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Dream Interpretation: Naked šŸ˜“ - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Naked? Discover the significance of seeing a Naked in your dream šŸ’¤ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Naked appears in your dream āœ…

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šŸ’”Possible meaning

This reflects your insecurities and vulnerabilities. It shows your fear of being exposed to the things you have well hidden. A naked dream also indicates that you have had enough anxiety and nervousness, and it's time to come out of the shell.

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šŸ§­ Direction


Is there anything in your life that makes you anxious? Think it through; is it worth all the pain and anxiety? Accept the flaws and vulnerabilities instead of hiding them. Remember self-love and self-acceptance is the key to free yourself.

ā¤ļø Feelings

The dream of being naked can evoke feelings of vulnerability, embarrassment, and exposure. It may symbolize a fear of being judged or a desire for authenticity and acceptance. This dream often reflects a sense of insecurity or a need to reveal one's true self. It can also represent a desire for freedom and liberation from societal norms or constraints. Overall, the emotions associated with this dream are typically discomfort and self-consciousness.





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Dreams of users containing the word Naked

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14 Jul 2024

Old Man


The world was tones of Gray. I was on a bus except nobody was driving. The bus came to a stop in front of an empty field, the doors opened and I walked off and into the empty field. As I was walking a strange shed/shack appeared, it was like I was drawn to it. When I got closer the dirt I was walking on turned to mud and I almost couldnā€™t keep moving forward. When I got to the shed and opened the door I saw a naked old man sitting on a chair tied up and hurt. His eyes had been scooped out and his finger nails ripped off. The inside of the shed and the old man were all in color and no longer grey. He was just screaming, I couldnā€™t stop staring at him in pure shock and terror. I couldnā€™t move I was frozen in place staring at this hurt screaming man. I felt so empty, like his scream was taking away all my joy and life.

12 Jul 2024



I had a dream where I was pregnant but I didnā€™t have sex. It was a dream mainly about the birth and afterbirth of TRIPLETS. I forgot their names but there was 2 boys and 1 girl I know that I wanted to name the girl Rosa because I thought it was beautiful. They were very healthy babies and I had a home birth. The last baby to be born had small complications, my mom had to help me get the baby out because it was stuck so I was naked without any pants or underwear on giving birth (ON MY MOMS BED) to a baby in my dream. The baby came out happy and healthy. My mom, Erika, Kailen, Michael, my grandpa, MY DAD, and 2 random guys idk were in the dream btw. I even asked Erika to use her baby stuff for my kids because she didnā€™t have Adam at the moment. I also hugged my mom in the bathroom and asked how she felt being a grandma at 14 (implying cuz Iā€™m 14) she said she never thought this would happen. I kept making comments about how I was a young mom and I wondered how certain people would react. In the bathroom with my mom I asked her if she thinks my boobs were filling up with milk and she said eh a little but not a lot so I popped my tits out there were stretch marks and bruises everywhere like it looked like I got beat tf up. The babies were all neatly asleep in turquoise pajamaā€™s with little hats. I donā€™t know why I had this dream but it genuinely scared me.šŸ˜­

