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Dream Interpretation: Bag 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Bag? Discover the significance of seeing a Bag in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Bag appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes responsibility and hidden preparation. It also signifies a load that you are carrying in your waking life. But, it also suggests finding the things that can help you tackle the obstacles in your life while moving ahead with your journey.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

Analyze your life and its surroundings to find those things that will help you move ahead. Remove the unwarranted load you are carrying, use the resources you have in a way that seems fit. Be discreet with any preparation for your life's journey until they are complete and ready to be used.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a bag can evoke feelings of preparedness, organization, and security. It symbolizes the need to carry our burdens and responsibilities, as well as the desire to be self-sufficient and ready for any situation. The bag represents our ability to hold onto our possessions, memories, and emotions. It may also signify the need to let go of unnecessary baggage or burdens in our waking life. Overall, this dream elicits a sense of practicality and the importance of being prepared for whatever life may bring.





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Dreams of users containing the word Bag

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17 Jul 2024

Theme Park


I was at a zoo or theme park with my sister mom and niece. My nephew was a newborn and my mom kept trying to carry him in a bag and I said he's getting too hot here let me have him. My sister and niece went off to a ride

14 Jul 2024

Abandoned home


I had a dream where I fell asleep in the car and I woke up and my mom and brother left so I waited because I figured they be back to come get me, it looked like I was in the parking lot of an apartment complex and I started getting nervous because no one had came to get me, then the car started driving in its own and it turned out of the complex. I stayed calm because I was sure someone would help me and as the car was driving on the road really fast I was kind of leaning out the door screaming for help, then the car started running people over and there was a bunch of car crashes and fire and people were really injured and some were even on fire. I was finally able to get out of the car because I suddenly realized I could've just opened the door. Then I ran out to check on the people and I told them to let me go get my stuff and I'll come back to help them walk and so I went and got my stuff and I asked the people why they were by a car that was dangerous instead of running away and it was a couple I was talking to and they said it was because one just found out the other cheated and I agreed that that wasn't right and then I helped them go get help and woke up

12 Jul 2024

Parking Lot


I went to Crumbl to try their new line of flavors. I got a box of cookies but they didn’t look all the great (I didn’t realize until after I left the door). There was a family leaving behind me but they couldn’t make it out the door so I held the door open for them. After I was out of the door, I realized my car wasn’t where I left it. I searched around the parking lot hoping I could find it, but I couldn’t find it. I did, however, find my bag left behind in the parking lot but idk if my things were still in it. I sat in the parking lot to try my cookies while they’re still warm and that’s when I noticed many of them didn’t look right as they were missing frosting but they still tasted good. Eventually a crowd of people were also eating in the parking lot. I took a moment to try calling the police for help after trying to locate my car using its tracking GPS. Unfortunately the crowd was so loud I couldn’t really hear the people on the phone and I tried yelling at the crowd to shut up. I initially just called the emergency number and then couldn’t decide if my car was an emergency or not. I hung up after getting so frustrated with not being able to hear them. I went back to my spot after hanging up just to realize my cookies were stolen too. I tried to get it back from the people who stole them after chasing them to their van only to then be told that my cookies were already eaten.

