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Dream Interpretation: Ex 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Ex? Discover the significance of seeing a Ex in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Ex appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes an old life or a past part of you, which you are missing. It also suggests that your life has taken a new turn; however, you still hold some lingering desires towards your past.

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🧭 Direction


Analyse your behavior. Learn from your mistakes, and make sure not to repeat your former conduct. Take time to grow emotionally and be vocal about your needs. Don't let your past ruin your present. Appreciate those who are around you and live in the moment.

❤️ Feelings

This dream may evoke feelings of curiosity, intrigue, and wonder. It may leave the dreamer with a sense of mystery and a desire to uncover the hidden meanings behind their dreams. The dream interpretation application can provide a platform for exploration and self-discovery, allowing individuals to delve deeper into their subconscious and gain insights into their emotions, fears, and desires. It offers an opportunity to unravel the enigmatic nature of dreams and potentially find solace or guidance in understanding their significance.





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Dreams of users containing the word Ex

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18 Jul 2024



I was walking in the clothing section of a store and as I go farther in a notice my ex. I can’t believe it’s her. I could walk away but instead I go up to the clothing she’s looking at and she notices me and we start talking a bit and she’s being fairly nice. Then we walk over to a spot and sit down and continue talking and then she starts to get rude and continues to get ruder with me. Eventually she goes off on me and gets up and walks away. She has a tv with her and so after she walks off I see some security.. so I was petty and said she was trying to break it. Or steal it? I can’t remember. But the security went after her and obviously she was angry but then I woke up. This was the first dream I’ve had in a long time that was somewhat funny or wasn’t a nightmare, or that involved an ex and I wasn’t devistated or bothered.

18 Jul 2024



I had a few separate dreams, the first one I was chilling out with an old high school friend her name is Nayana. We were in my apartment late at night, and she said she’s about to go to work which I was a bit surprised as it’s late then she said they have come late sometimes and night shifts that she doesn’t have much control of, I asked what’s her job to which she said is a stripper. I didn’t judge her for it but I realize she has lots of nice clothes and stuff so it makes sense, I couldn’t help but to still admire her and aspire being gorgeous just like her. In another dream, I was home using the bathroom to where I heard a knock and my mother’s ex fiancée was there asking if I wanted anything from the grocery store as they were going grocery shopping that day, I was feeling not so happy because it’s been over a year since he’s moved out, me and my mom both seen his true colors and immaturity so seeing him back here was triggering especially because he used to unintentionally do stuff that annoys me. I was with a group of people in front my apartment building, and were trying to fit in the car so someone came up with the idea to let smaller people in first and I’m pretty small but he said not enough apparently. I said that I’m only 115 lbs, I kinda started flexing by saying model agency who are looking for skinny models would consider me. It was probably cold that day since we’re dressed warm, plus it was cloudy and rainy a bit.

18 Jul 2024

Saving someone


My narcissistic ex was in my dream he was super nice and understanding. I was thinking of leaving my job since they were charging me 400$ for an evaluation. I couldn’t afford it. In one part I saw a red car sinking into this big puddle of water and I told someone to hold my Bluetooth earbuds. I went down to open the back of the trunk to save the person and it ended up being my narcissistic ex. I pulled him out he was unconscious and I saved him. I rescued my ex and he survived

17 Jul 2024



my “friend” (she’s fake) was with some of her friends and they were all talking smack to my face even unfrohe if my mom and then my mom brought up my ex (my “friend” dated him)

17 Jul 2024



I don’t remember the beginning but I remember being with zolisha which was strange because im not fond of her. there was a third person with us but I can’t remember the face either. We were walking into a building together and there was a group of people I didn’t recongnize until the last glimpse I saw my ex in this mixed group of random men. I saw someone go up to her and basically insinuates that they want to fight. I turn to yell down the hall of the building to zolisha and the other person, they start running out when a guy looked at me and said he was gonna slam me. His friends were questioning whether I was a boy or not and he slammed me anyways. I feel like the time skipped after this and we all ended up at a table talking. And we’re talking about why I was with zolisha and I hadn’t seen nyasia in so long. We started being playful and i woke up

