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Dream Interpretation: Friendship 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Friendship? Discover the significance of seeing a Friendship in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Friendship appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of friendship symbolizes a need for companionship and support. It may also represent a desire for social interaction and a sense of belonging. This dream may indicate that you are seeking new friendships or strengthening existing ones.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on your current relationships and consider if there are any that need attention or improvement. Take the initiative to reach out to friends and make plans to spend time together. If you are feeling lonely, try joining a club or group that aligns with your interests to meet new people. Remember that friendships require effort and communication to maintain.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of friendship evokes feelings of warmth, connection, and support. It brings a sense of belonging, happiness, and trust. It signifies the importance of relationships and the joy that comes from sharing experiences with others. This dream may also evoke feelings of gratitude, as it reminds us of the value of true friendships in our lives.





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Dreams of users containing the word Friendship

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16 Jul 2024



I saw a recurring dream tonight. I saw a school or an institute that we were in. We were there for our viva and practicals and we were made to wait for a special guest who was a brigadier. While waiting for him, i was with all new people and they were my friends. Till they start our practical exam and viva, we had lot of time left . So we decided to explore the place. While moving inside, one other person who probably was the mother of 2 of my friends started walking along. We used stairs to go inside. And when we reached inside the institute, it resombled a mall with zero shops. It had very long escalators and a new type of escalator which did not have stairs, but was made of rotating metal rods on which it is hard for anyone to reach the top while standing. And it was more than simple to reach the top while lying down in sleeping position. During this exploration, I was with my best friends whom I miss very much and when we came out of the building I met the people who weren't a good memory to me but were my friends. This dream was in two parts : 1st half once before and 1st half along with 2nd half tonight

9 Jul 2024



So in my dream it was like I was part of an ice kingdom and Aaron my bf was part of the fire kingdom. (I am pregnant right now with his child in real life) but the kingdoms could not have us together and with child to protect the two kingdoms so they separated us from each other and the school I was going to with the ice kingdom was like a highschool that had my highschool ex in it Noah who they were trying to make sure we had the child together instead of Aaron. But somehow in my dream and my mind and heart I already knew my child was here with Aaron and coming bc I was very pregnant already in my dream too and the people that were my friends wanted me to unite the kingdoms with our child but staged it to keep going along with Noah to protect my safety and he thought it was his child but wasn’t but I felt sorry for him and was having feelings for him too since being away forced away from Aaron but i knew it was wrong and my feelings could not last especially since it wasn’t his child but I did feel bad. When sentence came up and the truth was revealed that Noah was not the father the we were planning for a revolution he was furious and tried killing Aaron but it just started more of a war. And then I woke up wishing I could have finished the whole dream or create my own ending to it as well.

8 Jul 2024



I went back in time like the 70s or something but was somebody else. I was a young kid with curly hair. I was at a cafeteria that had outdoor stadium seating. I was befriending some kid for a specific reason but can't remember what. I was flirting with a girl and protected her from a group of guys that were trying to hit on her and be jerks. After I began singing very loud in the cafeteria. When I left the cafeteria I gave that kid I was befriending something like money and he drove off and acted kinda like a dick to me and I was a little flustered since I needed to befriend him for some reason which was why I went back in time. I then went to where my house was as that kid and the person I was trying to befriend was there with my mom. She wasn't my mom but the mom of the person I was acting as. They were chatting and getting along. I then saw the kid that I was portraying there with them. We were in the same room but only he could see amd hear me. I said I was not there or something trying to get him to stop looking and not make a big deal but I just left because he was about to get freaked out. I went outside and watched from the backyard. It was a beautiful fall day and the leaves were falling and was calm. The whole thing felt like I was dropped into a movie halfway through as it was very cohesive and there were goals associated with what I was doing like I was following a plan.

7 Jul 2024



I went back to Job Corp and it was better than the first experience I had. Nobody bothered me and everyone wanted to be my friend but I got popular pretty well and got friends. But it had its ups and downs. They banned fake cards and since they banned fake cards they would be confiscated and you will be kicked out but I had a teacher helping me and put money on my card and it was time to find out who ruined the bathroom and it was a boy or girl who went in and peed everyone, everyone thought the boy did it but I did and my snot came out my nose and my weird friend start to say he knows who do it after sticking his whole hand up my nose getting snot, took my phone but he said he had a bad feeling about me so he kept snooping until he looked down and almost seen fake card and I threw a fit until I snatched the card from him and took it to my teacher and she applied money on the card with a device and ever since that day I saw him as weird and my finally straw was when he had the nerve to sit at my table and started making out with his girlfriend and I got up and I left and when I took my food up I had my comfort food cookie cake and some cupcakes and this female since she ain't talk to me to take one and I lost my temper and cussed her out and took my cupcake back and she called me a bitch and I didn't care I left my glasses in the cafeteria and as soon as I trusted a girl to watch over my food for a second she called me a dumb bitch and tried to ruin and I turned so fast and lashed at her landing a few punches the center director automatically believed her cause she hasn't done anything when she did and assumed that I was the problem so I made her hold my food and she wouldn't let me get my glasses I had to pretend I couldn't see a dreadhead that looked like Desmond a colleague I had at the first one and then I seen a former bully name Queshonda with short black and red hair smiling and waving at me then PJ and Alexander looking at me asking me if I didn't see them and I said yk I can and we laughed.

