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Dream Interpretation: Bag 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Bag? Discover the significance of seeing a Bag in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Bag appears in your dream ✅

Bag symbol
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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes responsibility and hidden preparation. It also signifies a load that you are carrying in your waking life. But, it also suggests finding the things that can help you tackle the obstacles in your life while moving ahead with your journey.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

Analyze your life and its surroundings to find those things that will help you move ahead. Remove the unwarranted load you are carrying, use the resources you have in a way that seems fit. Be discreet with any preparation for your life's journey until they are complete and ready to be used.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a bag can evoke feelings of preparedness, organization, and security. It symbolizes the need to carry our burdens and responsibilities, as well as the desire to be self-sufficient and ready for any situation. The bag represents our ability to hold onto our possessions, memories, and emotions. It may also signify the need to let go of unnecessary baggage or burdens in our waking life. Overall, this dream elicits a sense of practicality and the importance of being prepared for whatever life may bring.





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4 Sep 2024



I was at my granddad’s house. My dad and my uncles were working on cars while my cousins and I amused ourselves. I didn’t feel welcomed in their group, so I went to the den and found a book. I kept the tv on low so as not to disturb my granddad. When I came upon what looked like a personal notice about my sisters birth, I was surprised and wanted to copy the notice. I was unable to find a copy machine, but knew this notice was proof her bio dad was a cheating bastard. Eventually I gave up. I looked for my bag of things I’d brought to entertain myself but was unable. I toyed with the the idea of hanging with my cousins but not seriously.

2 Sep 2024



I had an apartment in Manchester. At least, I was hanging out with friends that had an apartment there. Ashton was with me, wouldn’t leave my side. We were outside, there was a storm. The storm kept getting worse, thunder and rain so much that the street was flooding. I kept trying to go to my car, Ashton followed everywhere I went. He kept trying to make me smile, always making jokes and trying to hold me. Water kept slowing us down, or sweeping me away. My car would get swept away, or I’d have to change direction because there were men staring at me that I didn’t want to go near. I think there were two girls with our group, but we left them behind early. I kept trying to get help because of the storm, but my phone wasn’t working. Ashton and I tried going into a few buildings to keep out of the storm, water would sweep me down the stairs and I’d have to get back up. I lost my bag, lost my car. I barely had my phone when we went into a store for a charger. They didn’t have the right one, so we left. Ashton saw a girl and started walking with her, I think he knew I’d follow him but I let him be at first. I thought he’d come back on his own but he was all the way down the street with this girl by the time I went outside the store. He was eating, this girl was working at a fast food place where they were standing outside of and she had given him some food. When I got there I asked for some and had to go in to get it myself. I shared with Ashton outside, the storm still going overhead, while he was talking and smiling at this girl. I woke up after that.

26 Aug 2024

Text message


I was spending time with my girlfriend Chelle, we were doing something together and were about to separate. I was taking a long journey somewhere and arrived in the evening. The place has meager accommodation and I had to share a bed with someone. I woke up next to that person and it was Chelle’s ex-husband, Jay. There was no bitterness or tension, we were both mutually trying to make the most of what felt like an uncomfortable situation. We continued to lay in the bed facing separate ways and on our phones. I wanted to text Chelle good morning, but he started talking to me. He basically told me that he got into a car accident in my car he needed to drive for this trip and asked if I had car insurance. I lied and told him I did but it was not true. When then both got out of the bed. I then texted my girlfriend to let her know what was happening, but noticed she was interacting back and forth on the phone with her ex-husband. I started to feel a little tension inside and that’s when he pointed out that he brought my bag I left. I checked all my contents and they were all there as they belonged but I also realized how much personal information was in there and felt vulnerable that he and his family had access to my information potentially. I realized my girlfriend never replied to my text as time went by and I ended up in driving through some industrial area of this new town. As we were driving through, I remember this man bragging about his company aloud as he was directing traffic through his facility. He commented that many men that worked for him were 2nd generation workers, and I remember thinking how cool that was & watching them work in concert. As I was watching and drive my slowly through he scolded and partially threatened me. I pulled over to the next area I could, hoping he come to me and address me out of the car. I noticed my own hostile energy had shifted and when he arrived he noticed it as well. We ended up having a conversation about business and I woke up.

24 Aug 2024



Dreamt I was in a diner,everyone spoke Spanish. We were in line and we were taking forever to order food bc Ricky couldn’t make a decision. The cashier/waiter was doing her best, she was an old lady. Then the customer next in line was being rude and I called her out in front of the entire restaurant to not treat their workers poorly and I gathered all the guests/customers to say in unison to call out the mean, privileged person. Then another woman went to the restroom, closed the door and she was throwing up. Next dream occurs I was grooming a white cat. The white cat was older, but very beautiful. I was combing the cats fur, cutting the hair and she was very happy. Once I was done, the white cat jumped to the floor and started playing with a small bag. The bag then opened into the cats mouth by accident and the cat was scared. I ran to the cat and pulled out the things that fell into her mouth. In the white cats mouth was the jaw bones of another cat. I carefully removed them one by one. I put the items back in the little bag. I realized these items were used for divination purposes. Then I felt these belonged to Michelle- a friend/ acquaintance of mine.

