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Dream Interpretation: Boobs 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Boobs? Discover the significance of seeing a Boobs in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Boobs appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

It is a symbol of care, nurturance, and feminine identity. This represents the feminine identity within you and your attempts to connect with it. However, it could also simply be a physical dream, meaning you are sexually aroused and desire intimacy.

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🧭 Direction


You need to take better care of yourself in order to fulfill your desire to nurture others. Find ways to express your sexuality, gratify your needs and try to reconnect with your identity. Validate the caring and nurturing parts of you; they are attractive to others.

❀️ Feelings

The dream about boobs may evoke feelings of curiosity, fascination, or even desire. It could symbolize femininity, sexuality, or nurturing qualities. The emotions associated with this dream may vary depending on the individual's personal experiences and beliefs.





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18 Jul 2024



I was at the clothing store by myself, looking through shirts. For some reason I wanted to get a tube top, even though my boobs are WAY too big for a tube top. But, I was adamant, I NEEDED a tube top, no other shirt would work.

18 Jul 2024



I was in a crowded hallway at my old school. A man with a small beard came up to me looked me in the eyes and squeezed my boob so, to attract attention, I loudly told him to stop grabbing my boob. No one noticed so I told the teacher and they blew me off and said that it was probably an accident but I tried to say it was purposeful. I wanted to cry because I felt ostracized but I stayed strong because I was at school. I was also stressed because I had homework to finish for science or history class

29 Mar 2024



I was at a Sleepaway camp. In the Sleepaway camp, there was this weird room with water in the middle, and we had to ride. You could slide down into the water with these weird rabbits and people were watching, but there was this girl who kept following me, and she was obsessed with me she would not leave me alone. I kept trying to get away from her, and she would not leave me alone , then I had a boyfriend come visit me there and he started playing with my boobs. Then we walked around and the girl kept trying to come after me and I was trying to get away from her the later we all had to ride in this boat, and they would feed the shark, and he was tied to a rope kinda, and it would come up, and before the rope would catch it it would almost jump into the boat with us nearly biting us, and I was so scared. I jumped out of the boat and went back to the side and said I’m not doing that it’s crazy.

2 Mar 2024

Having twins


I had a dream that I was pregnant and I though I was only having one baby and I got told I’m having twins and so was another person at the same time who was pregnant she also got told she was having twins but the scary part was that the two strangers were trying to kill my twins for some reason but can’t remember what for. And that kept Trying and I was like no you will not kill my babies. Then I called Julie my boyfriend mam as we were in a house when this was happening my boyfriend was also I’m my dream too. Then I remember going to a primark hall and my boyfriend was somewhere else and I got some clothes to try them on so I went into the changing room and this person kept on like being obsessed with me and was trying to touch/squeeze my boobs, then after we done shopping there was a lass holding a knife and me and one of my friends that I made on the trip we ran them we got back and I got a text of a memeber of the police wanted me to go down to the police station because then I’ll be safer, so we all went to police station we looks out of the window and this tomahawk military helicopter it was red and white and shopping everyone and the police man said they need all the men to help bring this helicopter down and I said can my baby daddy stay with me and let other fight. Then I felt nauseous and the police man offered me someone and I turned it down, my boyfriend got me something because he knows what I like to eat I said to my boyfriends mam I’m actually having twins not just one baby. And I said twins are hard work but I have a plan I’ll sort one out and my boyfriend would sort other one, they were one baby boy and one baby girl we were so happy.

