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Dream Interpretation: Grocery 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Grocery? Discover the significance of seeing a Grocery in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Grocery appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of grocery symbolizes abundance, prosperity, and satisfaction. It represents your ability to provide for yourself and your loved ones. It may also indicate that you need to take care of your physical and emotional needs.

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🧭 Direction


This dream may be telling you to focus on your own needs and take care of yourself. It may also be a sign that you need to be more grateful for what you have and appreciate the abundance in your life. Take time to reflect on your priorities and make sure you are taking care of yourself and your loved ones.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about grocery may evoke feelings of practicality, responsibility, and the need to take care of oneself and others. It may also bring a sense of organization, efficiency, and the importance of planning ahead. Additionally, this dream may elicit feelings of abundance, nourishment, and the satisfaction of fulfilling basic needs.





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16 Jul 2024



I bought the whole lidl and lived there

13 Jul 2024



I got into some fancy academy abroad with my little sister and my cousin. It’s a modern building, large, with a lot of dark glass that reflects the surroundings from the outside. It’s build close to a large body of water, maybe the sea. My cousin came after my and my sister to the academy and we had some trouble to find each other. I met my ex-boyfriend there in class, and he made me skip class with him, despite me just getting there. But I said yes and we went to a big grocery store. He showed me different stuff and it felt like before we broke up.

12 Jul 2024



I was in a grocery store and a woman wouldn’t leave me alone she kept picking on me and everything. There were two cats in the store with us but one was hurt, the woman said she was looking for a cat and we asked if it was the calico cat that was hurt she said yes, and began stabbing its skull. Me and my mom freaked out because we didn’t understand why she did that. The other cat was alive and well so I tried buying him before she would kill him, when I tried buying the cat the woman kept messing with me and kept touching the scanner. I turned around and told her “ do it one more time and see what happens” she continued to do it so I punched her forehead with my left hand, so I wouldn’t hurt her as bead since I’m right hand dominate. The lady was then on a motorcycle with her boyfriend in my driveway, the grocery store turned into my garage and my mom told me her head was badly injured. My little brother agreed and my dad look over and said he was proud and that I could have that cat as a reward. After that I went back to the woman still in my driveway and spoke to her, she was crying and started yelling at me. I got her to stop and I said I was sorry that what I did was unacceptable and not okay at all, that I let my anger get the best of me. Then I said she was also in the wrong that what she did wasn’t okay.

11 Jul 2024

Light (Not Dark)


It was night time, I was at my hometown and it had just poured so everything was shiny from lights refectling off the wet surface. I was in an older car kind of like a Cadillac. It was still drizzling so the wipers were turned on. We went under a traffic light that was green, and then ended up about 10 minutes down the road in the next town. We turned left at another light down to a local grocery store called ShopRite, but the place wasn’t as it usually is, it was in a quarry type place and all of a sudden its day time and now we’re in a rush to get back to where we came from and as we leave we pop back to the first traffic light and it’s dark again and this just repeats. I feel that I am looking for someone and in a rush, but don’t know why. I feel anxious and overwhelmed the entire time. I think my step dad is the driver but it could also be me too.

4 Jul 2024



I was coming out of a grocery store with weekly groceries. I was headed to my car. I could not find my car. I checked everywhere. I got on my iPhone maps and saw my car was parked nearby but not in the grocery store parking lot. I let the cops know. Somehow I was able to see that they were driving the car back in my direction. Me and the cop helping me were just waiting for the theif to arrive back. I woke up before I retrieved the car

3 Jul 2024



A 6 year old me, My mom and My dead grandmother were at the grocery store shopping and we looking for things I got lost but seem to always had my grandma calling me to know where to go and she would always wait on me as my grandmother and I walked my mom started talking to strangers complaining about how I was unintelligent and harassing me and it was my finally straw on the salsa isle and I left and went outside and seen my aunt and my cousin with a car of four kids getting out to comfort me but the kids were in the car just being bad fighting in the car and we noticed there was a baseball field and a playground down the street so we took them and we all went and we played kick ball and had a great time and my grandmother came out the store followed by mom and my mom had the nerve to ask me where I went like she didn't embarrass me but it's ok after we left and drove away we acted like nothing happened.

