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Dream Interpretation: Feast 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Feast? Discover the significance of seeing a Feast in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Feast appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

A feast in a dream symbolizes abundance, celebration, and happiness. It represents a time of plenty and prosperity. It may also indicate a need for social interaction and connection with others.

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🧭 Direction


Take time to appreciate the good things in your life and celebrate your achievements. Connect with loved ones and enjoy their company. However, be mindful of overindulgence and excess. Make sure to maintain balance and moderation in all aspects of your life.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of a feast evokes feelings of abundance, celebration, and joy. It symbolizes a time of indulgence, satisfaction, and fulfillment. It brings a sense of togetherness, happiness, and gratitude. The dreamer may feel a sense of excitement, anticipation, and pleasure. It represents a period of abundance and prosperity in various aspects of life, such as relationships, career, or personal achievements. The dream may also signify the need for nourishment, both physically and emotionally. Overall, this dream elicits positive emotions and a sense of contentment.





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16 Jul 2024

Abandoned home


Was at an old house renovating it. Had a lot of bugs and insects investing it including wasps. Tried to find wasp killer but couldn't. Then I had a feast with some family members and friends. We had beer and rotisserie chicken. We were still doing renovation on the house as we also had breakfast food. Then it was a half hour before three, so I left and wandered the city and suburbs. I then went to Jersey Mike's. The sandwich came an hour late. I then went on the highway to make it to work. At work, I was an hour and a half late. I was also two days shy of getting a free day (extra vacation) as well. Work also had feasts of rotisserie chicken.

11 Jun 2024



I had a dream I was praying and just simply said, “Lord help me, please,” and instantly fell over with an intense overwhelming sensation like I took an overdose of opioids, only I wasn’t dying. I remember waking up still greatly drunkened and my hands were wet. I went into the bathroom and my hands were leaking honey. Christina was in the dream, and I felt her vibe—she was a real one. Her guidance in my life, albeit brief, made a profound impact. She told me to see a doctor to verify it was honey and oil just so I knew it was a miracle; she said that’s what she does. Then I was with Brett, a former pastor and mentor, at church. I remember talking to a buddy of mine, David, and he wanted to come. He said last time he was there, you all were in the house. And I was like, "Haha, fun, but this time I ain’t touching your feet." Apparently, he was dropped off in a field, and John and I carried him to the house for church. Dave weighs like 260 pounds—haha, in the dream, I held his feet. We had a feast at church, and then I was at a storefront, and a heavier-set lady with black hair said that after Brett fed us, she felt compelled to give him $620 as an offering, to which I laughed and said, “Oh, he will be buying A5’s with that.”

7 Apr 2024

Plane Crash


I was at a graduation. Maybe high school or college. It was a long road. I knew it was time to say goodbye so I said goodbye and good luck to my peers that are graduating. 3 of my friends were there. We were having a feast. Two of my friends were to either lead an activity for us to do together or sing a song. They are a couple. Suddenly, in the middle of the activity, they stopped and left. The president or the principal was confused, paused the ceremony so he can find out. Then it lead to us going to the beach watching a sunset. Suddenly, the dream shifted to a plane. It was flying then going down. People were screaming, "Are we going to die?" And a voice said, "you will die". Then suddenly, the plane crashed and there were a burst of fire. I felt this strange burst of feeling like I wasn't scared. Then I heard, "so you can be reborn!" Then I woke up. The second dream, the two friends explained why they stopped the activity. They said earlier that they were pulled over by the police for something minor. But then, they revealed it was more than just something minor and that the police did something traumatic to them. Then I woke up

