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Dream Interpretation: Circles ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Circles? Discover the significance of seeing a Circles in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Circles appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This symbolizes protection, influence, unity, and balance. Furthermore, it signifies a regeneration process that leads to an unending cycle. However, you need to make sure that this regenerative process is in harmony with the other processes of your life.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction

Good fortune

Focus on the balance and protection that you need inside your life. It's time for unity and harmony; make sure to find it and place it in your life.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of circles evokes a sense of unity, wholeness, and endlessness. It brings feelings of harmony, balance, and interconnectedness. Circles symbolize cycles of life, eternity, and the infinite nature of the universe. This dream may also evoke a sense of completion, perfection, and the continuous flow of energy. It signifies a need for harmony and balance in various aspects of life, whether it be relationships, work, or personal growth. Overall, the dream of circles brings a sense of peace, continuity, and the realization that everything is interconnected in the grand scheme of things.





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Dreams of users containing the word Circles

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17 Jun 2024



i was in the lab and i was with my teacher and i heard birds and someone had hatched birds for an experiment and then some girl showed up with a cave looking project with two circles that were windows and two birds that looked like pigeons but with bigger eyes and weird feathers and they started screeching and then a man with dreads and a cream button up shirt walked in and explained something then disappeared and that was the dream

14 Jun 2024



I had a dream about a woman, or a friend that was driving me to get a blue dress with white snowflakes, and a red hem. It also had the letters โ€œKMCโ€ on it as if it were some sort of school name. She then drove me down to a womanโ€™s house but later on began to feel unwell. We had to go through circles on a road just to get to the womanโ€™s house. After this I was just then sitting in the car alone after she got out, and I had woken up shortly afterwards.

10 May 2024



I dreamt I had no dark circles

3 May 2024



OK in my dream it was my mom and my husband however, in my dream they were playing the parts of my mom and dad. My sister and I went over to their house for some reason we knew they had been murdered, they had been shot and they were in the back room, but we never went back there and we called the police , the police came out and took their bodies out of the house my sister and. I were devastated and terrified as we could not imagine who would have done this, we were looking for my dadโ€˜s truck and we couldnโ€™t find it anywhere. All of a sudden this guy that my husband and I know that had worked for us showed up and he was devastated that my parents were gone but didnโ€™t know where my dads truck was at, sudden somebody pulled up driving my dadโ€™s truck and he would never get out and he just drove around in circles really really fast around the house and then the police came back at that point. Everybody was gone and they came into the house to start an investigation and then I woke up. I have thought about this all day. Even though my mother passed away in 2016 this dream has just been so scary for me to even think about, what could it possibly mean?

8 Apr 2024



This guy in my class in real life was talking to me for a little bit. He mentioned that he would help me out with something. I little later as Iโ€™m walking, all of a sudden from behind heโ€™s in full armor and swinging a large hammer in a circle trying to hit me. It felt as though he was trying to kill me. He caught me off guard the first time and hit me but missed every other time.

8 Apr 2024



I do not really remember what the beginning of the dream was about but all I know was I was in a totally different town. It felt like it was a medium sized town maybe a little bit smaller than a big city, but it also felt like it was in the Pacific Northwest , also I was driving and I pulled into a gas station a Circle K gas station to be exact. I pull up next to this other vehicle itโ€™s also a truck I go to the person driving it and itโ€™s my brother but I donโ€™t have a brother in the real world but apparently in my dream I do we talk for a second and then he starts to mess with something in the backseat of his truck I stand next to him and pull out a binder apparently earlier that day I found this binder and it had evidence of my wife cheating on me with him. in real life I donโ€™t have a wife Iโ€™m single but anyways, as soon as I bring attention to the evidence of the cheating I get hit in the back of the head and faults to the ground unconscious. At this point I have a out of body experience in the dream where my body is unconscious, but I can kind of see whatโ€™s going on around me from a third person perspective my brother then takes my truck and leaves. I tried to wake up and follow him, but I couldnโ€™t. Then I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off.

