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Dream Interpretation: Bikini 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Bikini? Discover the significance of seeing a Bikini in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Bikini appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of a bikini represents your desire for attention and admiration. It may also indicate a need for freedom and self-expression. Alternatively, it may symbolize your fear of being exposed or vulnerable.

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🧭 Direction


Are you feeling restricted or confined in your waking life? It may be time to break free and express yourself more openly. However, be mindful of how you present yourself to others and ensure that you are not compromising your values or integrity for attention.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of wearing a bikini can evoke feelings of confidence, liberation, and sensuality. It symbolizes a desire to embrace one's body and feel comfortable in one's own skin. This dream may also represent a need for relaxation and enjoyment, as it is often associated with leisurely activities by the water. Overall, the dream of a bikini elicits positive emotions and a sense of self-assurance.





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Dreams of users containing the word Bikini

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2 Jun 2024



at first i was just riding in a car with caitlyn and nay on a highway in like colorado or oregon and a dog jumped on the hood of the car so i grabbed him out the window and brought him inside. he was a gray pitbull. eventually we get to this cute like shopping center type place, but there was like a vip only pool and we went in there and kanye west and kim kardashian were there and a whole bunch of kids. eventually we walk up this spiral staircase and see kylie jenner and timothee chalamet like hang gliding and it was like dusk time and we waved at them. then we go through this hall type thing to like an outdoor concert venue where kj apa, someone else and then dylan and cole sprouse were doing some sort of performance. eventually we were pulled on stage with them and we’re doing some mystery activity thing. soon the venue cleared out but i hung back to talk to them i guess but they had walked away into their houses they were renting. cole ended up coming back because he said he couldn’t find his cigarettes so i helped him look for them, we didn’t end up finding them but found a different pack of the kind i smoke and started smoking those. and then he was like “if you want we could go chill back at my place?” and i was like dope that would be fun. and we go in there and the entrance room is looking like spaceship disco ball themed super super cool. eventually he confessed that he had his cigarettes in his pocket the whole time and just wanted an excuse to talk to me and i was like “oh” and then he went to take a shower and i went in the disco ball spaceship room and was wearing this blue bikini dancing around drunk and then i woke up.

14 May 2024



In my dreeam im a stwy at home girlfriend. It turns very silly and weord. Im reading a book with a neigbor, but the police suspect us of being acomplices to murder based on us reading this book together. We go back to my old neigborhood, and the popeyes had been changed to a KFC. Im annoyed by this. Then i am immediately in another party if the world where they are processing the chicken for KFC. Its a mannual job with a lot of old machinery to drain chicken. Mile tyson is there explaining how the work is done. Then im helping. The dream switches again to a vacation setting ive only been to in my dreams. Its w flashback to a different dream. Its a luxury resort in Jamaica. Im wearing a bikini. My body looks great but different. And I have a great tan. I have a sexual encounter with someone who works at the resort. It’s very enjoyable. Lastly I’m back home in nyc and im now at the golfing range with my new rich friends. They are taking turns hitting the golf ball. Im on the sidelines simply heckling and joining in the fun by chitchating

12 Feb 2024

Water Park


I was at a water park with Gio-my ex, kennedi, elijah, and parker collin’s. We were waiting in line and I was wearing a bikini. Gio was behind me in line and got out a sharpie and drew his name on my asscheek. I got mad. I did not ask for or allow that. Then we all went down the waterslide. Parker kept asking me why Gio’s name was on my asscheek.

11 Feb 2024

New Job


I got a new bathing suit and it had a bikini bottom that was adjustable. It had little straps and buckles on each side that could make it tighter or expand. I was so happy and I was showing a friend how it worked. I thought it was great that I could make it fit me perfectly.

6 Feb 2024



I had a dream that I went over to my ex boyfriends house to go sledding with his sister while I was in a bikini and then I went downstairs and he was in the living room icing his head and then their parents came home and told me that it wasn’t right I was there and made me leave

31 Jan 2024



We were on this boat in a dark ocean. We had been swimming, me and my boyfriend and some other random people. I remember wearing a bikini despite it being night time. The waves got rough and the water had an ugly greenish color. There was this strange abstract monster made of stringy black matter that was throwing the boat around and reaching in, trying to grab people. But it only tried to grab women from what I could tell, there weren’t many men around. At one point I remember being held under water and feeling as if I was drowning, seeing strange shapes and a light through the murky green water. After that, i somehow managed to get back on the boat and remember trying to hide, hoping that curling up and hiding my body would make it stop. I tried to wrap a sheet or blanket around myself and say in the fetal position, watching as the stringy black limbs grabbed a girl and pulled her away.

1 Dec 2023



I was in a holiday cove. I wanted to go in the pool at the hotel but I couldn't find my bathing suit and I remembered that my aunt's house was nearby and I had left one of my bathing suits there. When I got home and got dressed I realized that I hadn't shaved my legs so I found a razor and started to shave them. There was a lot more hair than I thought, it was like I hadn't shaved in years. I got a lot of sores on my legs and they started bleeding. Finally I was ready and I put on a long black and white flowered shirt over my black bikini, put on my red lipstick, combed my hair and let it down. When I went to the pool, I found out that there was no normal entrance to the pool, you had to climb a few stairs to get into the pool. It was like some kind of competition, but was extremely difficult. I had to go in the pool because the guy I wanted to meet was there. We were often eye to eye and he was winking at me and smiling. When he saw me in bikinis, he suddenly stood up and started looking for a way to come towards me from the other side of the pool. There was a guard waiting at the top of the handicapped stairs and they wouldn't let anyone in unless they won. I tried to persuade the man but to no avail, finally he said that if I sang or danced he would let me into the pool. Just as I was about to go up the stairs, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see the man I had been staring at coming back with lemonade. As I was coming down the stairs, he reached out his hand and I saw that he had reserved a soft puff for me.

18 Nov 2023



I was going to church but I had trousers on so I passed by a stand to buy a dress because o didn’t have enough time to go home and change. I didn’t even make it to church i was in this weird home that was a school of some sort. The owner had a tiny guitar award thing with two frogs in a glass display. I tried to play the tiny guitar which pissed the owner off. My friend told me she doesn’t like that stuff touched so i stopped. Then she told me they are going to a party with her and I should come and bring a bikini. I wanted to go but I also felt like the house owner didn’t want me to come. The dream changed and it was night time. I was walking down the road and saw two men arguing. One was fat with a huge belly the other one was fit with an 8inch penis I don’t know how i have this information. The fit guy put a fork towards the fat man’s belly in a threatening way. The fat man pressed into the fork and it tore his belly open. But he kept pushing. Now the for was wedged between their tummy’s and they had this masculine war of some sort of who would die first. The point side of the fork in the fat man’s belly and the side that you hold in the fit guys tummy, tearing each other apart. The fat then took a knife and stabbed the fit guy in the heart then across his thigh through his penis. It should be noted that the fit guy was struggling to hold his breath but the fat man was unphased. Then the fat guy made a weird skin and flesh fairy for the fit guy using the fit guys skin and flesh and gave it to him with a smile on his face. The guy guy accepted the fairy gift with a smile caughing blood with his penis ripped to shreds clutching his heart with his other hand and they parted ways. For some reason it became day light and I was waiting for a bus to go home. My family passed by in car and my little sister looked at me indifferently. Then they stopped and all came out of the car to me crying. I don’t accept them i just pointed them towards my aunt who was chocking and foaming in the mouth. She was chocking on rice. Then i woke up

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