17 Aug 2024



I just had three dreams inside a dream where I woke up three times Inside the dream. I can’t remember the first dream but when I woke up inside the dream I was trying to capture my dream. Then I woke up again inside the dream and was trying to capture that dream. I had my eye mask on and was trying to talk. Text my dream into this app. And then I woke up a third time and I still had my eye mask on, and I was so excited to capture that dream in this DreamApp. Still with my eye mask on, I began dictating everything into my phone, and I heard conversation downstairs with two people, but I live alone. I got up with my eye mask still on and navigated to find my art assistant talking to my neighbor outside my door. It was daytime and brightly lit in the door was open. I sat down on the couch. She came in all jovial and upbeat, and was telling me everything that the neighbor told her. She had a purse made up of black seat belts woven together into a beautiful woven bag. I have seen these in real life. I was telling her all about waking up twice within the dream and within that dream and she thought that was so exciting. We were talking about it and I was talk texting into this DreamApp trying to capture it when I woke up again in real life. That was amazing!.

17 Aug 2024



Me, Lakshmi, and my ex-friends saaliha and Eva. We were at gate 4. We were just playing around after school. I think it was 6 pm maybe but Ofc I couldn't see the time. The sky looked that way. Me and Lakshmi were just talking when Eva and saaliha stole her away. I was upset but acted normal. We boarded 65. Lakshmi said she wanted to sit with them so I said sure… I sat behind them feeling left out. I then realized I left my bag in the seat next to Lakshmi so I went to go get it. It was awkward but I got it and sat behind them. There was a leg massager in that seat so thought I should sit there. I sat there and put my legs in the massager. It was so nice as we had PE that day so I was exhausted and my legs were hurting. It got all the sore spots and I felt good. No one knew as it could be covered. I wore socks so it was extra nice and comfy. The bus ride was long so I slept. After a while, I woke up. saaliha was right in front of me. I was still annoyed being left out. Suddenly she leaned her head behind her and said “Darshikaaa, can we be friends again?” I had mixed feelings but said “Yes!” we both were happy and I, saaliha Lakshmi, and Eva talked until we got off. It was a was about 7:30 ish. The sky looked dark. Then suddenly fireworks shot up and lightened the sky beautifully. We were all so happy we were friends again. We watched them happily and went home.

5 Aug 2024



晚上,我從一個聚會要騎車回家。我的包包好像很多個,我光是要把包包安全的掛在摩托車上就花了一些時間。 我跟著一個身體不舒服的同學(皓婷)一起騎。同學順利的騎回去,和我分道揚鑣,但沒想到騎到我不認的路,而且導航也壞掉,一直沒有辦法定位。我想著先想辦法回到台中火車站,因為我知道從火車站到租屋處的路,這樣不用導航也沒有關係。 好像是下雨了,讓我的視線更加模糊。我不斷想辦法騎回火車站、不斷繞路。 不知道怎麼的,我代替一個女生接到一個任務。我覺得接這個任務可以幫助我回家,所以我偷偷接下本來是這個女生應該接的電話,獲得任務的資訊,不讓人發現。 這個任務似乎就是要回到台中火車站做一些事情。我根據電話指示,找到一個抽屜,裡面似乎放著可以幫助我回到車站的工具。 但其實我只是想要回到車站後回家,根本沒有想要執行任務。如果執行任務或者被任務中的人看見的話,我似乎就會被發現我是該組織之前逃脫的特務。 我似乎歷經千辛萬苦終於到了車站,但是也被發現我是冒名頂替另一個女特務,所以有一些人在追趕我。 一路上十分緊張驚險,但是我做著我該做的事情,不斷解決困難然後往前。 我一心想著我要從車站裡逃出來,然後回到我的租屋處。 為了躲避追捕我的人,過程中我還在難以移動的土色泥漿溫泉中游泳,他在這裡似乎是看不到的,總之我小心翼翼地在泥漿中移動,終於離開了泥漿溫泉。 我騎上我的摩托車,準備回程。儘管仍有組織的人在追捕我、儘管我騎出去之後路還是不熟悉,但是我不管,我相信我只要往前騎,我就可以回到我的租屋處、我的家。 這時已經是白天了。 路上還經過一些摩托車十分難騎的地方,追捕我的人甚至不相信我會通過,但是我仍然通過了。 我繼續往前騎,終於騎到我熟悉的路上,我想說不定回到租屋處之後也會被抓起來,但是我不在意、也變得不害怕,我想著追捕我的人可能也變得認可我的決定、而放棄追捕我。我只想要騎回到我的家。

4 Aug 2024

Teeth falling out


The dream started off at school, we were doing some sort of work, at first it was about teeth for some reason, while I was doing my work I was daydreaming about sex and cum. After that we were still working and got assigned partners, my partner was a guy called Gael I used to be friends with back in elementary school, we used to tell people we were siblings but we actually weren’t, in the dream he fell asleep instead of doing his work so I would constantly wake him up but he didn’t do anything. Eventually the dream shifted to me being with a group of people walking in a forest and eventually finding a military base in what seemed to be Japan, the soldiers there didn’t kill us but the place was about to be bombed so we had to run to this place to be safe, it was about five different doors that we had to lock, we had a pink bag with us and I noticed that the door wasn’t closing from the outside so I asked if I should use the bag to keep the door closed and my older cousin Omar who was there said no since it could be stolen, after that a little kid came and gave me a bucket for some reason, I ended up going against what my cousin said and used the bag and the bucket to keep the door closed as well as two brooms from the inside, as I secured the door I saw a man looking at me with a creepy look on his face and I got scared so I hurried up and locked the other doors. Eventually I locked all the doors and the bombs began to go off. Then some people were like “what if we go out for a bit? I mean there’s still a lot of people outside” I told them it wasn’t a good idea so we ended up just staying inside

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