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Dream Interpretation: Girlfriend 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Girlfriend? Discover the significance of seeing a Girlfriend in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Girlfriend appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

You will see this person in your dreams while evaluating your romantic relationships. This symbol suggests that there are certain aspects of yourself and your relationship that you need to learn more about and discover the answers to. This also represents the feminine parts of yourself that you need to develop more.

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🧭 Direction


Take insights from your dream and figure out what aspects of your relationship you need to reevaluate. Perhaps there are things you need to appreciate more or problems you are avoiding which now you should go and confront. This is also a time to ask yourself what feminine parts of yourself you need to recognize and develop so your relationship can grow.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about a girlfriend can evoke a range of emotions such as love, happiness, comfort, and companionship. It may symbolize a desire for emotional connection, intimacy, and support in waking life. This dream can bring feelings of excitement, contentment, and fulfillment, as well as a sense of longing or yearning for a romantic relationship. It may also reflect feelings of security, trust, and loyalty. Overall, dreaming about a girlfriend can elicit positive emotions and a sense of emotional fulfillment.





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Dreams of users containing the word Girlfriend

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17 Jul 2024



I had bought 2 silver gray dresses for my girlfriend Carolay but she didn’t want to put them on yet there was a deep knowing in me that she was gonna like them and wear them anyways cus I have gotten them for her

16 Jul 2024



My ex boyfriend married his current girlfriend of 2 years even though he's been cheating on her with me the entire time

14 Jul 2024



I was with my girlfriends family, we were making salads. Her mum gave me a Hayfever tablet

10 Jul 2024



I had such a strange and vivid dream. I was working as a detective. Me and some other people were working on a case about this girl that went insane and was killing people around the area. On the first night, we found three dead bodies. It was very strange, and something about the whole thing felt so real. The next night, we were working again. This time we found five dead bodies. It made me feel so uneasy. As I was walking back home, I was walking below an overpass when I saw my girlfriend. I knew we were together, but this is the first time seeing my girlfriend in my dream. For some reason, this case really had me stressed out, and in my dream my girlfriend was the only person I had in my life. For some reason, she looked at me, and said that we can no longer be together and she smirked and looked at me like it was a joke. I asked her if she was being serious and she looked at me and just smiled, ending it. As I walked through the dark and gloomy night, I ran into a group of girls that came up to me and asked me if I was single. I jokingly said “I wasn’t up until a few minutes ago”, and just walked through them. Days went by, and I couldn’t shake the fact that I lost the only important person I had in my life. Why did she leave me? Why did she laugh when leaving? I had so many questions, but knew that I’d never get the answers to them. A few days later, I was sitting behind my truck, and turned around. For some reason, in my trunk I had everything she ever gave me. I began to cry a waterfall, wishing she would come back. I impulsively began talking to new girls. No matter who I spoke to though, none of them were like her. I was so hurt, confused, and angry, but no one could replace who she was to me. I went back to working on my case, trying to forget about her. As I headed back to my office, I worked for a couple of hours, trying to piece any evidence of where the murderer was. I had no leads. I couldn’t keep my mind clear. I went on a break, but as I sat there, I looked at my phone, expecting to respond to her messages like I would’ve done before. There was nothing. I felt a heavy sorrow in my heart. As I sat on my truck, I started receiving pictures from her. They were all pictures of her making silly faces and smiling, then she asked me through text “why have you been so distant? Why won’t you send me pictures of you like before? Are we not friends”? I didn’t get it… It felt like she was mocking me… looking at her beautiful face through the phone made me cry again, wondering what went wrong. Why did she leave me with no explanation??? Why did she have a smile on her face when leaving??? Why is she acting like nothing ever happened??? I went back in, and called it a night. A few nights later, I was on the clock, and me and my colleagues went to an apartment complex where we heard there was an alleged girl walking around stabbing people. It had to be the murderer. I still wasn’t able to concentrate after what had happened with my relationship in the last few days. We split up around the building, seeing if we could find any clues. I was in the top floor. Every door to each room was open. I felt uneasy. Petrified. As I went door to door, I soon came to realize that everyone in this building was dead. Murdered. I began to panic. There were so many things going through my mind, but I couldn’t do anything but panic, cry, and run. This was nothing like me. I would always be able to stay calm and collected. After my girlfriend broke up with me, I started falling apart. My heart was turning to dust. I ran down the hall, trying to get to the elevator, when I saw the girl who was causing these murders walk out of a room right in-front of me. I froze. I walked back gasping for air, when I fell back. I stared at her as tears ran down my face. I stood up, but couldn’t move. She ran towards me with the knife, slitting my throat. I fell back gasping and crying, as she stood over my body, and began to stab me in my stomach over and over again. I laid there crying, as I bled out. She walked away, smiling. I heard sirens, but my vision began to go black. I couldn’t feel anything but the tears running down my face. I began to think of when I was still with my girlfriend, remembering when we were together. My whole life flashed before my eyes. I wondered; if we were still together, would I have been able to take down this murderer? End this horror? I replayed my whole life with her right before death. At the end, she broke up with me just like before, and it felt like i was being stabbed once again. Keep in mind, I am no detective nor plan on being one, but that was what I was in my dream.

