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Dream Interpretation: Clothes 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Clothes? Discover the significance of seeing a Clothes in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Clothes appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes protection and your status in society or your work life. However, the shadow side of this symbol represents insecurities about your appearance and your attempts to fit into the world due to social pressure. You may be trying to fit somewhere that you don't belong.

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🧭 Direction


How are you presenting yourself to the world? Are you allowing your true self to shine through, or are you hiding your true form to fit in? Allow your natural beauty attract others and demonstrate confidence in your status as a valuable human being. Find your true identity and express yourself without shame!

❤️ Feelings

The dream about clothes can evoke various emotions depending on the context. It may bring feelings of self-expression, confidence, or even vulnerability. Clothes symbolize how we present ourselves to the world, so the dream may evoke emotions related to identity and how we want to be perceived. It can also bring feelings of comfort or discomfort, depending on the condition of the clothes in the dream. Overall, the emotions associated with this dream can be diverse and personal to each individual.





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18 Jul 2024



I had a few separate dreams, the first one I was chilling out with an old high school friend her name is Nayana. We were in my apartment late at night, and she said she’s about to go to work which I was a bit surprised as it’s late then she said they have come late sometimes and night shifts that she doesn’t have much control of, I asked what’s her job to which she said is a stripper. I didn’t judge her for it but I realize she has lots of nice clothes and stuff so it makes sense, I couldn’t help but to still admire her and aspire being gorgeous just like her. In another dream, I was home using the bathroom to where I heard a knock and my mother’s ex fiancée was there asking if I wanted anything from the grocery store as they were going grocery shopping that day, I was feeling not so happy because it’s been over a year since he’s moved out, me and my mom both seen his true colors and immaturity so seeing him back here was triggering especially because he used to unintentionally do stuff that annoys me. I was with a group of people in front my apartment building, and were trying to fit in the car so someone came up with the idea to let smaller people in first and I’m pretty small but he said not enough apparently. I said that I’m only 115 lbs, I kinda started flexing by saying model agency who are looking for skinny models would consider me. It was probably cold that day since we’re dressed warm, plus it was cloudy and rainy a bit.

17 Jul 2024



My mother kicked me out of the house to live in the garage and on the front porch after an argument about clothes my sister gave me. She did not like my attitude. I was acting like a spoiled brat and was unrepentant of my attitude toward my sister and parents. I dug in an ashtray to collect coins and cash.

16 Jul 2024



Me and my grandmother whom passed away 2yrs ago went to the store (HEB) and we went inside and went towards the pharmacist side of the store to get meds ig while she was doing that I distance myself away from her and walked and looked around now this is what confuses me bc I'm not for sure if I got anything but some how I was in the checkout line ready to pay for a few things I was also confused about this part bc I had a bag full a clothes and some hygiene stuff in there as well and I must've been going to a friend's house or a hotel bc I didn't end back up with my grandma goin back to the house HOPEFULLY I SEE THIS DREAM AGAIN BC I WAS CONFUSED AND I WOKE UP BOTHERED AND IRRITATED BY IT BC I DIDN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS DREAM MEANT

15 Jul 2024



I was trying to help a homeless kid. I bought him clothes even though I didn’t have a lot of money. When we were looking for something for him to wear, we couldn’t find any regular boy t-shirts. I wanted him to come live with me. He felt like a brother. My mom was hesitant because he was 13 and I am 22 so I would have a hard time taking care of him. And we would have had to sneak him onto the plane because I didn’t have enough money for his ticket.

14 Jul 2024

Boyfriend Cheating


I had a dream that my bf I was dating cheated on me with another girl and he took my clothes and wouldn't give my stuff back I didn't care I only wanted my stuff back

13 Jul 2024



Packing to go somewhere unknown but can’t find anything clothes to wear and never actually leaving and going just stressing about going and packing

13 Jul 2024



I was a begger on the street. My clothes were rotten and torn and I smelled awful. I was holding a sign and asking people for money, I felt so much shame and guilt for not being able to afford to live. Everyone was so mean to me, some people threw food at me, others spit on me, kids laughed. I felt like I wanted to die. So I pulled my pistol out of my shopping cart I was pushing around, and I shot myself in the head.

12 Jul 2024



Last night was kind of an intricate dream. I had, it was a dream. I was in the warehouse, but of course the warehouse is a lot bigger. But technically, I guess it's not a lot bigger. It's just on the other side, where like the big trucks are and everything. And of course, my boss Tristan is there. And the rest of the team is there there was Jojo and then there was Will and then you also had Sean and Bess and Dawn were there but they kept over to the side a little bit and the bay doors the bay doors I remember seeing like trucks go in and out of them but they weren't loaded with a lot of stuff it was like they were loaded but I can never really see what they were loaded with I remember I was walking through like the warehouse aisles and they looked like they were longer they were higher up but they were like when you went through them they seemed like they were closer and like it was a little darker but not too dark to where it was scary just like darker and so then i remember we were discussing about like new projects and everything and everything was going really well, but I saw that best was trying to pull David aside. I guess to talk some type of crap about me and the more she kept talking shit instead of like my anger I felt like power and almost like energy just waving through me like made my hair, which was like dark brown with like purple going into pink locks and like I just start glowing and she gets mad and matter and I just walk up to her with a smile like I normally do and I tell her that your anger is literally killing you and I’ve done nothing to you. I’ve even stood up for you multiple times, but it’s OK because I forgive you and I turned around and I turned around just confidence the empowerment everything just felt amazing and then after that it was like as I was walking my clothes were shifting into like a more flowy style like long beautiful but airy sleeves like open sleeves like the medieval type style and then like a beautiful strapless mermaid gown but it wasn't a gown it was like more of a sundress again it was really flowy like the midriff was seen it was very almost mermaid slash sea goddess slash Scorpio energy like and it was like a light blush pink at the top and it turned into like that neon pink and then it went down into a purple and the purple went down into like a deep black and it was amazing like my hair was just waving in the energy and I felt so amazing and everybody just looked at me and it's they were happy they I I felt like I actually did something for everyone I saved them. It then time skipped and Tristan and i went on a jeep ride and as we were driving he was telling me about how awesome I am and that my bright personality and overall sexiness is a fucking fire he can’t ignore. We ended up on like a clif with a beautiful view and the ocean was vast but calming and energizing at the same time. He reached over to me wrapping his hands around my waist and kissed me so deeply and passionately I feel it So intense and we have amazing carnal sex and I woke up feeling relaxed and glowing