2 Jul 2024

New Home


I had a dream about a family that moved into a new house, a big house for their big family, it was a mom a dad and four kids, my perspective kept switching between the kids, the oldest was a girl in her late teens, then a boy in his early teens, then a younger girl, and then a little boy no older than three, but soon after moving in the kids started to act weird, they started behaving less mature than they were before and the parents were confused but at first thought it was because of the move which wasn't coming wrong but what they didn't know was that their new home had been cursed by a wizard, they didn't notice at first the kids were shrinking too, the curse only affected kids and it made them start aging backwards, the toddler wandered out of the house a few day later as he turned into a baby and later that night stopped existing entirely, the next day one of the kids woke up earlier than the rest and he asked the parents to take care of his sister, they thought he meant the younger one but he started thinking he wouldn't be around for the eldest soon, eventually the parents realized the youngest was missing and they went out looking for him, the kids were getting younger, the little girl was now a toddler, the boy was probably ten, and the oldest girl a tween, then the little girl left to find her parents she ended up getting lost but eventually found a bonfire, that's were her parents found her and they tried to save her but she disappeared into the fire, then the wizard came back to his campfire, he went back home with them and that's when they found out he was the one who cursed the place when the boy came out looking even younger now and started throwing magic back at the wizard cause he had done some searching while his parents were gone to learn how to break the curse, he wasn't very good at it so his spells were like a shotgun not very precise but he hit the wizard, but then the wizard grabbed him and then told him that he may have broken his own curse but that wouldn't save his sister which was the main reason he did it, then they ended up at a grocery store and the girl had her stutter back from when she was little as she talked, but she ended up getting lost in the isles which they looked away and her brother and parents went looking for her and she was half her brother's age when they found her, so they forced the wizard to break her curse as they didn't do anything to deserve it.

1 Jul 2024



I was on a field trip kind of thing in school? I was in a car with some people I knew but I was in the backseat behind the driver. We were parked next to some of our teachers. We sat idle for a while outside a grocery store. I got out and carefully closed the driver’s door too. I went in initially looking for fried chicken as I wanted that. After a bit, I also wanted cake after seeing someone else have cake. The checkout lines were so long as there was no self checkout. I had been waiting in line so long that when I checked the time, it was after 4pm so I thought school was no longer in session by the time I got out of there

22 Jun 2024

Phone call


I was grocery shopping with my grandmother. It was one refrigerated section that was strictly hers. Everything was organized with picture labels on it. We were talking and checking out. Then we started walking to her home from the grocery store and we had to walk through a park. Then I noticed that she started slowing down and talking strange. So we stopped and sat in the grass. I held her in my arms because I knew what was happening, she was ready to pass away. She was saying she was tired, and worried we weren’t going to be ok. I told her we will be ok and she can rest. Then I tried to call my dad and tell him but he didn’t answer the phone so I left a message saying to come meet us as soon as possible because it was grandmas time. I called my dad because it’s his mom. She was slowly passing away in my arms as we were waiting for family to come say good bye in the grass in the middle of this random park. Strangers were walking past us and looking with empathy but were respectfully not interrupting this deeply personal moment. My grandma passed in my arms quietly. Then I woke up.

