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Dream Interpretation: Laundry 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Laundry? Discover the significance of seeing a Laundry in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Laundry appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This indicates your social status and the way you interact with others in your life. Your dream is trying to bring you an insight into your life and how others feel about you. It signifies your choices in your waking life and how well you present yourself to the world. It also suggests a stream of changes that will enter your life which will make you anxious.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

Pay close attention to all the changes that are taking place in your life. You will need to make preparations by cleaning and organizing those things that have been neglected. Find and correct the "dirty laundry" that may be unfinished in your life.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about laundry may evoke feelings of cleanliness, organization, and a sense of accomplishment. It signifies the need to cleanse and purify aspects of your life, both physically and emotionally. This dream may also bring a sense of satisfaction and relief as you tackle and resolve any lingering issues or burdens.





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Dreams of users containing the word Laundry

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15 Jul 2024



I went to look at an apartment. It was upstairs. The floor to the front door was missing and replaced with not so sturdy mattresses. The door was missing and replaced with a thick blanket. I moved it to see the inside. Someone came out of a room and told me to hurry in so I don't fall. One man and one woman showed me around. The kitchen was beautiful. The bedroom was so spacious but had tarp covering what I assumed was the closet. A drunk man stumbled out of the closet. There was still a bunch of furniture and things from the previous renter and the lady said they would be out before my move in. They showed me the weird parts of the house which was the laundry. The washer and dryer were these large sculptures. One was a baby in a bassinet. The other was just large and I could see inside because it had open holes. The lady showing my the house said something about not seeing mud. Then I saw mud. I remember being excited about the place except for the really obvious problems. Next thing I know there's more people in the apartment. And someone is showing a video on a large TV projector

12 Jul 2024



Dreamt my daughter was leaving for campus the morning after and I suddenly remembered I hadn’t washed any of her clothes. Our cleaning lady was there and said she could help me out and I gladly took her up on her offer since I felt very stressed out. We loaded the washing machine with the clothes and I went into the kitchen to get us something to drink and looked at the clock in the wall and hours had already passed by! I ran into the laundry room that now was outside for some reason and it was packed with hanging drying clothes and towels and sheets - more or less everything except my daughters clothes. I panicked and started running around trying to find the clothes and suddenly there’s also a strong wind tearing the clean laundry away, making them float in the air and away from me. I reach out and find myself half anting off the building and we’re really high up. All the clothes I need and some sheets and towels are right at the edge of a ledge, if I lean over and out I could probably get them. My phone starts ringing and I answer it even though my grip on the wall is slipping and I’m risking falling over. It’s my daughter and she’s really stressed out, almost yelling at me, wondering where I am! She’s at the airport about to board the plane and she doesn’t have her suitcase or her things. I tell her I almost got it, just wait five minutes and I’ll get it to her. At that moment the wind picks up and I drop the phone over the ledge seeing it falling towards the bottom and I feel my grip loosening and then I wake up.

8 Jul 2024



I was packing up my things in a hotel room when I realized I was hungry and wanted food. I walked around and eventually saw a girl I knew in grade school with my husband. But he looked like he had plastic surgery done. I then found myself walking through an animal hospital where a lot of people were performing surgeries on dogs. I eventually was then walking through an airport. I boarded a plane. I was sitting next to my friend who told me that the girl I knew in gradeschool was sleeping with a lot of people's husbands. And my dad who died .I felt angry and betrayed. I then found myself in my bedroom sorting laundry.

5 Jul 2024



I was in my childhood basement, it used to creep me out as a child when I would watch TV at night. There was bunch of random stuff stored there, old furniture, childhood paintings, water damage from storms of the past. Accurate to what the basement really looks like. I saw too shadowy figures come from out the corner and spook me, then I looked at them a bit closer and was like “are you an Anderson brother” they said “yeah sure jokingly” then I looked closer and was like wait a minute… you’re a Marrone. Followed them to the laundry room and turned the drawstring light on it was my friend Mike Marrone who I work with, and his northern Nic who I’ve met once, nic looked like he did 10 years ago not now. I said “oh hi you spooked me glad it’s just you” then we had conversations about manifesting intentions time three, and fear isn’t scary when familiar.