9 Jul 2024



I was at my boyfriends house but his parents weren’t there it was my ex boyfriends dad and his dads girlfriend. Another Covid outbreak had occurred so they made me put a mask on cause they couldn’t risk getting sick, and as I put the mask on I said “isn’t it crazy that I’ve known trace for 3 years”

8 Jul 2024



my dream started out with me scrolling through tiktok. When scrolling I came across a video that my ex posted which was a video he took at a pool of people trying to discreetly have sex. there was like 12 of them. When I was watching the video i was so disgusted by what was happening and felt myself get transported into the video and be there in real life. The people saw me judging and I looked at them and yelled “we’re literally at a hotel! you can like go up to your room and have your orgy. that’s disgusting” Being in the video became reality so I walked away into the hotel. Before walking away, I thought I was scrunching my ex’s hair but it ended up being a random boy that I slightly recognized. He was like 4 years younger than me and just graduated high school. When I scrunched his hair, I guess he took that as like a sign for him to follow me which was not my intention so I ran to the bathroom. The hotel turned into like this house party for a college. It was some type of celebration going on for the college so I ran to the bathroom in the house. I closed the door and locked myself in there and tried to pee but I guess i didn’t lock it good because the boy ended up coming in. When he came in, he told me that my ex and me were getting into big trouble. Mainly because I called out the people who were having an orgy in the pool and my ex was the one who recorded it and posted it on tiktok. I felt so guilty. When I walked back out, the coach (i don’t even know of what sport lmfao because my ex doesn’t play sports anymore) wanted to talk to me. He let me know that what we both did was extremely bad and we’re looking to pay a fine between $30k to $60k. When I tried looking over to my ex, his back was turned to me. all i could see was his backwards hat, a black shirt and black shorts he was wearing with slippers. He was with a girl who I assumed was his new girlfriend. She seemed like everyone liked her and she was chatting up with a group of people they were with. Eventually the director of their athletic team came up to talk to me (she was a short blonde white lady who looked to be in her 50s - 60s) and let me know that I got lucky I left when I did because I got the less harsh punishment. I will only have to pay $8k - $10k in fines while my ex got the punishment of $80k - $100k. I felt so horrible and told the woman that it shouldn’t be him paying that fine and that it was my fault. I was the one who called out that group of people. She told me not to worry and that he’s her all star player and he’ll be okay. I looked over to my ex once again and he still wasn’t looking at me. All I wanted to do in the moment was go up and talk to him about this whole situation because I felt so bad. His new girlfriend was still around him too but it had seemed like she was getting ready to leave. I started to get a headache and went and sat down. I placed my head in my hands feeling horrible that I was one of the culprits of getting us in trouble and just sat there wondering what I was going to do.

7 Jul 2024



my girlfriend asked me if she cared she went to a party and said this dom kid was gonna be there i was like sure idc but i rather be there with you. then i asked her if andre her ex boyfriend was gonna be there and she got defensive and was like why does it matter if he is gonna be there or not. then i asked okay well if my ex was there would u care and she said no but she would more than definitely care if my ex was at a party anyway she got really mad at me and wasn’t even answering me she was just sending emojis and stuff and then she went to the party

3 Jul 2024

Black Cat


I had to get my car Towed and the name of the towing company was called Catskill. I stayed at person‘s house who allow me to stay there while my car got towed and when I was sleeping on the sofa of their house, they’re black cat and white cat wouldn’t leave me alone. It slept on me right on my back as if it were hugging me and wouldn’t get off of me even though I wanted it too. I had a dream that I was arriving to my godmother‘s house in Brazil again since I’ve already been there once and I knew how to get there. I arrived at night, walked across the bridge to the hotel, went to the second floor and took took a car that dropped me off at her house. It was raining outside during the day, and I struggled to tip the driver because I had my hands full with my luggage and wet in the rain, but I ended up giving him five Brazilian dollars as he went away when he pulled away, I went to enter the house and noticed that when I went to get the money for my pocket and put down my bag, I put it in a puddle and got everything wet and I also noticed that I brought a wrong bag. I brought a soccer bag with soccer balls, which wasn’t I wanted to wanted to bring. Dream transition to me being at the music festival where I got to see my girlfriend, but also stay at the house she was staying at with her best friends who are also attracted, but I wasn’t as attracted to them as I was to her. We were trying to figure out how to get from the campsite to the festival and decided to take a bus when I got to the bus station. It was just me and it was pouring rain. There’s no coverage and I was getting soaked and I was really cold waiting for the bus with some other people when the bus eventually did come I wasn’t able to get on the bus because other people pushed past me and filled up the bus. This Left me a little disappointed and even more cold. I ended up walking to the next bus stop to see if I could get luckier there as it was on the corner of the street. While waiting, a family next to me decided to call a self driving car to pick them up and bring them to their spot. for some reason I was able to get on and we made a pitstop at a fast food Restaurant. while we were there, there was a guy sitting across from us who I felt like I talked to day day prior and he was trying to get his life together and rid himself of his negative habits which he was struggling to do. I could tell that he was falling apart at this fast food restaurant. He wasn’t eating, he was stuffing food in his mouth. You could tell he wasn’t being mindful with his decisions, and he even tried to steal two boxed water bottles. I was disappointed with him because he shared with me the day before that he wanted to get himself together but He wasn’t taking actions to do that. Then my vision in the dream transition to thousands of white rabbits running through a simulated pasture together in unison and a voice of my hand said that these rabbits can take you exactly where you want to go. I asked how could they know exactly where I want to go? And the voice said that these rabbits have watched hundreds of recordings of individuals and that they know what we will be doing before we know. One step forward, one step back one step left.

