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Dream Interpretation: Food 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Food? Discover the significance of seeing a Food in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Food appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This is a symbol for what you are putting into your mind, the beliefs and opinions that you are holding onto. This dream represents how you are caring for yourself and how you are developing your self-image. This also indicates the things or people you are dependent upon.

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🧭 Direction


The details of this symbol will give you great insight into what you are putting into your mind. Are these things positive or negative? Make the necessary changes and be careful to recognize areas in your life that are dependent on others. Feed yourself some good values and attention and take essential steps to become less co-dependent.

❤️ Feelings

This dream about food may evoke feelings of hunger, satisfaction, pleasure, or even indulgence. It could symbolize nourishment, comfort, or the need for sustenance in various aspects of life. The emotions associated with this dream may vary depending on the context and personal experiences related to food.





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Dreams of users containing the word Food

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18 Jul 2024



This was not my last dream but I know some people may relate to this. Once upon a time… I was on an island. But then I walked into town and it looked like Greece. Weird. I was walking down the path and made it to this pool that had a few people in it. They gestured for me to get in, so I did. But then I locked eyes with this guy. (Omg this sounds like wattpad I swear.) He was legit my type to a T. Like I swear this dude was perfect. He even had an accent. This dream felt really real to me because we were having flowing conversations, I could hear music, I could taste the food, it felt all too real. But then he said I have to go. Legit perfect timing because that’s when I woke up. But I felt heartbroken because I felt so close to somebody I don’t even know.

18 Jul 2024



I was at a festival, I saw my sister and her friends. I thought they wouldn’t recognise me but they did. They told me I looked tired. Then I tried to buy some chicken from a food stall, the man said they’d run out although there was plenty of food left on the display.

17 Jul 2024



With an ex girlfriend at a diner for breakfast. I remember walking in and going to the checkin and speaking to one of the waitresses that took our name. We had to wait for a while. We we walked into the restaurant where the people were enjoying their meals. I saw a bench and sat down just before the table next to the bench was done eating and they got up and one of the guys went to sit on the other side of the bench. It was small so there was no room for his girlfriend. She walked up almost expecting me to get up so she could sit with her boyfriend but I didn't because they were done eating so I was still waiting for table so I'm like, they should be leaving so I'm not getting up. She was annoyed but never directed it to me even though it was obvious. She was tan like maybe she was mixed with Indian and Hispanic or something and he was white with brown messy curly hair and a short beard. I got up because it looked like my ex (girlfriend at the time) got a table and was sitting down. I went over there. The table was round or square. I sat walked up and she was sitting with some older lady. I sat and she had already ordered us food and we started eating. We were eating some cereal and I was like, where is the real food? She said she ordered the same thing for me as she had another plate of warm food that was covered in aluminum foil for some reason but I don't know what it was and I didn't have that dish even though she had hers. Suddenly, I realized the once crowded restaurant was almost empty and was much smaller than before. Lots of staff came in and now it looked like they were wearing hospital clothing. They went up to the guy from before with the girlfriend and the bench and were going to hold him down and give him a shot. His girlfriend was no longer there. He looked at me and said something in hopes I'd defend him and they all looked at me and I said I don't know what the heck was going on. Suddenly, I realized they were never talking to this other guy and that they were here for me the whole time. The waitress from the front counter was holding a needle and was right next to me. Next thing I know I was with her but we were outside in a side yard spa e with a white wall and brown wooden fence. She had a huge brownish red pit bull mastiff or something. It had beady eyes compared to its massive head and it was on a leash but lunging for me. She was going to let him go and the dog would have attacked me but then I was at my mom's house walking around and went into the kitchen. Where there were 3 golden retrievers that were friendly. I started petting one and then saw a series of scenes like I was watching a movie trailer for a horror film. The film was about my experience at the diner and th last scene was the waitress who now looked like some dead demon lady with paper white skin and long black hair crawling up to my ex girlfriend who was sitting on the ground of the diner sliding back as to get away and my ex girlfriends face exploded and this demon waitresses face melted off and and onto my exs face like it was making room to replace her head with this new one. I then thought that this was too scary to watch right before bed and turned off the TV. I then realized I was watching this on a TV as the scene panned back showing the television. I was in my bed and I then got up to go to the bathroom like I normally would which made it feel super real. I think that's when I woke up but I can't remember any more details.

17 Jul 2024



My coworker in my dream apologized to me for having an attitude and attacking me. I was walking around 5th street at night looking to buy something to eat. In another’s part there were kids/teens I had to watch over which was very annoying.

16 Jul 2024



Im at my new house and its super dark and when i turn on the light i end up in my old house with my old stepdad and stepbrothers. They bring in chipotle and i start eating snd talking with them but then i realize i cant finish it and i just leave it there along with my phone they offer to go to the pier and I’m like sure. When we finally leave to go to the pier, they forget to close the door and I yell at them telling them to go close the door and then we get in the car and start going to the peir. When we finally get there, my brother starts saying how oh look it’s your girlfriend and I’m like where and he’s like I don’t know so I get mad but then my stepbrothers start bringing in my friends from elementary and I’m trying to hang out with my friends and everybody starts leaving me at the pier and as I put in my phone number into my friend‘s phone everything goes dark and I end up in the car when everything comes back on and I’m confused but everybody’s yelling at me and saying how I’m a liar and I’m in trouble and my girlfriends in the passenger seat and my stepdad is in the front seat and my stepbrother is on the left of me so I start asking what did I lie about and nobody tells me at first they’re just yelling at me then they say how I lied about where I was and I’m like how did I lie if I didn’t say anything and they said they texted me and I texted back saying I’m at home eating a chipotle bowl and I get freaked out because I left my phone at home next to my chipotle bowl so how did I text back? and everybody’s just yelling at me So i look for my step brother for confirmation and he switches up on me saying how yea i said that and he changes So i smack him in the chest two times and he goes limp with his mouth hanging open. When i turn to face forward my girlfriend and stepdad are staring at me wide eyed and i dont say anything at first. But they jump at me and then i wake up