8 Apr 2024

New Job


The year after my grandpa passed away, in 2022, we were in our new trailer, me and my grandma, because we basically had to move out of our house that I grew up in forever by January. I had a dream. I was laying on my blow-up mattress, because that was my bed at the time, in my new room in my trailer. I was sleeping on my blow-up mattress. Then suddenly, I was asleep. I remember in my dream, I was at my grandfather's sister's house, in the back room where my grandfather would always sleep and stay when we visited there. That room that he stayed in, I have always been afraid of that room. For some reason, I have no idea why, but I always was. The fear. I never felt safe in that room. So, in my dream, I was in that room he used to sleep in. The room I was scared to be in. I remember the door being open, wide open. It was nighttime. I always watched TV at nighttime. Since the door was open, there's a hallway. One side of that wall, of that hallway, is a huge closet. The closet doors was a huge mirror. So, it's pitch black in that hallway. I cannot see anything. It's dark. It's black. It's scary. Then, I remember the whole room going dark. The TV was not working. I was trying to change the channel or something on my TV. It was not working. The TV went to TV static. I don't remember if the bedroom door was closed or open when the whole room went black and the TV was not working. Then, I remember my whole body. I don't know if it was in a blanket or not, but since I sleep on my back, my whole body was turning. Slowly turning. Slowly turning into a full circle. Slowly turning. Halfway before, whatever it was, I was going to see. I don't know if it was going to be a demon or whatever, but I woke up. I woke straight up from that. I woke up gasping. I wake up and to the left of me in the bed, a swoop of black. Like a swish of a black spirit or something black flew by me and disappeared in the room. I remember still not being able to move because I was paralyzed. I felt like I was paralyzed. I was not able to move, speak, nothing. Completely in terror and fear. I finally was able to move maybe after 15 to 20 minutes. Then, I was crying. I was bawling my eyes out. Completely scared, shitless because I had a night terror a year ago in my old room. Now, a year later in my new room, I am having a night terror again. I have no idea if a horrible spirit was following me from my old house that just happened to follow to my new house. I do not know what it was, but that was a very scary time for me. Thank God, now, in the year 2024, in my own place that I own, my own apartment, night terrors are not happening anymore. Thank God. I do not know if it was a trauma from back then or what, but it was very scary. Very scary.

6 Apr 2024



This is a reoccurring dream, I am on vacation with a man that seems to be my true love. I feel overwhelming love but I donโ€™t know him. We are in a mansion and he is playing the piano and it seems we spend the whole time looking for each other. When we finally find each other itโ€™s overwhelming love. He tells me we have to wait to be intimate because of circles we have to build together but just being there in his arms is enough for me.

6 Apr 2024



I had a pet. It's something like a reptile, had scales and looked like a snake. It was short but round-like similar to a mudfish. It wasn't moving. It's petrified. I had another one. A turtle. When I left them together, the snake-mudfish pet ate the turtle. Then it turned into a croc, a size of a shih tzu. It was acting like a puppy. Playful. Running here and there. Chasing other pets such as dogs and even children while wagging it's tail. It stopped to drink into a laundry basin. I took it and put into a bigger basin filled with water. It stopped moving. Just floating like what crocs usually do. Then I realized that I was in a gathering. It was a prospecting event. A female agent had discussed something to me but I walked away. I explored the venue. I found myself into the garden. Food and beverage were served in there. They offered me a chocolate brownies but I turned it down. While moving around, I noticed a kid. Small and stout, taking his fill of the brownies and so I joined him and took a bite.

5 Apr 2024



I was in this big hotel building I was walking around and went into this gathering that was in a circle. This guy being kept sexually harassing me he kept putting his hard penis on my back since he was taller than me. I screamed out and cried to expose him. Then a guy I was dating he cancer back to my place and rubbed something on my ear it was v like a date rape drug I started feeling weird and dizzy.He tried to take my pants off and I stared asking what he doing then I started screaming he finally stopped. Then I walked him out so he can leave then I left my phone and keys in the room. I lost him then I started trying to make my way back. Then I had guy stalking me in the building some old neighbor urges to give me a hug which was weird. Then I went to a old place where my ex lover would work and I snuck in behind the cars in the parking lots the workers saw me came to check on me and then saw I had my eyes closed I was pretending to be asleep they called the ambulance and the helicopter one came and picked me up. We all ate breakfast and I felt better and I was discharged. Then I saw this old lady and this little girl she was trying to keep her entertained and happy. All the stores in the building were closed but so saw them followed them and got her a dinosaur stuffed animal.

4 Apr 2024

Getting Married


Me and josh went to Disney land together and went to this building that looked like the pink shops actually in Disney land and when we got there we got married. Then we ran out and I said josh we just got married and josh then said omg we just got married actually really legally married and then we went over and met our friends and they said your so in love next time we see you youโ€™ll already be planning your wedding. Then we said well weโ€™re already married and they all turned round laughing thinking weโ€™re joking then I said no weโ€™re actually legally married then I woke up

3 Apr 2024



I was walking to check on a house. The houses in the neighborhood were odd like in a cave or something. The next thing I can remember is hearing me and my baby have to read a book then jump up and dance in a circle with a few other moms. It changed to me being in a convenience store. There was a display I was checking out then I saw a girl with her family she went to this mini diarama and the shop owner somehow had shrunk her and put her in there. I was talking to the shop keeper and showed him the sewing machine my step daughter was using telling him that it actually works.

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