11 Jul 2024

New Job


I was working a new job within my company, but I was in person in the office which is weird in my waking life I work remotely and prefer remote work. But the job wasn't in the banking industry it was in the social services field which is the industry I worked at early in my career. I meant with the manager of the department and was provided with a few tasks to complete to get an understanding of the department and our responsibilities. I completed the tasks and then when I meant with her again she was really interested in the different ideas of I had to share and what I can provide to the department. I started creating a list of documentation I can create to help the team. I ended up in a different section of the department in another office unfamiliar to me. There was a manager that was nervous I wasn't going to like him because he fired my brother cause he wasn't a good worker. I was chummy with all the other managers and when he brought it up I assured him I don't care. My brother wasn't a good worker and he deserved to get fired. I also told him I didn't know that brother. It seemed like I was referring to my waking life estranged brother that I don't speak to anymore but there was this other half brother I never meant before. We all got a long and that manager started to really like me. When it was time to leave we all packed our bags. I had a lot to carry and I had to make sure we locked up the office correctly. The manager who ended up liking me and was nervous about my brother earlier decided to walk with me as his wife and kids follow along behind us. I remember everyone being very nice and laughing at my jokes. Everyone just really liked me and my personality and was looking forward to working with me. Once we got back to original office I realized the place look very similar to my middle school building and the setting of the dream was very city-like similar to my hometown of Boston. I saw two other managers that I reported to. They were chatting up as they were getting ready to leave. I said hi and went inside to re-pack my bag to make sure everything fit cause I was holding loose-leaf folders and paper. I told the manager I’ll be right out just needed to re-adjust my bag. The manager that was walking with me waited for me outside which I wasn't expecting. When I finish adjusting my bag and got everything in my bag so I didn't have to carry anything. When I reopened the front door to leave the manager that was waiting for me morphed into a Black woman (he was a white man earlier) and was very engaged into the other manager’s story as he spoke to his colleague. I think he was trying to find a way to skip out on this ball. She was blocking my entrance and when I asked her to move she said “hold on, I just want to hear the rest of this story.” I was a bit annoyed my entrance was blocked I think the manager blocking my entrance once again morphed back to the white man he shared his insights than got out of my way. I went outside said my goodbyes so I can head to the train. There was this van that the colleague was going to board to leave and there was several people in there that seemed both familiar and unfamiliar but they were all cool and like friends of mine. One girl is someone at my gym who’s getting married that wkend I asked her to send me pictures as soon as she can. I said my goodbyes and left for the train the manager was still accompanying I didn't even see his wife and kids anymore and I didn't ask him to accompany me but he did. The dream ended with someone in the van was having a remote meeting for a screen reading of this play. It was a Victorian play about two Black men that are friends and one of the men fell in love with his friends and the other man was straight. And the gay man was sharing his feelings to his friends. It was extremely intriguing and awkward because most men especially in the Black community can be unreceptive and homophobic. So this play was an interesting watch. Idk how I joined this remote meeting but I was watching this screen reading very entertained and intrigued about what was going to happen next. Then the straight Black man’s son was in the van and he said something in between the reading “in Jupiter.” I never heard the rest of the comment but I remember laughing cause it was out of no where. And that's how the dream ended.

1 Jul 2024



Dream about being in a house knowing a past significant other will call/text me. An old crush that wasn’t him ended up texting me about linking up. I remember going outside and seeing 3 people on the floor and I ended up helping them. I was with a group of people and we left the house we were at (it was a gorgeous neighborhood) and my aunt Bernadette drove us to the next place. I was the last out of the car because I was looking for my bag/purse but I knew it was there so I left without it. I was walking through the hallway my cousins were in front of me and we made it to the kitchen. Georges asked me if I can make him coffee and I said of course but there was nothing in the house to make coffee so I left that alone. I started looking at the apartment and realizing it belonged to a different aunt but I saw a picture of Claude in there. There were two bathrooms (I didn’t go inside because they were filthy) but I noticed the tubs were nice and huge. Then I noticed the high ceilings and told my cousin it could actually be really nice in here and I love the high ceilings. I noticed there were 3 windows which were all open and a cool breeze was coming in. I enjoyed the breeze for a moment. I ended up plating this man’s food that was with us & my cousin was like girl he’s a player but I smirked and then woke up.

30 Jun 2024



We're going to H&M. I'm there with a friend and with my husband. And my husband starts grabbing all those things. All those clothes and bags, that I find really, really hideous. And the more the friend grabs stuff, my husband grabs all those things. And I'm getting more and more upset. Because I feel like he's buying the stuff that I told him not to buy and that doesn't look really good on him. Like silly t-shirts with big prints and three quarter pants. So I'm getting really upset.

15 Jun 2024

Left Behind
Throwing up


There was girl who was throwing up into a bag. Then I started throwing up and I threw up a lot. Then I going into different pools but some of them were haunted. Then I saw my coworker with me he was with me. Then he had to get left behind since he didn’t listen to me.

10 Jun 2024



There was some even that I don’t know going on there was old stage in outside the color of my dream was black and white and in the back stage in the left side on the stage I had a lot of stuff with me and I was stress and tired and overwhelmed until I give it away because some of the stuffs wasn’t mine so I had a lot of baggages with me it’s like purse but big size one of dark one was mine and the light grey one was my friends whom I know from my current college class and also I had stuff of like a lot of papers and document also bed sheets and other stuff too in in my back and my bag was ripped out so I really need to give it away for professional knitter to fix it but I had to unload the stuff first so I did I give to my friend her stuff then I gave the stuff of her friend too I was careful to not give away my stuff accidentally to her but I didn’t then I gave my ripped pretty bed sheet that has flower picture on it and he fix it then I gave my ripped bag to him to fix and I put the fixed bed sheet on my bed and I was relax after that and happy. My bed was located in front of the stage there was another bed to and chairs in front of the stage my bed was in the right side in the middle my bed size was medium but the bed was wide for 2 person bed type there was people sitting and watching the stage but there wasn’t any performance in that stage but there was busy people going back and forth in the stage.