8 Jun 2024



My dream started off at my house. I was in the upstairs living room with my parents when we all decided to order a pizza. My mom ordered the pizza on her phone and we started waiting. After a while, both my dad and I asked my mom if the pizza was on its way yet. She checked her phone and said “no.” She told us that her phone was saying that our pizza was still being made. So, we waited a little longer. About two hours later, we decide to call the pizza restaurant and ask what’s taking them so long, but they don’t answer. So, we call our friends instead. My mom calls her new friend and puts him on FaceTime. While talking to him, we all realize that he’s inside our old house. Apparently, he had bought it after we moved and now he lives there with his family. Anyway, we ask him if he knows anything about our late pizza delivery and he says “no.” Then he tells us that he’s in the same situation as us, and that he’s been waiting for his pizza for hours now. After a short conversation, we come to the conclusion that he ordered his pizza thirty minutes before us. After that, my mom and dad just decide to go to bed. I stay in the living however, continuing to wait for the pizza. After a while, I start to fall asleep. That’s when my sister comes out of nowhere and wakes me up. I rub my eyes and check the clock, it was 2:30 AM. At that point, I come to the conclusion that the pizza will never come. So, I head to my room to get some sleep. As I’m walking to my room, my sister tells me that someone is pulling up to the house. I quickly run to the door and open it to find the pizza delivery man. I thank him for the pizza before taking it out of his hands and eating practically all of it at once. My dream starts to get a bit fuzzy here, but I know it had something to do with the tv show “SpongeBob SquarePants.” I’m pretty sure the cartoon characters from that show send dream me to the store to buy a few things for them, because the next part of my dream takes place in a giant grocery store. Anyway, once I get to the store, I start walking around and getting the items that I need. Then, I start talking about the commercial that we’re making and how we need to apologize to other restaurant owners. I say this to myself since no one around me is listening. Anyway, as I’m getting ready to leave the store, I come across a few kids who lead me to a secret room. They ask me to help them re-decorate and I agree. A little while later, as I’m putting in the finishing touches, the floor start shaking. Then, a giant circle is cut through the wall. On the other side of the circle is a monster. It looked like a mix between a giant, a zombie, and the “Other Mother” from the “Coraline” movie. Speaking of Coraline, dream me transforms into Coraline after witnessing the monster first-hand. After that happens, the monster starts chasing me. I run all around the store and hide underneath a table. Unfortunately, the monster spots me and pulls me out from under the table. I start screaming before I’m faced with a “Game Over” screen. Then, my dream cuts to me on the couch. Apparently the whole grocery store section of my dream was just a video game. After realizing that I lost, I throw my game controller at the tv and walk away. (And that’s where my dream ended.)

2 Jun 2024



I ran into an old friend and roommate at a grocery store. We talked about yogurt and all the stuff we wanted to buy. She was so nice to me. We did not get along in real life. I have not seen her in over 3 years. I haven’t been thinking of her either

28 May 2024



I had a dream me and my sister were walking into I want to say it started off as a grocery store And that looked rather large kind of like a Marino's but it looked way different than Marino's. We walked in past what looked like maybe a few registers but if we saying it was Marino's it didn't have like the full grocery store in there. We walked to the right and to what looked like a beauty supply store. So we was walking and what I noticed and I didn't sense my sister Michelle there with me at this time. I noticed a lot of kids was crying, like after I passed one kid, another kid was crying. It was a lot of crying, and I'm like, what does this mean? Like, why is everybody crying? And so I kind of sped up to get away from the crying, or ran, or whatever. And I was finna go, um, to the left. It was like two sides. One side was like this little cul-de-sac on the wall with, like, shelves in front of it. And then, like, the back wall, like, had weeds on it. And I was gonna turn right there for what I thought used to be a toy aisle, but wasn't a toy aisle no more. In my head, I thought I was finna turn down to this little toy aisle, but it wasn't a toy aisle no more. And so, since I realized that, I went to the... Well, I thought I was... the toy aisle was on the left, and I turned, and I was finna go on the right. And I saw these weeds on the shelf. And I stopped and I looked at these wigs and that's when my sister Michelle showed up And I was like, oh these some good wigs or whatever and she was like She ain't want to hear nothing about no wigs and then so she looked up on the wall and she saw a wig that was Like better and then you know, she we started talking about that wig Then we live we started walking around the store and I walked past this girl. They went to with Stan who I felt like was kind of Popular and I walked past her and then for some reason I saw Pinky in there from last Friday and it was like it was a sense that we kind of knew he was Pinky but he ain't had his wig on but okay he was he was Pinky but he wasn't in character and then I walked past him so I saw the girl who I felt like was kind of popular I just kind of like walked past her like I wasn't paying her no attention and then I walked past Pinky like I wasn't paying him no attention like y'all just regular people and then I ran into my sister again like after I passed him and that's when I woke up.

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