29 Jun 2024



I had a hotel room booked for a few days. I don’t know the specific reason. I did plan on seeing my brother quickly before I left though (like on my way out). Some of my family decided that my suite was the place to meetup (I didn’t really agree to this). My mom wanted to go back to the stadium as she thought she forgot something. I thought she took my car so I was looking out the windows to see if my car was still in the parking lot (I couldn’t tell with the amount of cars in the lot and how they’re parked). I vented to someone and it turned out my mom was behind the door and what I said apparently hurt her. Next thing I know is that I’m packing all of my stuff up to prepare to leave as I think I exceeded my time of renting the suite. I thought I lost a spare key and someone offered theirs saying they (hotel staff) wouldn’t know the difference. I declined it. In the midst of my frantic packing, I saw familiar blankets that I hadn’t brought with me as well as cat litter (flooded in a laundry basket (idk how that fits but it was in my dream)). A cat was also running through as it had peed or made a mess on the floor. I don’t think it was my cat. That’s all I remember

21 Jun 2024

Sleep paralysis
Light (Not Dark)


I had a dream I heard music coming from my laundry room, so I looked up and saw the light was off.. I never turn it off. It was pitch black and I got scared, which ended up with me getting sleep paralysis, I was screaming and kicking trying to wake up but wasn’t moving and then I false awoken to a figure standing beside my bed looking away which looked like me so I called out my own name and it turned around and had a huge inflated head and scared me awake. Like actually awake.

22 May 2024



I had gone out to the country to stay with a friend. While there I end up caught between three people who like me. I’m still working while I’m there but some days I’m at the school and some days I’m not. So one day I’m at a hospital setting and man comes in with a gun. I manage to hide with a group of nurses but as he’s going past my head is still up. He shoots but it misses me because I swat the bullet away. As I’m in the country I meet three people. Two men and one women. I have no interest in the woman. I spend my days washing all my clothes and hanging out with my Friend. When the clothes are done I focus on working on school stuff. Then the men start coming on to me but the more I learn about them the more weary I am. Soon I am wandering the expansive house. Taking baths and spending time watching tv and going outside with the group. Once the laundry is done it switches to us being teenagers. When that happens a little box with a training potty gets put near my clothes. It steadily leaks but does not dirty the clothes. I sleep in a bed with three boys. The two who are interested in me and one who is gay. I soon learn they all fix cars. And I have an assignment as a school cheer leader to fill out work book pages and put them in a bad. So they help me even though I don’t want to do it. Then we go to bed and one of the boys who is interested in me cuddles up to me. We sleep. The next day the other boy interested in me warns me that that the first boy is not good. I soon find out it’s because he makes unwanted sexual advances to girls. I avoid him and get close to the second boy. We begin to feel strongly For each other and we have sex. On the day I’m due to leave we call my mom and tell her about us. She is happy. His parents are happy. I begging to get ready to go. As I look over my clothes are being leaked all over with urine. But they remain clean with only a few spots when he moves the potty for me. I thank him and he offers to load my car while I shower. I say goodbye to his family and go to bath. After I am getting dressed with him and the girl who liked me in the beginning. She asks Me to touch her breasts. Uncomfortable I do and comment on how she’s lucky because mine are so big. He takes me to another room and comforts me. But then it changes. I’m in a store and I’m trying to stop three cheer leaders from being assaulted by the bad guy. And my love interest is telling the bad guy what he is doing is wrong. The girls get away. I then wake up.

10 May 2024



I I had a dream that I saw a frog made out of dog poop and it was hopping away from me, it went into a pile of laundry, when it jumped back out ace stopped it was just dog poop.