11 Jul 2024



Hey. Sorry I haven't said a dream in a while, but this one was very clear to me, so I'll explain. I was back in my old apartment on the first floor. It looked very different though, and it was too different but felt odd. I needed to wash my hair, which in real life I postponed for the morning, but in the dream, I was contemplating on whether to do it there and then. Then when I went to touch my hair, I saw this white gunk covering the underside of my hair. It looked like spoiled milk was on my hair and it solidified. So gross, but I peeled it off with my hands. Kitchen looked the same but there two bedrooms. In real life, the old apartment had two, but this dream had three or four or even five. I went to the one near my old bedroom and that bedroom was a bit bigger. My in real life furniture was there. I collapsed on the bed, not literally, but I laid on there in relief, becuase I thought they renovated the place to have one more bedroom, but i was wrong. My bedroom had a mini closet, window like I always wanted, and door to exit and enter from. I started to love this bedroom. Then I got up and looked around the house to see three more bed rooms. Still saw the old bedrooms though and walk in bathroom I had. In the dream, I didn't want to wash my hair in the bathroom, because of my concerns about it, which I expressed in real life so I didn't. I went into my old bedroom and saw a window there, instead of the sliding door that I was used to seeing. It looked bigger but I didn't want to move into the old bedroom, because of mold issues, so I didn't, and that's true in real life as well. Then, I went outside and when my mom opened the door there was a white car and cops. Cops were there for some reason but were friendly. We thought our old neighbor from the old apartment we were in in the dream was getting arrested for something. My mom was nosy as always but I was even more curious about the apartment and it's strangeness. She went out the door and I told her to "close the door, mom!" Because I didn't want misquotes coming in. Then she did close it. (This is also something I never liked about my mom, opening the door wide for other bugs to come in the apartment, so this is a legitimate concern I had in real life, I guess it goes into my dreams too.) I don't know how to explain this next part. So in real life, the apartment isn't facing the road it's facing another apartment, so the face of the apartment faced a nature perseve we had and another apartment which that apartment faced the road, not ours. You would have to use the little sidewalk we had to go to your building door. In this dream, our old apartment placement was the same but....we had a WIDE concrete area.. like wide enough to fit multiple cars and the shrubs that was in front of our doors were gone and replaced with concrete. That's why we could see the cars park in front... literally in front of our apartment door. There was also a huge roof over the cement area. These things looked mega different to me, but my mother wasn't surprised or concerned about it, she acted like this wasn't weird to her. Then there is the second dream. I walked to the other side to explore the other bedrooms, I opened one of the doors and I can't recall if it was empty or notbut I turned around and turned back out again and I was in a mansion. Like I'm talking, beautiful tapestry, quint dining area, the doors everything looked rich to me. Had a carpeted red french staircase, it just looked beautiful. There was this girl that had everything on but then was naked and told me to get nude as well. Mind you, I'm a bisexual girl in real life, I was getting horny by this in the dream, so stripped until I saw a guy, and the only thing I had on this white thing that looked like a t shirt dress but wasn't thick garment, my bra and underwear, and a tank top that was purple. He came and quickly run through the door, busting it open and ran towards me which made me run up the stairs and into a random bedroom, looked like a boys bedroom if anything, and it didn't feel like mine but I hid there and tried closing the door but he wanted and tried to get in, but I wasn't going to let him in. At first, I thought he was a threat until he said "I saw something disgusting from your window!" He calmed down his voice when he kept telling me it and to open the door, but eventually I did open the door and he was relieved for some reason. He said he saw something gross through the door and dragged me out the bedroom. I then was teleported to a place that looked like Italy and Los Angeles at the same time. I say Italy because it had Italy infrastructure, but also Los Angeles because of the golden state bridge, that huge big red bridge and there was a sidewalk and water in front of me, no barriers from the water to the sidewalk by the way. He took me inside a place that was on the first floor and then looked out the window and looked at the golden state bridge and I saw him on the very top of it, looking down. I knew he was probably going to jump, and I didn't know why. I then was teleported to the second floor to get a better view and then I saw him dive in and jump off the bridge, I started to scream as I teleported back to ground level and go to the peirre. I screamed for someone to swim towards him and someone did, I couldn't swim either and I could see him struggling. I saw his feet go up from the water and back down and I was panicking so I tried to call 911 but it wasn't working. It wasn't working throughout the entire dream I was getting antsy because every time I called it would say "611" "51015" or other numbers even when I put 911 on there, it would change and I would think I'm talking to dispatch, but not. It was so painful seeing his lifeless body and struggle to breathe. The guy took a while to get him on land but eventually he did and put his body on the concrete sidewalk before the hero came out of the water. I still wasn't able to reach dispatch and couldn't tell what time it was because my phone nor my mom phone would say. When she snatched my phone and told me this isn't 911, that I'm calling the VA, I told her every time I called dispatch, it was divert to another number, and I was annoyed she thought I was dumb like that. Finally, I asked someone else to call 911 and they did but when EMT arrived, they said they could do nothing for him, even though they could save his life by doing CPR, which I didn't know how to do properly. Also, when EMT arrived, it looked like there was a door, which confused me because I thought this was real and now it feels like we're in a huge realistic movie scene, even if I saw no cameras and it felt real to me. I thought he was a goner and I felt like I lost a lover so I laid beside him and then I think I blinked or fell asleep and woke up around maybe 5-6am to see the sun rise. I saw the boy come back to life, but I thought he was a ghost, an apparition, so I just smiled and pretended to be happy, when I was sad on the inside. I smiled and hugged him and tried to be lovey dovey as possible to savour the moment with him. Then once I saw someone say "something is off." and everyone started to agree, I didn't see him anywhere. In the dream, I knew it was time to wake up from it, and I tried to stay awake in the dream as long as I could but I couldn't, and so I closed my eyes and opened them, and I left the dream world and woke up in real life the next morning which is today. Additional dream: this dream didn't happen after the second dream, but I don't know where to put it so I'll insert it here. This was a smaller portion dream. I was in the party and walking past people and this guy came up to me and we went to his bedroom and closed the door. There was multiple people there and we were talking into these mics, and said we are doing a podcast episode. The boys the entire time objectified me but I was laughing at their comments and jokes and teasing them back. After most of the left, one guy stayed and gave me some comfort and his number to call for anything. I agreed and we exchanged numbers and I left the bedroom first before he did. I went past the party, dancing for a few seconds, before driving away in a white sedan with the cops coming after me, and then I went to the second dream listed above. Dream bot, please tell me with precision what your interpretation is. Be as long and as descriptive as possible.