28 Feb 2024



I was having surgery- top surgery - I wasn’t really awake or under anestesia I was just there Other part of dream some guy was carrying someone he has a mask over his face so I couldn’t read his expression They went to a hospital and the guy had gotten her boobs back. And I was like UMMM NO RANDO SURGERY WITHOUT FOLK CONSENTING I was banging my head into the side of a wall/bathtub again repeatedly I think bilal was there or someone asking me questions but I couldn’t process any of that because I was crying and nonverbal Then there was weird dystopian part- hard to explain but I try: Before there was a weird bridge and some goop on the ground that the pigs wanted and so many grounds of people. Then I gave the pigs slop and I heard them talking and asking me what it was but it looked like rotting flesh. Then there was a swarm of people and a guy and his son and a girl She turned into some crazy harpy thing with a cross and the son had cut his face under his eyes and they would transform it to bat wing things. The girl was fighting something and then it took her down into the water and the dad went after to help but got caught by something The boy saw and instead of helping he broke the girl in half and shot at the monsters and his dad laughing with all his lackies I watched that part and then had to run The water turn to black ooze and boats couldn’t move through it people tried to - a guy leading a bunch of folk in a boat was put in some armour thing that squished him down and he didn’t have anymore ears cuz they got cut off with the helmet but he wanted it? There was like people being paid 2 dollars during that time. Indentured slavery / exploitation then when the helmet guy was leading it was like after the fall of society and then it turned into something else and they were kinda doing well The water was clear again. During that time Then in another part of the A kid was building things and he had lost leg and an arm made a whole thing to transform body parts to form flesh from metal and his arm formed - he was going to go see his girl. But he had built all this tech from nature and scrapped technology His girl was brought something but it dropped and she was so sad about it and was apologized to. A Whole green school bus pulled up to some parking garage and guy told em to park other place and then his friends yelled at him for telling him where to park The guys in the bus There was a whole bit where were in a school and some lady with assless chaps in all white came in in the smoke like a badass And left But in this class was a girl and then it went into a whole montage of us being together And a parade of guys Two gay guys included And one guy holding his shirt open It was like they were a football team who won a championship but it made no sense because it looked like the guy in the mask was the one with his shirt off Me and the girl we were dating Making out and then someone was there and I hid in the closet to put on clothes and she grabbed some too But she was like reformed Regina George but not It was funny

14 Feb 2024



Me and my boyfriend had 2 children a boy and a girl and i was pregnant with another child. We were in a taxi driving to a hospital. It was dark outside. Then a woman comes to me to touch my belly and then says im not pregnant and pushes down on my belly and then one of my boobs gets bigger and the other turned into an inflated condom. Then my boyfriend became a fox and ran into the woods and hid inside a cave.

8 Feb 2024



The skies are Grey and an old dirty lady grabs me from a bush with octopus arms and reveals she is naked with great big boobs and wants sex right now so I give it to her even though sh needs a bath.