27 Jan 2024



I think I was in the high school B gym for whatever reason, I think I was looking for someone or something. I think the dream had gone on prior to this point, I just don’t remember. I kept walking through the gym but there weren’t many people in there. I remember seeing a few little kids, I think Brittany Bessire was in the stands, and mom was on the sidelines where I was walking. I kept walking past, and I remember being dressed up, wearing shiny black leggings, high healed black boots, and a flowy black chiffon type spaghetti strap shirt, and thinking it was odd I was so dressed up at an event like this, but I kept walking through the doors into the A gym. There was a bigger game going on in there, and I found Rachel Montgomery in the upper portion of the stands. She had popcorn and was yelling at the game, said high to me without looking up from the game, and continued yelling, engrossed. I sat and looked around. That’s when I saw Pierre come walking up and asked me to come with him, and that’s when I realized why I was so dressed up- because I wasn’t actually going to the basketball game, I was just meeting there and we were going to go a party to hang out with our friends. We get to the house (I’m pretty sure it’s Kelsey’s house) and it’s just like old times: all my old friends are there, we’re having a good time, laughing and whatnot. Then Nathan comes over and kinda offers his hand to me like he’s asking me to dance, and I kinda get butterflies in my stomach and grab his hand and stand up. He walks me over to the back wall in the middle of the room between the snack and drink tables where Pierre is, and I see Lauren and Rhys standing there munchin on snacks. Nathan kinda pushes me back toward the wall and I get confused and he looks down, kinda sad, so I ask him what’s wrong. He just kinda sighs and bends down as Pierre bends down and they both shackle my ankles into this device so I can’t move my legs or walk. I stare at him in horror as I ask what’s going on and he looks downcast as he mumbles he’s sorry, there was nothing he could do. I stared blankly at him as a squat man with fancifully colored clothes and a feathered hat comes from behind a wall and I get a sickening feeling in my gut that this isn’t going to end well for me. He welcomes everyone this evening and says there will be a feast after the sacrifice, of which I gather will be me. I try to quickly devise a plan to either outwit this creature and/or enlist Nathan’s help by playing on his guilt because I know he has feelings for me (otherwise this whole thing wouldn’t have worked because that’s part of the creatures spell), but then somehow the scene changed to me already having escaped the “party” in a stolen brown 98 Volkswagen pulling into the parking lot of my childhood church thinking I’ll be safe there. However, someone else is coming after me with a six-shooter and doesn’t care who they hurt- whoever gets in the way. But they only have six shots. As I pull into the parking lot, their car breaks down maybe 200 yards away, so they get out and start shooting. I move from the drivers to the passengers to get out of the line of fire and count the gunshots. Unfortunately there are some people in the parking lot, and I see at least two people go down. Two bullets, and two more trying to get me. They’re getting closer. And then I wake up.

30 Dec 2023



I had a dream that at my old elementary-middle school (as an eighth grader), we all carried guns and I shot mutilple guys in the leg because they were attacking me and I ran off and had a Christmas feast in the classroom and I saw my friends mom with my old advisory teacher and it was a little silent and I saw some of my friends and other students sitting at the long table

19 Nov 2023



I had a dream that I was a princes, and I was on stage playing piano to a bunch of people even though I knew it wasn't safe because another kingdom was trying to kidnap me. An older women came on stage and told me to follow her so she can show me her hiding space from when she was a little girl. My family was reasonably freaked out that I followed a stranger. I followed the old women back stage and found her hiding spot in a bed/bean bag. I hide and two men came into the room looking for me, the first man had a funny mustache and the second man was chubby with chin length hair. The first man was clearly the one in charge as he directed the other around to look for me. Eventually the first man left and the second man said he would stay in the room and continue to search for me and possibly stay the night. After sometime of the second man looking around I decided he was harmless and came out of hiding, I started to flirt with him and convince him not to take me away and he agreed. Eventually my family and some other people from the other kingdom came into the room So I went back into hiding but this time the bean bag I was hiding in was pushed against a wall and a wardrobe. My family and the other kingdom argued over me and both wanted to find me I was Too scared to come out but my family was standing against the wardrobe and noticed me But didn't say anything. My family negotiated a truce for the night and a feast so I can come out and be Safe. When I came out the festivities were already under way so I could walk around freely. There were to hall ways in between a stair way and when I went down the left hallway there was a banquet room and the only person in there was the first man with the funny mustache. He asked to talk to me and I said "no I don't trust you" he rolled his eyes and as more people came in and stared at us I quickly walked out of the room. I went into the right hall which led to a second banquet room and I saw my dad and some other guests sitting around the table my father asked me to join them but I politely refused and went back to go down the stair which led to a balcony, it was night time and it was cold outside. The second man was on the balcony and I leaned on the rail next to him and asked if he could be my body guard and keep me safe as I didn't know when the war would be over and I felt closer to him

10 Nov 2023

New Job
High School


I had a dream that I was at this school in a new place and all my friends from high school was there. And I was confused thinking I needed to do 11th and 12th grade then I remembered I graduated and I said something to my friends that I already graduated and they all said they did too but this was preliminary and I don't know what that means. But October feast was going on which I thought was strange. I also could tell I was in a dream and tried to influence new bleachers and nothing happened. I also dreamed I was on a farm with a little girl and a animal that looked like a horse and a dog and I asked her what kind of animal it was and she said she didn't wanna talk about it. And going down the dirt road was corn but on bushes and bright yellow. And I dreamed I was kim Kardashians nanny and someone tried to rob us.

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