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Dream Interpretation: Fever 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Fever? Discover the significance of seeing a Fever in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Fever appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Fever in a dream represents a state of emotional turmoil or stress. It may indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious about something in your waking life. It can also suggest that you are experiencing physical exhaustion or illness.

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🧭 Direction


Take some time to rest and recharge. It may be helpful to identify the source of your stress and work to address it. Make sure to take care of your physical health by getting enough sleep, eating well, and staying hydrated. If your fever persists, seek medical attention.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of having a fever may evoke feelings of discomfort, weakness, and vulnerability. It could signify a sense of being overwhelmed or physically unwell. The dream may also reflect a need for rest and self-care, as well as a desire for relief from the symptoms.





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Dreams of users containing the word Fever

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6 Jul 2024

Pelo rubio


I had a dream and it had many parts. The first part i remember was a forest connected to an amusement park. And the road leading to it was a little wild. It had a huge dip like a roller coaster would to get to the forest. Uphill was a wedding venue. I had the job of making sure it was ready for wedding. I had an ipad where i could visualize thr layout of the venue anf start loving stuff around. I went into the room that had the wedding dress and a washing station. I discoveref some clothing covered in vomit and a lady came in with her wedding dress covered in vomit also. She was panicking because today was the day of the wedding. Somehow i found a solution and everything went well. I attended the wedding and it wad beatiful. Two members of nobility were getting married and i was in the crowd taking care of a blonde haired child. It was my child. He lookef boref/upset during the wedding so i offered him some comfort by patting him on the back and giving him a half hug. Eventually he developed a fever and i took him to a safe space out of the main wedding venue. I went back to the wedding venue realizing that two of the ppl involved in the wedding were cons. They were trying to steal a vintage car thr couple had bought for the wedding to use it to leave to their honeymoon. They tried to steal it but then it had something inside that they needed to get out so i helped try to pick up the front end of thr car so that the liquid would come out of the back. It didnt work because the car was so heavy. The teo persons continued ro manuever the car around until they broke the wooden fence behind them and that caused the whole forest to burn down. I was then on a team to help extinguish the forest and prevent further burning. I could super jump and locate fireballs and destroy them. Eventually while doing this task i happenef upon a small child and puppy. I thought they were alone and i wanted to take them with me but as i approached them they made there way into a bus where their father was but he was abusive. It turns out they had one other sibling too and he was very sad angry and depressed. I left and told my companions about it so they could come back anf distract the abusive father while i spoke to the children. I had a predator at my side too in case of emergency. A dog that could transform into any big prefator like a lion. I went and told the children i could take them and their puppy with me away from their abusive father and that i would be their adoptive mother and take good care of them. They agreed and followed me. I took them away into a resting place in a cave in the forest with my colleagues. The boy and girl sibling and their dog were decompressing in the cave while i spoke to my colleages. They asked me if i wanted children and i said yes. The dream ended soon after that. In real life i tell myself i will be happier single and without kids and part if it is because im not mentally ready for it but im also afraid of it. Im afraid of having it all then losing it.

25 May 2024



I had a fever dream which makes me feel conscious but not conscious, so I dreamed of something that actually happened, but when I think back I can't figure out if it did actually happen or not because it was like a fever dream. So what happened was in the dream I woke up feeling as if something was wrong. I get up from the bed in sitting position and I see blood. I look down at my legs and I realize that it's coming from a certain part because the blood was dripping down my legs. I've never had my period at night which then filthied my bed and I had to clean it. I never had it like that, but this time obviously I did, but it didn't feel like me being on my period because I had a feeling that just something was wrong. And I was in pain between my legs. It was painful that I had to take medicine. After I did that I started cleaning my bed and my clothes and took a washcloth to wipe the blood off my legs and down there also wipe, but it was really sore. I wanted to take a shower, but I didn't want to feel the pain when the water was running down me and downwards, so I just wiped it off and then strangely I went to the door, the front door to check if it's locked, also the gate. I checked and I checked again like three times to see if it was locked and then I just went to bed again to just lie down and yeah, that was it.

