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Dream Interpretation: Baggage 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Baggage? Discover the significance of seeing a Baggage in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Baggage appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol represents emotional baggage or burdens that you are carrying with you. It may indicate that you are feeling weighed down by past experiences or relationships. It could also suggest that you are carrying too much responsibility or feeling overwhelmed.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on what emotional baggage you may be carrying with you. Are there any past experiences or relationships that are still affecting you? Try to let go of any negative emotions or thoughts that are holding you back. Focus on taking care of yourself and lighten your load by delegating responsibilities or seeking support from others.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of baggage may evoke feelings of burden, responsibility, and the weight of past experiences. It suggests a need to address unresolved issues or emotions that are holding you back. This dream may also symbolize the fear of being overwhelmed or the desire for a fresh start.





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17 Jul 2024



I had a dream that me and my family was picking up stuff from the airport. All the stuff we sent home after moving from Dubai to Denmark. All the stuff was badly packed and items where spilling out the boxes and baggage. Some friends from USA were also there and they arrived in a private airplane that we also drove around in

13 Jun 2024



The first dream I remembered, I was at an airport going through security and getting my bags checked. After putting all my things in the tray, I realized that the security guard misplaced a couple of my items and didn't know where they were. I was a little annoyed and disappointed and ended up finding out that a girl accidentally took my sunglasses. So I went up to the group of girls who took my glasses to try to get them back and they wouldn't give it back to me. which again I felt annoyed about but then the dream changed to me having the sensation of being followed through a couple scenarios that I don't remember but I do remember having the sensation of being followed.

27 Jan 2024

New Job
Being Late


Dream I'm standing in line to order some food. It's a new place I've never been before. They serve these kind of strange pastries some are sweet, some are savory. Honestly they look like you'd be eating a hamster, but I don't want to be rude and feel obligated to try one. There are four things on the menu. I'm trying to decide which one. I ask the attendant for what he recommends, and he barks something in a foreign language I don't understand, clearly annoyed by now. So I nod and say " ok that one" he goes to give me my pastry but as he goes to slam it down on the bar- Suddenly I'm in a large grass field. There's a wooden table or stall and instead of a pastry a suit of armor comes slamming down. It's authentic, mostly rugged leather woven together with pieces of shiny metal. 'What? ' I say. 'what the hell am I supposed to do with this? How does this help me get home?" Suddenly I'm back in an airport. I'm late for a flight, I'm traveling with a friend (he looks like Wendall Pierce's character Greer from Jack Ryan) "hey" he points out an off the beaten path baggage check. There's only one person in line. "good call" I say and check my luggage (a small rollaway carryon suitcase) And we continue on towards our flight.

2 Nov 2023



I dreamed I was in some sort of Crazy airport or something. I’m pretty sure i was traveling because i had baggage with me. The airport was Big, there was everything. Like even a Big garden almost like a labyrint out of hedges. Out of nowhere an alarm started and we had Security people there and soldiers. We Got attacked by some sort of terrorists with a bomb. They began to kill people by shooting Them and told Them to do as they Said and stand in a Line. I didnt wanted to get captures so i runned from my life when i had a change and into the garden. The hedge was low so i laid Down on the Stones tried to hide behind the hedge.. but it wasn’t big enough to hide me even when i was laying Down. A soldier/terrorist found me and he pointed a gun to my head. He was Young and looked straight to my face. I was scared and cried and Said Pleas dont shot me, Pleas. I was begging him to spare my life. But he was cold in his eyes and shot me in my face. He didnt spare my life since i runned away and didnt do what they Said. I falled to the Ground with blood going out of me. I remember laying there in a wierd position on the hedge out of green leaves anymore. It was like it Got autumn and i felt the warm leaving my body and felt i was dying slowly. My life/memories passed in front of my eyes. And i died. It was almost like after i was like a spirit looking Down at my body while everything around me was caos. I never tried to die while sleeping. I always wake up before i die normally. But this time i died.

22 Oct 2023

Dead body
New Job


My dream wasn’t a flowing story line. It was different scenes. But for two nights in a row I had this dream. I was staying in a house with three other younger women. There was a separate covered patio structure painted yellow and white, in the back yard. The patio was filled with junk and a screen curtain was surrounding everything under the patio. Somehow three coffins appeared. The coffins were white with blue trim, almost like they were home made coffins and painted by hand. We placed the coffins up on the ceiling to get them out of the way , ( I have my bikes and kayaks hanging up in the garage where I live- is this why possibly that I would put something on the ceiling in a dream?) . The bottom of the coffins were bolted to the ceiling. And the coffin lids were not coming open exposing any dead body inside, which I was glad. But then in the next scene, I noticed two bolts broke loose at one end of one of the coffins but was still attached at the other end hanging from the ceiling. Then later the other two bolts ( 4 total) must have let loose and I saw that the coffin was laying on top of the pile of junk. Later the other two coffins were laying on top of all the junk so I assumed they all fell. The coffins were still closed, but I remember distinctly thinking I better do some thing before the bodies start falling out. The coffins don’t belong here. Then I told one of the girls as I was leaving be careful, don’t let the dogs go out there because the coffins fell. I asked her if we could exchange phone numbers because of this communal issue in our back yard and she declined to give me her contact info. The context of what I’m going through in real life, of which is causing me concern in real life , is that I’m confused and wondering if I’m seeing red flags in a new relationship budding over the phone with a man I met on line a few weeks ago. I’m wondering if the “ coffin” image is baggage I’m worried about and I need to get rid of or are these two dreams about coffins warning signs that danger could be in front of me ( as in “death” or danger”) if I choose this relationship. I find fault in just about everybody so I could be operating with fault finding to protect myself. I certainly don’t want to push a good man away because of this. Or would these dreams indicate that I am truly seeing legitimate red flags that are indications that this is not a safe relationship? This Dream is the same as my first one only in more detail. Thank you so much.

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