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Dream Interpretation: Healing ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Healing? Discover the significance of seeing a Healing in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Healing appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This dream symbolizes a need for emotional or physical healing. It may indicate that you are going through a difficult time and need to take care of yourself. It can also represent a desire for spiritual growth and inner peace.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Take some time to focus on your own well-being. This may involve seeking professional help or taking steps to improve your physical health. It is important to address any emotional wounds or traumas that may be holding you back. Practice self-care and surround yourself with positive influences to aid in your healing process.

โค๏ธ Feelings

This dream evokes a sense of comfort and relief. It brings feelings of hope and restoration, as if a burden has been lifted. It signifies a desire for emotional or physical healing, and suggests a need for self-care and nurturing. The dream may also indicate a longing for resolution or closure in a particular aspect of life. Overall, it elicits a sense of positivity and optimism, offering reassurance that healing is possible.





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Dreams of users containing the word Healing

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13 Jul 2024



I was with my husband and we found out that if you took this one special rice to this one place you could get healed and a lot of other cool things after a ritual was done with it but it was very difficult to get. My grandma was helping us get there as well but a lot of others were doing the same thing we were doing and the place we had to go was extremely protected with guards and different traps like bugs that crawled on you. Eventually we did give up since we realized it would be safer to just not deal with everything going on and we stayed in the car

21 Jun 2024



I saw on a wall a big banner that said healing house for all diseases. And in that hospital, the way to treat all physical illnesses is to heal the soul and spirit of the patient first.

29 May 2024



What dream show that you have gift of healing

29 May 2024



Dream lay hand praying pregnant women and she heal

22 May 2024



In my lucid dream I am laying naked at the bottom of a deep lake. For some reason I don't have any trouble breathing. And for some reason I cannot float to the surface. My body is covered I scars and wounds. A female voice in my head tells me to close my eyes to discover their source. I close my eyes and have flashbacks of being raped when I was an 11 yr old boy. I start panicking but the voice says "relax, relax, I will heal you" in a soothing tone. Then the waters appear to take on a healing ability as they grace across my body healing my wounds. As the wounds are healed I start to float to the surface. After I get out of the water I am greeted by a little boy. I recognize him as me at the age at which I was first molested. I see there are wounds on his body that are healing. We embrace each other and his wounds dissolve.

19 May 2024



I have a lucid dream where I find myself laying naked in the bed where I was raped as a young boy. My body is covered in scars and marks. Hands that look like the hands of my perpatrator pin me down. The bed is surrounded by cameras which look like the camera my rapist used to film himself raping me. Strange men who I do not know, but who may have viewed the recordings also surround the bed. At the end of the bed stands my rapist, he is also naked. It looks like the direct aftermath of the rape. Both of us are covered in sweat. There is blood on the bed and sheets. The hands pinning me down lossen. I sit up right and ask him why he did that to me. He looks down. I ask him again, he replies that he "doesn't know". The hands loosen even more and I sit upright even more. I ask him a third time and he says "I loved you and I wanted you to stay young forever". I raise my voice and tell him that I was 11 and that he was in his 40s he replies by saying "I am sorry I really am". He leans forward and places his hands on my body, healing the scars and marks. Then he walks off into the distance.

13 May 2024

Childhood home


I dreamt I was having a dinner party with my friends from Atlanta. They also brought a couple that I hadnโ€™t met before but were nice. We were having this dinner party in what seemed to be a combination of two of my childhood homes. I remember when I went to get a dessert from the freezer, I noticed there were spider webs near the ice dispenser. When I cleared the webs away, the biggest spider I have ever seen came out of the ice dispenser and sat still in the freezer. I seemed to be the only one at this dinner party freaked out over this spider, even though Iโ€™m usually not that bothered by spiders. I looked up the spider and it was apparently harmless โ€” just huge. I had another dream that I was a warrior โ€” an archer magician โ€” who was friends with an anthropomorphic bear. We met another warrior along our travels โ€” a young swordsman with black hair and red eyes โ€” whom we both fell in love with. The bear and I would bicker over who was most compatible with this warrior when he wasnโ€™t looking. I eventually became seriously wounded in one of our battles and the bear used his knowledge of herbs to heal me when he realized the warrior loved me in return.

8 May 2024



Somehow I was drawn to those tiny animals of all species and was able to understand what they were saying when all I heard was squeaks one little tiny dragon wolf was a purple emerald pink color had a special powerful brace on and for reasons unknown I was chosen to inherit all of its healing abilities to help those who need help immediately but after I helped this tiny creature it became very protective over me... it was very calming yet hilarious especially when it laughed of course all in sqeaks

7 May 2024



Begging for help Being paralyzed and trying to heal myself. There's a black curtain that won't lift of something I ant remember or something that's been hidden from me. My mom stole my face. The way I dress and look. Everyone else is happy and a family again I'm alone and she stole my existence and made it her own

2 May 2024



Last night I was under stress but hey guess what I had a leading to leap of faith dream last night. I conquered my fears and demons and excelled proportionate to that of Phelps 100 Butterfly Touch when he out touched the Serbian ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ธ from Serbia in the 100 Meter Butterfly ๐Ÿฆ‹ 1/100th of a second. I inched closer in my dream to success in my dream I had people higher up than me in like the stands I was running like a marathon and I stopped to ask for directions and money ๐Ÿ’ต the people I couldnโ€™t reach gave me a healing โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿฉน and heaping sum of cash and I was on my way. I felt nostalgic and good as this was a dream I had before itโ€™s recurring if we look back in the dream diaryโ€™s. The setting was a gigantic mall and like a outdoor Mario Palace like in Super Mario 64 on Nintendo a big huge massive lavish lawn and many plants trees of magnificent stature it was amazing I woke up feeling awesome and I had a truly remarkable day. It was an intense and incredibly familiar dream and I woke up feeling so so happy!

9 Apr 2024



I dreamed of a book called, "You Moved God For Me." I felt happy because I prayed for God to heal them. But I couldn't see the author.

4 Apr 2024



Had a dream about itโ€™s confusing to explain but I was with a group of beings canโ€™t remember if they were all human or not but we were super small and the world was big I donโ€™t remember too much the landscape was buildings like in France or Italy and we were like in a residential area but there was destroyed cars and lots of places for his to hide as there was this certain building being guarded by what looks like the military but wearing odd clothing, some were in grey uniform and some in light blue all had those 1945 helmets from the war, a T-shirt some of them in their colours and holding rifles securing the place. I was with a team of 5 people and I could see our health bars and I noticed if we hugged togother we would be healing ourselves there was one member of the group that could barely move because she was so low on health we all hugged in a group and brought her back up to full health. We had to stealthy get on the 2nd floor of the building as we were waiting for our guy to come through idk who but that was the mission we had no business inside the building we just needed to get to the balcony without being seen so I moved swiftly and they followed behind me moving to car and covers to prevent us from being seen. We did this successfully because of our height difference they guys were basically giants and we were like the size of teddy bears so hiding wasnโ€™t a problem. We got there eventually but in my head my ex was in my head and it felt like I was calling to her or something or I was waiting for her. She was not in the group with me but it was very random. Felt like I was waiting for her but like usual she was a no show anyways our game came on a motorbike and he saw us and then thatโ€™s when I woke up I guess mission complete?

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