20 Jan 2024



Me and a tall Asain man in a suit (from tiktok I think??) are running from a man in a suit that has taken control of him. he falls on top of me and another Asain taink who shows up, they start making out as we are cornered. From a hallway parallel to us my sister, elly and two white boys (again in suits, again I think from tiktok??)run over to us. As this man in the suit, possessed by it almost, attempts to get closer deadpool (who's here??) trya to kill it, but spiderman (who is also here???) talks the to the man in the suit instead. spiderman and deadpool walk away as, woolfe, frida, Kayleigh, Avery and, Franka appear. the lights turn on dimly around us and we are in chuck e cheese. I start bouncing over the man in the creature suit as woolfe and frida tell me not to, Kayleigh tells them it's not worth it and Franka agrees. I don't get hurt though, and it turns out to be really fun, so everyone else joins in. We do this for a while and then everyone but me, woolfe and frida are gone, and the 3 of us walk out. ------ there's a time skip------ Frida has moved into an apartment, I live at home, and woolfe is living on campus at a high up university. We are all close still, but woolfe and I are hanging out alone working on a short film for their uni class in the work space at the university. I agree, as I am using their darkroom for personal photography. We are talking about how weird that night was and they mention that their s/o broke up with them over the chuck e cheese situation, because they thought woolfe was lying about what they were out with me and frida for (they assumed the 3 of us had a thing). *side note: woolfe looked like woolfe, but wore glasses and had a better hair cut.* It's been a month since they broke up, we both know we like eachother, but decide mutually that it's to soon for them. Both of us continue to hang out (this part of the dream is a blur) until it's been 2 months. It's now end of May and woolfe is moving out of their campus dorm and into their own apartment, I have decided to move to Miami with Erin due to the lack of a romantic relationship with woolfe. It began to be hard being around them and I knew I'd be able to vist, so moving away felt right. I was headed home from work (job is unclear in dream) and headed to Woolfe's dorm to help them pack. When I get there I text woolfe that I'm heading up and they tell me their firend is also there to help. I respond, and then go to head in when security stops me. They ask me my dorm number and I keep trying to tell them why I'm there before I quickly say my friend is moving out and I haven't finished high school (at this point in the dream I have though). The security man quickly stops talking and lets me up. When I walk in there is a much older friend of Woolfe's on a phone call, when I turn the corner into the kitchen I realize it is Joseph Quinn. once he's off the phone I great him normally and tell him he's a very talented actor. I ask if he's okay with a hug and he immediately agrees. We start to hug tightly and continued to talk after with our arms wrapped half Hazzardly around eachother still. I tell him I'm really sorry for how shit Fan Expo was a while back for him and that it must really suck. He looks at me with a sweet smile and says, aw thank you love but it's not your fault. I tell him I still feel responsible as a fan of his work for how he's treated by those who feel akin. He rolls his eyes hugs me again and whispers, it's not your fault, don't worry. when he pulls back he's looking at me seductively. I look back at woofle and they are deliberately not looking at us. When I trun back Joseph says he has to go take boxes to the car and we kiss eachothers cheeks but I turn the worng way and hit his lips. we both kind of freeze and he starts talking again to fill the space. This time before he leaves he pulls me in and we start making out (and I mean MAKING OUT I was dreaming and freaking out at how legit it felt). I almost stop for feeling like I'm cheating on woolfe before I realize that ridiculous, as we aren't dating and Im supposed to be moving on. Woolfe leaves the room and I feel bad. Soon after Joseph and I pull apart and I tell him I'll be moving to the states if he wants to hang out again, he smile sand says of course before pulling out my phone, outing his number kissing my cheek and doing his take of the boxes. When we are done with packing, I start packing my stuff in Woolfe's dorm from the many times I'd been over. We talk and they tell me how shit it felt when they saw me kiss Joseph. We move back to their kitchen and I sit on the counter top. I tell them that it's because we never became a thing. That at any given moment I would have been theirs and they would've only and to ask. They immediately turn around and say then be with me. I tell them if they kiss me they have a deal. We start kissing and next thing you know I'm no longer on the counter, my legs are wrapped around their waist and we're walking to their room. They drop me on their bed and we both laugh before beginning to cuddle. ---there is asking through July of us hanging out and doing mundane things.--- August comes and I'm now packing stuff in my room, woolfe comes to help and we get to work. They catch something of theirs in my room and ask, what am I supposed to do if being away from you when you live where is so hard, when you're going hours away?. I come up behind them and side hug their waust, I say that it won't be that bad and we can always call, not to mention that I'll be visiting more when enough.They turns round and we have a quick small kissing moment. We decide to head over to Woolfe's place and grab pizza, we head up to their apartment, and get comfortable on the couch before we realize we forgot the pizza. Firda had texted at this moment asking to come over so woolfe and I agree that I'll go get us pizza and pick up Friday on the way (as I have a car and G licence). Firda and I get to pizzas and go to head back up to the apartment. However; there is a group for people protesting something outside the entrance. We stop as there no way to get in, frida stand to the side and I stand on one of the steps holding both pizzas in one arm and my phone in the other hand. A girl on a step below me (she is a girl from tiktok; ????) says there's a protest and steps up next to me to whisper into my ear that she can see my thighs, the skin not just the shape. I thank her for letting me know and she steps back down. Next thing I know I can feel her tracing a line along my thigh where the rip in the jeans is and moving towards my coochie. I get really tirggered and try to contact like I'm not, finally firda and I are able to get through a dn I am now trying desperately to hide the back of pants as I walk. When we get up I put the pizzas down and sit next to woolfe but when they try and cuddle me I flinch back. They ask me what wrong and I smile and say nothing at first but when frida leaves and the movie gets out on, I realize it actually triggered me pretty bad a softly whisper to woolfe they I'll tell them later. They tell me that's fine and they'll be listening when I do, but I don't tell them. A few days later we get in a massive fight over it, because theyre trauma makes them feel like me not saying it means it's bad to them. We stop talking for a bit, but we don't break up. And everytime I try to get a hold of woolfe frida says they really don't want to speak to me rn and just need time. I tell Friday hwat happens and she is automatically sympathetic and says she won't tell woolfe (as per my request) but she will tell them it was something pretty bad and that why I didn't share. --two weeks after talking to firda--- it's now the end of August, my Erin and kayleigh are in an Uber. They are going to a party but I wasnt planning on going at first. so I get out of the car and say good bye, then I change my mind. The light has just turned green so I hold on to the car and we all shout at the driver to stop he does, very close to the wall, so I squeeze into the passenger seat before realizing that his son is in it. We all agree I should move to the back but due to where we are I can't. when we get to the party at vanhorne plaza (which doesn't look exactly like it) the drivers son has disappeared and kayleigh and Erin say their gonna go do stuff and they'll text me where they are. I start talking to the driver, and we agree to hang out. Because I and a bunch of packed stuff with me I grab a tank top and we move to the tip of the act to talk. I say I'm gonna grab a belt for my pants and head into a store. He goes to get himself food. When I get back to the car he isn't there so I decide to change. I take my shirt off but I'm not Wareing a bra or dbinder so my boobs are just out. I get down to buy water and go in the store with my boobs out, when I come back out the driver is back with a shit ton of people (male and female) they all gock at me and the driver expresses how nice my torso is. He passes me the tank top I put it on and we walk around with our drinks. He says he has shrooms so he ends up doing some. I took osoem form him for myself later when he passed out and went to look for kayleigh and Erin. for some reason they were in a tap dance class where the value village used to be. I join them and when we're down I see that woolfe was at the back of this class. I go over to talk to them and they wont look at me. I tell them they have to cause in these shoes I'm taller then them. They immediately look down at the shoes then at me and say that's didn't make sense why are your aller, I agreed and we both laughed. I explained the situation and we start giving and profusely apologizing to eachother. everything in the dream looked close enough to real life that I could tell what it was, but different enough that thinking back on it is creepy.