7 Jul 2024



I went back to Job Corp and it was better than the first experience I had. Nobody bothered me and everyone wanted to be my friend but I got popular pretty well and got friends. But it had its ups and downs. They banned fake cards and since they banned fake cards they would be confiscated and you will be kicked out but I had a teacher helping me and put money on my card and it was time to find out who ruined the bathroom and it was a boy or girl who went in and peed everyone, everyone thought the boy did it but I did and my snot came out my nose and my weird friend start to say he knows who do it after sticking his whole hand up my nose getting snot, took my phone but he said he had a bad feeling about me so he kept snooping until he looked down and almost seen fake card and I threw a fit until I snatched the card from him and took it to my teacher and she applied money on the card with a device and ever since that day I saw him as weird and my finally straw was when he had the nerve to sit at my table and started making out with his girlfriend and I got up and I left and when I took my food up I had my comfort food cookie cake and some cupcakes and this female since she ain't talk to me to take one and I lost my temper and cussed her out and took my cupcake back and she called me a bitch and I didn't care I left my glasses in the cafeteria and as soon as I trusted a girl to watch over my food for a second she called me a dumb bitch and tried to ruin and I turned so fast and lashed at her landing a few punches the center director automatically believed her cause she hasn't done anything when she did and assumed that I was the problem so I made her hold my food and she wouldn't let me get my glasses I had to pretend I couldn't see a dreadhead that looked like Desmond a colleague I had at the first one and then I seen a former bully name Queshonda with short black and red hair smiling and waving at me then PJ and Alexander looking at me asking me if I didn't see them and I said yk I can and we laughed.

7 Jul 2024



So basically what happened was I was in this school in a massive room with millions of other kids my age sat at tables with about 5 people to a table. I then wrote a note to Luke that said I think we need to talk because I’m pregnant. I then passed it too him he read it and nodded his head that we need to talk he then threw the note back but it didn’t end up to me it ended up infront of me. The headteacher then was walking by and saw the piece of paper on the floor and picked it up . Then he went to the front of the stage and said “who’s pregnant then” the room started chattering loudly and then he said “Silence I’m going to find who it is because you know the consequences of being pregnant which is being expelled from this school”. Then I turned to Kaylee next to me and said “oh shit Kaylee what am I going to do are they going to do a pregnancy test on us all aghhh I’ve really messed up now oh god” then kaylee said “ i really don’t know soph” i turned to luke and luke mouthed to me “ it’ll be okay”. The headteacher then came with this cup of blue liquid and started passing it round Luke’s table. Then the headteacher got the cup back and came over to our table gave the person in front of me the cup and the then the person in front of me passed it to me so I tried to pass it to the two girls next to me and they said “ no thanks I’m not having that abandoned on me thanks” so I passed it to the other boy on the other half of the table . The headteacher then got the cup back and grabbed the boy he initially gave the cup to and started scraping the edge of the cup across his arm a few times untill a neon blue liquid stained his arm the headteacher then said “ your ready for it” and left to the top of the stage he got to the microphone and shouted “ you may all leave now” so we got out of our table and me and Kaylee got into a car and drove out of the school site as we were driving past the train station I saw tyisha roxy Louisa and fin so I go to text tyisha saying that I see her but we get dropped off on the road before I have the chance to. As we start to walk up this road I see tyisha a few people behind us so I say “TYISHA omg I’m so scared” then she walks towards me and says “ oh what happened” and I tell her what happened at the school and then I say “ tyisha I need to speak to Luke IM FUCKING PREGNANT AND I DONT KNOW WHAT TO FREEKING DO” then an bunch of people from the school start staring at me and tyisha says “soph shutup unless you want everyone to know about it” we start walking a bit more up this road and at the top is like sitting on a half wall as i walk past he says “hey soph want to talk now” i tell him “ hello luke no not today another time but we really do need to decide what we’re going to do” and then he says “alright then bye” and i shout “bye” back. We keeep walking until Roxy shouts from behind “tyisha wait for me were your friends and your abandoning us come on” so she waits a minute to catch up with them and then we go through this turnel and go into a sweet shop and then I wake up

3 Jul 2024

Family Members


I was going for classes on road I fought with some guy then he helped me getting up by holding my hand . I got hurt in leg so helped me alot while walking we became friends. He also helped me recording my classmate by phone but I couldn't see his face only his back . The boy I became friend company me with the way we talk alot . I saw an old lady in a gold shop beating two Lil girls on study and they were crying . I went to my great grandma house the was also confusing but comforting and nostalgic. I my friend and great grandma was sitting together and talking about nostalgic sweet things . My great grandmother already passed away . She was showing us pic how she look in her young age . She showed me a red cow with a calf and said that how she look when she was young, I laughed. The she showed me a horrifying black and white pic in chill way . In the pic there was 3 old women laying dead with white hair . That her and my grandmother. Then I was having nostalgia and memories about the houses she lived and I went there . Big windows, Flowers , parot, sunshine, warm evening. Remembering those things I started crying very badly and hugged her and crying saying why she left me I miss her . The boy was confused seeing me like that . To be honest I was never close with my grandmothers and I don't even miss her or the old days

