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Dream Interpretation: Illness 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Illness? Discover the significance of seeing a Illness in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Illness appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of illness can represent a fear of vulnerability or a need for attention. It may also indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed or run down in your waking life. Alternatively, it could be a sign that you need to take better care of yourself.

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🧭 Direction


Consider if there are any areas of your life where you are neglecting your physical or emotional health. Take steps to address these issues, such as scheduling a doctor's appointment or taking time for self-care. It may also be helpful to examine any underlying fears or anxieties that may be contributing to your feelings of illness in the dream.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of illness may evoke feelings of fear, vulnerability, and uncertainty. It can symbolize a sense of powerlessness or a lack of control over one's physical or emotional well-being. This dream may also elicit feelings of anxiety or concern about one's health or the health of loved ones. It could signify a need for self-care and attention to one's overall well-being. The emotions associated with this dream may vary depending on the specific details and context within the dream, but overall, it often brings forth negative emotions and a desire for healing and recovery.





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Dreams of users containing the word Illness

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17 Jul 2024



Last night I dreamt my dad was in hospital, before we got his terminal diagnosis. And lots of friends came to visit him.

14 Jul 2024

Best Friend


My best friend and I were suffering from retinal illness, probably cancer. We both were scheduled for surgeries with little chance of survival. I found out I had a slightly more chance of survival than her. I didn’t want to survive because everyone was expecting me to die and I wouldn’t be with my best friend. Then I didn’t know my friend was going in first and I didn’t get to say goodbye so I was very upset.

4 Jun 2024



Having a illness that made me extremely Paranoid to the point that there was a special way to kill me

29 May 2024



I have had this dream twice now. It starts in an odd looking place that looks like a big cathederal mixed with some kind of nursery, it looks fancy and beautiful. Me and another woman are looking after a group of 7 children, and one of them starts to get ill. We noticed this and began to worry because for some reason we both remembered this "happening before". Eventually this child starts to bite and misbehave and other kids start to get ill too, so it's spreading fast. Now there are 2 ill children who are misbehaving, we warn staff members and i go and ask the sensory room manager if we can use the sensory room to isolate the children but she says no, by the time I am back almost all of the children are ill. Then we turn the tv news on and it is a worldwide spread of an infectious illness. I look down at my arms and stomach and realise i am covered in tiny spots in an odd pattern, they are the size of little needle holes in my skin but there are millions of them all packed together and in and odd tiger print pattern all across my body. The children are laughing and misbehaving while we try and isolate them and keep them contained, one of them passes away this is symbolised as them falling asleep in my dream. I remember from the last time I had this dream that all the children and only the children who are infected pass away and everyone else is ok.

13 May 2024



I was in a house with some other people and we were all having to hide and run from people who were monsters and would hurt and eat us. I was sitting in a locker trying to be very quiet and a group of being trying to do the same passed by, when one of the monster people entered the locker room we were in and myself and the group split directions and started running. The monster person followed me and degraded me, I eventually escaped by jumping out one of the houses windows and running outside the houses front yard. Eventually I ran back inside the front yard to get my mom, and the dream changed to my mother and I having been in a house fire that we survived. My mom then found out that she would die from an illness and wanted to kill herself tonight before going through any illness. Her my dad and I sat in the kitchen discussing dropping me off to college at the end of the summer but I was imagining her in her coffin and I started bawling and wailing because I knew she would kill herself tonight and I wasn’t ready for her to be gone.

26 Apr 2024

Mom dying


Once again at my moms house My dad and my grandpa were there. They are both dead. My grandpa was up in the attic but seemed ill as he had slumped over so I went to Walmart to find him medicine and get a few other things for all the people that were at my mom's house. It was pouring rain and when I got to Walmart it turned to a mall that had a psychiatric unit.

25 Apr 2024



This dream that I'm talking about is happening a while ago. The dream is happening about a week or two ago and is involving my husband. So the thing is my husband has been ill since the arrival of our son last year in May. He was hit by an illness where his heart got weakened so we knew he was really sick. He wasn't understanding the meaning of the illness and wasn't ready for what it meant for him and that's okay. This dream is accompanied by that since he got sick, his illness and in a short amount of time from January this year to March this year his illness escalated quickly and he was determined terminal back in the end of February. Yes, so he was determined terminal, which meant that he would have days, weeks, maybe months. We wouldn't know for sure, but we knew that he was going to die. We knew it. So he died on the 11th of March 2024 at 6.30 he was determined dead but I know he was dead before that because I knew because I was there when he took his last breath I saw it. I called for help before we got to the point where he took his last breath, but no one came. So, when he took his last breath, I went out to the hall to call for help, because I knew it was time. And they started CPR as they should, because maybe they could get him back to life. But I knew that was not the case. His heart had failed, like we knew it would, because of his illness. So, the dream I had about a week or two ago involved this. It's important to say I had our son with me the day he died, but he wasn't in the dream. So, the dream I had about a week or two ago involved this. So the dream I had involved me and my husband in this hospital room and he's laying here on the bed. I can see he's very sick. I can see he's out of breath and out of energy. He doesn't feel like himself and I just sit there and look at him and then I I ask him. I actually ask him while sitting there. I ask him are you are you are you going to die? How are you feeling? And just sitting there empty for words because he wasn't answering because he was relaxing. he was sleeping just sitting there asking ask him these questions are you going to die today and not getting an answer? Was hard and then I see him taking his last present dying and I have been recurring since he he died me dreaming of him and his last breath and it’s kind of haunting I think I don’t know if it’s trying to tell me something by you said over and over again but I keep seeing him dying laying there sleeping and taking his last breath and just like he’s giving up being happy being free

16 Apr 2024



Last night I dreamt I was in a mall, going to a cinema. In order to go to the film, theater goers had to walk through a tank containing a shark. In my dream I was apprehensive, until a young boy showed me that the shark was ill and couldn't see. I suddenly went from being scared of the shark to feeling sorry for it and wanting to help it.