16 Jul 2024



I dreamed I was going to the movie theatre with my ex. except we got split up right away, there was so many people going to the movies. I had a Paypal card that I could use as a credit card but the food and drinks were like $20 each and I didn't want to wrack up a lot of money. I saw everyone swarming the food and decided to continue on. I couldn't fond my ex inside the theater so I decided to sit next to a random stranger. He gave me a weird look but he let me sit by him. After the movie ended everyone was leaving and walking down long halls. We passed an area with drink stalls, and I found my ex again. I wanted him to get me a drink but he just ignored me and I didn't get a drink. Then, as we were all headed out down the long hallways, me and three other girls found a cat and absolutely loved bit. it looked like a tortie. we all were like "hi kitty kitty" and it came up to us and meowed. we realized that we were really far behind and I had lost my ex again. Me and the girls reluctantly decided to catch up. There was a certain point where everyone was hanging out and waiting for rides and drinking their smoothies when someone was sad about something. I tried to do the splits to make them feel better but ended up fumbling and fell on my but. it was in front of everyone including my ex. he gave me s weird look but everyone began to laugh and that made me feel better. There was a lady there who said I was her favorite. Then, everyone was leaving. I got split from my ex again, ended up walking to his house. someone had told me he was working on making me a bus. I was walking up and saw it. it was light blue and white. I really liked it and wanted to tell him that but when I got to him he started talking about a bird he'd found. The bird looked at him and said "Are you human?" and he said "Yes." and the bird looked sad. my ex mentioned the bird looked so sad, it was like sesame street. I then woke up.

16 Jul 2024



I had a dream that i picked up a substitute teaching job at a provate school near my house. When i accepted the job i lesrned that i had to be there by 8am for community breakfast. Also the school was located next to a set of food stands that give donation based meals. It could be free it I didn’t have the money or a small donation of whatever i had it was a lot of good food so i was excited to get lunch. I was notified that one thing i had to be comfortable with was that at some point we take the kids on a horse and buggy ride in carriages that say “whites only”- the carriages were old and didnt want to destroy the buggies for that alone. I said i was comfortable just so i could get the job and take pictures and expose the school. When i got to the school it was a really easy schedule. Lunch was in a dinning room. I have been to this school in my previous dreams. Its 6 mins from my house on the otherside of a park. This geography only exists in my dreams. I do take the buggy ride and its so fast and ichave to secure the children i dont have the opportunity to take a picture of the “whites only” sign. I get to the school and i find we are going to have a short day because there is a meeting fornthe teachers then a dinner party at a nice restaurant. When we arrive at the buggy rides i find out we are having a private meet and greet with Taylor swift. The studnets are super excited snd we escort them in groups to meet her. She looks very tired. However she keeps a good sport smile on and meets everyone with enthusiasm even tho shes very tired. I cheer her up. We make small talk and i even make her laugh. When she had a break me and a supervisor wanted to make sure she remembered us. He had me place his name stitched to a hat he would give her. I rhinestoned my name into a book she was reading with the school group. She leaves before we can give her the hat or the book. My day is from 8am to 1:30. I want to work here again. But they dont have any jobs to pick up the next day

14 Jul 2024



I was with my girlfriends family, we were making salads. Her mum gave me a Hayfever tablet

13 Jul 2024

My crush


I was at a college or at a work environment. I was in a lunchroom getting lunch with my friends, and we all got in line, but people kept Cutting in front of me so I eventually got straight away from my friend group, when I eventually made it back to the table, I sat down across from my crush, and I grabbed my fork and started to eat my macaroni and cheese, but I looked down. It just started sobbing. My crush looked at me and started chuckling and she asked what’s wrong and I said really long hair in my food. then found out that I was told to stay longer at lunch, my lunch got extended an extra hour, so I was there for two hours while everyone was already gone by the one hour mark and I had to stay behind. I was sad at that too because I couldn’t, be with my crush.

13 Jul 2024



I was a begger on the street. My clothes were rotten and torn and I smelled awful. I was holding a sign and asking people for money, I felt so much shame and guilt for not being able to afford to live. Everyone was so mean to me, some people threw food at me, others spit on me, kids laughed. I felt like I wanted to die. So I pulled my pistol out of my shopping cart I was pushing around, and I shot myself in the head.

11 Jul 2024



Steph and I are on a cruise and got some reason I can’t find our room but I’m not stressed about it I just go and find food for us because I want us to have something tasty but not expensive because we’re watching our budget So I magically am at a seafood market the most beautiful market I’ve ever seen There are several varieties of fish and that are so foreign to me Like I think I have a broad knowledge of fish because I enjoy sushi But this has fish I didn’t know how to prepare because it was all whole fish not filleted I was grilling almost lost trying to find the right choice I kept circling the displays and choosing between cevice or whole fish I would have to filet at home The music was cool and the people in the grocery store were very wealthy but I didn’t feel out of place Then my alarm went off and I woke up

10 Jul 2024



I had the same dream twice about working in restaurants like I used to work in. I could smell the food. I was following a girl that I knew and wanted to be with her romantically. I never found her.

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