8 Jun 2024



I was in the back of a car driving to a relative's house in Brazil where I was gonna stay for a prolonged period of time. I got dropped at the house and it was all dark and all of a sudden it started to rain and wind extremely hard. Water got into the house and caused flooding and the wind was Blowing all my clothes away, it was frustrating and annoying, and my bag and all my clothes got wet, but eventually it stopped, and I tried to reorganize all my belongings things had been wiped away. Then a second storm came, and the same thing happened. My shirts, my bags all got wet from the flooding and got blown away from the wind. The dream transitioned to me being at an elementary school at night with other people. There was a tornado warning and all of a sudden the tornado arrived with rain. There were still some people outside that were getting caught in the tornado so I ran to the front of the elementary school and kept the front doors open so that I was able to help younger children get into the elementary school. I felt very proud of myself for doing this and happy that I was able to help children get to say get back to safety in the elementary school and I remember crying because of the impact I was having on these people's lives and the risk I was taking. As I was helping people get into the school, there was continuous thanks from other individuals and adults who saw the assistance I was providing and that felt really good.

4 Jun 2024

Phone call


Dream of going to my friend A's university to visit her in the night. I couldn't recognize her face but I knew we were good friends. I brought my sisters along and we went to an empty classroom where there were dark tinted windows along the corridor. Suddenly A received a phone call and smiled and hung up. She went to open the door and my good friend G appeared. He was thrilled to see me and passed me a trophy and wanted me to bring home. I was ecstatic to see him but lamented that I had two very heavy bags which I had to carry home with me. He held the bags and were shocked how heavy they were. Then he asked if I wanted potato chips and he might be able to bring me some. I did not believe him as it was late at night but he showed up later with some, which made us really happy. He said it was actually another friend of ours, Y, who were currently studying at the cafe nearby. My sisters were very excited as they had a crush on that friend of ours. Later I had to leave so my sisters stayed with A while me and the rest left. I regretted not going the same way as G because he lived close to me and knew the shortcut out. I called G and asked where he was and he said he was waiting for the bus. I got directions from him and went to the nearest train station. But the vicinity was under construction and I decided to walk towards the nearest bus stop to see if there were buses to bring me home. However I realized there were none and I found that I could not walk back to the train station as it was a one-way street because of the ongoing construction. Another lady and I tried to jaywalk across but were stopped by the construction workers saying it was dangerous and they led us back to the train station via an underground escalator and I realized it was linked to a safari and botanic garden. I walked a long path and passed by many train stations but I could not find the entrance to board any train. Suddenly the scene switched to my secondary school and I was meeting up with a friend P and I told her about my encounter with G and my sisters' reaction about Y. Suddenly a group of girls came and tried to bully a guy. That guy tried to pacify them by offering money but the leader of the girls mocked at him and said she didn't want money as she had plenty. She was attracted to the school's top student but he ignored her advances. When I left the classroom I saw the top student instructing four other students to carry a guy who was almost topless and was struggling to speak with cloth in his mouth and another group of girls who was excited about the revenge. Turned out that guy being carried tried to molest the girls and were finally caught red-handed by the top student and now they were headed somewhere to punish the culprit. I was shocked and in awe and the top student saw me and smiled and shouted exclaiming something along the lines of, no bad deed goes unpunished and went off. I quickly went back the classroom and informed P of what I saw.

2 Jun 2024



The dream, picture wise, was clear. I didn't know anyone present though. I was going to take a trip to Florida. I have no clue who I was with but I do know it was a guy. I felt off because I didn't have any clothes or a bag with me. Never got on a plane or bus or anything. Later somehow ended up in like some sort of convenience store. Apparently there is this huge unwritten/unspoken rule to not step out of line. I didn't leave the line but just reached over to put something back. Then some short woman who was light-skinned with a light brown colored hair bob was pitching a whole fit because my arm was reaching to put something back. I don't quite understand what happed but it appeared I left the line. Woke up at that point...

1 Jun 2024



I dream of that day when my little cousin brother put his body in a big gold piece and covered the body and threw it in the drainage system. Near my house there is a drainage. I threw the body inside and I feel guilty after killing him. I dream that I met my friend. She was younger than me. I went to her house and met her mother. Her mother was very sweet. I tried to be very friendly with her and spend a lot of time with her. In my dream I saw she was getting bullied by some people in my auto. She was thrown out of the auto and she was sad. I made up my mind to tell her that it's not good to fight and those people are bad. That's all. We were near the mall in our house. Then I saw my little cousin brother detective. He was alive. I don't know how he was alive till now. I opened the bag on my own. I was not drowned in the drainage system. After knowing that I helped him and started crying a lot. I really liked my little cousin brother and started crying. Then I met some of my old friends near the mall. I met my friend's mother again and we talked a little bit. That's all.

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