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Dream Interpretation: Children 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Children? Discover the significance of seeing a Children in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Children appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

These are symbols of freedom, innocence, potential, and vulnerability. You are dreaming about parts of yourself that need extra care and nurturing due to their pure and unclouded emotional significance. It reflects your inner child's longing for freedom and nurturing.

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🧭 Direction


You will need to make time to explore these pure and free parts of yourself and identify the true and innocent emotions you are feeling. The wisdom of children is priceless and will guide you forward, but you will need to take extra care of these parts because they will grow and create your future.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of children evokes feelings of innocence, joy, and a sense of responsibility. It symbolizes the nurturing side of our personality and the desire for growth and development. It may also bring about feelings of protection and the need to care for others. This dream can evoke a sense of nostalgia and remind us of our own childhood experiences. Overall, the presence of children in a dream brings about positive emotions and a reminder of the importance of embracing our inner child.





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Dreams of users containing the word Children

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18 Jul 2024



In this dream, I was in my houseboat and it started to rise up as if it was flying in the air like a balloon. My children were there with me and my ex-husband and my ex husband tried to keep the children safe while we were flying through the air and the doors were opening and we were almost falling out of the house. There were other people that were trying to help us from outside of the house, but they could not reach us.

16 Jul 2024



I was hanging out with friends when a foreboding sadness came over me. I could not figure out where it came from. My friend Joel and I decided to go investigate something and took this indoor jungle gym like path. We passed a lot of children and this made me more sad. We got to where we needed to go and realized we forgot something so we took a multi slide path back up. We saw a destroyed tampon box and the tampons were sprawled throughout the slides. We passed more kids who were laughing and having a good time. We made it too the top and joel took my hand and said it's going to be okay. I woke up.

15 Jul 2024



I was forced to move back to my old town. But the prices were so high that I could not find any nice homes. I had sold my dream home to move away and now was moving home. I was in a neighborhood. And I was in the neighbor home, which was extremely huge. They were very, very wealthy . They were from the Middle East and they were very traditional Muslim family. They were very nice to me. I had my two children and they had many children. The scene shifts, and then I am in the school that the children all the TED. But I am in my bathrobe. And I am trying to explain to all the families that I have not yet gotten my stuff this is why I’m not dressed . Additionally, in the dream, I am being followed by some man. I’m trying to lose him as I drive to the school. And duck into the doorway.

15 Jul 2024



I was in a hotel room in the bathroom, my brother was in the other area waiting for me to finish. I heard my brother talking to another man and my brother asked if he wanted him to get me. The man said yes I guess, I felt afraid and thought what if he wanted to harm me, I saw a door and walked into a bigger room with a pod I thought should I hide in it? And then I saw a door said Exit, I walked through the door and started running in halls painted dark blue in color I heard children laughing they were ahead of me I kept running down the halls trying to get out and then I woke up

13 Jul 2024



I was a begger on the street. My clothes were rotten and torn and I smelled awful. I was holding a sign and asking people for money, I felt so much shame and guilt for not being able to afford to live. Everyone was so mean to me, some people threw food at me, others spit on me, kids laughed. I felt like I wanted to die. So I pulled my pistol out of my shopping cart I was pushing around, and I shot myself in the head.

10 Jul 2024

Saving someone


I was 30 years old somewhat, like 30 years old, I was in this area, something happened, hell people died, I got stuck in it, my kids got whisked off behind me, saved somehow, and then it became some mad conspiracy thing, and they were trying to find out who fucking killed all these people, and I was stuck in the middle of it, there was such chaos, and fucking, just shit chaotic, and people on the outside looking in, it was like a fucking just chaotic fucking mess, and you had to get out, and in order to get out you had to prove yourself, and proving yourself was fucking a bitch.