8 Jul 2024



last night I had a dream it was a little bit scattered but I remember it kind of started out like driving but it was over like a beachy skyline so basically like I saw the horizon and there was the coast and the water and everything and it felt cool it felt safe and then I remember like kind of like not crashing but flying off of the cliff or like the mountain that we were on but like I was scared but like I knew we'd be okay but I felt like that inertia feeling when you're really falling like that gut feeling in my stomach and when we landed I got everybody together made sure everybody was okay and you know I led us all towards the beach or so towards like a kind of jungly area but along the edge so that we'd be okay and ironically like we ran into my boss and it was him and the people traveling with me I can't remember I know one of them was my dad and the other two people I can't remember I feel like they were like childhood friends I can't remember their names but then with that, I ended up like working with Voss, with Tristan in order to like create shelter and everything, and like I made some nice clothes and of course my hair was amazing and looked gorgeous with like purple and neon pink tips and I just felt and looked so confident and felt like the goddesses like a water goddess and I just felt so empowered to be by the ocean and I felt seductive and attractive. And I remember I was able to change the weather so that we weren't in danger of like any lightning storms or anything or any monsoons or typhoons or anything like that and when night came everybody was asleep and just let me sleep and we had like very, very, very passionate and thorough and just amazing sex and it felt like it was transformative and like an energy surge almost. Like I felt energized if that makes sense. Almost ascended. Afterwards I felt like nervous and guilty because of course I'm married and my dad was not that far away and so as I was walking back to camp I remember hearing and like I believe it was some type of animal or something and feeling some sense of dread so I know I was in trouble but it wasn't like a bad dread it was like you know me and Tristan can handle ourselves type of thing and before we started the fight I woke up.

8 Jul 2024



Taylor Swift had a small concert. I was working with her. She gave me a bunch of new clothes to pick from and after I got dressed she invited me and my dad up onto the stage to preform with her. Paparazzi took pictures of it all, but they avoided taking photos of me dancing with Taylor.

8 Jul 2024



I was in a big upstairs room with 2 adults and some children. We all lived up there and i had just moved in. There was clothes everywhere and i was folding it but the woman had gotten up and said that she had to do it. I proceeded to start looking for my clothes in the pile of clothes but i could not fond anything i needed. I was starting to freak out but i ended up pulling what i needed. When i finally got in the bathroom i turned on the water and i used the bathroom while i waited. When i got in the shower the clothes i had picked out were getting soaked.

7 Jul 2024



I dreamt that I was staying in another city in a strange house. A doctor came to the house and she told me I was pregnant. I was confused because I don’t have a uterus or ovaries anymore. They showed me an ultrasound and showed the baby. I couldn’t believe it. I was supposed to be teaching.a friend of mine from the animal hospital was there too and also pregnant. She was in the music teacher there, which was weird because she is not qualified to be a music teacher, but she was also the choir Director there and there was a church attached. I’m Jewish so this is strange. She began practicing for the next day, But when I woke up in the morning there she called and asked me to cover for her. She told me a horrible story about someone who had done something to her on a date previous. I was so focused on her that I didn’t realize I wasn’t dressed and parents And students we’re beginning to arrive to go to the church service that morning. They expected me to help them run through the songs explained that I wasn’t the music teacher. I didn’t know how to play the piano then the office called and stated that they were watching on security camera, I thought my dress was too sheer. Secretary said you can see everything. He said oh I had been distracted. She told me there was a closet full of clothes in the music room that they used for costumes and days when kids came without enough, she suggested find something quickly. I managed to quickly throw something on. Then there was a scene when I discovered I was not pregnant, and that they were lying to me. I was upset and didn’t want to believe it the same time I was trying to get ready for church and trying to figure out how to play the piano or find kids who play the piano. in the 10 minutes that I had before church. Didn’t know what I was doing here or how I got there. I went to look for my supervisor to find out what I was supposed to be doing that day, but when I got to her room, there was a sub for her and really no saying that she never worked there, I went back to my room confused and afraid that I might be fired and homeless. The whole time I was thinking how did I get here today? I have a different life. I had people I was sure I had love and a house and pets and a different job? what had become of all of that? where were they? Were They still out there? why couldn’t I remember them? I couldn’t I remember the specifics

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