10 Jul 2024



My dream begins with me sleeping in the same place that I fell asleep in in real life. I am woke up by the man who is laying in bed with me, only its not the man who is in my bed in real life. It is my son's father, who has been deceased for ten years. We are both naked. He proceeds to spread my legs apart, and he starts to perform oral sex. An alarm woke me up from the dream, but I quickly fell back to sleep, and my dream picked up in the exact place that it left off at. In bed, with my son's deceased father. Only, this time, somehow the bedroom changed into the backseat of a car. The car was uncontrollably driving through some sort of parking lot with people walking to and from their vehicles. The car had no driver, just us in the back seat. In my dream, I had an over-all feeling of being content. I was not worried about what my naked body looked like. Because I was with my son's father, I was happy.

8 Jul 2024



i dreamt that i was in my primary school again but as my current self. i was sat watching an assembly and one if the teachers was doing some acrobatic routine with some floaty lavender coloured fabric that was hanging from the ceiling. she was naked but covered by the fabric mostly. i left school and ended up outside my secondary school, where ir was the last day of school again. i saw my old friend who i grew apart from over time and we hugged for a long time. my school was in a different location, ao i was lost and didnt know how to get home, so i went inside and one of the teachers decided to try to get me home on a horse. we rode up a street with colourful decorations ourside every house, like balloons shaped like hearts and stars. suddenly a bunch of horses came charging past us and i fell off of our horse. she told me she couldnt get me home like this, so i had to walk to the bus station. it had been taken over by some kids doing PE / sports day, which was ran by older people like college age. i found my friends briefly and then a woman dressed like a fortune teller gave us a code to solve. i was taken away by the woman and she invited me to join their school. i had to follow a strict dress code, and i had to dye the front left side of my hair yellow, and wear clothing inspired by the theme that week, which was celebrities. the dream changed to another dream, i was at a concert with my friends in a large restaurant. we lined up to get some food, they sold churros, milkshakes, ice cream and waffles. my friend frankie bought a chocolate ice cream, when it got to my turn, i didnt get to buy anything because i was shoved into the crowd. they started to sing hozier, one of my favourite singers which was really fun. then, the dream changed again and i was given the task of building something in my grandparents garden. i tried to build a toilet shack like in shrek but when i showed it to them, they hated it and i was sent to the corner.

