a portion of it tied up at the top of his head with a red silky ribbon; he’s got an air of youthful virility, grace and the old wisdom about him, a balance I’d like to be able to embody, if not just something I admire I recognize his face; it’s Jing Yuan, one of my favorite characters from my favorite game, Honkai: Star Rail He asks me if I’m out alone(I looked like a young boy with blond, fluffy long hair, a frilly cravat and an overall Victorian, vampire-like get-up) I ask him where he is going to and such He states a destination(which I couldn’t hear) and I would say that I’m going to the same direction(I think he said he’d pass through the Fuji city or something and I said Fuji-Atami) He smiles and says something like ‘ah, a (something along the line of what would be the equivalent of a 同道) then. Care to join us for a lunch break?’ I oblige and we eat warm udons and sobas in the road rest building, looking over the lake and the mountains while the kids(all of them are young adult/adolescent characters from the same game Jing Yuan is from) play around and explore We would converse about many topics, mostly of our trips and what we have seen, how this trip is the first time in Japan for them while for me wandering is a part of my routine When we would start talking about the interesting things and the local legends and the cultural myths and such we heard of around the landmarks and such we visited(separately) there is one that came up in particular that somehow sounds relevant to my own self It’s that of a clocktower, and a boy that lived in it The monument itself is a mere 5-meter modern abstract art piece the man(Jing Yuan) saw in a city he visited; the story is from the local landmark that had been barred tourist entry due to how decrepit they became over the years It prompts me to share my desire to go and visit the Alps and the surrounding regions, how I feel that something there must have to do with my origins He seems curious and asks what I mean by my origins(he doesn’t know that I am a vampire, it appears he takes me for a strange kid in a dated fashion and an antique tone of speech) I try to speak but I zone out from a vision I get caught up in, slightly dissociating He worries slightly before telling me that I don’t have to talk about it if it taxes me so I shake my head and tell him a little bit about my life: that I have wandered for as long as I remembered, how know where I grew up in and the family, but they are but specters in my mind that occasionally haunts me with this urge to go and search for my true home, how it my intuition seems to point toward the lakes in a steep mountains of Europe He is intrigued and asks why that could be,commenting on how it explains my exotic get-up and such

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