2 Jul 2024

Little Brother


I went to china with my girlfriend with my grandmother and she somehow had a dad and a little brother (she had neither irl) and she was 2 hrs away in china but somehow came and saw me? And then I forgot a bunch of stuff, but I ended up killing her grandma and woke up.

2 Jul 2024

Old Man


My girlfriend and I were rented out our house to someone for a night. A younger man rented the room we got everything set up for him then went back to our bedroom to sleep. We heard him leave to go get something out of his car. A few minutes later a girl was sitting in our bed. I looked at her for a few minutes and said Anna didn’t we have a boy staying with us? And Anna said yes. All three of us walked out the room when I saw the front door open and the man had a gun. The lady strangled me and brought me into the quest bedroom. Anna was there too. I got this lady pinned down but could only stab her a small amount with a pencil. I went to grab a knife from the kitchen. I came back to the room to see the girl now had two small knives. I kept trying to stab her in the stomach by my knife was too wobbly and I could only saw on her a little bit. I tried calling 911 while Anna was looking for a gun but didn’t make it in time. Somehow I was transported into scenery where I was watching tv with Anna her 23 year old daughter and a Mexican lady I didn’t know. I went to get a snack and the fridge was filled with beautiful treats. Anna came to get me and we noticed an old white man following us I was transported again to a kinda house part with a really strange vibe. A few minutes went past and I saw two men dragging a girl into the house. It was the same girl who was trying to strangle me. I left and when I did I noticed everyone else had already gone except for a military man and his son. This man was so nice to me as I told him why I was afraid of the girl and wanted to leave I asked him to get my keys for me cause I left them inside. He gave me a few badges that made me smile and then went inside. When he came back out both of our cars where gone and we noticed them getting towed we chased the tow man down the interstate and when he finally stopped we had to climb through an insane amount of mud on a hill. It cut out after that

1 Jul 2024



I had a dream of me in a pool with a girl and i had on sweat pants and i jumped in the pool and busted my face and died i was in heaven and I climb to the top of the tree of life and I had a typing thingy and It talked and said where would you like to go and I typed my family and I was instantly sent to a unknown house with Quan and ej and cam there and I had to sneak in my house and they seen me and freaked out and cam had fixed my vape and said be very careful and I was and then I seen the girl turns out she was my girlfriend of a long time and she was crying so heavy and it felt as if she truly loved me and that was all I’ve ever wanted true love and I was messing with the lights with my supernatural abilities and the next day me,her,my mom,my brother wynston, and my sister Emma all went to dicks sporting goods and we played around and broke shit and I said mom I’m already dead when she said the cameras can see me but eventually I walked by a mirror and seen my arm and 2 syringes were sticking out my shoulder and I freaked out and my mom said Aiden your already dead and I said yea but I still hate needles she said true and they came to terms with my death I was looking over at my brother cuz I said where’s Winnie and he I never realized it but he was older my sister was older I was older my mom still the young hipness she had but I could tell she was older and my heart dropped knowing that it could’ve been a prediction and me and my girl were talking and she was crying about holidays and I said hey I’m always there in spirit as a joke but then I cried to knowing that what she had with me wasn’t normal and I woke up

1 Jul 2024



I was in my current home but it looked like one of my childhood homes on the inside. I was living with my ex husband but cheating on him with my current husband. My ex husband was cheating on me with the woman he actually cheated on me with. I was sleep in my room and my cat midnight laid on my back so I thought until I got up and realized it was a different cat. It was a bunch of cats in various rooms and a lot were kittens that I believed my cat moon had. It was cats everywhere. Some rooms had boxes in them stacked up. It was a lot of clutter. I argued with my ex husband about helping pay the bills after he revealed he spent over $700 in gifts at a Michael Kors store. I knew the gifts weren’t for me and assumed they were for his girlfriend. I kicked him out of my room telling him to leave. He just grabbed his stuff and went to the next room. Two ladies showed up to talk with my daughter to evaluate her for school and say happy birthday. I grew angrier knowing my ex husband was still in the house and I snuck to the other room to yell at him and keep him completely out of the house. As he was grabbing his things the ladies completed their assessments with my daughter and we went downstairs to a surprise social distance birthday party for my daughter from teachers at her school.

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