7 Jul 2024



I was always naked in my dream in my old mainstream school with my few deaf friends. It wasnā€™t a wet dream it was just normal dream about me being naked

7 Jul 2024



I dreamt that I was staying in another city in a strange house. A doctor came to the house and she told me I was pregnant. I was confused because I donā€™t have a uterus or ovaries anymore. They showed me an ultrasound and showed the baby. I couldnā€™t believe it. I was supposed to be teaching.a friend of mine from the animal hospital was there too and also pregnant. She was in the music teacher there, which was weird because she is not qualified to be a music teacher, but she was also the choir Director there and there was a church attached. Iā€™m Jewish so this is strange. She began practicing for the next day, But when I woke up in the morning there she called and asked me to cover for her. She told me a horrible story about someone who had done something to her on a date previous. I was so focused on her that I didnā€™t realize I wasnā€™t dressed and parents And students weā€™re beginning to arrive to go to the church service that morning. They expected me to help them run through the songs explained that I wasnā€™t the music teacher. I didnā€™t know how to play the piano then the office called and stated that they were watching on security camera, I thought my dress was too sheer. Secretary said you can see everything. He said oh I had been distracted. She told me there was a closet full of clothes in the music room that they used for costumes and days when kids came without enough, she suggested find something quickly. I managed to quickly throw something on. Then there was a scene when I discovered I was not pregnant, and that they were lying to me. I was upset and didnā€™t want to believe it the same time I was trying to get ready for church and trying to figure out how to play the piano or find kids who play the piano. in the 10 minutes that I had before church. Didnā€™t know what I was doing here or how I got there. I went to look for my supervisor to find out what I was supposed to be doing that day, but when I got to her room, there was a sub for her and really no saying that she never worked there, I went back to my room confused and afraid that I might be fired and homeless. The whole time I was thinking how did I get here today? I have a different life. I had people I was sure I had love and a house and pets and a different job? what had become of all of that? where were they? Were They still out there? why couldnā€™t I remember them? I couldnā€™t I remember the specifics

4 Jul 2024

Serial killer
Building (Place)


i had a dream about... of course we had our regular escapes and work was ended as well. i remember that it was like a big building and it was like the warehouse because dave was there big which is big boss and apparently it was something about hr talking to him about best and he was i guess writing her up but then the way he was saying it was very disrespectful like saying that we were bitching or whatever And it was loud enough to where other people heard it but at the same time I couldn't fully hear it so I was still trying to be a little defensive like maybe he had some reason to say that. But after that when he came back down and Bess was being rude and being her regular annoying self, um, that's when there was an email saying that there is a Valentine serial killer on the loose in the building. So she starts running, I start running after her. I don't know why I ran after her but I did. The rest of the foreman were there including my boss who is caring and gorgeous and treats me like his partner in crime slash little sister. Everyone started running and I jumped out the bay door trying to get away. I ran into the serial killer while I was about to drive away and he popped up in my car. He was actually really funny and he was consistently switching from friendly to psycho and murderous quickly but I was sometimes able to track his moods. I remember him actually being really cool peoples and we would go around after he killed he would like be chill for a little bit as long as you weren't in like his direct line of sight or you weren't his initial victim you were good he was actually like really friendly really cool and I remember we were staying at a hotel and I never witnessed the murders but I knew that they happened but it would like blank them out in my brain and some of them were very gruesome like a couple people got shot by a shotgun a couple people got like dismembered but it wasn't like I was afraid but I wasn't like too afraid if that makes sense because he was really cool people he was funny made me laugh we related to a lot of things and when we were fighting on the same side he was a great ally. We finally get to like another train I remember it's like a subway system and we make it to I think the train had like almost like sleep cars on it too because I remember there being like almost like a work type situation but it looked like our house like the like my house of growing up so it was like a room and I remember I walked in the room and Jim when the foreman were there and I remember my boss being there but it was so dark that I didn't realize he's naked but even though like that was a inkling I didn't really bother and like he felt like like hey can you back up a bit and it wasn't again like pure fear is just like hey this is cool but can you back up like it was just comfortable and that was dope but after that I went back out and of course the serial killer was there and now we have less and less people that we started with. I remember that the final round was him chasing me through a parking lot because I was the last one. And I remember trying to drive away, he would pop up. He was very quick if you didn't keep your eye on him. Sometimes it would be really terrifying when he would kind of circle more than one person and then end up choosing the other person but you have to try and keep him in your line of sight. But I did survive. I remember he did try to get me but I remember the video ending with like a tropical area, not tropical tropical but like a nice area that was kind of foresty and it had like a big, big body of water. I want to say like a lake. And I remember wanting to jump in the lake and take on the form of a mermaid to be able to like explore it better. But before I could do that, I woke up.