30 Nov 2023

Giving Birth


I am tap er oti sitting there.then monirul comes.he is asking for rocket .I am telling him he is in his room.then a few moments later rocket came along.he is showing us his mobile password 1 _ _ _ _ something.then me and Mafijul and rocket getting ready to sleep at rocket's father building.we are there now .me and some were watching tv all at the same time.then all gone. Me two of them maybe a girl.we are discussing which bed to sleep .I am telling the girl that corner Bed another one beside her. I will sleep on the floor . I am playing with a cute baby.then Mafijul started hurrying us because of someone gonna give birth to a child. I'm going outside the room then forgot something to I am telling a woman to unlock the door of the room.after that the room is kinda changed to like a classroom.jabbar sir giving white paper,Siyam is with me he said to that sir so gave him more and Siyam is bragging about it. Then we left the room.we come to a bridge where people were populated. Me rocket and Siyam is showing off how cool we are. then it come to a Viewbari beside koramjai road.girl and l are looking at each other from far away.rocket is in different path. I am on the road now.i I can hear some girl talking how some boys dressed themselves is not looking good. I am looking at how rocket is dressed like a girl.I am with Khadija now she's wearing some sort of silky sari .I am telling her she took at least 10 min to be dressed up like that.she's denying it and touching her boobs under her sari that can be seen through.then come to other end where many black like palwan is cooking and standing angrily . Then some kinda music mmm mm mm going on . Tv like screen showed up before me . And then I woke up

20 Nov 2023

Giving Birth


The dream was about two things, I don't remember which came first, #Mom's child or my fight with her, so #Mom was pregnant, and also my cat Jin, they both had their giving birth day the same day, #Jin put one black kitten, I was helping her, #Mom went to give birth when I was trying to help the kitten breath, when he could walk, I heard my aunts cheering on the second floor, I let #Jin and ran above, I could see my new sibling in #Mom's arms, he was so cute, with tiny eyes and very thick eyebrows, I carried him and he kept pushing me away with his legs, and crying, #Mom took him back, and went to her room, I heard #Dad saying Dr house from the tv show came, he took him to my room, I didn't have my hijab on so I took several things from mom, I looked very chiquΓ© I remember, I told myself I have to wear that when I go out, I went to see doctor house, he seemed very depressed, he told me he did something wrong and then went away, my sister #Nada came from outside, I told her #Mom and #Jin gave birth, she ran to see them, I took my laptop trying to open it, my sister came inside the room again and I realized the room really changed, our beds became sticked to each other and her bed was higher than mine, I didn't feel comfortable when I got into my bed and saw how close we're, #Dad came inside the room when I was just about to sleep, he gave me a new laptop and went out, I took the laptop trying to setup a new windows, I saw the new kitten playing, it wanted to get out, I opened the door, his father, Horus, a black cat named after the god of Egypt in Egyptian mythology, ran after him, they kept playing together violently, I took the kitten to my new sibling and both of them kept playing together, I realized the kitten had a lot of boobs, more than 8, and they were big as if he is breastfeeding, I didn't understand how that could be possible, I heard #Mom screaming, I ran to see what's wrong, she told me the baby is dead, I saw him, his head was broken and bleeding, his nose was bleeding too and eyes were nearly closed, I thanked god I didn't have a close relationship to #Mom or him so that I won't feel heartbroken, I kept thinking about how she may be feeling, #Dad said house meant to make the baby die as #Mom had already five children, I was wondering if what he did was right or wrong, I had to do an assignment but I was very tired, #Mom kept making fun of me and asking me why am I always tired and not like my teacher #Rahma who does all she has to do, I asked her to please stop, I kept weeping and telling her I'm handicapped, I have epilepsy and I can't just choose when I could do things, because my seizures make it hard to do a lot of things, I kept fighting with her, telling her she drowned me out, and that i have already told her that thousands of times and there is nothing that forces me to do it again, I left her and went back to my new kitten. I really had a seizure in my sleep, I wonder if that has any relation to the dream.