18 Apr 2024



1) I saw a dream about a nanny who started working for a troubled child. Eveything was good at first, but then she started seeing strange memories, struggle with nightmares or some fever-like symptoms, her body refused to listen to her and did everything the child wanted, etc. In the end, she found out that she was a robot all along. She was a robotic replica of a rich man's dead wife. In the end, she finds a way to run away from him. 2) In another dream, an old man, a local mafia boss, kidnapped me and my sister in the forest. He also captured two baby deers. He killed them, which was horrible, but me and my sister stayed calm. He liked this and told his men to let us go. I was super mad as we ran away, I wanted to go back (maybe in the past) and see if we could save baby deers, but we had to prioritize our lives.

14 Mar 2024



Had a dream that was on repeat all night, that I was an envelope and I was being opened over and over again, and I remember being achy in the dream and I woke up achy this morning so might be a fever dream

7 Mar 2024

New Job


Hi. Last night I dreamt that I was in the hospital I have a wound on my hand IRL that has been hurting and I dreamt that I was in the hospital because it had bubbled up into a cellulitis and I needed treatment to bring down my fever and stop the infection. When I was there a man came into the room who was dressed as a doctor but didn’t seem to act like one. He was telling me that I needed a procedure. And started to exam me but he was causing pain. I suddenly realized that he had shut the door and that it wasn’t usual for a doctor to do that especially not to come in to a female patient’s room without a nurse or resident or someone else present. And definitely not with the door shut. I’m not sure if I had the dream a bunch of times or if I just kept rewinding the tape in my mind to try different approaches to get out of the situation. At one point I called Room service trying to get 911 at another I pushed the call button and “Doctor” ran out in the hallway and told them not to worry that it was in error. At one point a nursing assistant walked in but she was new sans didn’t know the doctors and who belonged and who didn’t. At one point I ripping off my IV and he was trying to inject it with something. I couldn’t tell if I was psychotic and he was a good doctor or if I was legitimately afraid for good reason and he was trying to kill me. At some point in one of the dreams a police officer came and said that someone was using a list of patients and their regions to attack Jewish patients .

18 Feb 2024



I had a dream that I was sick and throwing up with a fever and I had diarrhea and someone I hate took advantage of me while I was sick and was following me everywhere I went, she told everyone I was dead. I had to prove to people I was alive and I was living in a group home

3 Feb 2024



It’s my recurring dream. I’ve had since I was a toddler. It’s my earliest memory. I’m in the completely white round room. And there is a ladder, like the ones that move in libraries, I’m a stick figure and I have this big sack on my back. No idea what’s in it and I start climbing the ladder with the sack, and as soon as I get to the top of the ladder I wake up. And every time I have this dream I wake up and im really sick with a fever.

20 Jan 2024

High School


Irl I have Covid so I had a fever dream. I had a dream where I doing so many things. I decided to drive to my old high school school. While Turing onto this street I spun out but I was able to quickly regain and get back on the road. While walking into the school I saw this girl who was in my Latin 1 class senior year who turned out to be a bitch irl. Irl in my senior year I asked her if she wanted to sign my yearbook she laughed at me and said no. So I saw her in my dream and I said hey. She said “I dont date black guys I don’t want to ruin my families bloodline.” I said whatever and walked away. I was sure to tell other people to not talk to her. While in the school I walked to the bottom level which turned into an ace hardware a place I used to work. In there I saw two of my friends doing a food drive and I saw a coworker from this job I have rn. At this point my nose started to feel like I was being scratched in the nostrils so I woke up. In another dream I saw a pizza truck and asked the truck driver for a pizza but he went on lunch and told me he would help me when he got back and I said I’ll wait because I’m patient but I woke up. I still want that pizza though.

2 Dec 2023



I was asleep, then I woke up and it was like a fever dream. A dark figure with white gaping eyes a eerie large white smile spreading ear to ear, screams of children in the background I couldn't move all I could do was close my eyes

23 Nov 2023



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