2 Jul 2024

Three People


I just had a very erotic dream, even though nothing really sexual happened. I was in a house that felt familiar and I was sleeping off a hangover, which is kinda unusual since I donā€™t drink. A man comes down that is wearing a chefs coat and hand me a glass of water and tells me that itā€™s time to get up , I kinda look at him confused and I asked him why, and he smiles at me and the chemistry is just off the charts. I start to drink the water and then I ask him are you here to cook lunch? He sits down on the bed beside me and I am naked under the covers, and itā€™s like heā€™s trying to care for me because Iā€™m not feeling well. Heā€™s like rubbing my arms making me drink the water and then he takes a sip of my water and he loses a tooth into the cup of water. when I see it, I look at him and I said that is kinda, because I lose teeth all the time too! And then we kiss and as we are kissing into the room files, a whole group of people of what I think is three men and two other women. two men and one woman get into the bed and one of the men get in behind me, and is kind of holding my upper body up with his. Heā€™s explaining to the man that Iā€™ve been kissing that it is important to hold the womanā€™s upper body up the other couple also get into the bed. Iā€™m not exactly for sure whatā€™s going on but the chemistry with the man that Iā€™ve been kissing is so, hot and passionate that Iā€™m just kind of going with the flow. until the man that did not get into the bed pulls out a video camera and that startles me. I grab the sheet around my body and get up out of the bed because Iā€™m not going to be on video camera, doing anything sexual with these people however, the man that initiated all of this, that I had the chemistry with is not upset. He goes and gets me another glass of fresh water and takes it to me while Iā€™m in the restroom. He tells me itā€™s OK that he is not upset that he understands, he tells me to drink the water so I take another drink of water and then he kisses me deeply and then I wake up.