17 Jul 2024



i went threw my exs phone that cheated and there was no messages of him cheating

15 Jul 2024



I was at a restaurant about to eat with some friends when I get a call from my ex (who in real life just recently messaged me and had contact with after a few years that I actually still miss but has a girlfriend) and she randomly asks if I’m going to need up with her on her lunch break or not. And without any hesitation or even questioning anything I say yes. So immediately I drop everything and tell my friends sorry but I’m leaving because she called and I was going to go see her. I leave and get in my truck and in in a parking garage of some sort and I’m backing up my truck (in real life I’ve only been driving a truck for about a month now because of an accident I’ve recently had) and I accidentally backed up into another truck. Typically I would try to tell someone or do something about it but I was so desperate to go see her I decided to just leave without telling anyone. As I’m driving away I call her again because I realize I don’t even know where I’m going to meet her or exactly when. She says hi and I say hi and start to ask where to meet and she interrupts me to say that I’m on speaker. All of a sudden I hear her girlfriend going off on me asking why I’m calling her and telling me not to talk to her and threatening me if I were to. I sort of hesitate because it caught me off guard but then I start saying how she was the one who called me and asked me to meet. And then I woke up

15 Jul 2024



My mom was that I was talking to my ex and he was telling he would to see me. I was living at beach house, next he was there we together again

15 Jul 2024



Ok so first I was living with my mom and grandma (who I lived with up until 3 months ago she kicked me out for sneaking my ex over in real life) my mom was trying to have my Cousins come over but I was hiding in the bathroom trying to look good and did not want to come out to see them (in real life I have a substance abuse problem im usually always in treatment) then it cuts to me staying on the couch with my grandma and not wanting to move as though that was my safe space. Then cut to me and my ex we are in space walking on a tightrope also I know it’s me and my ex in the dream but it’s never his face and I’m always trying to find him we are never home always in vacation setting and there’s always water around. Like I’m always on a cruise looking for him

15 Jul 2024

Roller coaster


I started off as me working for somewhat of a large company. A few of the departments were shut down so a lot of people were let go. I then remember being at an amusement park very similar to Disney. I believe I was there with my son’s dad who is my ex. We were waiting in different lines. In one of the lines we met another male figure. We were trying to go on all of the rides. We only had a few rides left. One of them was a rollercoaster which I have a fear of. I was very scared to get on but I ended up getting on. It wasn’t as bad as I though I actually had fun.

14 Jul 2024



I was in a mix of my granny and god moms house( the back of the house was grandmas and the front was my god moms). And I was laying down and sleeping with my ex, I turn around and there’s a stud rubbing on my waist so I turn around trying to see who it is. It’s this random girl she’s pretty but she’s weird( something was off about her). Sooner or later there was a loud boom that went off. We went outside and soon seen that everyone was outside looking at the sky and around. My grandmothers neighbor checked his phone and had told everyone he got a notification that more bombs were coming into the neighborhoods direction. Soon everyone seen the next heart shaped bomb drop and everyone ran. Me n my ex both ran into the house and he told me that we needed to get out of here. We both ran outside but then I told him we needed a car. But I was already in the middle of our backyard driveway and a bomb was coming down straight for me. I knew I couldn’t run to the door in time because I was tired. I had no choice I looked at my granny’s back door and then my ex. That’s when I woke up.

13 Jul 2024



I was about to give birth. I taught my old friends to study vagina examination. I was so excited, I lost blood, but it was like I didn’t know if I really was pregnant, I wanted to believe it. I went to the hospital and saw a guy I had sex with speaking about my cervix. I was really healthy. Surrounded. Wanted to call the other parent, my ex, tu surround me during this time

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