4 May 2024



It was like I was on a college campus if the sort and my dream happened in two parts but same dream. My first part of the dream happened where I was with my friend from downtown and we were all having fun. There ended up being a disturbance and an volcano errupted. We had to separate ourselves to be safe with everyone but I had my friend with me. My lover was also in the dream working and he wanted to be near but because of the evacuation his wife was there and he had to be with her but wanted to make sure I was still okay. There were many other people but I didn’t know them. The campus had some people that I knew from high school and there were also basketball games going on and we were watching them. I had my bags packed at this campus and I was folding laundry and getting ready to what I assume was leave. I noticed that I had a prosthetic leg on the right. I still managed to get around. There ended up being an earthquake that broke the college in pieces. I was still with my friend but my lover was trying to get to me. The piece that my friend and I were on started to move around when the earthquake happened again and I saw my lover and his wife walking downstairs because they told everyone now to come in the common area. He saw me as the piece was coming towards him and he left his wife to come save my piece or get on there. He ended up missing it but I could still see his wife. I remember thinking I didn’t want her to see me and telling him not to do that. The college campus ended up coming back together to a new setting. It was beach like and the breeze was warm and nice. The sun was coming from the clouds and my lover was there waiting for me. I didn’t have the prosthetic leg anymore and I had made it to my room where I wanted to sleep. My lover was trying to join me too and other people I didn’t know jumped in the bed to sleep, but then got out and my lover was able to get next to me. He cuddled with me and held me close and started kissing on me. He then had to go back to either work or somewhere around campus and then my boyfriend and his mother entered the dream. I saw him and felt a little off but I knew I had to act like I was fine in front of his mother. There had been a picture booth that I went to a couple times to get my pictures done. I asked my boyfriend to get her card since I had lost it. He stated he didn’t want to but his mother made him. His mother asked if we were going to get pictures soon and I was hesitant on answering her and then I told her we’ll see. He comes back with a card and says that she’s booked but you can schedule another time. I told him that’s fine. More people started to crowd and we lose our way to the crowd. I end up seeing him talk and flirt with other girls while I was back in bed. I was looking for my lover and he ended up being next to me all along and then my bar friends started coming around. The dream eventually ended up me being at work on campus and helping a customer

28 Apr 2024



This dream was just about everywhere. First it started off with me entering this really cool event in this huge and homey penthouse, dark wood colors and greens. The light was shining in through the older looking windows. I thought to myself “wait, I’ve been here before, and I remember looking to my left and seeing who I was supposed to meet up with then leaving” but this time, I decided not to leave but rather just explore the event. It was a huge mixture of women that were artists, psychics, or that had their own businesses. I did worry about if I should be there but I chose to pull through and build up the confidence to walk over to my new group of friends. Everything at this event seems like it was taken from the deep parts of my mind - I just loved anything and everything there at the event and connected so well with all the items and people. I then bump into a woman who is a psychic and she immediately starts telling me of my love life. She was a white woman, older with blue eyes. She had a head wrap on and she held my hand as she told me my soul mate is someone who I am avoiding meeting with (one of the girls in the new friend group) and that her and I will share a deep and genuine connection along with beauty. I pictured Janai in my mind. Then the dream switched around to me being a completely different person, a younger girl with curly long brown hair and I was in a laundry mat of some sort. I had alot going on is all I could remember from this. The dream switched around again to me trying a THC soda, and then my younger siblings trying it with me too. They ended up liking it so much that we went all around to dispensaries looking for some fun THC treats to try. I then bump into my ex Jeremy and some of his friends and a random girl. His car looks like it would be an old one off of scooby doo. It had lights and velvet seats, and multiple rows of seats to sit in. It seemed like I kept making comments to him about our relationship and how I expected some things to never change. And everytime we got into the car, he kept letting this random girl into the front seat instead of me. This time around though I was actually vocalizing more of my issues instead of surprising them. It made me reflect on the relationship while sitting in the back seat of the car and I just kept thinking why did I stay for so long? And that he was clearly into someone else. I kept looking down at my hand in which I was holding an amethyst. I looked to my sister genna to the right of me and I noticed the amethyst started shining very brightly, until its light encapsulated me and I woke up.

27 Apr 2024



I had so much laundry to do and the street my husband and I were living on only had 1 washer and 1 dryer. I went upstairs which opened to another street of houses and they had a washer and dryer and then inwalked down a bit further and saw another washer and dryer. I filled all the washers and went back home to wait. Laundry was just never ending and I was switching loads into the dryers. Next thing I know washers were tipping over and breaking. The upstairs neighborhood was complaining that someone had over filled the washers and blew them up. I was rushing to get my clothes out so they wouldnt find out it was me.

6 Apr 2024



I had a pet. It's something like a reptile, had scales and looked like a snake. It was short but round-like similar to a mudfish. It wasn't moving. It's petrified. I had another one. A turtle. When I left them together, the snake-mudfish pet ate the turtle. Then it turned into a croc, a size of a shih tzu. It was acting like a puppy. Playful. Running here and there. Chasing other pets such as dogs and even children while wagging it's tail. It stopped to drink into a laundry basin. I took it and put into a bigger basin filled with water. It stopped moving. Just floating like what crocs usually do. Then I realized that I was in a gathering. It was a prospecting event. A female agent had discussed something to me but I walked away. I explored the venue. I found myself into the garden. Food and beverage were served in there. They offered me a chocolate brownies but I turned it down. While moving around, I noticed a kid. Small and stout, taking his fill of the brownies and so I joined him and took a bite.

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