30 Jun 2024



The dreaming had started where I was with a younger version of my brother. It was dead of winter cold and dark outside. Before us was a burger King I specifically remembered that it was a burger King because of the purple burger King bags. It was snowy and my brother Clay and I where outside the burger King completely naked and young. We saw a ritual pond. The pond wasn't very deep with water but had a large layer of ice built up from the snow on the ground. I was so cold in the dream I started picking up snow from the ground and packing it on my body to try and retain a little bit of heat until the snow melted. Suddenly as I stepped into the ritual pond some of the ice broke. I fell in the shallow water on my back and the water was warm. Like a bath. I started to splash around yelling at my young brother that it was warm he should get in. I decided in the dream that I should make a snowboard out of the snow that had built up on various steps in this pond. I began trying to mold a snow board made of ice and snow but to no avail. I then decided to jump down a hill behind the burger King, down the hill was a harbor and on that harbor was a massive ship port. I jumped in humanly down the hill and landed near two guards. Those guards had dirt bikes. I began stealing one. I started to ride off after the guard hit me a few times. After pulling off the bike started pulling to the right. But I didn't crash my brother started running and cheering me on as the guards gave chase waving thier swords. I kept driving the sputtering of the motor from the bike was loud and snow bellowed up from each side of the wheels as I rode which splashed some of the cold up into my face. I reached a dead end which was a loading area to another level. I doubled past the guards which had belived I went through the portal to the other level and met up with my brother who had kept cheering me on about me running. Suddenly a darkness and anxiety washed over me. We rode the bike a bit more but realized the only way we could leave the area was through the portal to the next area. We didn't want to leave our bike behind and it disappointed us, my brother then found a small hole in a fence which looked to defy the laws of this worlds physics but it had a large text over it that told us to enter it. My brother looked at me and then smiled and walked through. When he did a lump in my throat formed as I knew that what he just entered lead to the same place as the other portal and no matter what choices we made as young children we still had to go to the next place in this dream world. I accepted my fate even though I wanted to stay I knew it wouldn't last forever. I walked through the secret passage. I then was transported to a large yellow walled building with checkers floors and I was standing infront of a large mirror with my brother Clay. We suddenly started changing in to deformed amalgamations of discusting creatures. I became as round as a ball with a large eye in the middle of my body and my limbs where all streached out and large and hairy. I wasn't able to see my brother but my soul was screaming. I then awoke To my mother. I was 25 years old and with my mom and my brother Noah and my wife. I had the most terrible nightmare. I began trying to explain and relive my dream telling my mom about my dream. She kept trying to stop me from discussing it as it was just a dream. I was shocked and sad nobody wanted to listen to my dream and help me find the meaning. I started trying to explain again each time I began explaining the dream I had got more foggy and unreliable. My mom started to explain to me that my brother from the dream was now coming to visit. My brother from the dream was also now calling himself a woman and dresses like a woman. I started to become frantic with anxiety. Upon arrival of my brother who came home from the army with all his stuff he showed up and I was supposed to spend the day with him. Trying to relive my dream. I began trying to choke him by putting him in a head lock and seemingly unphased by my attacks. He made remakes on my techniques and even criticized me on my abilities to attack him even though he is a woman. I began to grow frustrated trying harder and harder until I gave up. From that point I started to yell at him and cast him out but nothing that I did could get him to leave me be and leave me alone. I began to realize around this time that I was in some wierd dream scape again. An extremely odd world with was filled with bizarre wonders and physics defying buildings and structures. I started to sob. Clay showing me all his stuff his cloths, talking about mom. He began to unpack having a normal one sided conversation. He pulled out big boxes and inside them he had plastic bags filled with booklets of his personal drawings and art he made. I remember from this dream seeing them each one was crude like a young boy had drawn them. They where good drawing impressive for a 12-13 year old. I started flipping through the pages of some of the booklets and saw little pokemon and characters he had drawn along side a name and type. Even the hand writing was child like. Seeing the drawings sitting there seeing this child like stuff then made me feel overwhelmed with sadness for my brother. I didn't feel sad for myself or sad for him but this melancholy feeling began to make me writhe with the most overwhelming sadness that I have ever felt for another person in directly. I looked down at clays drawings and but at Clay who was closely watching my body language checking to see if I had approved of the art. My face remand blank but I had felt so incredibly sad and melancholy. I then woke up feeling frantic and scared.