8 Jul 2024



I was told the nulbers 14 and 47 Mona khad, my guru told me to Write a thank you check to her i went to write 1,900 I wrote a 19k check i noticed the mistake and wrote her the 19k check anyway. I met her husband vis zoom. I got to see her regular life- and i said if this is the outcome of manifesto then I’m encouraged to continue. She has a new baby as well. Sue decided it was her choice to have another. We talked about motherhood and the benefit of having kids far apart in age. You get to be a mother 2x. She then went to the beach with her children and family. She was able to been reality that she was able to freeze time, become giant, and dust off all the bricks with a paint brush so that her children can build their sand castles when she went back to the standard reality

6 Jul 2024



I had a dream I took a trip to the moon where they were doing experiments on dreams and dream like states. I took part and in my dreams I saw things that could have been, such as meeting a great grandparent, having my dream job, getting married and having children. However, there seemed to be a realisation in my mind that I was happy with what I have in my waking life but I couldn't get out of this simulation. So I attempted to kill myself several times in this simulation before it would let me go. I did eventually wake up, and so did others who took part in the simulation.

5 Jul 2024



I was listening to music again while I worked. This is another vision. I got a peek into my past life. I was a Native American. I was preparing furs for my tribe. I felt voices around me, children playing, people talking. None of it had to do with me, and for the first time, I felt at peace. I remember looking up and seeing my soulmate in his past life. That’s when I knew that my partner is the man I’m going to spend my life and eternity with.

3 Jul 2024



Dream So there was this guy with blonde hair that would meet me in dreams but really he has dark hair and the blonde guy was like an avatar he used to greet me. He follows me around like a ghost cause well I think he cares for me and he’s worried about leaving me alone. He kept trying to kiss me as the blonde guy and I kept turning away cause I felt really really embarrassed. He’d get this really sad look about him then act like nothing happened. The dark haired guy watched people be mean to me. He couldn’t seem to do much about it other then hover closer or knock on walls. He smelled nice, I just felt like I really really wanted to touch him. Cuddle. But he was an invisible ghost when I was awake. I wanted to hide my face pretty badly I was so scared he’d find me ugly. When I went back to sleep I saw this guy with dark hair messing around on computers. Some lady said to me, “Well there he is” Later there was a bunch of strange noises and I was barely awake, but I was in a hospital bed with 2 women fussing over me. The dark haired guy came into the room. He had a really long beard. I was like 😃 beards. I was so out of it. I kinda reached toward him and he held my hand for a second but quickly left the room. I was confused why he didn’t stay. I was bored while the woman were talking so I looked around the room and saw some choccy milk hanging on the door. I think it was for me. It made my heart melt a little I also started helping people move into the undercity. Underground caverns that kinda resembled the sewers. I watched some kids die from the flooding.

3 Jul 2024



I lived in Spain with my family, which consisted of a father and five siblings. We lived under a sort of points system. You earned points through good behavior, and these points acted as money. With points, we could pay for and buy drinks at the club. More and more children kept coming to our house because our father took in anyone who needed a home. As a result, we lived with a lot of people in a very small space. There were many children in a very impoverished house. I slept with many others in a room at the top of the house. Then we went out. After going out, we walked home, and a boy who was albino walked with us. He looked a lot like someone from a series I watched. I said to him, "Do you know Ian Gallagher from the series Shameless? You look like him." He replied that he was visually impaired, so he couldn't watch series. My so-called sister wanted to kiss him, but he rejected her. When we got home, that sister couldn't find her phone anywhere. She was also a primary school teacher and had drawings from primary school children in her hands. Another sister drank blue Fanta that was in the fridge. Then suddenly, I was at work. A new colleague joined us. She looked like someone I knew from Ex on the Beach. We then received a bonus from Raymond for our good work. I got €42.99. Raymond joked with me, saying, "Then you can get a new tattoo, Jake." My new colleague asked if I had many tattoos, and I said, "Not really." Then I asked her the same, and she said she had a small tattoo and showed it to me. I was shocked because it was the exact same tattoo that I had and in the same place. I showed mine to her, and we were both in shock. My tattoo was quite faded, but you could still see it.

1 Jul 2024



I had several different dreams the first one was I was very anxious about a new job promotion and waiting for an answer, 2nd I was watching over a lot of kids, 3rd I dreamed that my passport had melted.

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