15 Nov 2023



I dreamed I was at what was my job. And all I remember Is that i worked on an extremely high and steep cliff. And it was snowing and there was a ton of snow on the ground. I wondered how they expected me not to accidentally fall off the cliff and the snow made it hard to see sometimes. I saw a couple of friends from my old job running around and assumed they worked here too. They were going on their lunch break and I'd already taken mine but I said screw it and followed them to the vending machine. Behind the vending machine were some pecan swirls and cinnamon rolls that were just for my department. So I grabbed one of the cinnamon rolls. They were in plastic bags floating in water. They were huge and I started walking away in the snow and somehow after a bite I got coated in the icing. I was like damn..then kept eating it but it tasted old and freezer burnt so I threw it on the ground. I decided to head back to wherever I was supposed to be. I think I was going to the room I was staying in. I was on this automatic treadmill thing like they have at airports and was laying on my stomach or something and it was taking me down the hall and I was looking straight ahead with the bottom part of my face being covered by my arm and at the end of the treadmill thing was a pool and Justin Timberlake was sitting there making intense eye contact with me and I made intense eye contact back and it was kind of a joke. I got to the end and got up and laughed and was like "I'll need to call my mom and tell her you're here. She'll freak out" as i was walking away and grabbed my phone and he laughed and I looked up a lil higher than him and billie eilish was sitting there on a throne looking chair and I said "omg well now I'm the one that's going to freak out. I love you." She laughed and told me to come closer to her and she asked me for my phone which im assuming was so she could take pictures of us. I pulled it out and set it to record and she was talking to ther people for a second. I didnt want to be starstruck and ruin the moment by recording everything but i also wanted video evidence and to remember this moment forever. She grabbed my phone from me and went to kinda take a selfie with it and i was worried it being on record was going to throw her off but she put the phone down and continued talking to whoever it was. I was trying to be normal around her and looked around and saw alot more fans around now. I kept trying to tell her things I'd planned to tell her if I met her like about how the song "I wish you were gay" means so much to me and also was trying to show her how i was covered in icing hoping she would laugh but other people kept trying to talk to her so she didn't hear me and I understood so I dropped it. I did manage to ask her if she would sign my arm so I could get it tattooed and she seemed a little nervous so I told her she didn't have to if that made her uncomfortable but she agreed. She started to sign my hand and got nervous. I was thinking how I didn't plan to get my hand tattooed but honestly I'll do it if that's where she wants it. She crossed some of it out and said she'd try again. I looked at her and told her she can do it later if she preferred and for some reason she didn't have a shirt on all of a sudden and her boobs were out but I didn't look at them. She said nah and continued to write on my hand and her shirt reappeared. Then my roommate sydney was there next to me and there was a bunch of other superstars leaving a room behind us and I was looking at them hoping I recognized any of them so I could talk to billie about it but I didn't and I was like "damn it must be so chill back there" because it was the vip room and billie was like "haha yeah it is" and she got up like we were going to leave and she asked if she still had my phone and I said yeah and was looking around the seat she just got up from and found a phone that was crushed and she said that wasn't mine and I made it apparent I didn't pick it up because I didn't want her to think I was a crazy fan that would steal from her. And I found another one and it also wasn't mine and then she said she had it so I turned and got my phone from her and Sydney had billies phone. Billie told her the password was "Tool" and I was like "Tool, like the band?" And she said yes and Tool is one of my favorite bands so I laughed and Said "omg I love you. You're so cool" I remember thinking how people tell you not to meet your heros but this was going great. She started to walk out into this hall where it seems a festival has been going on and my heart sank because I may never see her again or get the chance to hang out with her like I have been. I tried to follow her in the crowed while trying not to make it obvious because I didn't want her to think she made a mistake being nice to me and now I'm stalking her. She went into a room and I lingered a little past it and was using my vape about to give up. I looked down at my hand that I thought she'd only wrote "wish you were" then crossed out another line. I was gonna look at it and decide if I was going to get the incomplete sentence tattooed anyways but I realized she drew alot on me. She had drawn a frog and a sea turtle and completely colored them in and apparently didn't like where she drew them so she wrote "redraw here" and drew an arrow to the other side of my wrist where she thought I should get the tattoo I guess but she had already redrawn it there. There were other little drawings and none of them I liked too much because they had nothing to do with her but I was going to get them anyways. I went to go sit on a table to Google if sea turtles were billies favorite animal when I saw Sydney my roommate and she seemed upset. I'm not sure why, maybe because we had been there later than she wanted because I was busy hanging out and trying to find billie but I already decided I'd give Sydney my car keys if need be and I'll Uber home if it meant I could possibly talk to billie again because the crowd had died down alot and billie came out in a big white t shirt like she was getting ready to go to bed and she had a friend with her and I was sitting at my table looking sad that my roommate was upset with me, thinking maybe billie would come ask what was wrong but I definetly wasn't going to approach billie anymore. I didn't want to bother her but it felt like she was purposefully staying within proximity of me and she kept looking at me. At first she sat at the same table as me and I was trying to act nonchalant. I had alot of stuff in my hands so I was trying to organize it hoping she would talk to me and then after a minute I looked up and saw that billie had moved to the table behind me closer to Sydney which wasn't a huge deal because now she was facing me more but it made me sad she didn't talk to me at all when she was sitting next to me. Then I woke up.