29 Jun 2024



I donā€™t remember as much of my dream. But I remember I was staying in this attic like place with my abusive ex. I went to a hospital-like place I was seemingly working there. I was looking for another job which I think would be my third job. I was wearing an outfit that I think was nice. And my co-worker and friend who I donā€™t recognize in real life but seemingly was my friend in the dream told me you look good girl and told me I needed to take a picture. He snapped a few photos of me and I remember I started to feel really good about myself. I realized I didnā€™t want to go home cause thatā€™s where my ex is at. And he probably was doing nothing at home. Maybe playing video games and being depressed which he typically did. When we were together in real life he played a lot of video games and he suffered with severe depression and suicidal ideation. I often felt obligated to him. Anywho my friend encouraged me that I should leave him because Iā€™m taking care of him and me even willing to take a 3rd job while he did nothing. Which is true IRL except I only had 2 jobs. I went back to the attic-like place we were living in ready to let him know I was unhappy being and living with him and he needs to leave. The next dream I remembered was logging into my full-time job on a weekend for a meeting. I was in this warehouse type place. A lot of executive folks were in the meeting. And I joined the virtual meeting but I was completely naked. I spent most of the meeting thinking the other people in the meeting didnā€™t realize I was naked because I didnā€™t look at the screen of myself at some point of the meeting I looked at the screen and I was completely naked. I rushed to turn off my camera and put a robe on. I didnā€™t think anyone noticed because no one said anything in the meeting. Then at some point towards the end of the meeting one of the executive leaders said they were going to speak to me and felt I was going to get in trouble. Then the next thing I remembered was me being in a room with this US white female military officer who I knew somehow. She was working closely with this commanding officer at another countryā€™s there was an operation that went badly and she sensed the US was covering up what happened that day and blamed the other country so she started working with the foreign commanding officer to get to the bottom of it. At some point this commanding officer became a Black woman and I was speaking to her and I told her you need to let this go because you and your family is in jeopardy if you keep snooping around on US operations that they want to keep secret. Also working with a foreign commanding officer is also putting her in jeopardy. I also asked her what if the US isnā€™t lying and you find out they were telling the truth and the foreign officer is lying. I think you wouldā€™ve invested time on something that wouldā€™ve disappointed you. She told me she would be fine her son who I think is a teenager just started dating someone and heā€™s happy. And she wouldnā€™t let anything drive her away from where she lives today. We both got really emotional about her son dating someone and the fact that heā€™s growing up. Then I connected with this other guy who is in his her team who told me he was nervous of all the time sheā€™s spending with the foreign officer to uncover this truth. Because he has a deep crush on her and now heā€™s worried he lost his chance because of all the time sheā€™s investing with this foreign officer maybe now theyā€™re falling for each other. I think I told him I will find out for him. At some point we all went outside and we were living in this very cold city. Very city-like, like where I was born and raised in Boston and cold and snowy. We decided to go for a quick walk and one of the team members I was also friends with was going really slow and the other ones went faster than her. They all smoked cigarettes but sheā€™s the one that smoked the less but was the slowest. When we got back I told her you need to do more exercise; she needs to walk at least 2 miles a day rain or shine to get her momentum up. All the other team members agreed. We sat down at this outside coffee shop and decided to order food. It was really cold and I think it was snowing but we still decided to eat outside. I had very little money in my spending account for the week until I get paid again and I think I already had lunch so wasnā€™t that hungry so I decided to only get a hot drink. One of my friends there sat with us and then told us sheā€™s gonna go in to work, so she worked there. She rattled off the specials and told us she will be back to take our orders. I re-arranged where I was sitting. I noticed the red lobster near us was closed down. My last dream was me being walking to the city bus station. I was again in this very city-like place unlike where I live now and looked more like my hometown of Boston. I walked past this building I thought was beautiful and where I wanted to live next. I get to the Bus station and a lot of the buses that came were taking a break. I remembered it was really late like past mid-night but the station is still pretty crowded. Several of us went through this bus to get to the other side. I was behind someone and the bus driver put this sign on the door after some people went through the bus to get to the other side and close the door before the person in front of me was able to cross through. I decided to go around and eventually I noticed the bus driver reopened the door and let the person in front of me cross through and he was leaving the door the open so I can do the same. I canā€™t remember if I went back to cross through or if I kept on going around but I did make it to the other side. And I was waiting for the next bus.

22 Jun 2024

Kamar mandi


Weird restaurant scheme I went to the school's bathroom to pee, but then I walked out and forgot to wear my pants, a girl walked pass me and saw me naked, so I ran back to the bathroom and wear my pants again. After that I opened a bento restaurant, I hired my friends to work there, Danish, Nasfi, Razan, Kareiza, Hazman, Mumtaz, and Chaqa. I and chaqa, were hungry, so we eat 2 boxes of bento in the seat, there are people watching us eat, after done eating I went outside to the plaza, it is crowded, many people went to KFC and pizza Hut, I also saw a man jumping then levitate in air, I am in disbelief at what I just saw, there were also a dozen of people looking at the levitating man, behind them is a theatre that is still building in progress

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