11 Apr 2024



Julian Assange was free and his wife got ill

30 Mar 2024



I was in a store/multi bedroom place. Everyone were dressed up in Halloween costumes. Some of them had masks. I felt out of place there, all most like I didn't belong and had to leave. There was some sort of illness that left its victims in a bloody mess. The smell was hot and rancid. I tried looking for my boyfriend so we could leave together but he was distracted by other people around him. He looked lonely in the crowd but I walked past him thinking he didn't need me. Soon more and more people dropped dead from this illness. The air felt polluted and suffocating. I couldn't leave until I was cleared of all illness. Some people were crying over the bodies of their dead loved ones. The air heavy in sorrow and death. I went to a gift shop and found two glowing moons one silver and rhe other normal warm white. I didn't have much money and contemplated stealing them but the look on the woman's face made me choose differently. She gives me a discount on them, they came out to be 1•25 for both. I put them away in my pocket and kept searching for something so I could leave. Eventually I find this little boy in a dirt smeared white dress, and attempt to guide him. He was timid but trusted me and followed me sheepishly. Eventually I lost him somewhere. Soon I go to this booth with a woman inside. She eagerly tests me for any illnesses and it all came back negative. She tells me I can get on the bus but I turn around in one last attempt to find the boy again. But couldn't find him so I board the small bus and leave the town I was trapped in. I felt both guilt and relief as I see the place become smaller as we drive away. I tried to find my boyfriend but couldn't see him. I felt invisible, almost like I was floating through existence and not really in reality. I just wanted to dissappear

17 Mar 2024



I lived on this rather small planet with my family in this high-tech looking city. Notably in the city there was some sort of structure thing that kept the whole planet “working properly”. Something happened to this structure and everything started falling apart. People and buildings started being erased from existence and chaos ensued. Even like… ideas and concepts started disappearing. It was pretty much torture because there was really nothing to do. Me and my family tried to search for information on what was happening and how to fix it, but we had no luck. Eventually my mom died of some mysterious illness and me and my dad ended up joining 1 of the 3 factions of people remaining on the planet. One of the factions ended up taking over the other two and my dad died. This last faction also ended up fizzling out of existence as more and more important people died of the same mysterious illness as my mom. I am now alone, living in the ruins of the city that become less and less cohesive and more like simple shapes, excruciatingly bored and wishing I could die. Unfortunately I'm probably immortal, which explains why I haven't died of the mysterious illness yet. Some gods from space are trying to fix something about the landscape of the planet which ends up destroying it entirely, and I am lost in space forever. Then I time travel for some reason back to the beginning and do it all again, with only very minor changes. Overall it was rather distressing and I was rather frikked in the head when i woke up and didn’t recover fully until the afternoon.

29 Feb 2024

Running away
New Job


Going through tall grass, a boy walked through to meet two paths. One that lead to a small cottage and another that lead to a tree house. Behind those were a trail I’ve explored in a previous dream. The little boy followed the trail and soon was caught by a big golden dog. The dogs said “You can’t go to the tree house young boy, now hurry back.” The boy replied back, “I’m not here for the tree house. I’m going over to the cottage.” The dog replied “Okay then, hurry along.” Then moved out of the boys way. When the boy got to the small cottage, there were three creatures inside, all resembling cartoon characters. Mouse, duck, and bunny, all dressed up in fancy clothes. The mouse was quite polite and took care of the little boy but the little boy was more interested in talking to the duck. The mouse ordered the boy to look out the window and tell him to look at the old phone on the stool. The little boy couldn’t see what was on the stool and the mouse said if he couldn’t see the stool, it meant something was seriously wrong with him. Soon the room went dark and everything glitched. It seemed like the boy’s presence alone messed everything up and tore everything apart. The mouse went to hug the boy and protect him but he was nowhere in sight. The boy was looking for the duck. While the room was dark, the boy began to get flashbacks to his past. The boy had a serious mental illness and would have terrible hallucinations regularly. He lived with his parents who were kind and loving. One day, the boy had an episode that caused him to hurt his parents and he ran away from home. He ran from Wisconsin to Michigan. There, he found his new family. Unfortunately, unlike his original family, his new family was horrible and abusive. The mother and father would yell and hit the boy for his illness. During the boy’s birthday, he went to a family restaurant party. During the party, he would roam around the establishment. During his search, he saw other young kids getting murdered in the back rooms and hidden areas. He would get many flashbacks to the blood and creepy machines/robots he saw. At school, he was walking to his classroom. He saw writing on the walls in red. He began to hyperventilate as the writing became more intense. It wrote “kill” repeatedly until the boy reached his classroom and collapsed onto the floor.

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