13 Nov 2023



I went to a royalty school. In the bus there was this girl getting bullied, she was sitting next to me and another person. She often got rude stares from the group at the other side of the bus. The kids in the opposite side noticed we were also staring so they grabbed a big curtain and closed it on us. There were windows where you could peak at them. On eof the girls pulled out a violin and started playing it. When I looked next to me the girl who was getting picked on pulled out a giant chello. I thought it was funny cause the chello was bigger than the violin. When the girl played a bit she noticed peoole staring so she asked to sit closer to me. I moved over and she sat next to me. A vape appeared out of nowhere and she asked if it was mine I said no and said I would hold on to it. When we got to the school we headed towards the office. However when we got there the girls that were picking on her were there so she left. A teacher pulled her into another room. I went into my first class. It was pretty big but it was very empty, most of the class was missing. When class started I noticed a lot of the people had different personalities. Some seemed nice while others looked very nasty. Time seemed to skip, next thing I know I was back in the classroom again but this time it was PACKED full of students. There was not many places for me to sit but I managed to sit on the very thin table. One of the girls who was sitting close to me kissed me. I assumed it was because we were cramped up together but she seemed like she did it intentionally. Nonetheless she apologized. I noticed that the singlet I was wearing often kept falling and revealing my bra, whenever I tried to adjust it, it made it worse. Eventually my boobs fully fell out for everyone to see. I hid them quickly back into my bra and hid my face so nobody would make fun of me. Nobody looked like they noticed so I was safe. Two kids were pulled up to the front of the class for wearing water proof clothing. I was technically wearing a water proof shirt but the teacher said I just passed the clothing criteria. Once the two kids were scolded, they sat back down. I apologized to one of the girls across from me. She shook her head and said it's okay. When I tried to apologise to the other one she misunderstood what I said and kissed me thinking that's what I asked. I was fine with it at the end of the day. At one point I started to feel sick due to my period coming soon. I ended up leaving to go home for no exact reason. I was at home questioning why I was there.. In the end I realised spirit had wanted me to leave.. because the prince's were about to go into class.. perhaps spirit didn't want me meeting them yet.. next thing I know I was back at school heading to where my parents were.. I sat with them and asked about who the prince's were. The teacher said the prince's were those who were most good looking. I asked how to know if your in the presence of one. She smiled. I looked around and noticed that some of the boys looked like they were shining. When I asked for clarification she said it was rain.. rain falls onto the prince's. It wasn't actual rain but it looked like it. When I realised this train started to fall from above us.. it didn't wet my clothes it felt warm and nice

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