2 Jul 2024

My crush


I had a dream with this man named Brian who I had a minor crush on well in my dream we were hanging out and I didn’t think anything of it but then things started to get spicy and he asked me to go back to his place which wasn’t very private his friends were there just watching and taking pictures of me cause they couldn’t believe he had brought someone home. And that’s when he confessed to me that he likes me. For some reason too a priest showed up and was just talking thing through with us about what was to come next. And how we shouldn’t hide or feelings for one another. We were trying to have sex but with the priest there we stopped and we just laid next to each other admiring our naked bodies. He was so kind and gentle to me.

30 Jun 2024

My crush


Or think I was at my old summer camp boys and girls club the old location back when it was fun. I was with 2nchildhood freinds cash compean who I saw again a few years ago and now goes to my school. I also saw this girl Lynsey Bobo who I think I had a crush on but was too young to know now thinking back I think junk we liked each other. Anyway we were catching up and were for some reason brought up the movie frozen and the song let it go. I haven’t seen that movie since like the second grade I used to watch it all the time but I stopped and haven’t seen it since. I used to know this girl Delilah who used to tease me about it saying I like Elsa and let it go this aaa a year before Lyndsey. My family thought I had a crush on her when they asked me I said yea cuz I was thinking the word crush as in breaking something and she got on my nerves I just thought of her as a friend

29 Jun 2024

Family Members
Movie Theater


I went to the movie theater with my mom and aunt whom I never see and don’t like and stayed the night after then I went to my old school and there were a bunch of guys there I only really saw the guys and there was this one from my new school that I kinda liked and he keeps showing up in my dreams along with other people from my new school and their all boys and I was walking with him he’s a gentleman and then we kept walking and we passed a group of boys I knew one of them from my old school I didn’t talk he just stared at me like he was in love or something then I went to go on my bus and it was my old bus and I went to step up but I couldn’t and I fell down so I got back up and I notice in most of my dreams there are guys I fall onto but I don’t look at them but I was waiting to get on or try to and then this little Asian girl with half black half off white hair let me on and I got on with a little struggle then I walked and sat down in my normal seat and she made eye contact and we both nodded at each other and I always have dreams about school my new one and my old one, about not being able to go up things like stairs or ramps, about guys I used to like, my mom and her side, the movie theater and all of that so I just don’t know

22 Jun 2024



I was at my friends wedding but it was only half a wedding and I was only half ready the setting then changed to a little room with loads of cushions and pillows and I walked out and ended up on a hill with the Annie but I can’t remember what we were doing we might have been talking and ended up in an old fashioned shanty town bar like a western cowboy bar and an old friend that I don’t talk to anymore who is a pti wearing his army pti uniform said hello to me and said we can’t be friends or we still can’t be friends and put a plastic bag over his head and pulled it so tight that his head came off and his body was just laying there and then I looked in the mirror and my tooth started wobbling and I pushed it with my tongue and it fell out and then I watched it grow back and it fell out again and then I went back and it had gone back to the setting of my friends wedding but it had been about two hours and the hair and makeup people had left so my friend told me that I had missed it and I had to do my own

22 Jun 2024



I was at the roof top and fat man was lying at terrace over by neighbour house me and my male cousin was trying to stop him because the terrace was sliding down and it will be very distructive . So the terrace broke and fell down over the neighbour house because of the weight . My cousin hand got fractured and do get lot of hurts . After that accident I got unconscious and I wakeup and saw that my neighbour were renovating home . It was looking like hotel . I got home and sat at dining room suddenly some people of my age came into the room and my other siblings and cousins were already on my room we were enjoying each other company. I started having a conversation with a girl beside me . And we made some plan and had lot of fun but all the people were older than me for some years and we were practicing for some events there were lot of handsome mascular boys . I was cleaning the room it was kind of messy and others were helping me , we were practicing dance and show . Then there was guy he was good looking with fair skin and he was laying down and having fun . I started talking with him and I was touchy with him and asking his age he was very funny and I was laughing and touching him friendly then he suddenly hold my hand cutely and started kissing aggressively I was uncomfortable but from inside I liked it. I always wanted a male friend with whom I can have fun . After some time we were in car , me , my brother and other friends and that guy and a kid . We are rescuing a orange kitten and suddenly got a call I was at the back seat of the car and I started shouting at the phone I was very angry in mood . For comfort I hold the guy hand i do felt good but he started again aggressively kissing my hand i was ok with it but my brother was there so I have to act that I'm uncomfortable. Then the Lil kid said he will take the kitten I don't really want to give him we drove to the kid house . He said his father loves animal . We went his house and sa his father coming home on a motorcycle. The kid went home with the cat and called us inside. The house was familiar but weird anyways we had a meal their and spend a good time with the people.

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